Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 661 Penetrate The Skull With The Dagger

Chapter 661 Penetrate The Skull With The Dagger

The lid was uncovered. It was as if Chen Xiaobei knew that there was a sharp dagger lying on the plate. Immediately, he threw the lid on the floor and picked up the dagger to slash the female assassin's neck. The female assassin did not react fast enough to Chen Xiaobei's smooth and unexpected attack.


The throat of the female assassin was slit open – the moment her blood gushed out from her neck, she was thinking about what Chen Xiaobei trying to tell her. Now, she finally understood it.

"You… How did you know that I have… a dagger with me?"

With both hands pressed on her throat, she collapsed to the ground with a look of shock and disbelief. She then died shortly after that.


Chen Xiaobei then stabbed the dagger into the table and stared at the vase with decorative flowers that was placed in the corner of the room.

"So, this is the evil plan that the Zhuang Family came up to try to kill me? Using Ms. Lan to lure me here. I gotta admit that you got me on that part! But, don't expect me to surrender easily! Just bring on whatever you have! I shall spend some time to fool around with you guys! Jianghu matters should be solved within Jianghu itself!"

After that, Chen Xiaobei went back to his seat but his stare never left the vase. In the other room, Lan Mengchen could finally let out a sigh of relief. Clearly, she was glad that Chen Xiaobei was safe. On the other hand, everyone else in the room was frustrated. None of them expected Chen Xiaobei to kill a trained assassin in cold blood within seconds!

"How did that kid knows that there was something odd about the waitress?! Not even I could tell that the waitress was an assassin in disguise!"

Puzzled, Zhuang Jiuxiao frowned.

"Not only did he discover there was something odd about the waitress, he also found the hidden camera in the room! This hidden camera that I installed in the room is the most advanced spy tool! I am certain that there is a flaw in the installation! Unless…"

"Unless what?"

With his eyes wide open, Zhuang Jiuxiao wanted to know the answer badly.

"Unless that kid has a pair of x-ray eyes!" said Zhuang Hao.

"What? X-ray eyes? How is that even possible?"

"I'm serious! Inside the S.H.I.E.L.D's database in the US, all the information about mutants can be found there! X-ray eyes is one of the mutant abilities! According to statistics, there would be one mutant among three billion people!"

"Oh my god! So, this is real?! That kid is a mutant? In that case, does that mean Spiderman, Hulk, and X-Men exist on this earth that we live in?"

Upon hearing that, Lan Mengchen was equally astonished as well. She always knew that Chen Xiaobei was someone extraordinary but she could never guess the number of secrets that Chen Xiaobei had with him! He was like a mystery – one could never figure him out completely.

"The mutants that you mentioned do exist! However, they are not like the one in the movie! In America, they formed an army of mutants! They are powerful enough to compare with our Thunder Kirin Special Forces!"

"Shut up! What a load of bullcrap! I don't care whether that kid possesses a pair of x-ray eyes! I just want to know his true strength! No matter what, I want him to be killed today! If not, I'm going to be humiliated by this failure! So would our family!"

She was infamous for her extensive thoughtful evil plans – like a fox. Hence, she saw her past failure as a huge embarrassment! This time, if she failed again, her face was going to be slapped till her jaw drops! A few seconds ago, she did not have to worry about this problem at all. Now, she finally witnessed Chen Xiaobei's calmness and witty mind with her eyes. Not only he found out that the waitress was an assassin but also did not make the mistake most men would make! When facing a beauty, he did not even hesitate to kill her! With all that being put into consideration, it was no wonder that she worried that her plan would fail once again!

"Grandma, don't worry! I have fifty people from Long Blade Faction waiting on my command to kill that bastard! I think it is more than enough to put him six-feet under!"

Immediately, Zhuang Hao responded to Zhuang Lao Taijun's worries.

"What are you waiting for? Tell them to kill him now!"


Soon, they could see that a group of muscular young men with a long blade in their hands rushing to the room where Chen Xiaobei stayed from the TV screen.

"Isn't that the faction leader of Long Blade Faction, Jia Pinding? Faction Leader Jia's combat power is estimated at around 15,000! Asking him and forty-nine long blade elites to kill that kid seems kind of overkill to me!"

To Zhuang Jiuhao, Chen Xiaobei was not powerful at all. Killing that female assassin within seconds was just luck! When it comes to real swords and blades, Chen Xiaobei would definitely be chopped into pieces!

"So many of them!"

After hearing Zhuang Jiuxiao's comment and looking at the TV screen, Lan Mengchen was really worried about Chen Xiaobei. Though the enemies were not as powerful, they still outnumbered him. Many might consider Chen Xiaobei as an extraordinary human being but it was just impossible for him to defeat all of them in one goal.

Lan Mengchen felt regretful agreeing to Chen Xiaobei's demand. At that moment, all she could do was to pray for him – hoping that a miracle would occur somehow.

At the same time, in the room where Chen Xiaobei was.

He took the dagger from the table and tossed it at the door. Actually, Zhuang Hao guessed it right. Chen Xiaobei did possess a pair of x-ray eyes but Chen Xiaobei was no mutant. Golden Gaze Fiery Eye was the item that allowed Chen Xiaobei to defeat his enemies.


The door was opened when Chen Xiaobei tossed the knife at the door.


With his arm strength, the dagger managed to hit the right eye of the person that opened the door, which went through the back of his head. The goon fell on the ground and his blood splattered on the goons around him. All of them were stunned as they could not figure out what just happened to their comrade. Meanwhile, the group of people that were watching Chen Xiaobei from the TV screen was left in a state of bewilderment as well.

"U-Uncle… Did you see what he just did?"

Startled by it, Zhuang Jiuxiao could not help but frown.josei

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