Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 647 Kill the King of Wild Boars Within a Second

Chapter 647 Kill the King of Wild Boars Within a Second

"Just a wild boar? What's so scary about it? Let's aim at it together! Kill it and we can help Master Zhou win this bet!"

Regaining his composure, Xia Tao lifted the crossbow in his hand.

"Don't do anything stupid! Do not ever mess with the wild boars that live deep inside this old jungle! You have to know that they always rub their bodies against the trees and bathe in mud! In other words, the combination of tree oil and mud becomes a layer of natural armor on their bodies! The longer the time the thicker the armor!

"Not even bullet can penetrate the skin of an adult wild boar! Plus, their strength is so powerful that even tigers are afraid of them! This wild boar that stands in front of us weighs at least one thousand pounds! A single tackle from it can cause a bear cough out blood. Puny humans like us will become a blob of mushy flesh if it tackles us!"

"This… This is so scary… Let's leave… It's suicidal to stay here!"

Everyone nodded their heads with the intention to leave this place immediately. They would not dare to risk their lives even if they had ten guts in them!

"Brother Liu. Do you think you can kill a wild boar like that?" Zhou Huajiang asked in a soft and doubtful tone.

"Not a big problem. However, I think something wrong is going on! Wild boars like that can only be found in the deeper parts of this jungle. What made it come out of its usual zone today?"

Right after that, Brother Liu placed the Godly Crossbow in his hand.

"That is not the concern now! Brother Liu, just shoot and kill it! I will definitely reward you abundantly after you help me to win this bet!"

"Alright! Leave it to me! You guys stay here!"

Taking a tough and thick metal arrow and placing it on his bow, Brother Liu began to move towards the wild boar cautiously while lowering his body.

"Everyone! Don't worry! Brother Liu is here. We will be fine!"

Zhou Huajiang waved his arms at the crowd to indicate that they should not worry over this wild boar.

"I think we will be fine since Master Zhou told us that nothing bad will happen! Look at that! Brother Liu's movement is so skillful! I'm pretty sure he takes out wild boars like this all the time!"

Seeing Brother Liu's confident move, their fear started to fade slowly.

"No more worries! With an elite like Brother Liu helping us to kill this wild boar, let's just wait to enjoy some wild boar meat later tonight!"

"Luckily Brother Liu is on our side! I'm so going to give him a few toasts tonight!"

"Don't just stand there! Take out your cell phone and take a few pictures of it! We don't get to see this kind of thing all the time! We then can show it off on our Weibo! Wahahaha!" josei


Soon, the crowd was getting really excited. On the other hand, Brother Liu had already entered the perfect range to kill the wild boar. With both of his hands pulling the bowstring of Godly Bow, he aimed at the wild boar.


The arrow flew towards the wild boar once he let go of the string. At the same time, all the young boys and girls were so excited that they could not wait to cheer for him. However, they were taken aback when they saw what happened next. One should know that Godly Bow required a thousand pounds of force to wield it and the metal arrow was extremely sharp – the power of both items was definitely more powerful than a bullet! To their surprise, the arrow bounced off the wild boar when it landed on its body. There was only a finger-sized scratch left on his skin. It did not even penetrate his thick armor.

"How… How is this even possible? Could it be… the wild boar king from the deepest part of this jungle?"

There was no damage done on the wild boar since the arrow could not penetrate its skin. On the contrary, it was angered.



The wild boar squealed and glared at Brother Liu. Immediately, it charged at Brother Liu. From the surface, wild boar might look heavy and slow but its charging speed surprisingly fast! Properties like its body, force, and speed made this wild boar look like a speeding heavy duty truck! Dust and sand rose to the sky and the earth trembled whenever it landed a step on the ground. All the trees and rocks were destroyed on the path it traveled. There was nothing that could stop it anymore.

"Oh my god… Run! Everybody! Run!"

Screaming fearfully, Brother Liu sprinted. According to his experience, if the Godly Bow could not kill the target; his combat power was definitely not enough to deal with it. In other words, he was only left with an option – run!

"W-What the hell is going on?"

Left in bewilderment, all those rich young boys and actresses could not believe what just happened to them.

'I thought Brother Liu assured us that everything is going to be fine? I thought we are supposed to relax? I thought we are going to enjoy wild boar flesh tonight? Damn it! F*cking lies!'

Immediately, everyone including Zhong Huajiang tossed their hunting weapons and cell phones on the ground. Following that, they came up with all their strength and stamina to run for their lives. Clearly, they were all freaked out. However, all of them were just ordinary people. There was simply no way for them to outrun the pursuit of a wild boar!


Like a heavy duty truck, the wild boar destroyed everything on its path – including some huge trees. Seeing that the gap between them and the wild boar was getting closer and closer, they would definitely be killed when it caught up to them.

"Brother Liu! Help! Please save us!" They started to ask for help in a hysterical manner. It seemed like Brother Liu was their last hope.

"It's useless to ask me to save all of you! That beast over is ruthless! I don't want to die yet! Just pray now!"

Immediately, Brother Liu ran as fast as possible and left all of them behind him. Usually, the ugliest side of a human being will be presented during a life-threatening situation.


Suddenly, baffled looks could be seen on their faces. They never thought that Chen Xiaobei would be bold enough to stride towards the wild boar.

"Is that kid insane? Is he trying to kill himself?"

"He wants to sacrifice himself to buy us more time? Isn't he noble?"

"Kid! Good one! All of us will be saved if you sacrifice yourself! We will definitely burn a lot of paper money for you!"


Right after that, all of them started to run like there was no tomorrow. To them, Chen Xiaobei would definitely be killed by the wild boar no matter what. They were hoping that Chen Xiaobei could buy them more time before he died.

"Why am I competing with a bunch of retarded fools? This is so boring!"

Lowering his body, Chen Xiaobei picked up a stone from the floor and threw it at the wild boar casually.


A muffled sound could be heard. Before they realized it, the humongous wild boar was killed! The force caused it to slide on the ground after it was killed. Finally, it stopped in front of Chen Xiaobei. At that moment, everyone else stood their ground like a statue.

"I have won this competition. Is there anything you want to say?"

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