Record of a Thousand Lives

Chapter 216

Chapter 216

Chapter 216

[You have successfully killed the ‘One Who Should Not Exist’.]

[The world’s balance has been restored.]

[Your godly powers have been restored.]

[Your divine power has reached its maximum capacity.]

Kang Yoon-Soo was now a full-fledged god. Unfathomable power flowed throughout his body, incomparable to what he had been able to use before. He waved his hand, and the mental world instantly broke into pieces.

[You have used some of your divine power to leave the doppelganger’s consciousness.]

[The doppelganger has awakened.]


Why is it not possible for a skeleton to cry…?’?Mini-Lich thought, as its bones had been destroyed and scattered across the floor. Every single one of its bones was broken or crushed, and even its skull had been broken apart.

However, it steeled its resolve, thinking, ‘I have to do this for my comrades.’ It then threw itself at Sirian and grabbed his leg.

In response, Sirian kicked Mini-Lich.


“Euk!”?Mini-Lich let out a groan as even more of its bones were crushed by Sirian’s kick.

“Geez… Who the hell ever heard of a righteous and loyal lich? I guess you’re a variant then. I would have loved to share another round of drinks with you if circumstances permitted,” Sirian said, scratching his cheek.

The others made a run for it while the lich used its black magic to keep the King of All Things occupied.However, they were within the magic tower, and they were bound to remain in the palm of Sirian’s hand wherever they ran as long as they were inside.

“Haa…” Sirian let out a sigh, then jumped back and threw his gigantic spear.


The king’s spear flew swiftly through the air and continued flying until it disappeared from sight.



Someone screamed as the spear embedded itself into a wall. Then, Sirian snapped his fingers and instantly reappeared next to his spear. The party members were flabbergasted by the king’s sudden appearance.

White, who was carrying the unconscious Kang Yoon-Soo and Iris, growled at the king. “Grrrr…!?Urnokra!”

“You only managed to get this far?” Sirian remarked with a laugh before pulling his spear out of the wall.

Henrick moved his mana threads, and Rick immediately jumped up and threw a punch at the king’s eye. Rick said, “I hope you can die for me by letting me pluck out your eyes.”

“I don’t want to,” Sirian replied, then took a step back and lightly swung his spear.

Just like that, Rick’s arm cracked and shattered to pieces. She grimaced, and an angry light shone in her eyes as she muttered, “I want to kill him and tear him to pieces now.”

[Rick’s sanity has started to plummet after the loss of a body part.]

[Rick will descend into a spiral of madness if you do not do something quickly.]

[It is advised that you calm her down and craft her a new right arm.]

[Rick’s sanity is falling quickly and will be in the negatives soon.] josei

Henrick grimaced and shouted, “Hey! I can make you a new arm, so calm down!”

However, Rick showed no sign of doing any such thing. The young doll bowed her head and started to laugh eerily. “Hihi… Hihihi… Hihihi…!”

[Rick has descended into madness!]

[All of her stats will increase explosively.]

[She will no longer be controlled by her puppeteer.]

[Rick will no longer differentiate between enemies and allies while she is overtaken by madness.]

[The only way to preserve your life is to get away from Rick as soon as possible.]

Rick let out a hideous sound that was in between a laugh, a roar, and a scream.

Sharp trembled nervously in fright and said, “Rick… You’re scaring me…”

“It’s been a while since I last fought against a doll,” Sirian said. Even though Rick had descended into madness, he smiled as if he were playing with a child.

Meanwhile, Shaneth quickly called out, “Ahjussi! Try to do something about her!”

“Damn it! That’s easier said than done!” Henrick protested with a grimace. He gripped his mana threads tightly and pulled as hard as he could, but he could no longer stop Rick’s mad rampage.

Rick extended her hand, which transformed into a red saw that was twice her size.


[Rick has used 180 liters of Life Essence to create a saw of madness.]

