Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1458B – The Divine Nation

Chapter 1458B – The Divine Nation

Chapter 1458B – The Divine Nation

If Qin Yu knew that he had successfully bought over the loyalty of the four people without doing anything, he would have burst out into laughter and slapped the chicken overlord out of joy. They were fully devoted to him and they did not dare to slack and be disrespectful to him. He was really blessed!

It was truly a blessing for him to retake the chicken overlord before he entered the West Desolate. Qin Yu made a decision at that moment but he chose not to say it out loud.


Qin Yu finally dug out the secret of the Divine Nation from the chicken overlord after a day.

This was nothing that he needed to be proud of. After all, the slab of meat on his chopping board was in his hands and it was only natural that he got his way.

Despite that, Qin Yu was overjoyed. He felt that this had been an unexpected find but he never expected that it would be so joyous.

No wonder the chicken overlord had looked so miserable when Qin Yu was pressing him about the secret of the Divine Nation.

A Divine Nation, simply put, could generally be seen as an advanced version of the Dao Domain.

The reason why the description of the Divine Nation was so vague was because the chicken overlord got it from White Ape. Furthermore, the chicken overlord did not have the full picture as he only learnt as much as he could about it. As such, his explanation about the Divine Nation to Qin Yu was not clear.

But this did not mean that the chicken overlord’s Divine Nation was not useful. On the contrary, Qin Yu could pick out outstanding features of it after he carefully thought about it.

If the Dao Domain was a small path that led a True Saint to the Ruler realm, then the Divine Nation was a direct path to the heavens. Even if the Dao Domain was covered with a blanket of mist that hid many dangers, it was enough for anyone to get excited over it!

Furthermore, this was not a perfect Divine Nation but it had such power already in a weakened state. If it was repaired in the future…hiss, my saliva was dripping out.

That’s right, after confirming the secret of the Divine Nation, Qin Yu did not hesitate to decide that he wanted possession of it.

Qin Yu had been testing the chicken overlord when he said he wanted possession of the small world. But now that he confirmed its secret, there was no need for him to have second thoughts.

Best yet, the framework for the Divine Nation was already built.

Qin Yu only needed to casually stretch out his hand to steal the carefully grown fruit of the chicken overlord.

This was not exactly the right thing to do. However, the Divine Nation was not perfect and who knew if something would go wrong with it someday. Out of care for the chicken overlord, Qin Yu decided not to take on such risks.

Alright, he couldn't make any more excuses otherwise he would be really shameless. Qin Yu has to admit that he still had much room for improvement.

The Divine Nation was not perfect, but after learning its secret, Qin Yu had a good feeling that it was very suitable for him! It was not just suitable, it matched up to his needs nicely. He could even use the word ‘perfect’ to describe its suitability.

This was the reason why Qin Yu seemed to steal the Divine Nation for himself recklessly…cough cough, honestly, he felt a bit guilty towards the chicken overlord but he decided to repay him in the future. josei

One thing that Qin Yu was not wrong on was that the flawed Divine Nation was like honey for him. Yet, if it remained with chicken overlord, it might poison him.

From this angle, it was not a bad thing that the chicken overlord got his Divine Nation stolen by Qin Yu.

Oh, he felt much better upon thinking about it this way. Qin Yu smiled helplessly as he thought about what a hypocritical person he was.


With a Divine Nation, the greatest benefit for Qin Yu was that he managed to save a lot of precious time.

He had been worried that the woman would mobilize him at any moment. However, the creation of a Dao Domain could not be done in a single day and night.

The framework of the Divine Nation was complete. After he took possession of it, he could get the group of four ready to start work.

Since they were new to the task, it was only expected that they would be slow. As long as they were meticulous, it would be possible to get a perfect Divine Nation eventually.

Changing the ownership of the Divine Nation required some preparations and Qin Yu left this task to the heartbroken chicken overlord. No matter how unwilling and sad he was, he could only bear the pain and start work.

As such, he focused his attention on training.

Soaring Sky, Rice Paper, Ruan Jing, and Zhou Lei looked up from the jade slips. They finally understood why Mister Ninth kept them close.

They were going to build the Dao Domain.

After all, this involved the Divine Nation and Qin Yu felt that this was not something that ordinary cultivators would come in contact with. Telling them would be more harmful than good.

The four of them, as powerful cultivators, naturally heard of the Dao Domain before. Their emotions were a mix of excitement and anticipation. They all bowed down solemnly.

They never imagined that Mister Ninth would leave such an important task in their hands. The Dao Domain? This was the root of a True Saint and it created a way for the cultivator to become a Ruler.

This was of utmost importance! Qin Yu handling this to them represented his trust and it made the group of four feel very touched.

Coupled with the fear from before, the four Half-Saints who just had stepped into the Sea of Bitterness swore their loyalty to Qin Yu.

“Mister Ninth, rest assured, we will swear on our lives to help you complete the Dao Domain!”

They responded enthusiastically to Qin Yu’s instructions. Aside from being excited and moved, the four of them could not hide their glee.

They heard about the Dao Domain before, but if they personally participated in one’s construction, they would be able to come into contact with wonders of the True Saint Great Dao.

This was a golden opportunity for Half-Saints in the Sea of Bitterness. If they reaped benefits during the process, it would be very helpful for their own cultivation.

Qin Yu could guess what the four people were thinking. He smiled, “I can be at ease handing this task over to you guys. Do well and I will definitely reward you when the Dao Domain is built!”

The group of four naturally experienced how generous Qin Yu was and they became even more motivated with Qin Yu’s words.

The training proceeded smoothly and Qin Yu was very satisfied with the drive the four people had.

He only needed to wait till the chicken overlord finished the transfer of possession of the Divine Nation. They could get to work then.

Unwilling and reluctant, the chicken overlord was assigned to teach the four people how to build the Divine Nation. He ‘unintentionally’ heard the group of four say that it would not be convenient for them to follow Qin Yu. Hence, they stayed behind to build the Dao Domain. The chicken overlord sped up the transfer process of the Divine Nation.

The reason why was simple. Since the four ‘juniors’ could not follow Qin Yu, as a powerful chicken, it would not be convenient for him to follow Qin Yu either.

Furthermore, building a Divine Nation was hard and they needed an experienced person to guide them. Qin Yu definitely did not want anything to go wrong during the process of building a Divine Nation. This also meant that the chicken overlord ought to stay behind and lead the group of four juniors in building the Divine Nation.

Then…what did he need to be fearful of?

If the jinx wanted the Divine Nation, he would give it to him. As long as he stayed behind, no matter what Qin Yu did, all of this was still his.

The chicken overlord was confident of this!

As for the outrage Qin Yu would feel in the future…hehe, once the Divine Nation was built, the roles of master and servant would be reversed. Why would he fear Qin Yu then?

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