Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1725 – Many Familiar People

Chapter 1725 – Many Familiar People

Chapter 1725 – Many Familiar People

“Miss, do you recognize this person?” The burly middle-aged man dressed formally in a long white robe beside her frowned and asked.

Bull Bean was slightly startled. After hesitating a little, she shook her head, “Uncle Bull, no. I recognized wrongly.”

She lifted her head slightly and looked at the back view of that man.

A flash of light crossed Uncle Bull’s eyes and he nodded, “Young miss, there are many people on the deck; let’s head back to the room.”

“Ah…okay, let’s go.”

Tonight, Bull Bean ate two fewer bowls of rice than normal. She did not even finish the full bowl of corn soup that she had eaten for three days in a row. She pushed it away and claimed that she did not have an appetite.

Uncle Bull waved his hand and asked for a servant lady on the ferry. The servant lady cleared the plates and bowls and served a cup of tea once she cleaned the area. Then, she backed off respectfully.

“Young miss, are you not feeling well? There is a doctor on the ship and I can ask him to take a look at you.”

Bull Bean waved her hand, “No, no need. I am just…mm, I don’t have much of an appetite today. I will be fine tomorrow.”

She sipped the tea a few times and had a casual conversation with Uncle Bull. Then, he took his leave, “Young miss, you should rest early tonight.”

Bull Bean stood up and sent him off, “Sorry to trouble you for coming out with me this time.”

Uncle Bean smiled, “What are you saying, young miss. I am happy to accompany you. There is no point in me staying in the courtyard and doing nothing all day.”

He turned and left. After closing the doors to the room, Uncle Bull’s smile faded away. The man with a kind aura just a second ago now gave off a sinister aura.

“Mister Bull.”

The manager of the ferry had been waiting outside for a while now. He hurried over and bowed, speaking in a respectful yet nervous tone, “I heard that the young miss’ appetite was not good today. Was the food not to her liking?”

Uncle Bull wore a straight face, “It is not related to you guys.”

He knew clearly why Bull Bean was acting off today.

After a moment of thinking, his eyes fell on the manager. “I am looking for a person on this ferry.” As he said this, he lifted his hand and gestured across the air. The space shifted and a face appeared.

The manager’s heart relaxed slightly and he quickly answered, “Mister Bull, we will obey whatever orders you have. As long as this person is still on the ferry, I will definitely find him. But…”

There was an awkward look on his face.

Uncle Bull glanced at him, “I will not do anything to him.” Air was very light; no one dared to believe empty words.

However, the look that Uncle Bull gave him made the manager feel like he was in a boiling pot. He did not dare to challenge him further and could only say, “Mister Bull, please wait. I will find him for you by tomorrow at the latest.”

He claimed the deadline to be the next day but he did not need that long actually. The manager was just taking necessary precautions and giving himself more time.

He called on the workers in charge of different areas of guest houses on the ferry and showed the face that Uncle Bull gave to him.

“Manager, I recognize this person. He is a guest in Area D.” One of the cultivators on the ferry stood up.

The manager’s eyes brightened, “Are you sure?”

The man nodded, “Yes.”

The manager drummed his fingers on the table and fell into deep thought, “Tomorrow, send a plate of fruits to every room in Area D.”

The night passed by smoothly.

When the knocking started, Qin Yu was currently cultivating. He did not want to open the door but the other party had a lot of patience. josei

Opening his eyes, he sighed helplessly and then got up to answer the door.

There was a servant lady outside wearing a nice smile, “Guest, the ferry encountered some wild geese and shook wildly yesterday. It might have disturbed you. We are giving a plate of fruits to every guest here to express apologies.”

Wild geese?

Qin Yu had some impression of that. It was the emergency evasion of the flock of wild geese on that day which caused the ship’s workers to examine its hull and structure. He had gone up to the deck and bumped into Bull Bean then.

When he thought of this, he felt at a loss of words and he was not in a mood to admire that pretty female cultivator. He casually took the fruits while nodding.

After closing the door, Qin Yu sat beside the table. The fruits were cleaned from a simple gaze from him, revealing fresh, appetizing fruits. Qin Yu thought for a moment before he picked one up and bit into it.

Mm, it was quite tasty. No wonder Rourou liked it.

He finished it in a few mouthfuls and picked up another. Right as he was eating, the female cultivator who sent the fruits over rushed to another room. She bowed to the manager, “Elder, it is him.”

The manager’s heart relaxed slightly. Regardless of anything, he would do his job by finding the person first. As for what Mister Bull wanted to do…aish, for his own benefit, he did not mind causing harm to others. He was not going to care about what would happen.

