Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1454B – A True Saint Slayer

Chapter 1454B – A True Saint Slayer

Chapter 1454B – A True Saint Slayer

When the two Saints returned to where they were staying, the first thing they saw was the red skies above them.

The color resembled blood. It was extremely inauspicious!

Thinking of what Qin Yu had just told them, the two of them trembled and immediately asked their subordinates. Their faces turned pale.

Not long ago, strange signs appeared in the Vast Brightness World. In a short time, thirteen True Saints had died.

That was why the sky was dyed red!

This strange sight was not just at one part but it covered all the numerous small worlds in the Vast Brightness World.

The red glow covered all creatures, making them feel fear and reverence.

It was true…it was all true…

Not only did a fight with a Ruler happen on the small world where Dragon Abyss Town was, thirteen True Saints had actually died.

And all this had something to do with Qin Yu.

Thinking of the smiling face earlier, as well as the ‘little threat’, the two Saints felt frozen. Breathing suddenly seemed like a difficult thing to do.

The news quickly spread through the Vast Brightness World after that. After a single day, everyone knew about the powerful Dusk Order with a Ruler backing them.

The information about Flood Dragon Saint’s death and Dragon Abyss Town also started to brew through secretive channels.

Along with all the news, Qin Yu’s name was also widely known. The many gazes on the Peach Garden started to become filled with reverence.


Having returned to the Peach Garden, Qin Yu started to isolate once more. He was calm, understanding what it meant.

If he wanted to completely give up on his Great Dao after it shattered, then he did not have to care…but since he wanted to reform it, even though there were no problems now, there might be in the future.

The reason was simple. The process to reform his Great Dao would include a shadow of the world’s Great Dao – and this did not seem like an impossible problem.

But if he gave up his Great Dao…not only would he have wasted all the effort he put in to help Furnace complete the transformation, after seeing the power of the East Sea Sword, being able to kill ten Saints in one attack, how could he give it up.

This was probably Qin Yu’s strongest skill!

So it was a problem for the future. He could not always live on the edge.

Moreover, it also said that it managed to temporarily solve the problem…although it was only temporary, with its power and status, temporary would at least be more than three to five days.

That’s right. With the risk this time, he managed to confirm the power that being had. It was very very powerful. It could actually defeat a Ruler in his home ground.

Don’t forget that it had travelled through endless space time to reach the Vast Brightness.

This meant that it was not at full strength. This could very well be just a small portion of its power.

Logically speaking, even though it was strange, he should be happy for getting something so powerful.

But Qin Yu really could not bring himself to be happy. After all, the heavens would not give him such a good thing without anything in return. Therefore, he would definitely have to pay for what he got. But what did it want?

Until now, Qin Yu still did not know. However, he did not forget that he owed a favor.

Although there was a limit, there was a lot of leeway for bargaining. However, this did not change that he had another debtor other than that woman.

Even though now, the one that owed the debt had more power, the people he owed had enough power to crush him completely.

As he thought of this, Qin Yu could not help but whimper internally. He felt as if his head had expanded from thinking of all this and was hurting like hell.

He raised his hands to massage his temples. He had no choice now and could only try to console himself. However, he knew that he would have to pay his debts sooner or later.

While he did not know how to repay the mysterious being for now, he at least knew what the woman wanted – Qin Yu suddenly could not wait to enter the Desolate Area. It was not that he became braver and less fearful of the Desolate Area. It was that his need to repay his debt was so intense that it overshadowed everything else!

But it was obvious that the time had not come. Eye of Eternal Night was still sleeping. Qin Yu could only be patient and wait for the woman to inform him.

Seventeen days passed. Qin Yu successfully exited with a newly formed Great Dao and nothing felt wrong.

As usual, he ignored his third apprentice brother’s curiosity and spoke to Lei Xiaoyu before going to visit elder apprentice brother. He told him everything about the East Sea and the Great Dao. He reminded him to be careful and not think too much about these things.

Just as he was about to leave, he met with seventh apprentice sister, who had come to visit elder apprentice brother. Now that her situation had stabilized, she was extremely grateful to Qin Yu.

