Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1325 – Two For Two

Chapter 1325 – Two For Two

Chapter 1325 – Two For Two

The World of Darkness was like a dark shadow under the brilliant sun. It was not noticed by ordinary people and it was not a significant existence.

However, this only applied to ordinary cultivators.

The Half-Saints in the Sea of Bitterness may have known a rough outline, but they were not clear on the World of Darkness. Simply put, they knew that they should not make enemies with the World of Darkness but they did not know why.

True Saints knew about the World of Darkness in much greater depth. After all, with their status, Rulers needed to give them some form of respect.

For instance, there were only True Saints in the World of Darkness and there weren’t Half-Saints stuck in the Sea of Bitterness. Also, the number of Darkness True Saints was always evolving. Lastly, there was a leader of the Darkness True Saints in the World of Darkness. He was an individual akin to a Ruler. josei

The Ruler of the World of Darkness were not the same as the Rulers of the Vast Brightness World. However, he had a lot of power.

There was a simple reason for this. If the World of Darkness did not have a weapon that people could fear, would Vast Brightness World Rulers acknowledge its existence? How ignorant!

The Eye of Eternal Night was known as a secret weapon that only Darkness Rulers could use. It was the most powerful weapon in the World of Darkness! Rulers did not know much about the Eye of Eternal Night. However, there were a few rumors about it.

As mentioned, the World of Darkness seldom interfered with the Vast Brightness World. There were only a few conflicts before during a Dark Transformation.

Once, the Eye of Eternal Night was summoned to the Vast Brightness World. While no one knew of what exactly happened, three True Saints died then and a Ruler personally had to settle the dispute.

This was a secret of the Vast Brightness World. Not every True Saint knew about it and the Dragon Saint had only learnt about it by chance after paying a price to an old person.

As such, he could recognize that terrifying eye in the sky the instant he saw it. He quickly started to sweat nervously.

“Rulers did not explain the origin of the Eye of Eternal Night and no one in the Vast Brightness World knows about it. However, the indisputable fact is that if you see it, you have to run.”

These words were imparted to him personally by the old person back then. As such, he did not doubt it. His eyes widened and his breathing turned labored.

Why did the Eye of Eternal Night suddenly appear? Did it sense what Thousand Saint had done?

But that was not right. This was an internal matter of the World of Darkness. No matter who emerged as the victor, the World of Darkness would not have suffered too much.

Perhaps this could give birth to a strong True Saint who would be capable of great things?

Unless, things were not what he thought. The World of Darkness suffered greatly!

What exactly triggered the Eye of Eternal Night to come to the Vast Brightness World? Black Turtle was dead…this must be one of the reasons. The Darkness True Saint, Hundred Saint, did not seem like a very smart guy and it was highly probable that he would die.

The Dragon Saint’s thoughts ran wild and an idea suddenly came to his mind. It petrified him. Thousand Saint…did he die too? The World of Darkness was in deep trouble!

It had not obtained anything from this and three Darkness True Saints had died. Among them…two were seasoned True Saints. This was the only thing that could explain the World of Darkness’ madness. The Eye of Eternal Night must have descended because of this.

That’s right, this must be the case!

This also meant that Qin Yu succeeded. He really killed everyone and silenced them!


A strong wind blew through the ground and swept away all the black ice. In an instant, a large empty space appeared.

An invisible force seemed to cover it and water from the East Sea could not flow in. Everything in front of him was unveiled.

Thousand Saint’s neck was twisted in an awkward angle and he stared at the sky. His eyes were dark and he seemed to be looking at the Eye of Eternal Night…it was like the Eye of Eternal Night had entered the East Sea through his eyes.

Thousand Saint’s aura was gone but he smiled strangely. He seemed to have been happy right before he died, and this gave a chilling feeling.

In front of him…was Qin Yu!

The Dragon Saint’s breath stopped and there was only a single thought in his head. He had finally made a correct guess, but obviously, there was no reward for him.

He might even give up his life because of this.

It was evident that the three people, Black Turtle, Hundred Saint and Thousand Saint were all killed by a single pair of hands.

The Dragon Saint had to admit that Qin Yu was incredible…he was too incredible. Could he leave some leeway next time? Did he have to pull out every weed?

This was good, he lured out the Eye of Eternal Night and the Dragon Saint would be dragged to his death because of him.

Perhaps the Dragon Saint had been scared speechless because of what the old person said. He might also have been scared off from a single look at the Eye of Eternal Night. This was unbelievable.

A True Saint from the shore was a great lord in the Vast Brightness World. He was strong enough to break through the sky. However, compared to the Eye of Eternal Night, he was a tiny star in a whole galaxy.

However, a star was still a star and the light it gave off was far dimmer than the galaxy. The Dragon Saint could not help wondering if the Eye of Eternal Night was on the same level as a Ruler.

