Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1727A – Confidence

Chapter 1727A – Confidence

Chapter 1727A – Confidence

The search had begun.

Shi Liang no longer had any capacity to care about whether or not this would disrupt other guests and thereby create trouble for Cloud Sea Sect.

The fire is slowly spreading; let’s put out this fire first, and we’ll deal with the rest later!

Of course, even though he said that he was going to conduct a thorough search of every last inch of the ship, Shi Liang was not about to seek death. Sun Changqing did not really expect him to do that either.josei

There were some rooms that they both agreed not to search. No men were sent to the Bull Family’s courtyard or the rooms where the cultivators from the Thirteenth Floor stayed.

“Elder, something feels off. Sun Changqing lost such an important treasure, but he’s not panicking at all. In fact, he is so calm and has been able to think about everything clearly,” one Cloud Sea Sect disciple said, his face full of suspicion.

Just when he finished speaking, there was a loud ‘smack’ sound at the back of his head. Shi Liang looked extremely annoyed as he said, “Do you think that you’re the only clever one here?”

He looked at his surroundings and after he did not detect anything strange, he lowered his voice and added, “Do you think that all these things you suspect are important?”

Before the disciple could speak, he received a slap on the face as Shi Liang continued to nag at him, “You eat so much every day but your brain is underdeveloped. What kind of person is Sun Changqing and what kind of place is Sweeping Clouds Peak? If he insists that he lost his treasure, what can we do?”

After getting two consecutive hits, the disciple from the Cloud Sea Sect shrunk his neck and looked very bitter as he said, “Elder, so you had your suspicions a long time ago; I was speaking out of turn. However, what is this Sun Changqing trying to do by stirring up such a huge commotion?”

“Don’t question things too much, curiosity kills the cat!” Shi Liang glared at him.

There must be something else behind this matter. Sun Changqing must be trying to get something out of this, which made Shi Liang subconsciously think about that guest surnamed Zhou in Area D…he quickly took a deep breath and extinguished that thought. Who cared about who Sun Changqing was after? It was alright as long as the Cloud Sea Sect was not implicated.

The ferry was split into four areas – Areas A, B, C, and D – according to the sizes of the rooms and the types of environments. Of course, the cost of staying in each area was dependent on the quality and standard of that area.

Qin Yu chose to stay in Area D because there were people of many different origins here intermingling with each other, so it was a better place for him to hide himself. Also, his current identity was that of a nameless rogue cultivator, so staying in Area D was more appropriate for his identity.

Originally, after encountering Bull Bean and Li Ruhua, Qin Yu felt that the choice that he made could not be more right. Both of them stayed far away from his area, and they would not come here without any reason, so it made him feel more safe.

However, Sun Changqing’s appearance had completely ruined Qin Yu’s peace. In his room, he stared blankly and sighed helplessly.

This journey was truly terrible.

He lowered his head and looked at the ground that was beneath his feet. Qin Yu was slightly speechless and he thought to himself, ‘What a crude method to try and frame someone. Who is that person surnamed Sun trying to look down on?’

After thinking for a while, Qin Yu scoffed. He decided to teach Sun Changqing a lesson to prevent being endlessly intertwined with him in the future.

He lifted his feet and stepped on the floor. Green-colored light burst from the ground and a few green leaves popped out from the floorboards. Qin Yu squatted down and used his left hand to grab the wooden staff that was initially struggling to escape. In an instant, it quieted down as Qin Yu caught it easily.

Putting it on the palm of his hand, Qin Yu patted it and coughed lightly. He then raised his hand and knocked his knuckles on his forehead gently. A few moments later, something strange happened. A vortex appeared in between his eyebrows and it churned without a sound.

The moment the wooden staff got close to the vortex, it was directly swallowed and disappeared.

In a guest room in Area A, Sun Changqing, who was sipping on his tea and waiting, suddenly had a change in expression.

Pa –

The tea cup in his hands shattered into powder and steam was produced.

Whoosh –

Sun Changqing rushed out of the door and straight towards Area D. His face was ashen and there was anger in his eyes.

He had lost his connection to the wooden staff.

How was this possible?!

This item was made by the Peak Master himself. Other than him, who in this world could seal it off without a sound?

Furthermore, there was an unbreakable connection between him and the wooden staff.

Even if they were separated by a huge distance, he could still clearly feel a connection to it, such that with just a thought, he could directly take it back.

This was the reason why Sun Changqing did not hesitate to use the wooden staff as a bargaining chip to make a deal with Qin Yu earlier.

However, this was also why he was even more angry and shocked now. At this point, he did not care if he was going to offend anyone, he was going to make his move directly.

“Senior Sun!”

In Area D, the disciple from the Cloud Sea Sect who was in charge of finding the ‘thief’ hurriedly bowed to greet him.

Sun Changqing waved his sleeve and said, “I felt the treasure’s aura. All of you, come with me!” They went straight towards Qin Yu’s room. He pointed at the door and said, “It’s in there!”

As they inched closer to the door, Sun Changqing sensed the aura in the room and his anger eased a bit. He did not know what method the other party used to seal the wooden staff.

However, as long as the other party was still in there, there was nothing to be afraid of. On the contrary, he could seize this opportunity to settle this matter.

The disciples from the Cloud Sea Sect who followed him here had a slight change in their expressions. There was a mysterious guest in Area D that could not be provoked, and of course all of them were aware of this.

In fact, most of them knew that Sun Changqing had come here before to make a scene.

Now, he was accusing this guest of stealing his thing…this was just too damn ridiculous!

This man surnamed Sun was truly a piece of trash.

After receiving the news, Shi Liang’s face turned pale and he rushed to where Sun Changqing was. When he looked at the door that was still shut, he grumbled internally, ‘Good things never happen to me and bad things are happening one after another…’

Even though he had not yet found out what organization this guest named ‘Zhou Huan’ belonged to, without a doubt, this person was not ordinary.

If this guest bore a grudge against the Cloud Sea Sect over this matter, that would not be good.

“Manager Shi, I’ve already found the thief. Why are you guys just standing there?” Sun Changqing looked at him expressionlessly.

Shi Liang had a bitter taste in his mouth, as if he had eaten a bittergourd. However, after being glared at by Sun Changqing, he became nervous. Gritting his teeth and forcing a smile on his face, he said, “Fellow daoist Sun, please wait a moment. I will ask this guest a few questions first. Please remain calm so we can avoid creating misunderstandings.”

He walked up, took a deep breath, and knocked on the door.

Creak –

The door opened.

With a frown on his face, Qin Yu said, “Manager Shi, your ship is indeed very lively. What brings you here again?”

Shi Liang cupped his hands and replied, “Fellow daoist Zhou, please forgive me. The ship truly has not been peaceful lately. If there’s any way we have offended you, we seek your understanding and forgiveness. Our Cloud Sea Sect is in charge of only this ship and we have our own difficulties as well.”

Qin Yu waved his hand, “Let’s get down to business. What a big group you have here; if people did not know what was going on, they would have thought that you were catching a thief.”

Sun Changqing scoffed, “Fellow daoist Zhou, you’re making a confession even though no one is accusing you of anything!”

Qin Yu looked at him, “Fellow daoist Sun? Today’s matter is related to you too? I told you I am not interested in your offer – you should get rid of that thought.”

Sun Changqing stretched his arm out and said, “Return the treasure to me and I’ll leave right now!”

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