Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1318 – Completely Mad

Chapter 1318 – Completely Mad

Chapter 1318 – Completely Mad

Cang Zhu and Cang Hua were both direct descendants of Black Turtle. In a clearer manner, they were his daughter and son.

They were the only two who could perfectly assimilate Black Turtle’s energy, and that was how his blood was able to merge with them so perfectly.

Perhaps the siblings did not know this before but through the Dark Transformation, they were the same body as Black Turtle and they felt their blood attracting each other.

This was hard to take.

The powers of the catastrophe grew stronger and the inner city of the Red Peak Straits had already turned into ruins. Undercurrents carried a terrifying force that rushed into the prison.

The blood flames in the sky blocked the undercurrents while the massive illusion within the flames continued to roar towards the sky.

Suddenly, a deafening boom came from the skies that sounded like a thunderclap. It was the last warning for Black Turtle.

The Dark Transformation process was nearing the end. The light ball that sucked up all of Black Turtle’s strength was almost completely black and it felt like a sea of black ink.

Black Turtle opened his eyes and shouted, “You forced me. Everything is because you forced me! I want to live! If you can’t give me life, I have to find it somewhere else. No one can stop me, not even the heavens!”

He stood up, and suddenly his entire body seemed to go through a reversal of time. The wrinkles on his face rapidly disappeared and his skin glowed. In the blink of an eye, Black Turtle, who used to look half-dead, became a young, handsome man. He stood tall and his eyes were clear.

His eyes were pitch black like the endless dark sea…the Dark Transformation was complete!

In the next instant, thunder boomed and lightning clapped, illuminating the entire sky. As the lightning struck, the sea split apart and water evaporated rapidly.

As such, a weird event happened next. A dark hole appeared in the snowy white world. It was like a large hole had sucked everything within clean.

Snow, ice and water, everything disappeared when the lightning struck. A long, straight path appeared in the middle of the Red Peak Straits and extended to the prison!

The massive blood light collapsed and the large illusion roared wildly as it broke apart, inch by inch.

Cultivators of the Sea Clan who only had their bones left were instantly reduced to ashes.

That’s right, this was the force of the will of the Vast Brightness World. Nothing could stand in its way.

If this wasn’t the case, Black Turtle would have undergone the Dark Transformation way beforehand. There would have been no reason for him to suffer till this day.

Thousand Saint led the Dark Transformation. His head suddenly hurt. Although he had been on high alert for when Qin Yu would appear, nothing wrong could happen to Black Turtle. Thankfully, Black Turtle was well prepared and he had his two children be his puppets for the catastrophe. This was not a big problem. josei

As long as he could survive the catastrophe, he could obtain a new life…if Qin Yu was going to come out, he would choose to do so before the catastrophe ended.

This was the best chance for him to appear.

With this thought, Thousand Saint took a deep breath. He transferred a message through his mind, “Hundred Saint, Ten Thousand Saint, please be prepared!”


“Not a problem.”

Qin Yu was the one who spoke more words. His tone was calm because he was in a good mood.

There were many evil men in the world; how many could he meet? Since he met one, he would send him on his way. Of course he would be happy because of this.

Was Black Turtle evil? This would depend on perspective. From Black Turtle’s perspective, he was doing everything to continue living.

Living was a fundamental desire for living creatures in the world. It was not wrong.

However, from the siblings’ perspective, Black Turtle was trash. Burning him alive would only resolve thirty percent of their hatred towards him.

Furthermore, such outright murder while being ignorant…hehe it was dark but it also had a very good healing effect.

Black Turtle was an individual who troubled the Dragon Saint too. His shell could not be penetrated and his defensive strength made people feel helpless.

So what? He fell into another person’s trap.

No wonder there were so many bad people in the world. It was very satisfying to plot against others. It conserved energy and spared emotions. Otherwise, he would have to deal with Black Turtle’s hard shell. Even if he succeeded eventually, he might lose a few teeth in the process.

Thousand Saint waited for Qin Yu to come out. However, Qin Yu knew that he would not be in the mood for this much longer.

The Heavens’ Thunder descended!

The entire world shook and the prison was instantly torn through as blinding light covered the sky.