How was he going to defend himself? He was waiting for his death!

In fact, the feeling Qin Yu sensed now was far stronger than what the Dragon Saint sensed. This was because it felt like the Eye of Eternal Night in the sky had locked onto him from the moment it appeared.

A terrifying aura came from all directions and flooded him.

It was endless.

The strong destructive force seemed to have been summoned from the entire world and it concentrated on him.

The hopelessness and desolation was something that one would only be able to understand with a personal experience.

Qin Yu did not know that the dark eye in the sky was called the Eye of Eternal Night. He also did not know that it was known as a strong weapon among the top True Saints in the Vast Brightness World.

However, he knew that this eye was connected to the World of Darkness. Furthermore, it was very, very strong. Even at Qin Yu’s cultivation rank, he felt crushed.

Waiting for his death…

The moment this thought appeared in his mind, Qin Yu pushed it away and made sure to crush it to pieces.

He took a deep breath in and ignited the innate spirit energy hidden deep within his body.

He was not going to hold back and he would burn everything!

The innate spirit energy was the strongest hidden card that Qin Yu had. It was how he could enhance his combat strength and stand his ground against True Saints.

However, no matter how valuable something was, it was not more important than life. If he died, all of this would be meaningless.


He shouted and stomped down. A cracking sound came from his body and he felt like a balloon that was fully pumped up.

In that instant, he burst with power!

A hundred, thousand, ten thousand feet…

Soon, a scary giant that stood between the heaven and earth appeared. Its body was covered in black scales and the expression in its eyes screamed destruction. It looked at the Eye of Eternal Night and let out a roar!


A strong wave rolled out as it appeared beside the giant.

This was the top hunter from the abyss; the Abyssal Titan was here!

He raised his hand and a bright light shone. It was like he had picked out a sun in from his fingers.

This was roughly thirty percent of the innate spirit energy in Qin Yu’s body. It was also the limit of what he could control.

He had compressed it into a tiny ball and frightening forces continued to pour out from him.

Crack, crack!

The black scales around the Abyssal Titan’s hand cracked apart continuously and blood poured through. It evaporated into thin air very quickly.

As though it had sucked in the blood mist formed by his blood, the light ball slowly started to turn red.

Like a big sun of blood…it was fierce!

He would not wait for his death. Back then, Qin Yu was as weak as an ant but he dare to fight for his life. What about now?

The Eye of Eternal Night did not fumble and it seemed to disregard Qin Yu’s actions entirely. The frightening aura in the air continued to grow!

A low rumbling sound came from the Abyssal Titan’s massive body. He breathed in deeply and roared again. The innate spirit strength in his palm gave off a destructive aura.

It was out to kill!

Right at that moment, a figure shot into the sky and appeared in between the Abyssal Titan and the Eye of Eternal Night.

Ptui –

She spat out blood and her face was as pale as a sheet. Yet, she stood upright as her hands hung by her sides and she stared up at the Eye of Eternal Night in the sky.

It was Cang Zhu!

At that point, she gave off a terrifying aura that came from Black Turtle. She and Cang Hua had completely absorbed his strength.

In the end, the puppets that were a substitute had obtained everything!

Not only that, after Thousand Saint’s death, the remaining Darkness Origin was absorbed because of the Dark Transformation.

“Eye of Eternal Night, Cang Hua and I am willing to follow you back to the World of Darkness. Please take back your anger.”

Cang Zhu spat out blood continuously. Although she could now be regarded as a Darkness True Saint, under the assault of auras from the Abyssal Titan and the Eye of Eternal Night, she still suffered greatly.

The Eye of Eternal Night remained silent and the crushing pressure from it became stronger.

Cang Zhu cried, “Hundred Saint died. Qin Yu killed Thousand Saint and Black Turtle but he gave me and Cang Hua new lives!

“Two Darkness True Saints were killed but two new True Saints were born for the World of Darkness. This is an acceptable outcome! If you are not willing to let this go, I can only stand by Qin Yu and be your enemy. Please consider this!”

The Abyssal Titan roared, “Cang Zhu, go away!” As he glared at the Eye of Eternal Night, the violence in his eyes grew stronger, “This is the Vast Brightness World. Coming here takes a toll on you. I want to see if you can really give your all in your move!”

A cold voice came from the sky, “I will kill you. Even if a Ruler from the Vast Brightness World comes, I will not be stopped.”

It was calm, without any hesitation. Yet, there was great confidence in his tone.

Qin Yu’s heart clenched but he did not back down, “Then, please attack. Show me if you can kill me!”


A cold laughter emerged. Then, darkness enveloped Cang Zhu, Cang Hua and the petrified Hundred Saint, “Two True Saints killed and two True Saints returned. This matter will be settled for now…Qin Yu, I hope you will never appear in front of me again.”

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