[This grotesque looking saw will cut through not only its target’s body, but also their soul.]

[Even a single graze from the saw will create a wound that drips not with blood, but with the victim’s soul essence.]

“Hihi… Hihihi… Hihihihi…!” Rick let out an eerie laugh before disappearing on the spot. She began moving so quickly that it was impossible to see her. Her goal was to massacre every living thing in the area.

“Damn it! I guess there’s no other choice,” Henrick grumbled. He took out a sculpting knife from his pocket and cut the back of his hand with it. Then, he splashed his blood toward where Sirian was standing. He moved so quickly that he was done in mere moments.

It was not as if the King of All Things could not avoid the blood droplets; rather, the king seemed curious about what Henrick was doing, and decided to wait and see what he was up to. Sirian asked, “What are you doing?”.

Just as Sirian was about to wipe the blood off himself, eerie laughter suddenly rang out from somewhere near him.

“Hihi… Hihihi…!”

Rick suddenly appeared beside the king and swung her saw at him. Sirian easily avoided the attack by ducking, but Rick persisted, continuing to attack the king and the king alone. The speck of blood on Sirian’s cheek had made him a target for Rick, who was naturally attracted to blood when she descended into a spiral of madness.

Sirian smirked when he finally realized Henrick’s intentions. He exclaimed, “Aha! So there was this method to control a doll going on a rampage. I have to admit that your skills as a puppeteer are really amazing.”

“Geez, thanks for the compliment, but I’d be much more thankful if you just went ahead and died instead,” Henrick replied sarcastically.

Sirian laughed loudly while leisurely avoiding Rick’s saw before he said, “Hey, look. That’ll be a bit difficult, you see…”

Rick moved all over the place while hacking away with her saw that left a red trail whenever she swung it. However, Sirian suddenly stopped avoiding the saw, raising his spear to block it.

Bam! Grrkkk…! Grrrrkkk…!

The king’s spear destroyed the doll’s saw. The sheer force of the impact continued, spreading all across Rick’s body and breaking her apart. Sirian had managed to subdue Rick with a single swing of his spear, even though she had descended into madness.

“Damn it!” Henrick cursed loudly. He bit his lip and ran toward Rick, whose shattered body was scattered across the floor.

Rick was left in terrible condition, as her limbs were all broken and one of her eyes drooped out of its socket. However, her sanity had returned after she was horribly injured.

“You look so bad that I’d just feel stupid asking if you were alright,” Henrick grumbled while picking up Rick.

Rick looked at her shattered limbs lying on the floor, then looked at the rest of her body. She said, “Henrick. I’m sad.”

“Don’t cry. I’ll fix you up later,” Henrick said.

“I’m crying right now?” Rick asked.

“Yeah, you are,” Henrick replied.

“Liar. Dolls can’t cry,” Rick retorted.

“All living things cry, dumbass,” Henrick grumbled, clicking his tongue. He placed his hand on her chest and said, “Only the dead, like that lich, can’t cry. You’re alive, aren’t you?”

Rick cried and said in a small voice, “I’m sorry for trying to kill you…”

“It’s fine as long as you know better now,” Henrick replied before sending Rick back into his summoning box.

Sirian stabbed his spear into the ground and asked, “Now, who’s next?”

Shaneth stepped up and glared at the king while brandishing her flaming chain and sickle.

However, somebody suddenly held her back. Sally held onto the hem of Shaneth’s clothes while crying before saying, “Mama… Don’t go…”

Shaneth smiled weakly and said, “Sally… I have to fight.”

“No! I don’t like it! You’ll definitely die if you fight!” Sally protested, clinging to Shaneth’s leg and crying loudly.

As Sally continued to cry non-stop, Acle stepped up and said, “Shut up, all of you. You’re too noisy. I’ll go. I have a special skill hidden up my sleeve, so I’m certain I’ll be able to deal a blow to him.”

