Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1421 – The Warning With Saint Slaying

Chapter 1421 – The Warning With Saint Slaying

Chapter 1421 – The Warning With Saint Slaying

Lin Saint’s eyes narrowed drastically and his expression started to falter. He was not a timid person who would be scared by a single sentence from Qin Yu. At this time a palm print attack came from the broken space. The surface of the palm print shone brightly with light and it looked like a jade.

The attack seemed to ignore Lin Saint’s aura entirely and as it landed on his chest, a violent wave of destruction surged through. Instantly, his chest collapsed inwards. Although there was no sound, it was obvious that many of his bones had been broken. Blood gushed up and poured out from his nose and mouth.

This was the ninth disciple of the Peach Garden, Qin Yu.

Lin Saint finally understood the source of the uneasiness he felt after he heard Qin Yu’s words and he took a hit. The first thought that popped into his mind was that the Peach Garden purposely tricked him. I must have been their target from the start!

The misjudgment of the barrier around the Peach Garden was the first step. Next, elder apprentice brother breaking through two realms surprised him. This was the third surprise.

With the power that one in the darkness had, if he locked onto the Peach Garden, he would have sensed any change in the atmosphere. He would not have missed Qin Yu’s arrival. Despite that, Lin Saint was ambushed and did not receive any warning beforehand.

He could tolerate the first and the second, but definitely not the third…there was something wrong here. They wanted to kill him using the Peach Garden!

As soon as this thought formed, Lin Saint’s heart clenched and he trembled in fear. He knew who his opponent was. After he was forced backward from such a huge force, Lin Saint tried to flee as his mouth continued to drip with blood.

The primary reason that drove Lin Saint to make this decision was the betrayal from ‘them’. Even if he was a True Saint from the shore – one of the most powerful ranks in this world – there was no guarantee that he would be able to take them on.

The next reason was because of Qin Yu. From a single strike, Lin Saint could sense his overwhelming power.

The news that Qin Yu allied with the Spring Master to kill the Nether Saint was well known and because of that incident, Qin Yu became recognized as an individual as powerful as a True Saint. However, among the Saint circle, most True Saints gave the credit to the Spring Master. They acknowledged that Qin Yu was strong, but this was to a limited extent.

Not everyone was like the Dragon Saint of the East Sea who could recognize Qin Yu’s powers.

Lin Saint realized his mistake in underestimating Qin Yu. However, he would soon come to see that his mistake was far worse than what he imagined.

If a True Saint from the shore became determined to run and escape, there was a high possibility that he would achieve this despite being surrounded by many other opponents of the same rank. At most he would pay a price, but he would be able to escape successfully.

Only if a Ruler interfered and sealed a portion of the world to block off his escape path would he struggle.

Qin Yu was no Ruler but he had a way to stop Lin Saint from escaping.

Lin Saint’s expression turned into one of shock as Qin Yu suddenly appeared beside him.

There had been no warning of this and even if his senses were exceptionally strong, Lin Saint was not certain he would have sensed the change in aura.

What trick did he use?

The answer was Soul Hiding!

This was one of the skills that he learned among the five legacy Divine Ways of the Ruler. The Ruler’s avatar had warned him of the dangers of learning the five ways but facts had proven that the Ruler’s avatar was a liar. Her words could not be trusted.

Anyway, even if she was speaking the truth, this was something that Qin Yu would deal with in the future. He would not abandon what he painstakingly obtained just because of her warnings. After all, the Divine Ways were evidently very powerful and strong.

Soul Hiding was a method where the user stored his own divine sense. Using the body as a furnace to continuously refine the energy, he could improve the strength of this skill continuously.

However, the artifacts from a Ruler were unordinary and Soul Hiding was not just this. There was a hidden layer within it that could achieve resonance with it. This was called Body Hiding!

Using divine sense as a lure, once he set his target, he could stick onto its aura and float along with it as an invisible being. With this, he could quietly escape from danger without being noticed!

This was somewhat similar to Shield Guard. Qin Yu did not know much at his current cultivation realm but when the five Divine Ways were connected as a body, it would give rise to more enhanced senses for him. The five Divine Ways were not separate entities as there were connections between each of them and they complemented each other.

This was not the point. Qin Yu knew the answer but he would not tell Lin Saint how he did it. More importantly, he would not tell Lin Saint that his split second decision upon arriving here was that he would not let Lin Saint off. He would crush him to pieces!

Qin Yu’s body was as sturdy as a jade piece. The light that reflected off him gave him an ancient feeling.

Lin Saint was already injured. When he saw Qin Yu punch, he did not hesitate to dodge the attack.

Right at this moment, he found that the space around him was very viscous. There was a huge pressure on him and he could not avoid the attack.

The punch drew nearer and Lin Saint cried in fear. He made some hand motions and a ‘boom’ sounded like a clock that chimed. A large clock shadow appeared above his head and covered him.

