Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 652 You Are Not Even Qualified!

Chapter 652 You Are Not Even Qualified!

"Here they are! They are back!" Xia Tao informed Zhou Huajiang immediately. As Zhou Huajiang was their backer, they would always support him no matter what. On the other hand, Chen Xiaobei was just an outsider to them. This was the dark side of the society. Right and wrong were not as important as benefit.

Before letting Chen Xiaobei and Wenyuan speak their minds, Zhou Huajiang took the initiative to dictate Chen Xiaobei's fate.

"Bastard! You have already lost! Just break up with Wenyuan in front of all us right now!"

Glancing at everyone calmly, Chen Xiaobei said, "I thought the rule states that the one that kills the largest prey is the winner of this competition. What now? Are you trying to bend the rule?"

"Well, you broke the rule of this hunting ground! Before the hunt began, Brother Liu mentioned that none of us were allowed to use a gun to kill our prey! You broke that rule! That's equivalent to losing this competition!"

"Did he mention that we are not allowed to use guns to kill our prey? In the very beginning, that Liu guy only mentioned that this is a traditional hunting ground, hence there is no gun to be rented. Nothing about being disqualified if a gun is used. In any case, I didn't even use a gun to kill that wild boar!"

"Don't try to defend yourself!"

"I saw you use a gun to kill that wild boar with my eyes! I know you have hidden that gun somewhere in this forest! That is why you came back late! What a lying bastard!"

"Zhou Huajiang! You are a shameless bastard! Since when you saw my Xiaobei hubby use a gun to kill that wild boar? You are clearly lying!"

Wenyuan was furious after hearing Zhou Huajiang's accusation. Upon hearing that, Zhou Huajiang's face darkened. Everything that he did so far was all for Wenyuan. Unfortunately, Wenyuan refused to accept his goodwill. Her support for Chen Xiaobei saddened him.

Immediately, Xia Tao stepped out to support Zhou Huajiang.

"Clearly, that bastard broke the rule! He even refuses to admit his mistake! What a coward!

"What a load of bullshit! Show me proof that he broke the rule!" chided Wenyuan.

She could not wait to march forward to land a slap on each and every one of them. Evidently, Chen Xiaobei was the winner. Not only did the two refuse to accept the fact that they lost, they even started accusing Chen Xiaobei of cheating in the competition.

To Wenyuan's surprise, all the men and women around her started to nod their heads and accuse Chen Xiaobei of something that he did not do. josei

"Wenyuan! I don't think you have a clear view just now! We all saw that he did use a gun to kill that wild boar! He broke the rule!"

"That's right! Try to think about it! Without using a gun, how did he even kill that wild boar?"

"Wenyuan! You are too innocent! That bastard lied to you! Wake up! Break up with him now! Master Zhou is the best man for you!"

"That's right! Master Zhou is so much better than that son of a bitch!"


Upon hearing their wrongful accusations, Wenyuan felt even angrier.

"Before you guys accuse my Xiaobei, have you thought of about him saving your lives?! Even the animals know how to repay his kindness! As for you guys! All you guys ever did was repay him with false and despicable accusations! Even animals are better than all of you here!"

"I will never break up with Xiaobei! From today onwards, I want nothing to do with you guys! It's embarrassing to be your friends!" Wenyuan said in a determined manner. Rendered speechless, all those youngsters suddenly felt ashamed. Without Chen Xiaobei helping them, they would have turned into a pile of minced meat by the wild boar. Sadly, none of them were grateful about it. No matter what, they were on the wrong side of this matter.

"Alright! Let's not argue anymore! Elder Qi is the one that banned guns in this place! Those who break the rule will be chased out of this place – never to enter again! Though he did save us all, it does not change the fact that he broke the rule! Without rules, there would be chaos! We will repay his kindness later. Clearly, he has lost in this competition!" said Brother Liu assertively.

When it came to the name Elder Qi, he purposely emphasized it in a loud tone. Seemingly, he was trying to use this name to pressure Chen Xiaobei to surrender. However, Chen Xiaobei could not even care less about Elder Qi.

He just tossed a condescending stare at Brother Liu and said, "Even Elder Qi has to show me some respect and treat me politely! You have no right to make me surrender!"

"What did you just say?"

Everyone including Brother Liu were taken aback. Instantly, the air around them froze. To them, Brother Liu was a highly respected individual in Jianghu. Also, Elder Qi was like an untouchable god to them! Who would have thought that this youngster in his twenties was crazy enough to disrespect Elder Qi. Basically, he was talking about Elder Qi should serve him when he met him.

"Bastard! You have crossed the line! It seems like you are way over your head! How dare you disrespect Elder Qi?" shouted Brother Liu.

"Try me! You can always ask your master to come and meet me!"


As a guide of this hunting ground, he had seen all kind of powerful individual from the field of politic, military, and business. However, he had never crossed paths with such an insane individual like Chen Xiaobei.

"This kid is crazy! I have never met such an arrogant person!"

"Hmph! He is just acting tough! He would wet his pants if Elder Qi was here!"

"That's right! He would have died eight hundred times if Elder Qi fought him!"


Clearly, the crowd was not pleased with Chen Xiaobei's attitude. To them, he was just trying to act tough. He would definitely turn into a coward when he met Elder Qi.

"Little Liu! Is there anything that I should know from your discussion? I hear your voice from far!"

A youngster and an old man entered the wooden house.

"Elder Qi! Master Qi! To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Immediately, Brother Liu strode towards Elder Qi in a welcoming and polite manner – like a eunuch.

"Mr. Chen! Why are you here?!"

The both of them could not be bothered with Brother Liu, their gaze on Chen Xiaobei.

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