Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1731 – A Commonly Violated Law is Unenforced

Chapter 1731 – A Commonly Violated Law is Unenforced

Chapter 1731 – A Commonly Violated Law is Unenforced

Qin Yu opened his eyes and his face was filled with shock. He finally understood what Rourou did in order to get the Great Dao at Sky Falling Mountain.

Originally, he thought that after he closed and opened his eyes to see the true nature of Sky Falling Mountain he had already gained the upper hand.

He did not think that Rourou had already been scheming since a very long time ago!

At this time, Qin Yu could clearly feel his connection with Sky Falling Mountain, and his understanding of this place continued to deepen at a great speed.

And this had nothing to do with himself.

It was an external force that facilitated this, as if he was sitting on a boat and someone jumped into the water to push the boat. And even though he did not have any oars to row with, the boat was still going really fast.

This was because it was not just one or two people who had jumped into the water.

Qin Yu could vaguely feel where these people were and their auras too.

The first person whose aura he could feel the clearest was Li Ruhua!

This was quite unexpected to Qin Yu. Now, he was increasingly sure that when he was in the Grandeur and Millet Realm which he had no memory of, he had some connection with her there.

The second person was Qin Y?!

Even though Qin Y? was not in this place, Qin Yu could still feel his aura clearly here at Sky Falling Mountain.

He was helping Qin Yu to crack the seal.

There were still many other people, such as disciples from that clan. In all, there were twenty-four people who were gathered together, trying to crack the Great Dao’s seal.

Of them, there were a few auras that Qin Yu felt were familiar to him.

Number 327!

Number 418!

They had no actual names, and were labeled by numbers instead. Back then at the southwest desolate region’s fragmented area, in order to get the Ruler’s remains, he had fought with them many times.

From all this, it could be seen that even though that clan seemed to have ‘handed over’ Sky Falling Mountain, they had not yet accepted their fate and were still having a go at this Great Dao today.

However, if they knew that everything they were doing now was accelerating the process for Qin Yu to crack Sky Falling Mountain’s seal, how would they feel?

There was still Bull Bean, White Iris, and Sprout. There was also another sword cultivator whose aura was extremely fierce that Qin Yu felt unfamiliar with, but for some reason, was also ‘pushing the boat’ for him.

Taking a deep breath, a wide smile formed on Qin Yu’s face. He knew that from this moment, the ending had already been decided. Sky Falling Mountain’s Great Dao was going to belong to him.

That clan’s death clock had started to chime!


Qin Yu frowned slightly and there was some suspicion in his eyes. He could clearly ‘see’ Sky Falling Mountain’s aura descending into chaos suddenly. It was as if a few drops of boiling oil had been dropped into a pot of cold water. Even though it was impossible to stir the bottom of the pot, the surface of the water instantly started to boil. josei

Boom boom boom –

At this moment, lightning and thunder exploded in the sky above Sky Falling Mountain. How the winds had changed in just a moment.

Qin Yu took one step and rose into the air. The place where he was originally standing instantly cracked and countless fissures appeared.

Thick golden light shot out from the ground and rushed to the sky, condensing to form a golden cloud.

This was the Great Dao’s aura!

A dazzling light flashed across Qin Yu’s eyes as he used his divine sense to sense the location of the twenty-four cultivators from that clan, and a cold smile appeared on his face.

Truly, it was that clan’s doing.

Their motive was to interrupt other people’s process of solving the Great Dao to buy precious time for their own clan’s twenty-four disciples that were also in Sky Falling Mountain.

Without a doubt, they had achieved their goal because chaos had broken loose. Apart from that clan’s twenty-four cultivators and Qin Y?, everyone else was affected.

It was a pity that that clan’s efforts would all go down the drain because of Qin Yu’s existence! They tried so hard to solve the Great Dao, but in the end, all they were doing was helping him to get the Great Dao for himself instead.

He had already begun to anticipate the final moment, when that clan would realize that all their efforts were for nothing. What kind of expressions would they have?

I hope their hearts are strong enough to deal with such an impact!

After taking a look at the golden light that was continuously pouring out of the fissure, Qin Yu quickly left. This golden light was just the aura that was being released by the Great Dao and was not worth mentioning at all.

However, to cultivators that entered Sky Falling Mountain without being able to see the true nature of it, this golden light was enough to make them go crazy. That clan just needed to link this golden light to the Great Dao to divert their attention.

Not long after Qin Yu left, a deep rumbling sound was produced from the sky above Sky Falling Mountain. It was filled with an endless majestic aura.

“Sky Falling Mountain’s Great Dao has trembled on its own, releasing its aura to choose its master. Since such a phenomenon happened, the Great Dao is going to show itself soon.”

“Whoever is able to seize this opportunity and rush to the skies, using whatever methods to accumulate as much of this dao as possible, will be able to become the master of this Great Dao!”

‘Hong-long-long!’ The sounds of thunder reverberated throughout Sky Falling Mountain.

At this moment, countless cultivators in the mountain looked up at the sky with a burning desire in their eyes.

“The golden light coming out from the fissures in the ground are strands of the Great Dao!”

