Records of Rebirth

Chapter 201 - A Day With An Old Friend

Chapter 201 - A Day With An Old Friend

What the heck was happening here?

It had only been a few hours since my encounter with the evolved Sylrin, and I already wanted to leave.

Sylrin spent the majority of his time sleeping and had been for a while. But the problem was that, when he wasn't – he was simply tyrannical.

In an instant, he covered every inch of the ground with scorching flame, forcing me to curl up and stay beside him which was the only safe place. Because of that, the cave was filled with noxious fumes which made it very difficult for me to breathe. 

While this was comfortable for him, my [Detox] was already working at full capacity to keep me alive – not that he was bothered enough to realise, of course.

The scaly buffoon probably didn't realise his flame was toxic.

He took every opportunity to show off his evolved form, in an increasingly passive aggressive manner. And he also blocked the cave entrance while I slept, making it impossible for me to leave. 

I would have to climb over him if I ever hoped to see the outside again, but his toxic flame covered the whole area in a blanket of thick smog.

Although he wanted me to sleep as well, the atmosphere he created made it almost impossible to relax. 

I understand he hadn't seen me in a while and wanted to be together, but this was too aggressive!

Right now, he was sleeping in a circle around me, his large wings outstretched to provide shade from the very flames he created, but that only made me scowl in irritation. 

Did he think he was being considerate by doing that?  What about the smoke then?

Wasn't he taking a bit too much advantage of our size difference? 

My fully stretched out form was still longer than his entire body, yet he didn't see me showing off about it! How could this dumb lizard suddenly become this overbearing?

That's it, I wasn't suffocating here any longer!

I moved to unfurl my sleep curl, hoping to sneak out of the cave while he was still asleep. However, as I did, I came in contact with Sylrin's scorching body, and there was a sizzling noise as my scales were scorched for the umpteenth time. 

An irritating ding sounded off in my head, making me wince in pain.

〚Skill Aptitude Increase: 『Heat Resistance LV 7』has become『Heat Resistance LV 8』〛

How many times did this alert go off today?

I tolerated the pain and shook off the large wing that covered me before slithering out from under it.

To soothe the heat burn, I created an orb of poison, winding it along my scales to dampen them.

The sleeping Sylrin quickly realized my absence beside him and reached out to pull me back, but I slithered away from his outstretched claws. 

But then, the cave trembled as the large lizard rolled over on his back to get more comfortable. The cave immediately turned dark, as his movement snuffed out the flames behind him.

In the darkness, I saw a flash of his exposed belly, right before I felt the rush of wind on my neck. My instincts kicked in and I immediately ducked, barely managing to avoid the heavy spiked tail that swerved out to hit me.

What a death trap!

He may be bigger but he's still a brat.

I was glad I had moved away in time.

«If you don't like it, tell him to sleep elsewhere.» Sensei spoke.

He sounded serious too and I sighed.

Tell him to leave, when this wasn't even my cave?

I ignored sensei and decided to appraise the lizard since he looked so docile while he slept.

Unfortunately, another alert flashed again.

[All system skills and their derivatives are inactive during the penalty period. [Time Left: 008 Hours]] annoying!

"Can't you waive the penalty?" I grumbled. "It's only eight hours anyway!"

«More reason for you to stick it out.» Sensei deadpanned. «Eight hours isn't very long.»

I frowned. I was already very troubled by the human skeleton I found. And I was worried if any of them decided to come after him for revenge while he was sleeping. 

That's why I insisted on my nestlings to avoid mortals at any cost. 

I slithered over to him, watching his chest plate move with his breath.

I wanted to scold him for his behaviour, but decided against it. However, he seemed to be awake, as one of his eyes peered open and he blinked at me whilst lying upside down.


He quickly spun around, tucking his wings underneath his chest to stare at me like he wanted praise. I wanted to chuckle, but I restrained myself, and reprimanded him for his behaviour instead. 

