Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1341 – Waiting for the Opportunity to Kill

Chapter 1341 – Waiting for the Opportunity to Kill

Chapter 1341 – Waiting for the Opportunity to Kill

It was him!

Qin Yu’s eyes flashed and he did not hesitate. He dashed forwards.

The distance was not far and with his current cultivation, he traversed in a few moments.

The air was filled with the scent of blood. A silhouette appeared in front of Qin Yu. The moment he saw the person, it was like the person sensed him too. The person turned abruptly and raised the sword in his hands, “Who is it!”

Woo –

An incredible murderous intent locked onto Qin Yu. If it detected anything wrong, it was as if it would emit a lightning strike. josei

Soaring Sky’s face was pale and his eyes dull. As he saw Qin Yu, he merely frowned slightly before turning indifferent.

This calmness was extremely precious. The more dangerous it was, the more one had to remain calm. If not, it would only make oneself even more exhausted and die faster.

At this moment, Qin Yu’s expression shifted slightly. He could sense some movements from the furnace, which had been silent…he focused on Soaring Sky.

He had something related to the inextinguishable flame on him!

Since that was the case, he did not need to hesitate. Qin Yu returned to his original self and spoke, “Soaring Sky, it has been a long time. Your cultivation has improved quite a bit.”

He was speaking the truth. Soaring Sky’s power had about doubled since they were in the Endless Sea. It felt like he would be able to surpass the realm he was currently in and enter the Sea of Bitterness to join the Saints very soon.

In the time when Qin Yu grew stronger, other people did not stop either and continued to improve. If not for the opportunity he had gotten in the Lost Garden, perhaps Soaring Sky would have caught up to him very soon…these talents that came from ordinary backgrounds were not to be messed with!

Soaring Sky frowned, “Qin…Mister Ninth, you are also in Bounded Zero Place?” As his gaze locked onto Qin Yu, he was initially shocked. But thereafter, his fear and caution remained.

Qin Yu very quickly guessed what he was thinking. Soaring Sky was very careful. But if it were anyone else and they suddenly met someone familiar in a place like Bounded Zero Place, they would not be able to trust easily. Even more when he was injured.

Coughing lightly, Qin Yu spoke, “Not long ago, I went to the East Sea and met a few people from the Transcendent Sword Sect. The one leading them was someone called Black Sword Fang Zhou. Do you know about this?”

Soaring Sky’s face softened as he put his hands together and greeted, “Mister Ninth, please forgive me. Bounded Zero Place is extremely dangerous and I previously met a strange creature that could transform and imitate humans. It was extremely difficult to see through it, and I suffered a lot…” As he reached this point, he paused for a while before suddenly speaking faster, “Back in the Endless Sea, I made an agreement with you.”

His eyes locked with Qin Yu’s.

“Sly Fate Clan…” Qin Yu’s mouth twitched. It seemed like Soaring Sky had really suffered a lot and was more careful than he thought. “I am not scared but if you still are not sure, you can finish saying it.”

Soaring Sky bowed, “Soaring Sky from the Transcendent Sword Sect. Greetings Mister Ninth from the Peach Garden. I was being cautious. If I have offended you, please forgive me.”

This brat was quick to apologize and was sincere.

Qin Yu had no time to be petty as he waved at him to stand. He thought about it, “Soaring Sky, I don’t want to waste time. Let me see your injury.”

Soaring Sky tore open the chest area of his clothes, exposing black flesh. The skin had torn and was extremely scary. Blood continued to seep out.

The furnace was startled.

Inextinguishable flame, this was damage caused by the inextinguishable flame!

Qin Yu’s eyes lit up as he felt a sense of happiness. To search far and wide only to find it easily…it probably referred to something like this.

“Who hurt you?”

Seeing Qin Yu’s happiness and urgency, Soaring Sky could not understand but he did not ask further. He lowered his voice, “I don’t know who it is. I merely accidentally saw a ball of dark red flame in his hand and then I was being hunted.”

He then pointed into the distance. In one of the neat cracks on the ground, there was a body. “That is one of the attackers. It seems like they are related to the World of Darkness.”

Just as he was speaking, the body on the ground suddenly disintegrated and turned into a dark aura before disappearing.

This was similar to how it looked when cultivators from the World of Darkness were killed. From the outside, they looked no different from living people. This was a mysterious technique.

Cultivators from the World of Darkness!

Qin Yu frowned slightly as he cursed at his luck. Coincidentally, he managed to meet Soaring Sky who had traces of the inextinguishable flame. But in the next moment, he was not able to avoid the World of Darkness.

When facing a group that did not die, even he found it difficult. He had to get the inextinguishable flame.

It not only concerned Qin Yu’s own increase in strength, it also concerned Peachy’s life and he could not make any mistakes. Although he knew now that he would be facing cultivators from the World of Darkness, he could only choose to take them head on. He could not run away.

He immediately decided his next course of action. Qin Yu started to think of what Soaring Sky said.

He was silent for a while before he pointed at the injury, “Was your injury caused by the person controlling the fire?”

