Records of the Weakest Emperor

Chapter 162

Chapter 162: Book of Light

"Ricardo!" Calvin exclaimed. He had no idea what Ricardo's class was, but he knew that his class was classified as Scout. In other words, the job of locating the incoming enemy was his.

"Got it..." Ricardo turned around.

His eyes flashed with the orangey hue of sunset. With the appearance of this light, the world in front of Ricardo changed. The darkness seemed to have vanished in an instant, replaced by a world where only a single color existed.


The trees turned white, the ground turned white, and even the sky.

This was a spotless world that only existed in the vision of a Scout.

But there was an impurity in this world...

A dark shadow similar to that of a dog was running towards their direction.

Covered in darkness, it was obvious that the shadow wanted nothing but to ambush and kill.


Ricardo pointed.

"Affirmative!" Heisenberg yelled out a single word before he immediately sat on the floor. His legs crossed together and a relic of the Goddess of Compassion and Light was held tightly between his palms that he held parallel in front of his chest. Then, he took a deep breath and chanted.

"The light covers everything and is untainted, unholy creatures roam this land; born from the first Cataclysm. But men must never cower or fear for the gospel is here..." A deep and majestic voice came out of Heisenberg's voice. The voice seemed to possess a strange power and an attractive force for when the Sigbin heard what Heisenberg was saying...

It immediately stopped on its tracks and focused its attention on him.


"You didn't have to say anything!" Ricardo yelled out a complaint as he leaped backwards to protect Heisenberg.

"Don't you dare turn your back to your enemy!" Calvin stepped forward and barred the Sigbin's way.

His eyes flashed in a golden light that seemed to melt the darkness of the surroundings.

"What...?" Ricardo's movements lagged out of shock. Even Heisenberg's chanting briefly stopped.

"He actually has a Golden Class? But doesn't he have a Writer class? Why does he have a Golden Class, when his class is the Writer Class...? That doesn't make sense, why would the Goddess bestow upon the glory of the Golden Class towards someone while also giving that person the worst class known to man?" Ricardo mumbled in shock.

"Heisenberg, you've stopped your chanting!" Calvin yelled out.

Heisenberg jolted from shock and he immediately closed his eyes once more to continue.

"And the first disciples of the Goddess of Compassion and Light said, spread the all-encompassing light to the four corners of the world..."

Ricardo also awakened from his trance, he summoned his Aspect.

It was a bow whose crimson color was so deep it seemed to be made out of dense blood.

As per their agreement, Ricardo's job was to protect Heisenberg while also providing support for Calvin in his battle.

Taking aim, Calvin's battle against the Sigbin was about to begin!

The Sigbin was a monster classified to be a Vampire. It looked to be a crossbreed between a goat and a bat. It had supreme agility and speed. It also had immense maneuverability due to its powerful legs, but it mostly used its horns to attack.

Their way of fighting was to use their horns to incapacitate their enemies first and once they've done that, they would use their sharp fangs to siphon the essence of their prey and practically sealing the outcome of the fight.

Calvin was standing on the Sigbin's way while it was in mid-charge, so it would take a considerable amount of force to stop its onslaught.

However, Calvin was prepared...

A flash of golden light manifested and the golden quill imbued with the Mortician's Damned Soul that absorbed a fragment of Valefor's soul appeared right in his hand.

Calvin was currently a Diary-Keeper, and this meant that he had no offensive skills whatsoever that were related to his class.

But that didn't matter at all for he had the Mortician's Damned Soul infused in his Aspect.

Paired with the innate indestructibility of every Predator's Aspect, this enabled Calvin to do the impossible.

Such as...

Taking his golden quill and stabbing it onto the Sigbin's forehead.

Calvin leaped backwards.

His golden quill was still sticking out of the Sigbin's head when he gestured with his hands and said, "Soul Manifestation: Drill..."

The moment this word came out of his mouth, the golden quill let out a blinding radiance of golden light.


"What the hell is that?!"

At that moment, everyone, including Ricardo and Old Zhong had been temporarily blinded by the brightness.

They didn't notice the brief appearance of a sinister shadow that bolstered the strength of the golden quill and manipulated it to drill through the Sigbin's skull and exiting through its back.

By the time that they had recovered, the Sigbin had fallen on the ground while Calvin's golden quill had returned in his hands.

"What just happened?" Ricardo asked.

He could see that the Sigbin was squirming in pain on the ground.

Meanwhile, Old Zhong who didn't possess the vision of Predators was already sweating bullets.

This battle was just strange!

Calvin suddenly exclaimed the magic word, and then a strange golden light appeared, briefly rendering him blind.

Despite using all of his senses to find the monster that killed his father, he still couldn't locate the monster.

"Don't let your guard down. It's not dead, yet!" Calvin yelled out.

Ricardo took aim and sent an arrow flying towards the Sigbin.

But the Sigbin that was squirming on the ground as if it was about to signal its death knell suddenly stood up and became energetic.

It avoided the arrow that Ricardo had sent before it turned to the left and charged towards the direction of Old Zhong.

"Watch out, Old Zhong!" Ricardo gave out a warning before he sent another arrow flying towards the Sigbin.