Mortals like their human counterparts were powerful, smart, and unpredictable.

In any world, whether this one or my last, humans were dangerous and can be extremely vengeful, perhaps even more than monsters. To kill them might invite trouble to himself and I hoped to make myself clear. I even went as far as using the discarded mortal skull for my demonstration. 

Sylrin seemed to be listening, as he nodded along to my scolding.

However, as I was done, he rose up to stretch his wings and before I could do anything to stop him, he rushed out of the cave and took off into the air.

"Did he even understand a word of what I said?" I hissed at his swiftly disappearing figure.

«For the most part.» Sensei chuckled. «He understood what you meant by using the skull. Although your demonstrations were rather comical.»

"Who cares!" I hissed at him. "This is a serious matter!"

Not long after, I saw Sylrin's figure reappear, and he seemed to have returned with lunch. It occurred to me that my lacklustre commands had led him to think I wanted something to eat.

Fortunately though, he didn't bring back any mortal remains.

He threw the monster carcass near me with a loud crash, before coming over with a grin.

Was this to placate me? Why did it seem like this lizard was asking for approval?

In return for a head pat, he offered me half of his food, and I was too peckish to refuse. We shared a meal and Sylrin heated up the cave once more, before huddling around me to sleep once more.

How cute. My dumb lizard had grown up.

But wait. What was this cosy mood?

This dumb brat!

I wasn't finished scolding him yet!

I was determined to let him know just how dangerous mortals were and so I commanded him to get up

Sylrin stretched and lazily turned to face me as I explained to him about humans and why he should stay away from them.

[They are Sly. Vengeful. And Manipulative.] I explained, making sure my words resonated through his thick skull.josei

«Are you describing your worst traits?» Sensei's amused voice interrupted our talk.

"What are you trying to say?" I snapped at him.

It didn't matter that all these words were those I had been labelled with in the past – I wasn't a human right now!

«Your demure character in class.» Sensei continued. «It's only now that I understand just how much of a trouble maker you are.»

I felt myself twitch. Like he wasn't the same! The two faced bastard!

"I don't know what you're talking about." I calmly replied. "I was always well behaved."

Sensei's laugh was positively sinister. «I'm just a little surprised you managed to fool me.»

"Can you stop talking for a while. I have to make sure he understands my concerns." 

«Alright, alright,» Sensei conceded.

I then continued to explain to Sylrin, only for him to interrupt a moment later. 

«Did you act like that because you were afraid your chaotic thoughts would be revealed?» Sensei pondered. «Were you afraid your classmates wouldn't like your real self?»

"Be quiet! You poor excuse of a teacher!" I snapped. "That's none of your business!"

What was this? Roast Aurelia day? He had some nerve!

I was already having a bad day – I didn't need him questioning my mental thoughts as well.

«So it was all an act?» Sensei concluded, and I could almost visualise the glint in his fox-like eyes as they smirked behind his glasses.

I should just ignore him.

Why was I the focus here when I never did anything bad?

But I felt too insulted by his little analysis to let it go.

"You stuff twenty people in a room everyday and expect them to act as they naturally are. How does an awkward situation like that encourage natural behaviour? I'm not the one at fault for adapting."

«So, they weren't wrong. You have always been a snak–»

"A girl!" I interrupted him.

«A snake, chameleon –»

"Shut up!" This shi*** bastard. "I was never like that!"

Sensei burst into laughter. «When the same thing was said by so many, there must be an element of truth to it. Maybe it's the dead-faced expression that caused it.»

I felt my heart sink into my stomach.

The heck? What dead face? I had no such thing.

"Take that back you shitty teacher!"

How could he make fun of a girl's face like that? I wanted to cry!

But when I thought about it – wasn't he far worse than me?

"If I'm a snake then what about you?" I shot back. "You ask me to call you Sensei even when we're not in class. Are you a pervert?" 

He had to be one. I was confident I got him this time! 

Because why else would he make a request like that?

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