Sensing the relationship between them, Qin Yu joked and asked when he would be able to drink celebratory wine.

He had made the joke to avoid seventh apprentice sister’s ‘enthusiasm’. Expectedly, elder apprentice brother coughed lightly whereas seventh apprentice sister was more welcoming and blushed slightly, “I heard him mention that you were going to drink together. Hurry and choose a date. I will invite all the disciples in the Peach Garden.”

Qin Yu congratulated them and spoke a bit more before taking his leave. He turned back to look at elder apprentice brother’s residence and could not help the smile that appeared on his face.

Although he had not spent much time with the people from the Peach Garden, he always had good feelings when he thought about them. And this was a comforting thing. What he did for the Peach Garden, which resulted in his unpleasant nickname of Saint Slayer, was not in vain!

Cough cough…after the thing with the Dusk Order, Qin Yu’s nickname would be well cemented. He would be seen as vicious by all.

Truly befitting of his name Saint Slayer!

Shaking his head, he suppressed the uneasiness he felt and looked in another direction. He hesitated before stepping out.

Although there was no movement from that woman for now, it should not be too long before she did something. He did not know what would happen after he entered the Desolate Area and there were a lot of things he needed to do.

If there were no incidents, he just had to attend elder apprentice brother and seventh apprentice sister’s wedding before he left.

Once he left, he did not know how many years later he would return…so it would be better to meet once more.

“Greetings Mister Ninth!”

Outside Peachy’s residence, a group of guards greeted him. Respect filled their eyes.

Now, the Peach Garden’s reputation was a lot better than a few years back. They all knew what the real reason was.

Every time they thought about this, the young people would be filled with sincere gratitude. josei

After all, if Qin Yu did not do his best to rescue the Peach Garden from danger, they would have all turned into bones by now.

So even though people called him Saint Slayer outside, if they did not watch their mouth and said it in the Peach Garden, they would get thoroughly beaten up.

Sensing their gazes, Qin Yu smiled, “I am here to see Peachy.”

The door opened quickly and the servant stole a look at Qin Yu while inviting him in respectfully.

After he entered, he waved his hand to dismiss them. He then knocked on the room door before entering.

Peachy was sitting quietly by her desk. When she saw Qin Yu, some emotions filled her eyes before they turned calm once more.

Her entire persona was indifferent and she seemed extremely distant, like a beauty made of a piece of jade, without the slightest vitality.

As he saw this, Qin Yu’s heart fell slightly and he froze momentarily. He could not bring himself to say what he had intended to say.

Peachy broke the silence, “Yes?”

Qin Yu smiled as he walked to the desk and sat down. He poured himself a cup of tea and realized that the tea was cold.

He frowned. Peachy noticed and replied, “I like cold tea. It has nothing to do with them.”

Qin Yu drank a sip, “There is a certain flavor.” He drank another two sips, “I came to tell you that there will be a wedding in the Peach Garden very soon. Elder apprentice brother and seventh apprentice sister are about to get married.”


Peachy was silent for a while, “Help me congratulate them.”

This meant that she was not going.

Qin Yu frowned internally. After he finished speaking, he realized that it was inappropriate. After all, he and Peachy were also engaged. Although everyone knew that this was just a deal and did not really count, it was still harsh.

“Elder apprentice brother helped you a lot. It would be better to be there for his wedding…” Qin Yu seemed to consider before saying slowly.

Peachy looked at him and paused for a while before nodding.

Qin Yu smiled. He spoke a bit more to her but did not get much response. She either nodded or shook her head. Her eyes were still indifferent.

In the end, he chuckled bitterly. After a moment of silence, he said, “Soon, I will go away for a while and I don’t know when I will return. Senior, please take care of yourself…” As he said this, especially after everything that had happened, it seemed a bit heartless.

So after he finished, he greeted respectfully and left without waiting for her reply.

Once he was out of sight from all the admiring gazes from the servants and guards, Qin Yu rubbed his temples. He felt that he should talk to elder apprentice brother about Peachy before leaving.

He could not lie to himself. Everything he was doing would depend on Peachy as well. He could not let anything happen to her…even though this was selfish, it was the truth.

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