Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1452 – Ten True Saints Descending

Chapter 1452 – Ten True Saints Descending

Chapter 1452 – Ten True Saints Descending

In this place, True Saints could sense even the smallest changes in the air. Without any form of concealment, Qin Yu brazenly barged in. With a ‘pu-tong’ sound, a huge splash was created. Somewhere deep in Dragon Abyss Town, Flood Dragon Saint’s two eyes widened, full of radiance.

With a cold scoff, Flood Dragon Saint got up and with one step forward, he disappeared and reappeared in front of Qin Yu. His fierce eyes that had a strong suppressing aura looked straight at Qin Yu. His eyebrows were furrowed.

“Qin Yu from the Peach Garden?”

“That’s right.”

Flood Dragon Saint frowned even more. “I seem to have no relationship or connections with the Peach Garden whatsoever.”

Qin Yu gave him a sideways look, “You’re with the Dusk Order.”

Suddenly, the atmosphere became tense. Invisible pressure was released, causing the air to become thick and making it difficult to breathe.

Flood Dragon Saint had a cold look in his eyes. “What do you want?”

“To kill you.”

Flood Dragon Saint laughed loudly, “Such arrogance from the ninth disciple of the Peach Garden! Even if you managed to kill Zhou and Lin Saint all by yourself, do you really think that I would allow you to do as you wish here?”

Qin Yu raised his arms and took the offensive, “You’ll know the answer once you try.”

“You’re asking for death!” Flood Dragon Saint bellowed as he made his move too.

Hong –

The whole of Dragon Abyss Town shook. A terrifying aura was released from all directions like a huge tsunami.

Flood Dragon Saint’s subordinates, who were the closest to the action, did not even manage to utter a word before they were torn into pieces by the sheer pressure that was being released.

Those that were slightly further away paled instantly and scrambled in all directions, trying to escape.

With their levels of cultivation, there was only one possible outcome for them if they were to be in the presence of True Saints trying to kill each other – death.

Ka-cha –

Ka-cha –

Cracks started forming from the center of Dragon Abyss Town, spreading outwards in all directions.

This caused many flood dragons who had come to watch to suddenly look fearful.

Flood Dragon Saint was very powerful and was one of the peak True Saints, it was no wonder that he was recruited by the Dusk Order to become one of its members. Of course, even if this was the case, given Qin Yu’s current abilities, killing this Flood Dragon Saint was not too difficult of a task to complete.

However, if Qin Yu really killed him just like that, how was Flood Dragon Saint going to call for backup? It would affect Qin Yu’s later plans if Flood Dragon Saint’s backup did not arrive. That was why Qin Yu had to create an image of an enormous battle ensuing. If it were not for his plans, he would not have to create such a huge disturbance.

Making a few calculations in his head, Qin Yu had already given enough time. If Flood Dragon Saint had some sense, he would already have relayed a message calling for help.

The killing intent in Qin Yu’s eyes exploded, and suddenly, in this deep corner of Dragon Abyss Town that was shaking violently, Flood Dragon Saint’s loud screaming rang out. “You were hiding your true powers…no–!” josei

His scream was cut off abruptly, and a huge dragon head flew towards the sky, blood spewing from where it had been severed.

Whoosh –

A Flood Dragon illusion flew out from the corpse and looked at Qin Yu with bitter resentment before turning to escape. However, the illusion suddenly bellowed in agony as his soul exploded, causing him to curl up in pain, unable to escape.

In a low voice, Qin Yu said, “This flood dragon is my offering to you, please accept it.” Then, he activated the contract’s energy from within his body.

In the next moment, a soft sigh could be heard, sounding slightly helpless, “Oh, Qin Yu, why are you always in a hurry to do things. I told you many times that this was not urgent.”

Qin Yu turned and was surprised to see that pair of pretty eyes. “I did not wish to rush this either, but there are only a few days left before the agreement expires. I want to clear my debts as soon as possible.”

The other party blinked a few times and gave a look of admiration, not at all embarrassed from being exposed. “It seems that that pagoda knows more than I give it credit for. It’s too cute.” Looking at Qin Yu and seeing that he was silent and not giving any reaction at all, it continued, “This is a very pleasant offering. I’ll accept this then.”

The flood dragon’s soul that was still curled up in pain was now shocked. It was as if he had been frozen, unable to move at all.

Then, the flood dragon’s soul and body, and even the blood that had spewed out, rapidly disappeared into thin air. Very quickly, nothing was left behind. A flood dragon that was a peak-level True Saint was cleanly ‘erased’ just like that.

Qin Yu suddenly said, “Strong mysterious being from space time, back then in the World of Darkness, you helped me. I have always remembered it. I’m going to kill a few more people, who I’ll also give to you to reciprocate the kindness you’ve shown me.”

The pretty eyes stared straight at Qin Yu and smiled mysteriously. Seeming to be thinking about something, that being replied, “Sure.”