“Look after that guest room. If there is any disturbance, tell me immediately.” After throwing down this instruction, the manager got up and left quickly.

Uncle Bull was currently talking to the young miss. All of a sudden, he received a mental transmission. After a few more sentences, he got up with a smile, “Young miss, I suddenly thought of something that I need to attend to. You should try the desserts on the ferry – they taste pretty good.”

Once he was outside, his eyes landed on the manager and he asked, “You found him?”

The manager bowed respectfully, “Yes, we have confirmed that he is here. He is currently in his room.”

“Bring me over.”

The manager gritted his teeth and nodded.

He led the way and brought Uncle Bull to Area D. Qin Yu was currently eating fruits in his room. He sighed slightly and placed his fruit down.

As expected, nothing in this world was free, and fruits were not an exception.

The person who had been beside Bull Bean was approaching him. He was definitely someone Bull Dingtian trusted.

From this angle, the two of them were a team. However, Qin Yu was not Qin Yu now, because he chose to act stealthily.

He was hiding from the Qin Empire and also Bull Dingtian.

Forget it, with things proceeding to this state, he could only deal with matters as they came.

Very soon, there was knocking on his door again.

Qin Yu lifted a hand and rubbed his face, “What is it?” His tone was impatient.

At this point, he was an actor.

The door opened and when he saw the manager outside, there was a look of shock, surprise, and hesitation on Qin Yu’s face. He asked, “Sorry, um…who are you?”

“Hello, I am the manager of the ferry, Shi Liang. There is a guest on the ferry who is looking for you.” As he said this, he backed off to a side.

Uncle Bull walked to the door. With a smile, he said, “Young man, we meet again.”

Qin Yu frowned, “You are…” His brows knitted together, “We met on the deck yesterday. I don’t think we know each other.”

Uncle Bull maintained his smile, “We did not know each other yesterday but today we do. Why, are you not willing to sit down for a talk with me?”

Qin Yu hesitated. He looked at the manager and then extended his arm, “Please come in.”

Shi Liang said, “I will not come in but will leave you two to have a nice conversation.”

After closing the door, Qin Yu looked at the messy plate of fruits on the table. He wore an apologetic smile, “Sorry…I don’t have much here. Please get to the point.”

Uncle Bull sat down. He glanced at the table and then smiled, “Yesterday, my young miss called you. Since then, she has been feeling quite off. I was a little worried so I came over to find you. I hope that you do not mind this.”

A look of realization crossed Qin Yu’s face, “I see. It is alright, but I really do not know your miss.”

Uncle Bull nodded, “I believe that you are an honest person and you will not lie.”

His smile grew brighter and he suddenly raised his arm and snapped his fingers.

Silence descended upon the room.

Uncle Bull’s smile faded and he retrieved a box from his sleeve. Opening it, he stared at Qin Yu expressionlessly, “I ask, you answer.”

Opposite him, Qin Yu nodded his head blankly.

A few moments later, Uncle Bull pushed open the door. The worried Shi Liang scurried over hurriedly, “Mister Bull, the guest…”

Uncle Bull turned, “He is alright. You don’t have to pay attention to him anymore.”

He turned and left.

There was nothing wrong with that man. Based on his cultivation, there was no way that man could lie in front of the Lost Soul Incense.

However, to be careful, Uncle Bull also took further precautions and he left a strong hint in that person’s mind.

That man would avoid the young miss unknowingly in the future and he would not dare to appear in front of her.

In the room, Qin Yu’s eyes were blank. All of sudden, he blinked his eyes and a look of helplessness crossed his face. This Mister Bull was truly cautious. He was also very loyal to his Bull Family.

Yesterday, Bull Bean merely called him once and they had not touched, but Mister Bull actually came for him.

Nonetheless, this was a good outcome for him. That man was rather merciful and he did not conduct a strict interrogation on Qin Yu immediately.

Otherwise, Qin Yu might have had no choice but to reveal his identity.

As for that hint left in his heart by Mister Bull…mm, it was not going to be effective at all, but Qin Yu did not mind acting like it was.

It was better to avoid Bull Bean.

He did not know what Bull Dingtian was thinking; why would he allow her to go out after the previous incident?

Undoubtedly, Bull Bean was a very unstable factor.

Bull Dingtian had definitely done something to her as a precaution.

However, other people did not have such fortune!

If anything happened, anyone who was near Bull Bean would be unlucky.

Switch ferry!

He had to switch ferry!

