Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 658 Loud Slap

Chapter 658 Loud Slap

"You are so very handsome!" 

Song Qincheng clapped her small white jade hands, dismissing all that had happened with Zhang Zhongji. Instead, her heart was now filled with joy!

"That's it… really… just once and he passed… how could this be…" on the other side of the room, Zhang Zhongji and those beside him were dumbfounded.

No one could fathom that Chen Xiaobei could meet Feng Yaolun's high expectations.

Over and above that, Feng Yaolun sang praises of him.

Feng Yaolun was notorious for his thoroughness; some might even call it harshness. Throughout the entire filming, Feng Yaolun could be heard throughout: criticizing, scolding, and demanding numerous retakes for a single scene.

A day as such, where Feng Yaolun shouted praises of perfection, and nearly fired the entire filming crew for a scene, was absolutely unprecedented!

"Could this kid be a professional actor? There was nothing to nitpick about his acting at all! If he could maintain this standard of performance throughout, he will surely become a great sensation overnight!

 "Yeah! That scene just now was a work of art! That scene is enough to create a viral trailer!"

"How can anyone not be impressed by that? There's something special about that kid – even Tang Mengwan was emotionally affected by him. And that's something no other actors can do!"


The audience kept raving on and on about Chen Xiaobei. Their opinion of him completely transformed.

In the beginning, they regarded him as an untried and naïve rookie. What Chen Xiaobei had just done was a slap to their faces.

Needless to say, the one who was hit the hardest was Zhang Zhongji! 

He was the one who began mocking Chen Xiaobei and even started a bet to humiliate him – saying that Chen Xiaobei would have to go through not ten or twenty takes but forever, to meet Feng Yaolun's standards.

He had never would have thought that this would be the outcome instead! For that, he was put to shame!

Actions do speak louder than words! 


"Zhang Zhongji, what was is that you said just now? I believe it's about if Chen Xiaobei only requiring one take to complete the filming, you'd give me two million. Just transfer the money directly to me! If you don't, I can't help but look down on you!" Song Qincheng quickly fought back – she was not someone who would succumb to being bullied. josei

Everyone's gaze fell on Zhang Zhongji. Some pitied him, some ridiculed him, while the others laughed at his expense.

It is undeniable that Zhang Zhongji had dug his own grave this time! 

"Fine! I will definitely pay you the two million! But the next time, I will make you pay double!" Zhang Zhongji gritted his teeth and wired the two million to Song Qincheng's account.

After that, he left hurriedly. The Scholar Heart had already allowed him to completely master the art of acting. For the rest of the filming, except if he was affected by external factors, Chen Xiaobei would have absolutely no problems performing!

That was exactly how things turned out. 

In the recordings that followed, things that had never happened before happened.

As long as Chen Xiaobei was in the scene, Feng Yaolun's high praises rang in the studio. 

 "Good! Beautiful! That's the look that I want! Frivolous, unrestrained – the male protagonist must have this kind of arrogance! Chen Xiaobei's performance is many times better than Zhuang Bufan!"

"Perfect! This martial arts move is impeccable! Even Zhang Zhongji wouldn't be able to do that! Absolutely flawless!"

"This is absolutely captivating! Xiaobei has quite the charm! Tang Mengwan, the heroine is supposed to lead the scene but now the entire scene depends on Chen Xiaobei! This is really amazing!"

"Excellent… Gorgeous!"


For a time, Feng Yaolun the notoriously harsh mega-director, treated Chen Xiaobei like his precious baby.

It was not that Feng Yaolun never praised his actors, but the way he was praising Chen Xiaobei's performance was rare.

For that, the entire crew was in a constant state of disbelief. 

But it was also undeniable that, Chen Xiaobei's performance was flawless. Even if Zhang Zhongji were to nit-pick, he would not even be able to do it.

What was more, Chen Xiaobei carried a certain charm about him. It was unclear why but the audience's eyes were always drawn to him, and they would then be drawn into the film – making the film very realistic!

From a professional standpoint, Chen Xiaobei was born with the ability to draw people to him – this was exactly what Feng Yaolun said that every actor must have!

 To be able to cause the viewers to feel like they are a part of the story was already half the battle won!

Which director would not love this sort of actor? How could the audience not love him? That would be completely unfathomable! 

In the following days, the filming went smoothly. With the crew working together overtime, they managed to make up for the previous setbacks.

Zhang Zhongji was scrutinizing for faults but found none. He had to bring out his best during the filming in front of Feng Yaolun to not impede the crew.

On this afternoon, Feng Yaolun decided to give everyone a day off.

Chen Xiaobei had originally planned to have his way with Song Qincheng but he received a phone call from Lan Mengchen. There was some trouble over at the cosmetics company and they needed Chen Xiaobei to go over.

There was nothing he could do but go. After all, he was the CEO.

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