Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 99 Free Advertising

Chapter 99 Free Advertising

Broken pieces of jade?! Wenfeng and Ruguan almost collapsed on the ground when they heard that the raw stone they purchased was a piece of useless junk. They had just spent ten million to purchase that piece of raw stone. As a matter of fact, they were actually hoping to use that raw stone to crush Chen!

"Look closely and carefully! This can't be junk!" Wenfeng shouted angrily. josei


All the broken tiny pieces of the blood jade poured out from the stone, like rice spilling out of a broken rice container. Most of the broken pieces were too tiny to be processed to become proper jade products. On the other hand, the bigger pieces were filled with cracks.

Everyone around them knew that this was just a pile of worthless junk. Even the blood jade had lost all its value. The results of stone betting were pretty clear now.

"Idiot! Any last words?!" Chen grinned and looked at Wenfeng mockingly.


Wenfeng's face turned green. He did not know how the blood jade inside the raw stone could have turned into shattered pieces.

"Wenfeng! You have lost the bet, please fulfill your promise! I remember that a certain someone told me that a true man should never break his promise! Breaking a promise is a cowardly act!" Lan put on a cold face and said sternly.

Wenfeng would not be able to break his promise since Lan had spoken out to him in front of everyone.

"I… Of course, I will fulfill my promise…"

"Haha, then let me help take those scraps off your hands!"

Chen grinned and started to shout out loud, "Fresh jade! Anyone interested? Name your price and I will sell it to the highest bidder!"

People around them started to get really excited when they heard Chen planning to sell his recently acquired fresh jade. Most of the people at this exhibition were jade lovers. There was a number of filthy rich people waiting to purchase some good quality jade as well. There was a saying; one can put a price on gold, but not jade.

A top-quality jade was rarer than any other gold in this world. Once those filthy rich people would have their eyes on a piece of good jade, and they would definitely buy it, regardless of its cost! As a matter of fact, the jade that Chen had just acquired were top-quality jades! People around them started to bid on the jades. And so, the price simply rose. It was like a mini auction. At the same time, Chen took a few pictures of the jade and people around him, he wanted to use this opportunity to advertise his upcoming business. He then posted all the photos on Weibo. There were tones of people liking, commenting, and sharing his pictures. This was the power of being an internet sensation.

All the jades were sold out really quickly. The jade that Chen got from Wenfeng alone had an estimated price of seventy million Yuan. After some bidding, the price was raised to one hundred million. All the money was transferred to Chen's account via internet banking. His almost-empty bank account was filled up, once again.

He had not sold his four pieces of jades that he had purchased with his own money. He would use the Flame of Transmogrification to craft it into some exquisite jade pieces. H then would put it in his shop as displays to attract more potential customers to his shop. On the other hand, the shattered blood jade pieces were packed by Chen into a bag. He did not leave a single piece on the floor.

With the help of the Flame of Transmogrification, these shattered blood jade pieces would be transformed into pieces of fine art that would become the highlight of the shop! The ability of the flame that turned useless junk into something valuable would be Chen's gold mine. Witnessing Chen's glory, Wenfeng bled inside his heart. That one hundred million Yuan was supposed to belong to him instead of Chen. Unfortunately, that amount of money had gone to Chen's bank account.

"Master Feng, stay calm and don't be angry. We lost today, but we can definitely gain back everything next time…" Ruguan was trying to console Wenfeng.

"F*ck you! Do you even know my pain?!"

Wenfeng shouted and threw a slap on Ruguan's face, "I told you earlier that I wanted to give up on buying that piece of raw stone! Why the f*ck did you convince me to buy it?! I lost this bet, and it's all because of you! F*cking idiot! I'm gonna slap you like there's no tomorrow!"

*Pak! Pak! Pak!*

Wenfeng let out all his anger by slapping Ruguan's face. After a few continuous slaps, Ruguan's face was as swollen as a pig's head.

"Hey, asshole!"

Wenfeng heard a mocking voice.


Wenfeng turned his head around reflexively and a familiar slap landed on his face without any warning! This familiar strength and power definitely belonged to Chen's infamous slap! Only those who have tasted his slaps before would know how painful they can get!


Wenfeng groaned and spun on where he stood.

*Pak! Pak! Pak!*

Chen did not wait for him to fall to the ground. He continued to slap him without stopping. Wenfeng was like an uncontrollable spinning top.

"Ten slaps! No more no less!"

Chen dusted his hands contentedly and bought all the jade. Together with Lan and Wu, he left the exhibition.

"Sniff… Sniff… Sniff… My face…"

Wenfeng held on to his swollen face with tears all over her face. He felt aggrieved and insulted.

People started to shout at Chen when they saw him leave.

"Young man! You should sell that four pieces of jade with you! We are all waiting!"

"I don't plan to sell these four pieces of jade right now!"

Chen smiled and said loudly, "If you are interested in buying these jade wares, come to my Beicheng jewelry shop in one week's time! You can buy all the jade you want! Plus, I will sell a lot of fine arts that are made of jade! You guys will have a great time shopping in my shop!"

"Beichen jewelry shop? I have not heard of it before."

"Is that a newly opened jewelry shop? What's the address?"

"There are fine arts made of jade to be sold?! I will definitely pay a visit to your shop! Tell me the address now!"

People were getting really excited. All of them wanted to know the address of Chen's jewelry shop.

Chen laughed happily and said, "That's my new jewelry shop. The address is where the Dafeng jewelry shop used to be! I will have an official opening ceremony for my shop in one week's time! Use my name, and you will get a 20% discount when you buy jade in my shop!"

"Great! That is great! We will definitely pay a visit to your shop!"

"Remember! Say my name when you make a payment! You can get a 20% discount from that!"

"Alright! You can expect us to be there!"

After the excitement, people started to disperse. Those jade lovers had remembered all the detail that Chen told them.

"Haha… I advertised my product while selling them! I'm too damn smart!" Chen laughed happily.

Suddenly, someone pinched his arm lightly.

"Idiot! Why did you name your jewelry shop Beichen? You did not seek consent from me! And, you just simply named it according to your preference!" Lan pouted playfully.

"Haha… I took a look at the sky last night, and it came to my mind that the name of Beichen would bring luck to the new shop. I didn't even have time to seek for your consent," Chen said with a smile on his face.

"Beichen? Would this name really bring luck to the jewelry shop?" Lan asked doubtfully.

She knew clearly that Chen was no ordinary human.

"Of course! These two words, Bei and Chen are meant to be together! When they are together, luck and prosperity will come!" Chen said with a straight face.

"Hmph! I'm not even together with you!"

Lan's face turned red. She then walked close to Chen and said, "Don't make jokes like this if you don't want to be killed by my father."


Chen frowned. He walked close to Lan and said, "I'm not afraid at all! I will have you with me before he can kill me! We shall see who is the faster one!"

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