Qin Yu was slightly apprehensive. At first, he did not think his attempt would be successful. Surprisingly, the mysterious being had agreed so easily.

However, at this juncture, he did not have much time to ponder the situation. After making sure there were no dangers around him, he took on the appearance of a flood dragon.

Since the Dusk Order wanted to take the opportunity to gain more power while the Vast Brightness World was in turmoil, it would definitely have a large number of members. Just killing Flood Dragon Saint was not big enough of a disturbance.

Furthermore, from the beginning, Qin Yu’s targets were not these True Saints…otherwise, why would he have to make so many preparations?

‘Pale’ and ‘weak’, Qin Yu disguised himself as Flood Dragon Saint and roared angrily, “Where did everyone go?! Come back now!”

That pair of pretty eyes floated quietly at the side and watched Qin Yu. They shone and showed a huge interest in what he was doing.

The entire place was in ruins, and outside of Dragon Abyss Town, there were many dragons that had fled here to escape from the fierce battle between Qin Yu and Flood Dragon Saint. After hearing their elder’s roar, many of them widened their eyes and looked extremely relieved and happy. Old Ancestor was fine!

Xiu –

Xiu –

The flood dragons flew back into Dragon Abyss Town one after another and reached the battleground quickly where they saw their ‘Flood Dragon Saint’ sitting on the ground.

“Old Ancestor, the enemy, he…” One flood dragon said hesitantly.

‘Flood Dragon Saint’s’ face instantly turned green and he replied coldly, “He’s lucky to have escaped, but I know who the enemy is. I will settle the score with him later on.”

At this moment, ‘Flood Dragon Saint’s’ expression changed slightly, as if he had sensed something was amiss. He waved his hand, “All of you may leave, go somewhere further away!”

The flood dragons were not willing to disobey his orders, so they quickly turned around to leave.

When everyone had left, ‘Flood Dragon Saint’ laughed coldly. “You’re only arriving now? If it weren’t for my luck, I would have been killed already!”

The air vibrated and a figure walked out. His whole body was wrapped in black robes as he replied in a low voice, “Where is Qin Yu now?”

‘Flood Dragon Saint’ replied blandly, “How would I know? We exchanged a few moves before he suddenly escaped…”

Then, ‘Flood Dragon Saint’ started to cough violently and his face reddened with anger. He then coughed out blood and his body twitched.

The black-robed man asked, “Flood Dragon Saint, what’s wrong with you?”

“Save…save me…”


The black-robed man hesitated as he took out an object. He walked towards ‘Flood Dragon Saint’ and paused at his side. “Don’t move around, let me check…”

Hong –

His words were cut off abruptly as he flew outwards. Many of his bones cracked, and his chest was caved inwards.

Blood spewed out from his mouth and nose and his inner organs were ruptured. Taking such a huge blow when his guard was down had caused his physical body to be almost completely ruined.

Weng –

A soft vibration with a terrifying aura rang out from beneath his black robes. This man was indeed savage, directly using his Great Dao to fight with all his life.

However, Qin Yu had already calculated this and had made many safeguards. In a flash, he raised his arm to punch the man between his eyebrows. His head was like a ripe apple that was squashed on the floor, causing juices to splash outwards. It was a tragic ending for him.

Qin Yu wiped his hands and said, “The situation was slightly urgent, so my methods were slightly more cruel. Thankfully, the soul is still complete, I hope you do not mind.”

A voice that was laced with happiness rang out, “That’s alright. It doesn’t matter if he is missing a brain, as long as the most important part is intact.”

Like what happened to Flood Dragon Saint earlier, the black-robed True Saint was ‘erased’ quickly as well; there was no longer a trace that he had ever existed.

Thinking about it carefully, from when the black-robed True Saint appeared to the point where he was killed, Qin Yu had not seen his face nor learned his name.

Tsk, tsk, he was a True Saint after all, yet he died just like that. How tragic!

After receiving two True Saints as an offering, the mysterious being from space time was evidently very satisfied. Its voice became lighter and happier as it said, “Qin Yu, what are you planning to do next?”

Qin Yu replied, “What do you think I should do now?”

“Cough!” The pair of pretty eyes blinked. “I think that good opportunities do not come every day, so you should not waste them.”

Qin Yu gave a half-smile. “Of course, since Your Excellency has said it, I will definitely not let these opportunities go to waste.”

Qin Yu disguised himself as Flood Dragon Saint once again and, putting on a frightened expression, he shot towards the sky and escaped from Dragon Abyss Town.

Hua –

‘Flood Dragon Saint’ rose out of the water. In the next moment, the space in front of him was torn and another black-robed figure walked out.

The second Dusk Order member had arrived!

He asked, “Flood Dragon Saint, where is Qin Yu?”

Why did he ask such a dumb question?

Where am I? I am right under your nose but you guys are unable to see me; do you expect me to admit that I am right here?

I’m sorry, but I’m not so noble!

‘Flood Dragon Saint’ looked excited and happy as he turned his head, “Qin Yu is right down there, but he is too strong; I can’t go against him alone!”

