Records of the Weakest Emperor

Chapter 24

Chapter 24: An Eye For Aesthetics

The headless body attached with a severed head looked disproportionate in comparison to the size of the body.

The thick stench of blood assaulted Calvin's nose. Being so close to the "daughter" of the Benevolent Father. Calvin could see the reddish veins underneath the stitched-up skin of the headless body. Those veins seemed to be twitching as if they were alive.

Calvin held back the fear from his heart as he tried his best on maintaining the facade that he had.

Turning to look straight at the eyes of the Benevolent Father...josei

He said.

"She's so beautiful..."

"She's so beautiful that I want to gouge these dirty eyes of mine for the sin of possibly staining the divine beauty of your daughter..."


The Benevolent Father paused.

He seemed to have found Calvin's answer as rather unexpected.

Calvin gnashed his teeth.

The Benevolent Father's questions cannot be taken for granted. If one thought that only yes and no were the possible answers, then that would be the last mistake that anyone could ever make.

In order to survive against the Benevolent Father.

Calvin surmised that there was only one method.

And that was...

To become the embodiment of madness similar to what the Father had become.

Amidst the stares of the terrified newbies and the curious look of the Benevolent Father.

Calvin gouged out his right eye in a blink of an eye.



Philip and Jane couldn't stop themselves from screaming.

Hugo and Scarlette swiftly used their hands to cover both of their mouths.

Calvin's figure continuously trembled from the pain.

His face reddened as his muscles twitched like crazy, yet not a single scream came out of his mouth.

Opening his palm, he presented his eyeball to the Benevolent Father.

"I've plucked the source of the sin..."

The Benevolent Father took the eyeball from Calvin's hand and crushed it underneath his palms.

"What madness... I see that you are a kindred spirit. So, You. Are. A man of culture as well..." The Benevolent Father whispered.

The permanent smile on his lips seemed to have deepened. He was pleased by Calvin's decisiveness and sincerity on praising the beauty of his daughter.


"Are you friends with those scums standing behind you?"

The Benevolent Father asked.

Calvin pressed some acupoints on top of his head to stop the bleeding, but when he heard the Benevolent Father's question. He made a sidelong glance at the others and said.

"How can that be possible?"

"How can I possibly be friends with such people that have no eye for aesthetics."

Calvin viciously declared.

"You..." Nicholas trembled in fear.

Everyone had the same fear painted on their faces upon seeing Calvin's bloodied look.

Rose tightly gripped the small notebook in her hand until her palms whitened from the force that she was exerting.

Hugo had a solemn look on his face and was ready to fight anytime.

"Oh..." The Benevolent Father nodded in understanding.

Calvin then turned his gaze to him and said, "Benevolent Father... How about you let me handle these scums? I would rather do the dirty work than see you dirty your hands with the blood of these ingrates."

The Benevolent Father was astonished.

But his face violently twitched and the red blisters scattered across his face exploded as he barked out of anger, "How presumptuous! Are you saying that you want to handle them for my sake? That cannot be! How can I let the guests do the dirty work for me? I will handle them myself!"

The Benevolent Father rushed towards the staircase.

Hugo gulped a mouthful of saliva. He embraced Jane and Zahra with both of his hands and he was about to directly jump into the second floor when Calvin's hand suddenly appeared in front of the Benevolent Father, interrupting him from continuing.

"I suggest you don't dirty those pristine hands of yours, Benevolent Father. Do you really think that she will be happy smelling the disgusting blood of these ingrates when you hold her up to the sky later at her birthday party?"

The Benevolent Father froze.


He then collapsed onto the ground on his knees and screamed.


"Why did I not think of that?!!!"

"I'm sorry, darling! Why did I not think of that? Are you angry at me? Yes! You should be angry! Why did I not think of that! Why would I dare to hold you in my arms when my hands are stained with the disgusting blood of these scums!" He rushed to his daughter's side and picked her off the ground.

But when he realized that he was holding her with the same hand that he used to kill the security guards of the asylum whom he considered as mad. He abruptly dropped his daughter on the ground and fiercely broke both of his hands before kneeling onto the ground.

"F-Forgive me, my darling... I wasn't... It wasn't my intention... I know, I may have come up to you too strongly, but it wasn't my intention at all to stain you with the blood of these scums... Forgive me, forgive me, all right?" The Benevolent Father shivered in remorse. He repeatedly slammed his head onto the blood-soaked floor as a display of his sincerity.

Seeing the Benevolent Father's situation, Calvin knew that he couldn't possibly say anything at this moment. If he intervened on the Benevolent Father's display of sincerity, then he would be torn to pieces by the strongest monster of this mental asylum.

Turning around, he directed his gaze at the newbies and signalled at them that it was now safe to move.

Calvin followed them to the left corridor.

Afterwards, they entered the bathroom situated three rooms before the security room which they must enter to access the main elevators necessary for them to escape from this place.

Upon entering the bathroom, Calvin took the first-aid kit situated in a wooden box attached to a nearby wall and he started cleaning and wrapping his wound. Calvin seemed to be unaffected by pain as he casually doused the gauzes with alcohol before shoving them into his empty right eye socket.



The newbies cringed upon seeing Calvin's actions, and when he was done.

He turned to look at them and said, "Calm down. It's really good that he didn't kill us all. An eye in exchange for our survival is already good enough."

Calvin casually said but inwardly, he was seething with anger.

'What the fuck is going on?! Did someone from Fivecent's side deliberately increased the difficulty of the final phase for us newbies? But why? I remembered back then that the difficulty of this asylum mansion wasn't that high, yet why does it seem like we're in a nightmarish difficulty right now?'

'Not only the Butcher appeared so early in the final phase, but the Benevolent Father was even waiting for us in the Administration Block, Main Hall...'

'There must be some conspiracy going on here as to why the difficulty was suddenly increased... Once I get out of here, I will definitely make that bastard pay! An eye for an eye! I'll gouge his eye out in exchange for my eye!'

Calvin was never a saint.

In fact, he was a vengeful person.

Particularly, if he was attacked whenever he was doing nothing wrong.

Calvin didn't mourn the loss of his eye too much since in the world of Las Felipinas... He may not have thousands of methods that he could use to repair his eye, but he has at least a hundred ways on how he could recover his right eye.

But Calvin decided that he would not let the matter rest until he caught and punished the perpetrator on Fivecent's side.

Though his eyesight could be recovered, losing an eye was still a painful ordeal. If not for the fact that Calvin was used to the pain after the frequent tortures that he experienced from the hands of the invaders back then— he would've directly collapsed from the pain earlier.

Gnashing his teeth, he inwardly declared.

'Whoever is the bastard that did all of these... I swear to make you pay!'

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