Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1697 – Smart

Chapter 1697 – Smart

Chapter 1697 – Smart

The protagonist was here!

In Swallow Mountain, the various sword elders looked grave, much less Sect Master Gu.

If his cultivation was not so advanced (and his equipment good), he would have been labelled as the shame of the sword.

Li Sumu has always been unconventional. Today, what he did made everyone much more angry than Sect Master Gu did – even if he was pretending to fight, at least he pretended to try. What about you?

What about the rules in Sparrow Mountain, the sacred ground of swordsmanship? You are just good at fighting. If not, you would be kneeling to repent.

Forget it. Talking about the two of them was causing a headache.

Thankfully, they still had Old Hu as the finale. If not, not only would everyone vomit blood after hearing about the Opening Heavens Sect successfully reopening their mountain gate, if the news spreads to those who did not know the truth…what kind of sacred place for swordsmanship would this be. They were all defeated by a junior. What a joke.

How could the elders, who were famous for their swordsmanship, accept this? Our generation of sword cultivators can die and get injured, but we cannot lose face.

Old Hu, press on! We are counting on you!

“Wait!” Qin Yu shouted, “I have already fought two huge battles today and used up a lot of my energy. I need some time to rest.”

The rules allowed this.

The bearded old man, who had approached with a haughty and murderous aura, suddenly frowned. It was as if he had punched out but had to stop halfway to retract his punch. His entire energy felt chaotic.

But no wonder this bearded man was a sect master. With a scar on his face, it showed that he had a lot of experience in killing. Taking a deep breath, he calmed down.

Outside the mountain gate, numerous sword cultivators were cursing as they saw the projection light curtain. Despicable. He was delaying for time.

The sword elders who had seen everything raised their brows. This brat was very thick-skinned. If he did not die today…his future would be limitless.

Though the Three Trials of Sword Bestowing were all conducted on the same day, there was always two hours of rest time before each match. Earlier on, Li Sumu had been too fast to make a move and Qin Yu knew that he was a ‘fake’ member who was helping him anyway.

Across from him, the bearded man looked extremely ready. He was giving Qin Yu a look as if to say, hurry and fight me to your death. Qin Yu would not let him get what he wished.

Suffocate you!

Numerous sword cultivators were glaring and gritting their teeth. Two hours passed quickly and just before the time was up, Qin Yu suddenly said loudly, “In the Three Trials of Sword Bestowing, there are two opportunities to rest. I have not recovered and would like to rest for another two hours.”

Across from him, there was a shift. The bearded man was looking murderous as he huffed. His face was red and his body swayed. Damn you Qin Yu. You are doing this on purpose. You purposely waited till the last moment to trigger me.

The many sword cultivators were glaring at Qin Yu, wishing for him to just crack open. They really wished that they could strangle him – bastard. Are you going to compensate me for the emotional rollercoaster I am on? If this continued, the sword cultivators felt that they would go crazy!

Hu Fu took a deep breath and stepped out. There was a sudden sneer, “Hu Fu, the Opening Heavens Sword Sect has already accepted two swords, so what if he rests for four hours? This follows the rules! As the sect master of the Opening Heavens Sword Sect, are you scared of a junior?”

Wherever there was people, there was a country.

Much less the group of sword cultivators on Sparrow Mountain. This was a huge country.

When there was a country, there would be enmity.

Now, a rogue sword cultivator from Sparrow Mountain suddenly appeared outside the mountain gate. He was called Hu Zhiming. It was rumored that he had gotten an ancient sword immortal’s inheritance and hence gained his cultivation level of today.

The source of enmity between Hu Zhiming and the Circling Heavens Sword Sect was unclear, but their resentment was undeniable. So it was very reasonable for Hu Zhiming to stir up trouble.

Hu Fu paled.

“Gosh, you look so scary. Sect Master Hu, do you think that everything will go according to your wishes like in the Circling Heavens Sword Sect? If you want to sleep with your female disciples, you can, and even if you want to sleep with your male disciples, everything is in your demonic control…”

All the sword cultivators stared. Though they knew that the two did not get along, they had never personally witnessed two sword elders clash so violently.

Amongst the crowd, the faces of several male cultivators, who had engagements with female disciples of the Circling Heavens Sword Sect, changed. They felt as if there was a stampede above their heads.

“Shut up!” Hu Fu shouted angrily, “Hu Zhiming, don’t talk nonsense and ruin my sect’s reputation. I will make you pay!”

Hu Zhiming sneered, “If you have done nothing wrong, there is nothing to be scared of. Sect Master Hu, you are so furious. It seems like I have touched on your pain point.”

He put his hands together, “I think that it is expected for Hu Fu to do something like that to the female disciples, but as for the male disciples…tsk tsk tsk, I give it to you!”

Qin Yu was delighted as he saw how Hu Fu was trembling in anger. He wished for Hu Zhiming to say more to anger Hu Fu. The best outcome would be Hu Fu passing out from anger and then maybe he could win without even doing anything.

