Records of the Weakest Emperor

Chapter 152

Chapter 152: The One Whom You Truly Hold Dear In Your Heart

Calvin stood there frozen with his palms sticky with sweat.

He rushed into his room and took off his clothes, he found the Notebook of Secrets, but when he tried scribbling on its surface.

No words would come out.

He tried everything that he could find and he even spat on the Notebook, but the notebook seemed to absorb his spit and it would disappear into nothingness before it could even land on the surface of the notebook.

Calvin looked closely...

He pressed a pen onto the notebook and discovered that the pen could only get so close to the surface of the notebook's page before it was stopped by an invisible wall that wouldn't let it go any further and scribble on its page.

'What the hell is going on?'

Calvin took a coin from one of his pockets and chanted.

"Oh, our Beloved Goddess Grace..."

"The Magister of Light and the commander of compassion..."

"I invoke your name with my essence, bestow blessings upon your lowly servant..."

"Breathe your might into this coin and allow your servant to see through the pretences!"

Calvin hurled the coin into the air.

"Are all of these that I am seeing right now, fake?"

The coin landed at the same time that Calvin voiced out the final syllable in his question.

It landed onto the floor, but it got stuck between the floorboards.

Calvin's pupils constricted.

Heads in the Coin Divination Ritual meant a positive response, while Tails meant negative.

But when none of these two was the result of the ritual, it only meant one thing.

The result was inconclusive!

There was something supernatural interfering with the ritual!


Calvin let out a curse.

He took the Notebook of Secrets out once more and he tried to rip off a page from the notebook, but he felt as if he was pulling a mountain.

The page just won't budge.

He tried it again, and again, and again, until finally...

He gave up.

Calvin took a deep breath and wore his clothes once again.

He placed the Notebook of Secrets into his chest pocket and sighed.

'I am definitely under something... I just don't know what it is... If this is an illusion, then the individual who made this illusion is definitely a true expert. But if this is not an illusion, then this must be an independent dimension created based on the reality from within my consciousness...'

'But to do such a complex independent dimension based on my consciousness, then they must be able to access my subconscious.'

'It is impossible for anyone to access my subconscious without me noticing their entry.'

'That is unless...'

'I am asleep.'

'But I don't recall ever sleeping since I came back from the Cathedral...'

Calvin sat on the bed and thought, 'All right, let's do the process of elimination.'

'I am certain that this is not an illusion. An illusion can't possibly be this elaborate. The fact that the caster was able to recreate even the interpersonal relationship of the people around me as well as the Captain's coffee which is a unique feat alone because it always tastes like dirt even though he strictly follows the recipe makes me understand that this cannot possibly be an illusion!'

'Then, what is this?'

'Am I under a formation? Could it be that I'm actually still in the Cathedral?'

'No, that should not be the case...'

'Everyone knows that resources for Predators in the church are scarce. It's not realistic for them to use such a huge amount of resources for a single man, what's more, I'm a man that has a Golden Class, a class bestowed personally upon me by the Goddess. Offending me is basically the same as slapping the Goddess right across her face...'

'Those fanatics cannot possibly do that to me.'

'Then, how about those high-ranking officials from the church who doesn't seem to like me?'

'As far as I can remember, they are the ones who deliberately sent that Mission Order to mess with me...'


'Mission Order?'

'What the fuck is going on?'

'What are these memories?'

'Mission Order... Village of Tulog...'


Calvin started to incoherently mutter under his breath.

It was at this moment that Cecilia came barging in.


Calvin stiffened from where he was seating before he turned around and smiled at the young lass, "Oh, darling... Come here, Oh dear, oh dear... Gorgeous." Calvin carried Cecilia and placed her on his shoulder once again before he stood up and walked over to the kitchen.

He didn't even ask why Cecilia came into the bedroom since it was pretty obvious that a glutton like her must be getting hungry now, but she didn't want to eat without her father.

"Oh my, dear... Why did you not change your clothes?"

"Hahaha, I was actually about to change, but Cecilia came barging in." Calvin awkwardly scratched his head and squeezed out a smile.

"Hey, Cecilia... What did mommy tell you before going into a room when there's a person inside?" Charlotte glared at Calvin.

Cecilia was startled after suddenly being called out.

"Uhmm..." Cecilia was never a girl that could function properly under pressure. She darted her gaze around until it landed onto the one and only person who could save her from this rock and a hard place.

"All right, all right, we don't have to fight, okay? We're in front of the food! There's a saying popular in Ashmelion that fighting in front of the food will shoo the blessings away! We've got to keep the peace, okay? And also, Cecilia... The answer to your mommy's question is to knock... You've got to knock before you come into the room, else you might catch me and your mommy doing something under the sheets!"

Calvin laughed out loud and surreptitiously glanced at Charlotte.

But she noticed that not only she wasn't mad.

She was actually being excited and she seemed to be even looking forward to it!

A barely imperceptible light flashed across Calvin's eyes.