However, the Sigbin was just too fast.

So fast that by the time Ricardo sent his arrow flying towards the beast, it was already a few meters away from Old Zhong.

And a few meters to a beast like the Sigbin was basically a few steps away.

"So that you may make your Church serve you freely... Hear us, hear us!"

"So that you may destroy the enemies of your Sacred Church... Hear us, hear us!"

"The Goddess of Compassion and Light herself will bestow upon excellence and strength to 'Her' Own people..."

"Blessed be the Church of All-Encompassing Light..."

"Glory be to the Goddess!"

Heisenberg opened his bloodshot eyes and yelled out, "The Domain of Everlasting Light and Justice..."


The crystal orb in his bosom flashed with the divine all-encompassing light.

In an instant, the Sigbin that was about to impale Old Zhong to his death suddenly froze mid-charge.

The darkness of the forest that seemed to surround everything in the valley was swept away by a warm and compassionate light.

The area a few hundred meters around Heisenberg was now enclosed in a domain!

"Yes, this is it... This is the feeling..." Calvin took a deep breath and he felt power coursing through his veins.

The Emperor's Commandment that he held resonated with the domain that Heisenberg deployed and Calvin could feel as if he could do everything in this world, so long as it was within the domain.

The Sigbin's horrifying features were now revealed to the naked eye.


Ricardo was about to shoot down the Sigbin when Calvin raised his hand to stop him.


"Why wait? What are we waiting for? We've got to kill that disgusting thing and burn it down before scattering its ashes to the four winds!"

Calvin rolled his eyes at Ricardo, "I know. But Old Zhong deserves to kill that monster."


"I see..." Ricardo agreed.

Heisenberg finally stood up, "Fucking hell that was so close! Why did you two not stop that monster? It almost killed Old Zhong!"

Ricardo scratched his head out of embarrassment. He had to admit. He really did underestimate the Sigbin's speed.

Calvin turned to Heisenberg and smiled, "I knew that you would make it."

"How did you know that I would?" Heisenberg frowned.

"Well, you aren't so confident of yourself, are you?" Calvin teased.

"What? Of course, I am confident in myself. Nevermind... Let's go and handle that bastard now. I really didn't expect that I would have to deploy a domain just to handle that piece of shit. Let me kill it myself." Heisenberg cursed.josei

"Wait up..." Ricardo stopped him, "Let Old Zhong kill it."

"Why?" Heisenberg asked.

Calvin lightly chuckled, "You asked the same question as Ricardo did. Did you already forget about what Old Zhong told us earlier?"

"Ah, yeah right... My bad." Heisenberg dryly laughed before stepping aside.

Old Zhong was standing in front of the Sigbin with a complicated look on his face.

The Sigbin was stiff frozen mid-charge. The Goddess of Compassion and Light detested all beings impure, and since a vampire was an impure being, it wasn't an exception. It couldn't do anything at all under the Domain of Everlasting Light and Justice. Threads of divine light were currently suppressings its body to the fullest, so now it was frozen and suspended in the air.

Its horns were sticking out forward towards the direction of Old Zhong's heart.

It was obvious that it wasn't planning on letting Old Zhong live.

"Old Zhong, you handle it. You said that your weapon's blade is made out of silver, so you should be able to end its life." Calvin said.

Old Zhong turned to look at the Sigbin and he gulped a mouthful of saliva.

Indeed, the Sigbin was incredibly terrifying to look at.

However, now that it was being forcibly suppressed and unable to move.

There was a pitiful look in its eyes— as if saying that it didn't want to die.

But seeing the last posture that it made while it was frozen destroyed all compassion that Old Zhong had for the beast. Since clearly, if not for the fact that Heisenberg deployed that domain. The beast would've killed him with no remorse at all!

But now that it was caught, it was trying to act pitiful in an effort to save its life?

Where is your dignity?! Aren't you supposed to be a terrifying beast that's been haunting this valley for a long time already?! Why are you staring at me like that and pretending to be a helpless puppy?!

Old Zhong clenched his fists.

The monster whom he thought to be so strong was now rendered to this state in just a matter of a few minutes.

"How anti-climactic..." Old Zhong bitterly smiled.

He stared at the Sigbin and found that it was still desperately begging for its life using its eyes.

Old Zhong had originally planned on torturing the monster that took the life of so many of his fellow villagers when he had the chance, but now that the chance was in his hands. He found that torturing the monster seemed to be pointless. Seeing that it couldn't move and it was so helpless like this made him realize that the Sigbin was now as low as an ant.

"Father..." Old Zhong softly whispered.

He closed his eyes and when he opened them again, one could see that they were bloodshot!

Raising his twin daggers, he bent his knees and held the daggers in a reverse hold in his hands.

Then, he leaned forward and took a deep breath.

The breathe he took was so thick that it looked partially visible like a mist as they surged into his nose and filled his lungs.

"King of Burst's Ultimate: Death's Knell..."

These were the words that he left in the air as he vanished right at that very moment...

When he reappeared, he was already behind the Sigbin and a peaceful smile was plastered across his lips.

"Father, I..."


A dull thud rang out and the Sigbin collapsed with its body separated into four pieces.

"I have avenged you..."

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