Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 643 Invite from Wenyuan

Chapter 643 Invite from Wenyuan

The reason why the essence of lightning was sealed in a catalyst was that it would disappear in no time once exposed to the outside world. It needed a carrier and Chen Xiaobei already had an idea in his mind.


It was a perfect carrier for Pure Yang Thunder Catalyst because Duskdawn was a Pure Yang item as well.


Immediately, Chen Xiaobei controlled the Transmogrifying Flame that he possessed to burn his Duskdawn. Sanmei True Fire was not needed here because it was just a mortal item.



Soon, Duskdawn's outer structure started to loosen up. Chen Xiaobei then transferred the lightning essence into the Duskdawn with another hand. As such, he did not need to worry about the lightning essence being dispersed into the thin air. It also allowed Chen Xiaobei to weaponize it – releasing lightning to attack others! Needless to say, this was one powerful Spiritual Item. josei

"All done!"

Sometime later, Duskdawn's physical appearance finally emerged. A few lightning patterns were engraved on Duskdawn – making it looked like it was broken. However, a steady and powerful aura could be sensed exuding from it.

"Lightning! Rise!"

When Chen Xiaobei put on the ring, a huge lightning ball was formed in the air. Seemingly, it was filled with destructive power.

"This ball of lightning is weaker than Thunder Pool Tesseract but it is definitely more than enough to deal with ordinary enemies!"

After paying attention to the changes in his body, Chen Xiaobei realized that a lot of his Spiritual Qi inside his Dantian was being consumed.

"It seems like all the Spiritual Item requires Spiritual Qi to activate them. The more powerful the Spiritual Item, the more Spiritual Qi it consumes! Its consumption of Spiritual Qi is more than the Thousand Webs Bracelet! It's no wonder that a lot of them from Red Envelope group told me that my Dao Path is not enough to wield their items! In that case, does it mean I can use the Spiritual Qi that I possess to use their Divine Items?"

"No… No way…"

Immediately, Chen Xiaobei shook his head to shake off this crazy thought. Firstly, he did not possess a huge amount of Spiritual Qi. Even if he had enough Spiritual Qi to wield the Divine Items, he would not dare to borrow any of them from his friends.

'Imagine if I borrowed Jingu Bang from Monkey King to make a big hole on the surface of the earth! Or Heavenly Red Silk Scarf from NeZha that could cause a mega tsunami! Or Heaven and Earth's Enigmatic Flame Tower that could cause a catastrophic melting of the north and south pole! The earth is too weak to be tortured by all these Divine Items!'

"Come back!"

With his fingers bent, the lightning ball went back to Duskdawn.

"It seems like the name Duskdawn is not appropriate anymore. I should give it a new name… I shall call you Wrath Bolt!"

Chen Xiaobei then put it on his left thumb and continued to check on the last Red Envelope that he received.


[Soul Consuming Enigmatic Jade: Taiyin True Deity acquired it when he traveled to Mount Black Wind. This One-Star Heavenly Jade contains the ability to consume souls. It can be used to craft something (It requires one thousand years of Dao Path or ten thousand Spirit Stone). Do you wish to withdraw it?]

"What the f*ck?!"

Taken aback, Chen Xiaobei did not whether to laugh or cry. He wanted to laugh because Taiyin True Deity was too generous. The item in his Red Envelope was higher tier than the Pure Yang Thunder Catalyst and it was simply not possible to use it in the human realm. On the other hand, he wanted to cry because it required too much Spiritual Qi to activate it.

Initially, Chen Xiaobei thought that he would not need to worry about lacking Spiritual Qi anymore since he acquired the green jade gourd. Unfortunately, activating Pure Yang Thunder Catalyst had consumed one-third of the Spiritual Qi that Chen Xiaobei stored in Green Jade Gourd. The rest of it would definitely be used up if he decided to activate the Soul Consuming Enigmatic Jade.

"I think I need to leave it aside first. Now, I need to prioritize my cultivation! Also, I need to grow a few pairs of mother-child voodoo worms! All of them need a lot of Spiritual Qi! I will consider activating the Soul Consuming Enigmatic Jade when I find more Spiritual Qi!"

At that moment, Chen Xiaobei was still calm. He would definitely not do something stupid by pushing himself into a pit. After picking up the pieces, Chen Xiaobei got back to his training immediately. Considering that he had managed to raise his health to twenty thousand, this time he could fully focus on training the Scripture of Heaven and Earth. No one was there to interrupt him because it was in the middle of the night. Soon, Chen Xiaobei entered the zone.

It was now early the next morning. With the help of Scripture of Heaven and Earth, Chen Xiaobei managed to increase his combat power by six hundred! He now had twelve thousand and six hundred combat power! Proceeding with this speed, he could easily achieve pinnacle phase of Qi refining stage within a week!

The sky was finally brightened up by the sun. Suddenly, Chen Xiaobei's cell phone rang.

"Hello? Wenyuan? Why are you calling me early in the morning? Aren't you going to sleep longer?"

"Xiaobei, you idiot! I've told you before that I've given up the habit of waking up late ever since I came to Dragon City! I'm really busy with filming!"

"Yes. You did mention it to me some time ago…"

After doing a short self-reflection, Chen Xiaobei realized that he had not shown his concern to Wenyuan recently. Honestly, he felt bad about it. However, Wenyuan did not get angry at him.

On the contrary, she asked, "Xiaobei hubby, do you have time to keep me company today?"

"I have the time! I will go and pick you up later!"

"Yay! I will be waiting for you!"

Immediately, Chen Xiaobei packed and left the house. So far, the path for Wenyuan to becoming a famous actress was smooth sailing. She was no longer an extra. Recently, she was assigned with some supporting character roles – provided her the opportunity to perform more in front of the camera. The place that she was staying at right now was sponsored by her filming crew.

There were a few luxurious cars parked in front of the hotel when Chen Xiaobei arrived at where he was supposed to meet Wenyuan. Though the Mercedes S class that drove by Chen Xiaobei was already quite pricey, it still could not compare with those cars that parked in front of the hotel.

Beside those cars stood a group of good-looking youngsters chatting with one another. Judging from their outlook and attire, there was a high chance that those young men were sons of filthy rich families. On the other hand, the girls were definitely from the filming crew. From far, Chen Xiaobei could see that Wenyuan was in the group as well.

"Wenyuan!" Chen Xiaobei hollered when he got down from the car.

"Eeek! My boyfriend is here!"

Jumping excitedly, Wenyuan ran over to Chen Xiaobei's side. Upon seeing that, all the youngsters around Wenyuan were unhappy with her reaction.

"So, that is Wenyuan's boyfriend? The car that he drives worth around one million! How brazen of him to go after a superstar!"

One of the rich young men purposely shook his Patek Philippe watch that cost around three million and glared at Chen Xiaobei in a condescending manner.

"That's right! I just can't fathom why she would reject Master's Zhou pursuit because of this insignificant man!"


Upon hearing the comment, one of the gentle and polite looking young men harrumphed, a dark aura emanating from him.

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