Records of the Weakest Emperor

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: I'm Coming Back, Las Felipinas

An unknown amount of time passed and Calvin finally woke up.

The first thing that his eyes saw upon waking up was an unfamiliar ceiling.

However, the ceiling had decorations that one could consider as luxurious.

This didn't seem to be the underground laboratory of Fivecent.

'This looks more like a hotel...'

Calvin inwardly uttered.

He raised his upper body and then confirmed that yep...

He was inside a hotel.

Waterback Hotel, a five-star hotel within the City of Dabao. Judging from the size of the room he was in and the lavish decorations that involved real gold and silver. His room must be the most expensive suite in this Waterback Hotel.

'Wheeew... They sure don't hold back towards making sure that their future slaves will be loyal to them in the future, eh?'

Calvin shook his head and lightly chuckled.

[Right now, the nationwide search for the thousands of children that had disappeared in a span of a few weeks is still continuing. Helpless parents are crying for justice and the police, as well as the NBI, are now fully mobilized to rescue those children. Stay updated at GMA News for further developments!]

The television which was strangely turned on had the news channel displayed on its screen.

Calvin furrowed his eyebrows for a moment since he couldn't remember child trafficking cases back then on the previous timeline. However, he dismissed his thoughts and theories for a while and turned to look at the nearby table.

There was a golden envelope along with a blindfold lying on top of the table.

Calvin lifted a small smile.

He approached the table and carefully opened the letter.


We would like to offer our gratitude to you for accepting our contract invitation to Las Felipinas, an unknown and foreign world connected to ours!

Las Felipinas is a world only available for the chosen few.

This is a world full of adventures! Magic, dragons, elves, everything that you can think of as fantasy exists within the world of Las Felipinas!

Attached within this letter are the complete instructions on how the contracted can enter the world of Las Felipinas!

* Instructions: Please search for an apartment building with thirteen floors in the City of Davao! After finding the appropriate building, please enter the staircase at exactly 3 am. The moment you step a single foot onto the stairs, you must close both of your eyes... *

* Climb from the first floor to the top floor with your eyes closed and when you've done everything according to these instructions. The moment you open your eyes, you'll find yourself in the world of Las Felipinas! *

* WARNING: Only the contracted can attempt this. You must never open your eyes before you reach the top floor. No matter what happens. No matter what you feel, touch, hear or smell. You must not open your eyes or you'll be immediately killed by the abyss! *

* Hint: One can fight back against the Abyss of the Crack. But one must never open their eyes before reaching the top! *

Good luck, contracted!

See you at the land where dreams come true and die out!


"Pfft!" Calvin almost busted his guts upon seeing the comical ending of the letter.

However, he wasn't the least surprised about the instructions. He had undergone this test of courage back then. The participants were not allowed to open their eyes for the demons behind the crack, possibly tamed by Fivecent would stalk the participants and test their nerves and grit.

Although these actions of Fivecent seemed counter-intuitive.

What they were doing was not a problem, if you asked Calvin about it.

If one wanted to enter the world of Las Felipinas. josei

They must not be weak.

Even a mere cannon-fodder had their own standards. In short, if one couldn't even pass this test of courage, then they don't even deserve to be cannon-fodders.

Calvin suddenly gave a bitter smile.

Back then, he pissed his pants from the fear of being surrounded by those demons and as a result.

He was thoroughly mocked by his fellow cannon-fodders.

But today, everything would be different.

Now that he knew what was to happen, Calvin was prepared.

Calvin's eyes shone in excitement.

He almost couldn't wait until 3 AM arrived.

Of course, having prior knowledge of the world. Calvin knew where that appropriate apartment building was located. In other words, he now had nothing to do apart from lay down and wait until the right time arrived.

"Man, I'm feeling bored."

"I can't execute any of my plans until I get to Las Felipinas."

Calvin sat upright and swept his gaze across the surroundings. His eyes came to a sudden halt for he saw a complimentary pen and small notebook lying on another desk in his presidential suite.

"Paper and pen!"

He almost leaped out of his bed from excitement.

He took the small notebook and pen and then he started writing.

He scribbled some words.

It didn't matter if they made sense or not.

As long as he could satisfy the craving, the itching that he had for writing then he planned on going to any lengths. He wrote about everything that he could, the challenge that he faced back then while fighting against the invaders, to mundane things such as how to change a light bulb.

'Why did the chicken cross the road?'

'To get to where the retard lives.'

'Knock, knock...'

'Who's there?'

'The chicken.'

"Pffft! Did I just call myself a retard?"

Calvin almost busted his guts once again as he hurriedly scribbled over the chicken joke that he wrote.

Staring at the small notebook that was almost full of gibberish at this moment.

Calvin felt inexplicably peaceful. Ever since he became the great traitor of Humanity, he never had any friends. The invaders only looked at him like he was a tool and every fellow human that he met treated him with utmost disgust.

Part of the reason why Calvin managed to stay sane was because of his writings...

It didn't matter what he wrote, as long as he was writing...

Calvin felt that it was cathartic.

Back then...

He greatly hated the fact that he acquired the so-called useless Writer Profession out of all the Professions out there.

But when he became alone and abandoned by the world itself.

Calvin finally realized why he acquired the Writer Profession in the first place.

Writing was in his blood.

He would enjoy, no matter how mundane the words he wrote, for as long as he was the one who scribbled it down. He'd find a strange sense of enjoyment and satisfaction from writing it.


Calvin let out a sigh.

Back then, he became the greatest traitor of humanity.

Now that he was back...

He'll become the hero that will save humanity from destruction once more!

Calvin steeled his resolve once again as he stood up and glanced at his wristwatch.

1:57 AM.

'It's time...'

'I'm coming back...'

'Las Felipinas.'

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