Records of the Weakest Emperor

Chapter 141

Chapter 141: The Glory of a Golden Class


The cathedral was so silent that one could even hear a pin dropping onto the floor. 

Ron Samuel, James Branzuela, Ashlynn and Bruce, as well as the other high-ranking officials of the cathedral couldn't believe what they had heard.

It was only until a few seconds later did gasps and whispers erupted around the area.

Calvin hung his head low in shame and whispered, "I guess, what I got isn't that good?" His eyes didn't even dare to look at the hem of Santiago's holy robes. But in reality, he put his head so low because he wanted to conceal the excitement within his eyes.

He got the Writer Class!

He was really meant for this class!

Calvin was so excited that he wanted to exclaim. This excitement was further exacerbated when he saw the notification that he had successfully received the Emperor's Comma— no, the Ascension System.

[Skill Available in Slot: 0/???] 

There were no fancy notifications whatsoever, but the fact that this transparent window appeared in front of him at this moment meant that he now had the experimental Ascension System that served to be the Goddess of Compassion and Light's Emperor Commandment.

Calvin wanted to exclaim, but he knew that he had to act dumbfounded and disappointed.

After all, he had no idea what was happening, so he had to do his part and pretend to be ignorant.

"Writer... A Diary-Scribe..."

Santiago stared deeply at Calvin before he let out a sigh and announced, "The 7th holder of the Golden Class for the Church of the All-Encompassing Light is hereby declared to be of the Writer Class! Let this word be spread along with the teachings of the Goddess!"

"Praise the Goddess!"

"Praise the Goddess!" 

The other high ranking officials exclaimed along with Santiago. They soon stood up and didn't even bother to glance at Calvin before leaving the Cathedral.

To be honest, they were incredibly disappointed that the holder of the Golden Class had the weakest class known to mankind...josei

As for why? 

It was because the Writer Class had no offensive abilities whatsoever!

They only know how to write and create notary contracts!

"Such a pity..." One high-ranking official who had already prepared himself to lick the boots of the Golden Class holder to ride on his coattails shook his head and sighed.

After paying Calvin a final glance, he also left along with the other high-ranking officials. At this moment, only the members of the Cavaliers Ashmelion Branch, as well as the Cardinal and his helpers, were left in the Cathedral.

"Young man, do not be disappointed... The Goddess has plans to each and every one of us. I am sure that someday, you will be able to change everyone's opinion of you. The weakest class? Who decided that?" Santiago said with a defiant look on his face.

Calvin's throat felt sour once again.

Santiago's defiant tone of voice made him remember that last stand that he made in the front lines.

"Even if my life ends, I will never abandon my honour! I, Santiago, am not a coward! Death to all invaders!"

Then, with a final swing of his golden chalk, he rushed at his enemies without a care for his life. 

Calvin suppressed his emotions and smiled at the Cardinal. 

"Thank you, Your Eminence. Your subject will keep your words in his heart." Calvin didn't say these words out of pleasantries. He was indeed keeping Santiago's words in his heart. He would never forget it.

Santiago nodded in satisfaction and he turned to look at the Cavaliers.

"Your comrade is a cripple no more, and he has a Golden Class."

"The Writer class might be the weakest, but never ever forget the Glory of the Golden Class..."

"In virtue of his presence in your branch, I will increase the funding of the Ashmelion's Branch of Cavaliers and I will also increase the number of missions appropriate in the jurisdiction of your branch..." 

"Please guide the holder of the golden class." Santiago slightly bowed his head.

Bruce took a step backwards out of shock. He didn't expect the Cardinal to be such a good man.

"Yes, Your Eminence..." Ron Samuel made the sign of the Goddess and expressed his respects to the Cardinal.

Santiago paid the others his final gaze before he turned around and left with the helpers. 

With the disappearance of His Eminence, the Cavaliers were finally able to relax.

Then, Bruce turned to look at Calvin and placed his arm around his shoulder, "Calvin, will you tell me how...?" 

Calvin was astonished by the sudden change, but he still managed to reply, "What do you mean, how?"

"Tell me how you coerced the Goddess into giving you a Golden Class! Damn, you lucky bastard!" Envy was visible on Bruce's face.

"Is having a Golden Class really that great? Why did I feel that everyone was disappointed earlier when they heard that I have a Writer class, even though its classification should be golden..." Calvin asked in doubt.

