Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1332 – The Spring Master Threw the Furnace into the Sea

Chapter 1332 – The Spring Master Threw the Furnace into the Sea

Chapter 1332 – The Spring Master Threw the Furnace into the Sea

Bidding goodbye to the dazed Dragon Saint, the Peach Garden master and disciple returned through the teleportation portal.

Everything was very smooth except that in the portal, Qin Yu could vaguely sense some unusual movements in the Spring Master’s aura.

It happened in a flash and Qin Yu could not determine if he had sensed wrongly. He looked at the Spring Master’s back as he thought but did not say anything.

He had gone to the East Sea to save someone, but it was also to hide his movements. So other than the Spring Master, no one else knew that Qin Yu was gone and had created such a big event in the East Sea.

To outsiders, Qin Yu was merely isolating to cultivate and required peace.

But on the third day after he returned to the Peach Garden, something big happened. The third disciple of the Peach Garden, White Phoenix, transcended the boundary and entered the Sea of Bitterness to become a Half-Saint.

It was the day that the accumulated Saint aura descended and the Peach Garden was filled with laughter and happiness. Everyone was happy to associate themselves with more power, and they quickly gave their congratulations as well as presents.

As subordinates of the Peach Garden, their benefits were associated with the Peach Garden. Although the Spring Master was extremely strong and he alone was sufficient to scare everyone, with White Phoenix becoming a Half-Saint, the Peach Garden grew stronger. It naturally gave all of the subordinates a greater guarantee.

Qin Yu…his speed of emergence was too quick. He was like the midday sun, shining so bright; it made it difficult for others to look at him.

No one was able to form connections with Mister Ninth fast enough and of course they felt reverence, apprehension, and insecurities at the same time. After all, with Mister Ninth’s current abilities, he was able to leave the Peach Garden and become independent.

Thankfully, he was known to be lovers with Peachy. Everyone knew this and all that was missing was the official process.

As for this, everyone secretly sighed and praised Spring Master for having a keen eye and being able to accurately pinpoint him. When the news of their engagement was first known, there were some who were dissatisfied. Now, they no longer dared to utter a single word against them.

With this engagement, even if Mister Ninth chose to leave and set up his own place, the Peach Garden was still untouchable.

With White Phoenix becoming a Half-Saint, the Peach Garden’s various disciples came to congratulate him. When Qin Yu gave him a blood-colored glass fragment, the whole atmosphere quietened slightly.

Back then, outside the Lost Garden, Qin Yu had joined hands with the Spring Master to massacre Saints and killed the Nether Saint. His Great Dao broke into fragments and was given to the Saint circle as compensation.

What Qin Yu took out today, although it was not the entire Great Dao fragment, it was at least thirty percent of it. It was extremely valuable.

To put into perspective, back then during the East Sea Banquet, some Half-Saints had actually tried to take the risk to kill Peachy just for a bit of the Scholartree Saint’s Great Dao.

There was nothing much to say in comparison.

White Phoenix was solemn as he took a deep breath, “I understand your intentions but junior brother, this gift is too much. I cannot accept it.”

Qin Yu waved, “It is not a secret what kind of situation I am in. Third apprentice brother, I am sure you know that the True Saint Great Dao does not have much use to me. When I took this, I intended to give it to the various senior brothers and sisters. Third apprentice brother, it was just a coincidence that you were the first to transcend.”

As he said this, he smiled and looked at the crowd, “Since I already said this, I will continue and say that I have two more True Saint Great Dao fragments. Let’s see which senior brother or sister will be the first.”

He sounded extremely impressive and generous. Elder apprentice brother smiled and spoke, “Junior-apprentice brother, after hearing you say this, I feel like I should isolate as well. Everyone wants such a good thing and it does not seem like it will wait!”

Everyone laughed and elder apprentice brother looked at White Phoenix, “You are lucky and you should not decline. Junior-apprentice brother is telling the truth. The True Saint Great Dao is collecting dust in his hands.”

Slightly hesitating, White Phoenix extended both hands to receive the gift. “Thank you junior-apprentice brother!” As the blood jade landed in his hands, his breath quickened as a his face flushed.

Was there anything better to Half-Saints than receiving such a big True Saint Great Dao fragment? Moreover, to a Half-Saint who had just transcended.

With his own personal experience, White Phoenix would tell you that there was nothing better! If not, why would the third disciple of the Peach Garden express such happiness in front of everyone?

He recalled how he had isolated himself and refused to participate in anything due to his initial thoughts. Now, as he looked at Qin Yu, who was smiling slightly, he felt guilty and that guilt soon turned into warmth and gratitude.

Second apprentice brother was moved, “Becoming a Half-Saint and getting a True Saint Great Dao fragment…if others hear about this, they will be extremely jealous.” He coughed lightly, “Junior-apprentice brother, with my current cultivation, I am afraid that I will not be able to break through again anytime soon. So I believe I won’t make it in time to receive another of these Great Dao fragments. I ask that you continue and get us more such good things. If not, when I break through and my gift differs too much, I won’t accept it.”

A burst of laughter erupted as everyone agreed with second apprentice brother. Seventh apprentice sister, who had a handsome face today, looked over with an expression that seemed to say she believed Qin Yu would satisfy all of them.

Qin Yu laughed bitterly saying they were too cruel and asking if he could take back his gift.