Light smiled brightly and replied, “No, it’s now my turn to fight! Acle should just stand behind me, since Acle is smaller and weaker than me.”

“W-What did you say just now? Say that again, I dare you!” Acle protested angrily.

Sharp timidly interjected, “D-Don’t fight… I’d rather be the one to go if you guys are only going to keep fighting among yourselves!”

White let out a roar. “Urnokra…!”

Sirian flashed a strange smile before saying, “Your tear-jerking camaraderie is really cementing my position as the villain.”

“Why don’t you go easy on us if you know that?” Henrick retorted sarcastically.

However, the King of All Things grimaced and gripped his spear tightly before saying, “Don’t cross the line now. I told you I’d be killing all of you.”

“It doesn’t matter. All of us are prepared to fight you till the end,” Shaneth said as her flames grew larger.

They were all ready to start fighting at any moment.

Sirian raised his spear and said, “I was being considerate when I decided I would kill you off one by one… However, if all of you want to die together that badly, then…”

Just like that, the King of All Things prepared to fight seriously. The party members felt a deadly aura they had never experienced before emanating from the king, and they instinctively sensed that death was fast approaching them.

It was then that someone’s footsteps rang out from a short distance away.

Step… Step… Step… Step… Step…

“What? Who’s that?” Sirian muttered in surprise.

It was impossible for there to be any other being in the magic tower aside from them. The party members were surprised by the king’s reaction, so they focused their attention on the source of the footsteps.

The lit candles lining the walls shook as the being within the darkness emerged and finally showed themselves.

Sirian almost dropped his spear, and his eyes started to tremble. The King of All Things' face crumpled as an inscrutable mix of emotions flooded through him, twisting his expression into a look of horror. He exclaimed, “Sephia! How did… you…?!”

The white-haired old woman, Sephia, looked at him without the slightest expression on her face.

Even Kang Yoon-Soo’s party members were greatly surprised by the appearance of the Infinite Dimension Wizard, Sephia—one of the Ancient Heroes who had died in the past. Henrick could not hide his shock as he stuttered, “S-She looks exactly like the ghostly assistant of that giant blacksmith we saw underground!”

However, the Ancient Hero Sephia before them was not a ghost. She was, without the slightest doubt, a living, breathing human. How was it possible for her, someone who had died in the past, to suddenly appear in the magic tower?

Moreover, she was not alone.

Step… Step… Step… Step… Step…

Another set of footsteps rang out as the candles started to sway once again. Three people emerged from the darkness.

The King of All Things' face turned ghastly pale from fear, and his hands started to tremble uncontrollably. He cried, “Nahilen… Minerva… Nakron…! How did you guys…? How…?!”

The Noble Archer, Nahilen.

The Great Alchemist, Minerva.

The Ultimate Necromancer, Nakron.

They were the Ancient Heroes who had died in the past after being betrayed by the King of All Things, Sirian. All of them had come back to life, and they stared at Sirian with expressions completely devoid of emotion.

Sirian was greatly shocked to see them, and the leisurely smile on his face disappeared. He started to squirm and tremble violently, and he gasped for air as he struggled to breathe. He spluttered, “Impossible…! H-How did you guys… What the hell is going on…?!”

It was then that a dry, emotionless voice replied, “I recreated them.”

All of the eyes in the room darted toward the source of the voice.

Kang Yoon-Soo and Iris, who had been lying on White’s back unconscious, had awoken. A message popped up on Kang Yoon-Soo’s wrist device.

[Create—Sephia D’ Hwinarkan]

[The being you are summoning is the Ancient Hero who fought against Pandemonium by summoning things from across dimensions.]

[She is the only one on the entire continent who has managed to become a Dimensional Wizard.]

[Additionally, it is rumored that the artifacts she created have the ability to cross between dimensions.]

[You have used a huge amount of Divine Power.]

+The amount of Divine Power you have used has increased massively, as the being was summoned with the equipment she used in her prime.

