Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1371 – This Man is Mine

Chapter 1371 – This Man is Mine

Chapter 1371 – This Man is Mine


Danger was closing on him but there was nothing he could do. He did not even know what the source of the danger was. Qin Yu could tell based on his experience that this was not a nice feeling. It felt like many thorns were sticking into his body and it was unsettling.



Right now.

Qin Yu suddenly turned around with bright eyes. He glared at a certain point in space. Which Saint was it?


The air exploded and a figure walked out. At first this figure was blurry, but her outline slowly became clearer.

Qin Yu’s eyes widened and he said in a low voice, “Senior sister Peachy…” However, he immediately sensed that the woman opposite him was not Peachy. Not only because of her aura, but because her mannerisms were also different.

She was not Peachy but she looked identical to Peachy. Another person might mistake them for each other, but Qin Yu would not.

Ning Ling was like that too!

Was it another Soul Seed Avatar of Peachy? This did not seem right too. If it was a Soul Seed Avatar, how could she be so strong?

Using his sensory abilities, Qin Yu could confirm that this woman was a real Vast Brightness World True Saint!

What was going on? Did the Spring Master and Peachy know about this woman? More importantly, Qin Yu was concerned about whether this woman would be a danger to Peachy.

It was obvious why Qin Yu thought this way. If the avatar was stronger than the original, would the avatar still be willing to be a medium whose consciousness could be taken over by the original at any time?

Soft Peach’s eyes brightened. When she caught sight of Qin Yu, her heart pumped fiercely. It was almost like she could not control it.

This feeling…he knew Peachy and they were close. His eyes showed surprise and wariness.

Was he worried for Peachy’s safety?

Soft Peach smirked slightly. She could not put a word on her feelings but she was definitely not happy. If she was not happy, then she was angry. Look, you made me angry so you should pay for it.

I will have to make you pay!

Soft Peach pressed her hand forward. Her five slender fingers curled slightly then she tightened them into a first all of a sudden.

Qin Yu’s expression fell. This woman attacked him without a word.

Additionally, this attack from her…it held a terrifying rule-based force that was very condensed. Rules gathered in her fingers and formed chains that shrunk and tangled internally.

This was Bounded Zero Place and a Ruler died here before. This caused the small world to break into fragments. Rules here were broken and because of that, Great Dao was also useless. This place was where many True Saints perished.

However, this woman could control the broken rules here and she had terrifying strength. If she was in the outside world, how strong would she be?

However, Qin Yu was not afraid despite the rules being suppressed. His physical body was now a Rule System Body and he also had endless rules of the heavens and earth in him.

If Soft Peach’s five finger grasp that caused the space to be strangled was an iron lock, then Qin Yu’s Rule System Body was a key that could change into a million forms. He could unlock her attack every time.

This metaphor might not be very appropriate but the implied meaning was that Soft Peach’s rule suppression was ineffective against Qin Yu.

Of course, this was not a guarantee. If Soft Peach’s rule suppression was insanely strong, she would not even give him a chance to unlock her attack and he would be killed directly.

Soft Peach was strong, but she was not crazily strong.

As such, Qin Yu scoffed coldly. His body shivered and the rule suppression crumbled apart. He stared at Soft Peach and yelled, “Young lady, we do not have anything against each other. Aren’t you being too excessive by trying to kill me the first time we meet?”

Soft Peach did not show the slightest reaction to Qin Yu. Her eyes that stared at him suddenly turned silvery white. At the same time, another pupil formed deep within her eyes. With the overlapping pupils and her silvery white eyes, she appeared very strange.

“Double Pupil User!” Stone Pagoda shouted, “Master, be careful!”

Qin Yu did not need Stone Pagoda’s warning. He could already feel the terrifying aura. Suddenly, a cold, powerful aura entered him and locked his soul.

At the next moment, this soul locking power started to vibrate violently like a disc. Explosive sounds formed in Qin Yu’s soul.

Anyone who was continuously attacked would be furious. This was Qin Yu now. His eyes turned cold and a killing intent surged in his chest. He had been worried that this woman would be a threat to Peachy and she might harm Ning Ling later on. He might as well take this chance to crush her. Perhaps capturing this woman would be a help to Peachy.

Qin Yu was not mad and he knew that this woman was a real Vast Brightness World True Saint. He knew how powerful she was, but he still wanted to crush her. Yet, this was Bounded Zero Place. He could beat True Saints easily here. No matter how strong she was, he still had a chance.

He was fearless despite the fact that his soul was being suppressed.