White Phoenix coughed lightly and put the Great Dao fragment away. With a serious face, he said that a gift that had been given was like water that had been poured. How could Mister Ninth of the Peach Garden do something like that?

They started a feast with everyone around one table.

The disciples of the Peach Garden chatted and drank merrily through the night.

As Qin Yu left third apprentice brother’s small residence with Lei Xiaoyu, she bugged Qin Yu and said that he had to give her something more previous that a True Saint Great Dao fragment when she entered the Sea of Bitterness. She nagged at him so much and only left when Qin Yu nodded.

Hoo –

Qin Yu let out a breath as he turned to look at White Phoenix’s residence. He smiled. He could tell that they were all joking. This close and comforting atmosphere made him feel comfortable.

The reason why Qin Yu was able to get along with the Peach Garden so quickly and why they acknowledged his position was probably because the Peach Garden was different.

But the truth was, there was someone missing today.

Peachy had instructed someone to give her gift, but she did not attend the banquet. Qin Yu could not help but worry about how she was.

Saying their hearts beat as one would not be appropriate but when Qin Yu reached his residence, there was a female servant waiting for him.

Peachy was asking him over.

This was just the second time they met after the East Sea banquet. Qin Yu felt somewhat assured that the situation with Peachy was stable. With his current cultivation, eye power and knowledge, Qin Yu was able to notice a lot of things when he met with Peachy.

Putting his hands together respectfully, he said, “Greetings fourth apprentice sister.”

Peachy nodded, “Junior-apprentice brother, please have a seat.” Alienated and indifferent, she gave off a cool feeling that seemed as if she held herself above others.

Qin Yu thanked her and sat down, “Fourth apprentice sister, is everything okay?”

Peachy replied, “Yes.” She was silent for a moment, “I asked you over today for a favor.”

Qin Yu continued, “Please continue.”

This time, her silence was longer. She looked slightly pained as she said slowly, “Father’s body is having some issues.”

Qin Yu’s heart clenched as he frowned, “Is it serious?”

Peachy nodded.

Alas, his feeling when they were teleporting was right. And when he was connecting with the Spring Master in the Red Peak Straits, he gave Qin Yu a sense of being in poor health.

He frowned harder.

The realm of True Saint lords was the highest realm just below Rulers and there were only a handful of them in the Vast Brightness World. They were immortal and lived forever.

With a realm like that, it was not a small issue if there was something wrong with their body.

Qin Yu was serious, “Fourth apprentice sister, don’t worry. If there is any chance, I will do my best to help Master recover.” He called the power of the innate spirit. It could do something magical and reverse life and death…maybe it would work.

He stood up and cupped his hands respectfully, “Since this is the case, I will go and visit Master.”

Peachy looked grateful as she bowed, “Thank you, junior-apprentice brother.”

Qin Yu arrived at the Spring Master’s residence. He did not need to wait and was immediately let in. This was the natural treatment he should receive with his cultivation realm now.

“Greetings, Master.”

The Spring Master was sitting at a round table and sipping tea. He waved his hand, “Please rise, come and have some tea.” The tea aroma wafted from the cup he freshly poured out.

Qin Yu sat. Hesitating slightly, he decided to be straightforward, “Master, I am here to present some of the power of the innate spirit to place in the Peach Garden’s storage. We don’t have to exchange anything. As it is precious, please use it in critical moments. I will have to trouble you with arranging for this.”

He then raised a hand and light shone from his palm. Little balls of energy from the innate spirit appeared and rushed to his five fingertips. josei

The Spring Master’s eyes flashed as he looked at Qin Yu before falling silent. He then spoke, “You just came from Peachy’s residence?”

Qin Yu nodded.

The Spring Master smiled and looked heartened. Warmth shone from his face. He looked at Qin Yu and shook his head, “This little girl never listens to me. I bet she has already told you. I had intended to tell you all after a while. Oh well…”

He lifted his hand to point, “Keep it. In the Vast Brightness World, only you possess the power of the innate spirit. It is an offense to give it freely. It is a pity that it is not able to help me.”

Qin Yu frowned, “Master, why don’t you try, maybe…”

The Spring Master cut him off, “With the innate spirit energy that you gave me previously, I already tried.” He did not say more, but the outcome was obvious.

Although he already had a bad feeling, hearing it made Qin Yu’s heart clench with a sense of sourness and heaviness. He frowned even more.


The Spring Master smiled, “Keep it, let me tell you something.” He waved his sleeve and there was a shift in the air, closing them off from the outside world.

After Qin Yu put away the power from the innate spirit, Spring Master narrowed his eyes, “My problem is an old debt. So I have to properly think about it. Let’s talk about your problem first.”

He looked at Qin Yu. “You are on the True Saint Path and the reason why you have a semi-finished Great Dao is because of the furnace right.” It was not a question but just a narration of facts. It was obvious he already had his answer.

Qin Yu nodded, “Yes, thank you Master for helping me hide this.”

The Spring Master laughed, “I bet when you found out the truth about the furnace you must have doubted how a True Saint could be so shameless and lie without blinking.”

Qin Yu wanted to smile but his heart felt heavy and he could only nod, expressing that this thought did indeed cross his mind.

The Spring Master shook his head as he lifted his hand to tap Qin Yu, “Your cultivation increased and I am sure you became less tactful. You actually admitted outright. But I can definitely accept your thanks. Not only for helping you hide the truth about the furnace but more importantly…I was the one who threw this furnace into the Endless Sea.”

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