That would be perfect!

It was a pity that Hu Fu was not so weak. He circulated his energy and he was able to calm down even though there was someone literally talking shit about him. He closed his eyes and opened them, ignoring Hu Zhiming, who was creating trouble. His gaze fell on Qin Yu once more.

“Guards! Hu Fu, let me tell you that Sparrow Mountain’s rules have been established for centuries. If you are thinking of breaking the rules, I will be the first one to object.”

He sneered as he looked around, “Dear elders, I know that you are all watching this. It is fine that you have been silent, but now that I have said it, are you all going to watch as Sect Master Hu breaks the rules and attack. Though I, Hu Zhiming, cannot stop him, I promise that this will spread all over the Central Desolate Divine Area. I will let everyone know what this so-called sacred ground for swordsmanship, Sparrow Mountain, really is.

“Don’t think that I am lying. I am also called Old Hu and I have always walked the walk. If you don’t believe me, you can try.”

There was a soft voice beside Qin Yu, “Young lad, I can only help you until here. If the old fogeys are shameless, then you can only count on yourself. But no matter what, I hope you can make this stupid Hu Fu suffer!”

It was Hu Zhiming.josei

Qin Yu put his hands together from afar, “Thank you Elder Hu, for speaking on the side of justice. I have just returned and have yet to meet everyone from Sparrow Mountain. I heard from my sect elders that the sword cultivators on Sparrow Mountain abide strongly by the rules and are role models to other cultivators…of course, if the elders do not care and would rather ruin their reputation by collaborating with Hu Fu to bully me, I can only accept it.”

Hu Zhiming’s eyes lit up. Young lad, you are very smart. You have a good future. By saying this, if Hu Fu still took action, all the reputations of the elders of Sparrow Mountain will be wiped clean.

Not long after Qin Yu spoke, there was a shift in the air outside the Opening Heavens Sword Sect’s mountain gate. Several sword peak illusions appeared. Even if it was just illusions, the strong aura of destruction could be clearly felt.

Fierce and domineering, it was as if it could cut anything in this world.

Each and every sword peak illusion represented a true sword elder who controlled a portion of Sparrow Mountain.

“Hu Fu, wait.”

“You have to abide by the rules.”

“Our generation of sword cultivators has always placed the rules first.”

Voices could be heard, expressing their stance.

Hu Zhiming smiled happily as he put his hands together. Without hesitating, he then flew off and disappeared.

After he achieved his goal, it was a no-brainer that he would run far away and find a place to watch the ‘streaming’. Would he stay behind and wait to get attacked?

Hehe, what he said just now had offended a lot of people.

Amidst the sword peak illusions, several auras started to chase in the direction that Hu Zhiming left in.

Boom boom –

A loud clash of a sword could be heard and from afar, Hu Zhiming could be heard shouting, “Elders, I have always stood on the side of justice, must you get so angry over this?”

There was silence from the sword peak illusions.

They did not do anything, but with what Hu Zhiming shouted, they were implicated.

The situation now was not great. If they did anything to him, they would be criticized as being petty. Hence, they could only endure it.

Of course, this was also because although Hu Zhiming was a rogue cultivator, he was very powerful. He was one of the more difficult people to deal with in Sparrow Mountain. It was not easy to deal with him, and if they were not careful, they might end up suffering.

Hu Fu fell silent and the murderous aura around him subsided.

He suddenly looked up at Qin Yu, “You are very smart. You know when to make a move and when to take a step back. I have to admit that your cleverness has use and I am feeling the effects of it.

“But you have to remember that in this generation of sword cultivators, strength is always first. Using tricks will not help you succeed.”

Hu Fu let out a breath as he looked expressionlessly, “I will kill you.” He said this lightly without any fluctuation in his voice.

But everyone could sense the immense confidence and killing intent amidst the calmness.

Qin Yu’s heart shrank slightly but he did not show it. He returned the look and said slowly, “I am thinking the same.”

Outside the Opening Heavens Sword Sect, there was silence.

Everyone knew that after the last two hours passed, the two would be fighting for their lives.

Though Qin Yu did not seem to be disadvantaged when they bickered, the truth was no one was siding with him. They all believed in Sect Master Hu.

Only by killing Qin Yu and ruining the Opening Heavens Sword Sect would everyone be able to fill themselves happily.

That was the true joy.

There was still some time before the end of the two hours when Qin Yu suddenly stood up. His sudden action caused his opponent, who had been sitting silently in the dark and gathering his emotions, to suddenly have a change in expression.

He soon heard Qin Yu say, “Hu Fu, I don’t want to wait any longer. Let’s start!”

Despicable…bastard…so sudden. I am not prepared! This was a petty trick and was highly treacherous.

Hu Fu’s eyes shot open. He looked calm, “Smart, you will always be smart.” He lifted his hand and the air tore open. A long sword landed in his hands and he slashed forwards.

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