Black Turtle’s expression changed and he roared as he threw out a punch at the black pearl above him. Dark energy poured out, moving like a long dragon.

The aura was terrifying but it was futile in front of the catastrophe. The long black dragon instantly crumbled apart as the darkness was torn by the lightning. In the next instant, the turtle shell was covered by lightning and Black Turtle spat out blood. His eyes filled with anger and shock.

“Thousand Saint, what is going on?”

The target of the heavens’ catastrophe was him.

It should not be this way. The catastrophe had been directed to Cang Zhu and Cang Hua. He would channel the dark energy to block himself.

After a few strikes from the lightning, they would be killed and he would be able to be reborn.

However, the Heavens’ Thunder had struck him without hesitation.

Since the leader of the Dark Transformation was Thousand Saint and he had planned everything, of course the first person Black Turtle would blame was him.

If not for the fact that he still needed Thousand Saint’s help to correct the issue, Black Turtle would have killed him personally.


Another clap of thunder came from above. This was like a death knell to Black Turtle.

“Thousand Saint!”


The second bolt of lightning came for him and the turtle shell was wrapped in light again. Black Turtle shivered inside and tiny scratches formed on him. It was like a vase that was put together after being broken.

Thousand Saint was stunned!

His mind registered a blank and his face was pale. The Dark Transformation had an issue; the puppets were useless.

Not only that, it seemed like the main body and the puppets had switched places. The ones who should receive the heavens’ catastrophe, Cang Zhu and Cang Hua, appeared to be alright. However, Black Turtle was being assaulted.

This was not a heavenly catastrophe that would pass. It was a killing by the will of the Vast Brightness World. Once it began, it would only end when its target died.

If Black Turtle was killed by the heavens’ catastrophe…Thousand Saint’s heart shivered. The World of Darkness’ plan would be ruined. Even with his status, he would have to pay a high price.

But the question was, why was this happening?

The entire plan and the seals were made by him. He was also the one leading the transformation.

Everything had appeared to go smoothly without any problems, yet Black Turtle was not the target of the heavens’ catastrophe.


The third lightning!

“Thousand Saint!” Black Turtle screamed. The cracks on his body started to form more quickly. The regenerated flesh and blood was being turned to dust by the lightning.

His straight body curved and his surface flesh started to rot. His body was weak and the blood that gushed out turned black and gave off a foul smell.

At the same time, there was a seeping sound as dark energy left his body. It was dark energy that was being sucked away.

The rotten flesh around him turned into slime that kept bubbling. He looked like he had been thrown into a boiling pot.

The pain was indescribable.

Thousand Saint broke out into cold sweat and he shouted, “I got it, stop shouting! Let me think. There must have been a problem.”

Suddenly, he turned and shock filled his eyes as he looked at Hundred Saint and Qin Yu behind him.

His preparations had been flawless and the transformation had no problems. For such a major thing to have gone wrong, the greatest possibility was that there was sabotage…the two Darkness True Saints were the most suspicious.

At that point, before Thousand Saint spoke, Qin Yu scoffed. His cold voice carried a crushing pressure, “Thousand Saint, you should be wondering who among us sabotaged the plan. You planned it all and made sure your senses covered everything. If either of us made any move, you would have sensed it. Why are you showing that expression? Unless, were you planning on pushing the blame to us?”

Hundred Saint was already doubtful and angry at Thousand Saint. Thousand Saint had tormented him for a long time and he even called Hundred Saint to the East Sea. I thought you asked me out of goodwill and you wanted to share the opportunity.

However, it seems like you think my death was not pitiful enough. Are you trying to make me the scapegoat?

As for why Thousand Saint and Black Turtle were acting like this, Hundred Saint thought that it was the evil Thousand Saint trying to pull a trick!

Looking at Thousand Saint, Hundred Saint snickered, “Thousand Saint, I will report this to the World of Darkness.”

Thousand Saint was about to go mad!

Firstly, Qin Yu was right. Secondly, Hundred Saint’s threat was terrifying. It felt like he had jumped into a hell hole prepared for him.

Who? Who was it?