Soaring Sky nodded, “When the person saw me, he was extremely angry. He did not give me any chance to explain before he brutally attacked me. I was not his match and could only try to get away. It seemed like it was not convenient for him to move around and I took the chance to run away using my sword intent.

“He could not chase after me and threw out a ball of flame, that’s what caused this injury…” As he spoke till here, despite Soaring Sky’s calm and powerful will, his pupils still shrunk and fear showed in them.

“Very strong and very scary! At that moment, I utilized a life-saving item that I had and managed to block that ball of fire. The injury that I got was just a slight exposure to a little bit of the fire. If not for it, I would have been reduced to ashes.”

Qin Yu frowned slightly, the inextinguishable flame was so powerful. With Soaring Sky’s current cultivation, he was not able to block it at all. If it were him, although he might be in a better position, he was not sure how it would affect him. If he could, he must remember to try to not face the inextinguishable flame directly.

Thinking about this, he continued to ask, “Soaring Sky, you said there was a cultivator from the World of Darkness who kept chasing you even after you escaped?”

Soaring Sky nodded, “Yes.” He looked down at the huge burnt injury, “It is not an accident. It has something to do with my injury. After I escaped, I kept trying to heal the part where I got burnt but I could not do it. It is as if something horrifying, causing the energy of the fire to remain, is embedded in me.

“I had tried cutting off the entire burnt part but there was no use. When the wound regrew, it immediately turned into this state once more.”

Qin Yu’s eyes flashed as he could not help but lick his lips. There were turbulent space waves in Bounded Zero Place and after stepping out of a world fragment, one could appear anywhere.

But according to Soaring Sky, there was an undeniable fact – the cultivator from the World of Darkness seems to have a way to cut through the turbulent space waves and could step through space. If not, they would not have been able to chase Soaring Sky.

Two difficult questions. It seemed like they could be solved together. Anyway, he had decided that he had no choice but to offend the World of Darkness…more accurately, Qin Yu had already offended them and if he could gain more from it, it would be better.

Dislike them. He had to dislike them!

It was obvious this had to be done.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Yu looked at Soaring Sky. He lifted one finger, “I can help you heal your injury. As repayment, you have to promise me not to tell anyone that you met me in Bounded Zero Place. Can you promise me?”

Soaring Sky did not hesitate as he bowed, “I swear if I ever tell anyone anything about meeting you, I will be looked down on by the heavens and will never gain a Great Dao!”

To a staunch cultivator with a bright future, this punishment was very heavy. Qin Yu smiled as he reached out, “It might hurt but don’t resist.”

Soaring Sky basically flew to Qin Yu. He closed his eyes and reduced his aura. It was simple. With Qin Yu’s current cultivation, if Qin Yu wanted to kill him, he would not have needed to go through all this trouble and could easily have done so.

Although Qin Yu knew what Soaring Sky would choose, he was still very satisfied with Soaring Sky’s behavior. Even though there were some things that may be clear, not everyone could accept it with such clarity and determination.

This was the difference between people.

Lifting his hand, he touched Soaring Sky’s chest. Soaring Sky’s chest was extremely hard and black like a block of rock. As if it had sensed Qin Yu’s touch, the horrifying burning aura appeared and moved into Qin Yu through his finger.

The burnt smell appeared immediately as Qin Yu’s finger turned black. He frowned slightly before becoming calm.

The black spot travelled from his finger to all over his palm and it continued to climb up Qin Yu’s arm. The black spot appeared on Qin Yu’s neck before it disappeared.

Feeling himself become better, Soaring Sky opened his eyes and looked at Qin Yu. His gaze changed, “Mister Ninth…”

Qin Yu cut him off, “Don’t worry, I am not so benevolent as to sacrifice myself to save you. Since I dare to transfer the power from the fire to my body, I have a way to deal with it. You don’t have to bother.”

He paused before continuing, “One last thing, give me one of your sword intents and then leave…and remember what you promised me about not telling anyone what happened today.”

Soaring Sky let out a sword intent through his finger. After sealing it, it turned into an illusion of a sword. With two hands, he gave it to Qin Yu, “Thank you Mister Ninth for saving me. If I have a chance in the future, I will definitely repay you!”

As soon as he finished, he did not hesitate as he flew away.

Woosh –

Turbulent space waves appeared and swallowed Soaring Sky.

Sss –

With him gone, Qin Yu no longer needed to hold back as he sucked in a cold breath. His face turned white. The power of the inextinguishable flame. It was scarier than he had thought. With just a bit of the flame in his body, it felt like he had placed his entire arm in a furnace to burn.

The feeling was extremely horrible!

But it was okay, everything would be worth it. Now that he had absorbed the inextinguishable flame, he replaced Soaring Sky.

Let it hurt!

His eyes glowed and Qin Yu transformed his appearance into Soaring Sky’s. He placed the sword intent he had just received into his body and for a moment, he was invulnerable.

Everything was ready. Now, all he needed to do was wait. He would wait until the cultivators from the World of Darkness came to offer their heads!

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