The black-robed man felt slightly shocked as he looked at Dragon Abyss Town. His eyebrows furrowed because it was extremely quiet down there; not even a sound or sliver of activity could be heard.

He was feeling slightly uneasy, and suddenly, with a gasp, he tried to retreat. His reaction was already very fast, yet he was still unable to avoid the punch that was shooting towards him.

The black-robed figure flew outwards like a bird that had its wings clipped, unable to escape its predator.

Very quickly, this black-robed True Saint ended up in the same predicament as the one before him. Without Qin Yu needing to repeat himself, the mysterious being from space time started to clean the place again like an invisible broom.

Then, the pair of pretty eyes stared at the sky above it. That being stared for very long before feeling aggrieved. It was not full yet; why isn’t anyone else coming?

Qin Yu could sense what the mysterious being was feeling and could not help but feel some hatred towards it. Don’t you think you have eaten enough?

After all, the opponents that he fought against were all True Saints who were backed by a powerful Ruler. They were not a bunch of brainless idiots. Using such a vulgar strategy to successfully kill two True Saints was already considered a huge success. How could he ask for even more?

Seeming to have read Qin Yu’s thoughts, the pair of eyes looked even more wronged, “Well, I’ve been hungry for a very long time…it’s not every day that I can have such a big feast, yet it ended before it could start…”

Hiss –

Qin Yu suddenly felt his teeth aching and sucked in a breath of cold air. I have killed two True Saints for you, two True Saints that were extremely powerful, but you ate them in two big gulps just like that?

Furthermore, you just ate those World of Darkness True Saints at the Transcendent Sword Sect not long ago! Your appetite is just too good!

However, it would be this mysterious being’s turn to make a move soon, so Qin Yu could not do anything but smile forcefully, “Your Excellency, please do not be anxious. I’m sure there are more coming…who knows, maybe you’ll be able to have a good feast today.”

However, no one else descended from above. It was definitely not because the Dusk Order was afraid. After losing so many of its powerful members, if it did not fight back at all, then they would not have such a frightening reputation!

Since it was so quiet now, it only meant that the other party was cooking up an elaborate scheme. Qin Yu would be lying if he said he was not nervous at all. However, since he had let things get to such a point, there was no more turning back.

It was either he took this opportunity to completely shatter the Dusk Order’s backbone, or…well, he did not think that he would die here. At most, he would be able to escape if he tried hard enough, but there would surely be many instances of revenge that he would have to deal with.

Therefore, to avoid having to deal with more trouble, it was best if he could end everything here and now!

Qin Yu could not help but look at the pair of pretty eyes, and thought to himself about that person who had lost control in the World of Darkness who had also died so easily to the mysterious being. Even if a Ruler appeared in front of him today, it should not be a problem.

Taking in a deep breath, he suppressed all his negative emotions. Restoring his own appearance, he sat upright at the stone tablet that stood outside the Dragon Abyss Town. Since the Dusk Order was already going after him, there was no point in concealing himself anymore.

Using his name as the ninth disciple of the Peach Garden, after the battle today…if he was victorious, then no one would come and bother the Peach Garden for a long time.

Closing his eyes for a bit, Qin Yu adjusted his breathing. Even though he was getting help from someone else, he could not be too negligent.

Also, the preparations to contact the female Ruler should be made too!

In case something happened, he had to make sure that he could contact her at any time…after all, he was facing another Ruler today. Against an opponent that was more powerful than he was, he felt quite uncertain.

In Dragon Abyss Town, a few flood dragons sneakily crawled out of their hideouts and started to escape in all directions. Qin Yu knew this was happening, but did not bother with it. He was not scared of killing creatures, since he had killed many himself, but there was no point in dealing with these flood dragons for now, so he decided to save his energy.

When most of the flood dragons in Dragon Abyss Town had escaped, Qin Yu, who was still at the huge stone tablet, opened his eyes. He looked at the sky and ten figures suddenly appeared.

All of them were wearing black robes, enveloped by a cold aura. They did not conceal their killing intent and locked in on Qin Yu as their target.

Ooh, one of these black-robed figures was slightly familiar. He was exactly the one that Qin Yu had frightened away in the Vanquished Nation.

Back then, he could frighten this black-robed figure away. However, today, the situation was slightly different. Ten True Saints had formed an alliance to kill him. Their auras were flowing with terror.

Even though Qin Yu was very powerful himself, he was still shocked. His eyebrows were knitted together, his expression grave.

He frowned because he was afraid of going against ten True Saints that had formed an alliance against him. At the same time, he did not understand how the Ruler that was backing them still had not appeared. Did that Ruler really think that ten Saints were enough to suppress Qin Yu, or did he need more time to make some other preparations?

Qin Yu did not have much time to think as the ten Saints that had descended shouted, “Kill him!”

Hong –

That frantic and overflowing killing intent drowned Qin Yu in that instant.

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