Suddenly, an image appeared in his mind. He was here but he did not show himself…

“It is Qin Yu, it must be him!” Thousand Saint screamed. “He is here, he is here!”

He guessed this. Qin Yu’s opinion of Thousand Saint changed. This person was quite smart.

Darkness covered him and he smirked coldly. The blood that he placed into the seal was from Black Turtle.

Not only that, he had killed thirty-six descendants of Black Turtle and he extracted something from their soul fragments.

Merging this item into the blood created a scary puppet. Stone Pagoda told him that this was probably called a Thirty-Six Soul Lock, with the target as Black Turtle.

The name was complicated and making the puppet was troublesome. However, the outcome was perfect. When the puppet entered the transformation, it was absorbed by the seal and it became the target of the heavens’ catastrophe. It replaced Thousand Saint’s markings and centered the heavens’ catastrophe onto Black Turtle.

If not for this, why would Qin Yu take the trouble to kill those descendants beforehand? He even had to aim for the perfect target of thirty-six men.

Thousand Saint made a right guess, but it was a pity there was no reward for him. Furthermore, Black Turtle was in no mood for his explanation.

Qin Yu did it? When did he do it? Obviously Thousand Saint controlled everything and he made an excuse at the end to escape blame. There was no such thing as that in this world!

More importantly, Black Turtle did not care who the culprit was. He only wanted to live.

Anyone who doesn’t want me to live, I will drag you to my death!

He was a rotten piece of flesh as he gave a low roar, “I don’t care about the reason. Thousand Saint, save me. I can’t die, I must live on!”

He paused and said each word from the depths of his throat. “If I can’t live, you will die with me!”

This was a surprise; the desperate Black Turtle had gone mad. His sense of reasoning was almost gone completely. Among his rotten flesh, a pair of eyes glared at Thousand Saint. He was not lying.

Hehe, the boat of friendship had flipped over completely.

“Stone Pagoda, can the Soul Lock Puppet be broken?”

Stone Pagoda replied, “Yes.”

“You are so calm in saying this. There must be prior preparations right?”

Stone Pagoda calmly answered, “It needs time. Even if a True Saint sought to find the core of the problem, he would at minimum require fifteen minutes.”

Qin Yu praised, “Good job.”

Not to mention fifteen minutes, with Black Turtle’s current state, the next few strikes from the lightning would be fatal.

Thousand Saint’s expression stiffened. He had not found the problem. Even if he found it, he might not be able to solve it immediately. Black Turtle…could not be saved.

How did things come to this?

Everything seemed to be under his control and he wanted to lure Qin Yu out. Together with Hundred and Ten Thousand Saint, they would crush Qin Yu to pieces.

Thousand Saint did not understand. However, his silence allowed Black Turtle to realize his fate.

He would die!

Actually, many years ago when he escaped the Lost Garden, Black Turtle had a feeling that he would not have a good ending.

His experience later on confirmed his intuition. Aside from the first few years, Black Turtle had entered a state of misery.

No one was willing to die. Furthermore, Black Turtle had been strong enough to be able to stand his ground against a True Saint.

The reason why he had never been able to become a True Saint was not that he was not qualified enough or his cultivation was lacking. The only reason why was that he came from the Lost Garden.

Black Turtle was not happy!

He had tried numerous methods but they all ended up in failure. Just as he was about to give up, the World of Darkness sought him out.

As mentioned many times before, the cruelest thing in the world was giving hope and taking that away eventually. It could tear apart anyone’s will and trigger anger and desolation!

This was Black Turtle right now.

“Thousand Saint, you can’t save me. You can’t!

“This is your fault. It is entirely your fault. You betrayed my trust!

“Die. I want you to die with me!”

Black Turtle’s rotten face turned scary.

Thousand Saint’s expression changed, “Black Turtle, don’t be mad. This has nothing to do with me!”

He was speaking the truth. However, no one was willing to listen to him.


Terrifying forces struck out and Thousand Saint was sent flying. Before he could catch his breath, his eyes filled with horror.

At this moment, the rotten Black Turtle rushed forth. His shell carried lightning and he raged, “Die! You will die with me!”

Mad, Black Turtle was completely mad!

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