Qin Yu devoured the innate spirit energy and successfully strengthened the Rule System Body. Using its power to nourish his soul, coupled with the aid of the Sunmoon Force Field, he was not weaker than a True Saint based on soul strength alone.

Oh…saying it in this way, he was being a bully. After all, his opponent was a True Saint. Shouldn’t he give her some face?

However, Qin Yu soon realized that he had underestimated this woman.

It was true that he was not afraid of the suppression of his soul. However, there was a cold force that rushed into him during this process.

It was so cold it felt like he was being thrown into the arctic ocean.

His soul felt like it had been frozen. Because of that, his consciousness and mental strength slowed down considerably.

Stone Pagoda sighed lightly, “Master, note that this woman is a Double Pupil User. She is a unique individual with a powerful soul. She also uses a strange technique, you must be careful.”

The moment he said this, another cold force appeared again. Qin Yu coughed lightly and his face turned pale. The soul suppression strength was like a bubble. With a ‘pop’, it disappeared.

Soft Peach jumped in shock and she stared at Qin Yu. Evidently, she never expected that he would be able to break through her soul suppression. However, she quickly attacked again.


He stomped down heavily and the earth below her shook violently. Dust flew into the air as Qin Yu shot forward like a bolt of lightning. The strong winds blew his hair aside, revealing his icy cold expression.

This was not what he typically did. Regardless of who this woman was, since she attacked to kill him, he would bring her down first and interrogate her later.

The two of them were a short distance apart. With Qin Yu’s current strength, he closed down the distance in the blink of an eye.

The woman did not seem to have recovered from her previous shock and she stood frozen despite Qin Yu closing down on her.

Women were typically doted upon by men. Under normal circumstances, this was the case. However, the current scene did not allow for it. As such, Qin Yu did not feel any hesitation when he attacked.

He raised a hand and pressed it forward!

His target was her chest.

She could be easily killed if he aimed for her head or neck because of how strong his attack was.

But targeting her limbs would not cause enough damage and hence, the chest was the best choice. He could injure her without killing her.

However, the moment he made the attack, Qin Yu suddenly felt that his target was not very appropriate. This woman was exactly the same as Peachy. Not just by looks, she took after Peachy’s figure as well.

Peachy had a prominent chest…when Qin Yu threw his punch out, the depth of killing intent behind it seemed inappropriate.

However, he could not take back what he threw out. Against a True Saint, there was no time for regret. Furthermore, this woman had tried to kill him twice. Was it wrong for him to aim at her chest?

Soft Peach’s eyes held a hint of playfulness as she looked at the approaching attack. She did not seem to have any intention of avoiding it. In the next instant, a hollow ‘boom’ sounded.

Qin Yu inhaled sharply and his face turned pale. Black dots appeared in his vision and his expression turned into one of rage.

What happened? This powerful blow he threw out ended up being targeted at himself!

Qin Yu frowned. At some point in time, the woman had caught his hand. She smiled, “Is it painful?”

The first time he heard her speak, he felt blissful from her voice. Oh…if only he could hear it again.

Damn it, why did he have such thoughts now?

Qin Yu gritted his teeth and retracted his hand sharply. The woman gripped her fingers tighter and her razor sharp fingernails dug into his skin.

His exposed flesh suddenly shriveled up and turned dry. The blood that seeped out turned black and also gave off a rotten smell.


Qin Yu’s expression darkened again and surprise and anger was in his eyes as he glared at Soft Peach. Inevitably, there was a slight panic in his eyes.

It was at this moment that he realized he had been tricked!

Qin Yu stomped down and retreated backward!

Soft Peach chuckled, “Where do you think you can run off to having been poisoned by me?” As she spoke, she chased after him.

She was fast too. Even though Qin Yu quickened his pace several times, he could not shake her off.

As time passed, the flesh around his wound started to rot and the poison spread through him. The texture of his skin was like a dried branch and his blood turned black. A pungent smell filled the air and he felt weak.

Soft Peach suddenly sighed. She straightened herself and accelerated. In an instant, she was right behind Qin Yu, “Forget it. Killing you…” Before she finished, an explosion boomed and she was thrown backward heavily.

This time, the one who took a beating was her!

Qin Yu took a long deep breath. As expected, there was a limit to that weird, transformative target attack. This was only right. Otherwise, it would not be possible for that woman to be harmed even if she just stood still in battle.

She took a few tumbles and landed on the ground violently. The ground beneath her collapsed and she fell deeper into the earth.

Soft Peach rubbed her chest and a few waves of shock wrafted off of her. She coughed lightly and her face was pale. “In the end, I was hit. As the first person to touch my chest, how did it feel?”