When he got to the next harbor, he would find out if there was another ferry prepared.

In the next few days, his journey on the ferry was smooth and Qin Yu could cultivate comfortably in his room.

The Toad Skill was good but it would cause too much disturbance, and so it was not appropriate to use it on the ferry where it would attract others’ attention easily.

Especially since there was a Half-King cultivator on this ferry.

The Bull Family actually had a genius bull and Bull Bean also called him Uncle Bull…this way of addressing was complicated enough.

Thankfully, Rourou had made preparations beforehand and she taught Qin Yu a way to cultivate on the go. It was much poorer than the Toad Skill, but if other cultivators knew about it, their eyes would turn red from jealousy.

At the same time, Qin Yu was still getting used to hosting White Feifei’s hand. When he was resting, he would take out the polishing stone to refine the Mountains and Rivers Sword.

The progress was slow but Qin Yu could carefully sense that as the polishing stone nibbled away at the aura of the Mountains and Rivers Sword, it became sharper.

Seven days later, the ferry stopped at the harbor. This was the first time that had Qin Yu left his room since going to the deck. He was going to walk around the harbor to find another ferry that would take him to his destination.

However, Qin Yu ended up feeling very helpless.

Not to mention direct ferries that headed to Long Mountain Range, those ferries that headed to nearby places were also fully packed. It was impossible to ask for a ticket.

From the moment he got off the ferry, there were seven to eight cultivators who came over to him to ask if he was willing to sell his ticket. They were willing to pay a high price.

After some asking around, he got the same replies. Qin Yu could only sigh and return to the ferry.

However, this allowed Qin Yu to confirm one thing. That clan had spread the news about Sky Falling Mountain through the entire Central Desolate Area. Otherwise, why would there be such huge demand to head there?

Unless he was willing to fly there by himself, he had no choice but to take the ferry.

What could he do?

Bear with it!

At most, he would hide in the room and never go out. Whoever wanted to observe him could observe him. There was a little under a month to go and he could just bear with it.

Qin Yu had a thorough plan, but things did not always proceed as intended.

He met another person!

It was not Shi Liang, the ferry manager who was so respectful and excited that he almost fainted. Instead, it was the group of people opposite him.

Cultivators from the Thirteenth Floor.

Qin Yu’s heart clenched. Since he was in the Central Desolate, he had to do as the natives did and he had some background knowledge about the superpowers here.

The four sects and four families are strong? Compared to the Thirteenth Floor, they were still a far cry away.

The Immortal Land of the Central Desolate was the Thirteenth Floor!

This sentence alone carried such a grand aura.

The leader of the group was an old man wearing a blue robe. This man had a composed face and a very rich aura – a Half-King cultivator!

Qin Yu could not help but sigh inwardly. As expected of the Central Desolate Divine Area – there were so many powerful cultivators here!

Of course, it was not a coincidence that he had met two Half-Kings on his journey.

The reason was Sky Falling Mountain.

Moreover, Qin Yu knew two of the people who were tagging along with the Half-King cultivator from the Thirteenth Floor.

Li Ruhua.

Chen Sanglue.

He was surprised to see Li Ruhua, but he could still find an explanation for seeing her here. After all, the Li Family was one of the four great families and it was normal that they would have a descendant in the Thirteenth Floor.

But Chen Sanglue…Li Ruhua probably brought him to the Central Desolate and the Thirteenth Floor.

This was slightly outside of his expectations.

Despite his shock, Qin Yu purposely wore a jealous but respectful expression. At the same time, there was also a passion in his eyes that he could not hide.

Li Ruhua could not help frowning slightly and she stared at the black-robed young man who was among the crowd. She was slightly hesitant.

This made Qin Yu sigh to himself again. Women are really so sensitive…he could not stay on this ferry any longer!

Nonetheless, despite the bitterness, he still had to stay on the ferry as he had to get to Long Mountain Range. Thankfully, Li Ruhua’s gaze only lingered on him for a few moments and then she turned away. She did not make a move and Qin Yu could back away from the crowd and head back to his room.

Right at this moment, Qin Yu frowned. There was someone else staring at him.

He continued acting normally and did not turn around. Yet, when he turned the corner, his eyes scanned his surroundings.

He found it!

Wearing a long dark green robe, a handsome young man stared in the direction that Qin Yu left in. His lips curled up and there was a smile on his face, but his eyes were burning.

“Junior sister, did you meet a friend?” Ming Zhe asked in a low voice.

Li Ruhua shook her head, “No, I was mistaken.”

Ming Zhe smiled and nodded.

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