Ron Samuel let out a sigh and said, "As His Eminence said earlier, your class is the weakest class ever. Even the Street Cleaner class has offensive capabilities for they are naturally efficient in using anything as weapons..."

"Heck, they could even use a brick as their weapon! But as for the Writer class? Not only your Aspect is weak, those who have the Writer class are only efficient as writers! That's it!"

"Well, isn't that pretty obvious, Captain?" Calvin said.

"What?" Ron Samuel replied.

"It's the Writer class, so wouldn't it be strange if the owner of the class isn't proficient in writing?"

Ron Samuel facepalmed, "That is not the point here..."

James Branzuela felt pain watching these two talk with each other.

He couldn't help but step forward and intervene, "All right. His Eminence had said earlier that our funds would be increased and that is all thanks to you. This is all your glory..."

He smiled at Calvin.

James Branzuela was someone who had a lot of hobbies that needed funding.

Especially in the world of the supernatural.

Now that they had more money that they could use to inject funds into his hobby, it was normal for him to be this happy.

Calvin awkwardly scratched his head, not knowing how to react.

Ashlynn could see his awkwardness and she sent him a lifeboat in the midst, "The rewards that Calvin bought for us alone is worthy of a celebration, but the fact that his body is now healed also reinforces the fact that we have to celebrate!"

"Tonight... No one shall come home sober!"

"We will drink to oblivion!"

Bruce's lips repeatedly twitched.

His alcohol tolerance was pathetically low when compared to these monsters.

Fortunately, Calvin was here and he had no idea if Calvin could stomach his liquor.

Bruce was fervently praying that Calvin was like him, a person who couldn't handle his liquor at all so that he wouldn't be alone in his suffering once the monsters fought against each other in a drunken battle later in the night.

But before James Branzuela could reply positively...

Ron Samuel intervened and said, "We can surely celebrate, but we should do it at the end of the week..."

"Calvin had just woken up today after a week of sleeping and he's also a freshly-minted Cavalier. There's a lot for him to learn and we should not take too much of his time." Ron Samuel looked reluctant as well but he knew that Calvin had priorities. 

"Awww... Captain... You're such a killjoy."


"No, he's not a killjoy. He's just doing what's right!" Bruce protected the Captain from the criticism of the two.

But Ron Samuel was bound to disappoint him as he continued, "Well, I did say that we should not celebrate today, but at the end of the week..."

"However, what's stopping us from enjoying ourselves with the money that we just got as additional funding for our cause! Tonight, we are going to have a barbeque party!"

"A barbeque party?!" Ashlynn exclaimed in excitement, "I always knew that you're a man that knows how to have fun, Captain!"

James Branzuela laughed along with Ron Samuel while Bruce and Calvin stood there visibly confused. 

"But Captain!"

"Didn't you say that Calvin has a lot to learn as a newly-minted Cavalier?"

"Why are we having a barbeque party tonight instead of teaching him the ways of the Cavaliers?" Bruce's complaint wasn't unfounded for new Cavaliers that had just received their class had to know how to protect themselves from the influence of the supernatural.

Likes attract likes just how birds of the same feathers flock.

Those that deal with the supernatural would always attract monsters of supernatural-origins even if they were sleeping.

The teachings of the Cavaliers that Calvin had to learn in a week included some instructions about certain daily routines that he had to do from now on if he didn't want to attract strange monsters visiting his house randomly.

Furthermore, Calvin also had to learn about the Standard Operational Procedure of the Cavaliers.

All of this was a lot of work to explain to a newly-minted Cavalier. Bruce knew this for every knowledge that a fresh Cavalier needed to know could only be passed on verbally.

They must never be written down unless given explicit instructions by the church.

He reckoned that he would have to talk to Calvin until dawn before he could even completely explain to him everything that Calvin needed to know as a new member of the Cavaliers. 

In short, if Bruce wanted to drastically reduce this time, he needed the help of the others.


Why were they having a barbeque party instead of helping me?

Could it be that...

"Oh?" Ashlynn stared in schadenfreude at Bruce, "There's this tradition in the Ashmelion Branch of Cavaliers that the lowest in rank should be the one responsible for teaching fresh recruits. In other words, we will be relying on you, Bruce!"

"What?!" Bruce cried out, "How could you guys do th—"

"We will be relying on you, Bruce..." James Branzuela stared right at Bruce's eyes. 

Ron Samuel also turned around and eyed him with a serious glare, "It's on you now, Bruce..."

"Don't you dare stop us from having our barbeque party..." 


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