Qin Yu was taken aback by her words. What was wrong with her?

The woman was not angry at all and she even seemed happy. Was she mad?

Then again, he had struck at her chest a second time. It was just a coincidence. He had been focused on striking her; what else would he bother with.

Qin Yu did not reply to her. Soft Peach jumped out from the earth and she pouted unhappily, “Hey, this is too much!”

She asked him kindly what her chest felt like but he remained silent…cough cough. This was offensive.

Qin Yu sighed deeply, “Who are you, and what do you want?”

She had been determined to kill him, but after a sudden attack, she suddenly became chatty. How could anyone accept this?

Soft Peach smiled, “I am Soft Peach. Remember this name and don’t forget it!” She stared at Qin Yu and her smile turned brighter. “As for what I want…would you believe it if I told you I wanted to test you?”

Qin Yu remained expressionless. Only a fool would believe you! Soft Peach was not angry that Qin Yu remained silent. Instead, she chuckled and teased, “Hey, you are not poisoned right? Let me see your wound. As long as you cooperate, I will tell you what you want to know. I always stay true to my words.”

Qin Yu frowned and contemplated her offer.

The cracking and dry skin had recovered completely. Aside from a few streaks of white, there was no evidence that there was a wound there previously. The Rule System Body was incredible!

Soft Peach looked at it carefully. She spat and muttered, “Destiny, this is destiny.” He observed her. She did not seem to be disappointed at all. On the contrary, she looked excited.

Qin Yu sighed; he was in no mood to deal with her craziness. “You can tell me now.”

Soft Peach blinked in confusion, “What?”

He remained speechless.

I knew I could not believe you!

“Ha ha ha, I am teasing you. I really stick to my words.” Soft Peach smiled gleefully at Qin Yu and her demeanor was completely different from when she wanted to kill him just now. “I am going to say. It is very important, you should listen carefully.”

Sighing deeply, Soft Peach stretched herself and raised her chest. She pointed a finger and said, “I, Soft Peach, want to be your woman!”

This woman was mad.

Qin Yu raised his hand and rubbed his forehead with much difficulty. He had seen strange people, but she was the most extreme.

He came to this conclusion because he could see how serious she was. Just a second ago, she was determined to kill him. Now, she said such words. She was insane.

Women were a very difficult species to deal with. If they were insane too, there was no way to handle them.

Soft Peach obviously had very good empathy and she noticed the slight change in Qin Yu’s expression. She could guess what he was thinking and she said, “Firstly, I am not mad and I am very clear-headed. Secondly, you did not hear wrongly. I want to be your woman. Or in another way of speaking, I want you to be my man.”

Her guard was down and she was still happy despite being attacked. Aside from her pale face, nothing seemed wrong with her.

This mad woman was stronger than Qin Yu thought. Even if he attacked her at full force, he might not be able to handle her. Furthermore, she was a little crazy and attacking her under such circumstances was not wise.

Then he ought to change his method. If he could not enrage her, should he avoid her? He sighed deeply, “Miss Soft Peach. Let’s just treat this as a misunderstanding. Goodbye!” He turned and left.

Soft Peach called after him, “You know very well that if I chase you, you will not be able to run away…so accept this fate. I am destined to be your woman.”

Qin Yu’s lips twitched and he turned to look at her. Her face was very attractive and he was reluctant to give her a beating. Didn’t she know that he had expended a lot of effort to instigate a fight between the West Desolate and the Mysterious Clan? Who would be in the mood to waste time with her?

His expression darkened and he frowned, “Miss Soft Peach, what do you want?”

“I want to be your woman!” She uttered without hesitation.

Qin Yu facepalmed himself, “Stop it! I have something very important to attend to and I don’t have time to waste. What do you want?”

Soft Peach blinked her eyes continuously. First, she made a little “Oh,” sound. Then, she came to a realization, “Oh you have something urgent to rush to, but I am free.”

Her large eyes twinkled while he narrowed his eyes. There was a long moment of silence.

After a while, Qin Yu frowned deeply. A cold aura surrounded him as he flew away. Soft Peach followed behind him closely.

Although this woman swore that she would not say anything, he could not be at ease with her. She told him to regard her as invisible.

Why did he have to meet this devil? He could not beat her nor could he shake her off. Unless he gave up on his current issue, he would not be able to hide it from her.

Ah, how annoying!

As he thought of this, Qin Yu’s face darkened again and the aura around him turned gloomier.

Soft Peach observed his side profile. Suddenly, her heartbeat sped up and her face turned red. She wanted to scream, “How handsome!”

Mine, this man is mine!

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