When he blinked, that cold light disappeared and he was once again back to normal.

"Doing something under the sheets? Daddy!" Cecilia exclaimed, "Are you and mommy secretly playing behind my backs! Why do you not let me play with you! Do you not want me to play with you? Daddy, mommy?" Cecilia swept her gaze across Calvin and Charlotte.

Calvin let out a dry laugh while Charlotte remained frozen there with a glazed look on her face.

Calvin secretly glanced at her once more before he said, "Cecilia... Didn't you want to have a baby brother? Your mommy and I are doing a secret play that will eventually lead to you having a baby brother!"

"Really?!" Cecilia almost jumped from her seat, "But why does it have to be under the sheets...?" A frown spread on her face. It didn't make sense. Why would someone play under the sheets when it's so hot and uncomfortable underneath?

Calvin could see that Cecilia was visibly confused. It was understandable since she was so young, but before he could even explain...

Charlotte intervened, "You do not have to think about it, Cecilia... Just be obedient, always knock before going into the bedroom and eventually, you will get a baby brother!"

"Uwaaa... So it's that easy!" Cecilia quickly forgot her initial confusion.

With her mommy backing up her daddy's claims, there was no room for doubt anymore.

The mood around the dining table improved and the family ate happily as Calvin let out a series of jokes and puns to amuse the pair of mother and daughter.

The curtains for this dinner soon fell. Cecilia's energy was significantly higher than normal and it took Calvin a few hours of playing with the young lass before she eventually collapsed onto the bed out of exhaustion. Once she fell asleep, Calvin let out an evil smirk. Charlotte saw the perverted smile on his lips and she quickly burst into a furious blush.


"I'll take a bath first..." Charlotte seemed to have made up her mind.

There was no escaping.

She would have to give up her body to Calvin tonight, but she wasn't mad.

It has been such a long time that she had a man inside her and she doubted if she had become a virgin again.

The hesitation, doubt, and excitement all piled up together until she couldn't endure it anymore.

She took a rather short shower before she came walking out of the shower with nothing but a towel wrapped around her waist.

Calvin was on the bed.

He still had his clothes on, but the look on his face made it obvious that he was ready for action.josei

For the one whom he truly held dear in his heart, he was ready to give up his body.


"I can't take it anymore..."

Charlotte hopped onto the bed and crawled over to Calvin.

The towel that was wrapped around her waist slowly fell off her body and revealed underneath was a figure that any man would fight for.

It was an understatement to say that Charlotte was gorgeous.

Despite having a child, her figure seemed to make everyone think that she was an innocent, inexperienced maiden.

But from her actions, Calvin could see, not an innocent maiden, but an experienced vixen.

She expertly undid the knot that was tying Calvin's pants around his waist and with a swift pull, Calvin's pants were pulled down, revealing his towering member in its full glory.

"Dear..." Charlotte whispered in a trembling voice.

She dived into Calvin's bosom and Calvin took the hint.

He rolled her to the side and made her lay on her back.

Then, he spread her legs and gave her a tight hug.


"I can't take it anymore..."


"Take me!"

Calvin let out a smile.

He embraced Charlotte with all of his might and in one fell swoop.

He took the knife that he had prepared beforehand beneath one of the pillows and then stabbed her, right through her heart.

"I would love to take you if you were the genuine and consenting Charlotte, but unfortunately... This dimension that you have made might be intricate and detailed, but your acting wasn't convincing enough for me to believe that you are the real Charlotte."

"What...? You..." Charlotte coughed a mouthful of blood.

"How do you know that I am..."

"Heh... It was pretty simple... Charlotte and I might be husband and wife, but our relationship only exists in-name. Also, she's too caring and paranoid with her daughter and she would never let me crack such a perverted joke in front of her daughter. If you were the real Charlotte and I did such a thing, I wouldn't be able to run away unscathed."

"But you...?"

"Instead of scolding me and sending a few slaps my way, you didn't even look disturbed."

"In fact, you were excited..."

"Yes, excited..."

"Because beings like you are able to devour men by pulling them into a dream and doing it with them by pretending to be their beloved..."

"If Charlotte was indeed my most beloved, then I might've been in danger today."

"But unfortunately, she's not the woman whom I truly hold dear in my heart."

"This is why you've lost, Succubi. You are facing the nemesis of your species."

"Men whose beloved ones still do not know who they are... How unfortunate, but I am indeed that kind of a man..."

Calvin let out a self-deprecating laugh.

The gorgeous Charlotte had already transformed into a withering humanoid beast with horns similar to a ram's.

The Succubi didn't even manage to utter a final scream as its body turned into ashes.

At the same time, the world around Calvin cracked.

The crack soon burst into something similar to the shattering of glasses and when Calvin opened his eyes once again.

He found himself staring at a gloomy and overcast sky.

Standing up, he dusted his clothes off and he noticed a dilapidated sign a few meters ahead of him.

The sign read...

[The Village of Tulog]

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