+You have recreated a being who once lived on the continent.

+She will not have any personality, and she will disappear after a certain period of time.

[Create—Nahilen Lerpe]

[The being you are summoning is the Ancient Hero who was the first on the continent to create a magic arrow.]

[He was an honorable elf.]

[He was the leader of all of the elves and keeper of all the forests on the continent when he was alive.]

[You have used a huge amount of Divine Power.]

+The amount of Divine Power you have used has increased massively, as the being was summoned with the equipment he used in his prime.

+You have recreated a being who once lived on the continent.

+He will not have any personality, and he will disappear after a certain period of time.

[Create—Minerva Pon Shuryan]

[The being you are summoning is the Ancient Hero who left behind numerous legacies as the Grand Alchemist, in the form of various potions and alchemical recipes.]

[She is considered a once-in-a-lifetime genius on the continent, on par with the Archmage, Oblion.]

[The recipes she left behind as her legacy are still used as the foundation of alchemy on the continent.]

[You have used a huge amount of Divine Power.]

+The amount of Divine Power you have used has increased massively, as the being was summoned with the equipment she used in her prime.

+You have recreated a being who once lived on the continent.

+She will not have any personality, and she will disappear after a certain period of time.

[Create—Nakron Sirnaken]

[The being you are summoning is the Ancient Hero who was also known as a legendary necromancer.]

[It is said that the undead he raised numbered in the millions.]

[You have used a huge amount of Divine Power.]

+The amount of Divine Power you have used has increased massively, as the being was summoned with the equipment he used in his prime.

+You have recreated a being who once lived on the continent.

+He will not have any personality, and he will disappear after a certain period of time.

The Ancient Heroes Kang Yoon-Soo had recreated through his Authority of Creation maintained the power they had in their prime. Unlike ordinary beings raised from the dead, they retained their skills and egos.

Unfortunately… They don’t?have their personalities,’?Kang Yoon-Soo thought.

The balance of the world had been broken when two versions of Kang Yoon-Soo with the same personality existed on the continent at the same time. There was a risk of that happening once again if he were to summon them with their personalities intact, even though they were long dead. It would be a different story if they were clones or soul fragments of the Ancient Heroes, but Kang Yoon-Soo had recreated the very same beings.

[You have used an astronomical amount of Divine Power in a short period of time by summoning these legendary figures.]

[Remaining Divine Power: 17]

[Your Divine Power will recharge in four days.]

The Ancient Heroes had been recreated. The legendary figures who had died after being betrayed by their trusted comrade stared at the very person who had betrayed them and led them to their deaths.

The smile on Sirian’s face had completely disappeared, and was completely replaced with anger. His face completely crumpled as he growled in a voice filled with rage, “What the hell did you do?”

“I’m simply doing the cruelest thing anyone can ever do to you, Sirian,” Kang Yoon-Soo said as he looked at Mini-Lich’s bones and Rick’s limbs, which lay scattered across the floor. He raised his hands, and the Ancient Heroes immediately pointed their weapons toward the King of All Things. He continued, “Since you tried to kill my companions… I’ll be killing you with your companions at my side.”

Sirian gritted his teeth and gripped his spear tightly, and his bloodlust toward Kang Yoon-Soo spread all throughout the room.

However, Kang Yoon-Soo seemed unfazed as he calmly added, “On top of that, you hurt my companions. So your punishment will be…”

A powerful red aura surrounded his body.

[You have awakened the Authority of Destruction.]

[You have consumed all of your Divine Power.]

[The god of the Sylphia Continent has transformed into the God of Destruction.]

[You will not be able to use any of your godly Authorities from now on.]

[All of your other powers have been converted into the power to cause chaos and destruction.]

“Atone for your crimes with your life. Die, Sirian,” Kang Yoon-Soo said.

The God of Destruction, Kang Yoon-Soo, had descended.

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