Qin Yu’s blow fell onto the clock shadow and the thing jerked and shook violently. Numerous invisible shock waves drifted inwards and horror filled Lin Saint. There was fear in his eyes.

A shield as strong as jade was still a furnace that refined energy…this must be the reason why Qin Yu’s body appeared to be jade when he attacked.

He had used Shield Guard to prevent Lin Saint from escaping easily.

The word ‘guard’ used to describe the skill was not very appropriate. Here, Qin Yu used its ability in reverse and he pulled Lin Saint into his divine sense. Because Lin Saint was not the owner of the divine sense, he felt the resistance from it when he was being ‘protected’.

Of course, there was a huge limitation to using the skill in this way. Qin Yu had to be close enough to his target in order to suck them in successfully. Otherwise, with the sharp senses of a Saint, it would be easy for them to detect and avoid it.

It was only effective because it was used with Soul Hiding. This was how Lin Saint fell into his trap.

“You can’t escape.” Qin Yu coldly uttered. Lin Saint’s heart clenched as Qin Yu threw another punch…the Royal Attack seemed like a simple skill, but when Qin Yu used it, his body took on a jade-like appearance. Mysterious and powerful energy gathered in him.

He had turned something complex into a much simpler form. Every punch was overpowering and Lin Saint could feel it with every inch of his body.

Bam –

The clock shadow shook violently. It was an illusion but it was forcefully being fed more power.

The result of this was that the middle of the clock shadow grew tougher. Once it became fully solid, it would be difficult for it to sustain another blow.

Crack crack –

As the cracking sounds came, Lin Saint’s expression fell. He knew that he had underestimated Qin Yu but he never expected that the ninth disciple of the Peach Garden would be able to utilize such strange techniques. As a True Saint from the shore, he was being fully suppressed and he had no way to escape.

Boom –

When the third blow came, the clock shadow started to crack apart. Lin Saint spat out blood again and his eyes quavered in fear. He had never imagined that he would end up in such a pathetic scenario when he was not even facing a Ruler.

“Zhou Saint! If you don’t step in, the two of us are going to die today!”

His scream rang through the Peach Garden. Right then, Zhou Saint appeared with a pale face. Even if he could dodge the blow from the Spring Master’s Great Dao, he had to pay a huge price. Lin Saint must have known this too.

Were these two people connected? Or was there another secret behind this?

Zhou Saint’s expression hardened and his eyes brightened. In a flash, his body shot towards Peachy, not Qin Yu.

Target the opponent’s weakness to save his ally…this could describe his plan. However, he already noticed Qin Yu’s attention on him.

“Brother Qin!” Lei Xiaoyu screamed. Her eyes were filled with glee, surprise, but also fear.

Lin Saint sighed deeply as he stared at Qin Yu. As long as Qin Yu saved Peachy, Lin Saint had a chance to run!


Qin Yu snapped his fingers and Zhou Saint’s expression suddenly changed. He threw his head upwards and roared. Waves of dark energy burst forth and numerous shadows screamed from within as they bit through the empty space.

Very quickly, Zhou Saint’s expression turned uglier. His body was bound by an invisible force and it was pulling him towards Qin Yu.

“Did you think I did not notice you?” Qin Yu scoffed. He clapped his hands together and the two balls of Shield Guard force merged together.

Not only was it a defensive shield, it could be placed upon another person.

Qin Yu created a Shield Guard around Peachy and Lei Xiaoyu beforehand. Hence, he was simply waiting for Zhou Saint to fall right into his trap.

If it was just him, it would be very hard to bind both Saints here.

This was his plan – to make sure that Zhou Saint noticed his particular concern with Peachy’s safety.

If he had not done this, the two Ghost Path True Saints would not have fallen for his trick so easily.

Lin Saint and Zhou Saint were fuming with rage. By this point, they realized that Qin Yu had set traps for them beforehand.

How dare he take on two True Saints by himself? Outrageous!

“Let’s work together and kill him!” With that shout, the two True Saints attacked him simultaneously.

After seeing Qin Yu’s strange techniques, neither of them had the confidence to take him on alone. However, with their combined force, they might be able to take him down.

More importantly, the circumstances were clear. Qin Yu would not let them off and hence they had to fight back.

If they killed him, everything would return to what they planned…perhaps, this was ‘their’ arrangement or it might have been ‘their’ choice.

Who the final victor from the battle between them and Qin Yu would be was not known. But whoever it was, ‘they’ would receive benefits.

Lin Saint and Zhou Saint exchanged looks. They were thinking about the same thing. josei

Qin Yu definitely did not know what the two Saints were thinking, but this did not concern him.

Dead men did not need to give explanations.

He was going to kill them and this was not just because of the harm they did to the Peach Garden. There was a more important reason.

The Vast Brightness World was going through a huge change and Qin Yu wanted to use this bloodbath to warn others. This would ensure the Peach Garden would be safe.

The death of two True Saints from the shore would be enough to achieve this!

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