“This phenomenon must be happening because of me!”

“Whoever dares to snatch this away will die!”

Amongst a patch of golden fog, more than a dozen cultivators started to engage in a bloody battle with each other after hearing the loud rumble from the skies.

Boom boom boom –

They fought with everything they had and a powerful aura surged in the atmosphere, creating fear in people’s hearts.

This involved the possession of a Great Dao that could help one become a True King. People who were good friends under the same clan, or even family members, could turn their backs on each other for this.

No one was going to soften their blows because that clan gave a very clear reminder. Whoever could accumulate more of the Great Dao’s aura would be able to be recognized by it and become its master.

What reason was there to hesitate then? Kill!

Everyone was a competitor there. Whoever could kill the others and be the last one standing would naturally be the new master of the Great Dao.

Looking from afar, Qin Yu turned to leave after seeing this scene.

That clan’s scheme worked. Now, Sky Falling Mountain has become a huge purgatory. Of course he was not going to be a part of it.

However, very quickly, Qin Yu realized that he had underestimated that clan’s scheme. Compared to what he thought before, the scheme was much more insidious and evil!

This was because the golden fog that was suspended in mid-air, which was what that clan referred to as the Great Dao’s aura, was not static. Like fog that moved with the wind, it got continuously closer to Qin Yu.

After changing his position a few times, he could confirm that this fog was indeed following him. The expression on his face became heavy. He was going to do everything he could to avoid it because he did not want to be part of the battle that was happening amongst the golden fog.

However, the Great Dao’s aura had locked onto him. From all directions, it started to accumulate and increase in size. It was eventually going to expose him if this continued.

By then, he would become everyone’s target, and all these cultivators who were after the Great Dao would try to kill him. Unless Rourou intervened to help, he would be unable to resist all of them.

However, his identity would be completely exposed if Rourou helped him.

If that happened, that clan’s True King would also try to kill him at all costs. With a gloomy expression on his face, he started to shift around as fast as possible to avoid anyone discovering that the fog was following him.

Very quickly, his eyes started to shine!

Since that clan did not know about his true identity, it meant that this scheme was not targeted at him alone.

This also meant that those who had ‘seen the true nature’ of the Great Dao and were trying to unlock the seal would also be followed around by the golden fog.

As long as Qin Yu found someone like that, or even a few of them, he would be able to hide himself amongst them and become inconspicuous.

Even if he still became surrounded by cultivators wanting to kill him, he would not have to face this danger alone.

Apart from this, Qin Yu had another thought in his mind.

That clan!

Twenty-four of them gathered together and were trying to unlock the seal together. How much of this golden fog would they be able to attract?

If people saw that they were still trying to unlock the seal, especially the people who were forced to stop trying to unlock the seal because of the developments in Sky Falling Mountain…hehe, it would surely be an entertaining scene to watch!

Qin Yu definitely did not mind doing whatever was within his ability to bring more trouble and pressure to that clan.

He settled his mind to do this, so he stepped out and his figure whistled away. His first target was Bull Bean. At the beginning, he felt that getting close to her would cause him to be in more danger.

However, the current situation was already very dangerous. If he chose to team up with Bull Bean, it might turn out to be a good choice.

This was because it was easy to guess that Bull Bean must have a trump card on her that was provided by Bull Dingtian. Additionally, with her status, people were not going to do anything to her that easily, so at least he could buy himself some time to finish unlocking the seal.

Of course, the reason why Qin Yu chose her was also because she ‘looked at him differently’, so he knew that his chances of being rejected would be low.

Cough, doing something like this did seem as if he was finding someone to shield him.

However, he had saved her life before, so trying to reap some benefits from this was nothing much, right? At most, he could make it up to Bull Bean next time.

After finding a solution to his current problem, Qin Yu felt at ease.


Even though Sky Falling Mountain was known as a mountain, and looking at it from the outside world, it truly was a divine mountain that had descended from the skies, in actual fact, after entering it, it was more fitting to call it ‘Sky Falling World’.

It was a mountain, but it was also a world of its own!

There were mountains, rivers, and even native creatures here. With the trembling of the Great Dao and the release of its aura, these native creatures started to go crazy one by one.

Bull Bean frowned and felt thoroughly annoyed because she was being besieged by mosquitoes!

She did not know if it was because these mosquitoes had absorbed some of the golden aura, but they were as big as her arm and completely golden, as if they were made from gold and had a shocking defense ability.

Her command flag had been damaged by the ground fissures and its power had taken a huge hit, so it was now unable to block these mosquitoes’ attacks.

“Bull Bean!”

“It’s her, Bull Dingtian’s most adored descendant!”

“Long Mountain Area’s Shu Family was completely massacred overnight because of her!”

“It is rumored that this lady has the aptitude to become a True King which makes her feared by everyone!”

Around her, people were whispering non-stop.

Cultivators that were attracted to this place had a heavy expression on their faces, but there was a heated gaze in their eyes.

This was because apart from those powerful mosquitoes that were crazily attacking Bull Bean, there were many strands of Great Dao floating around her. With every breath, the Great Dao aura was continuously being sucked into her body.

“More aura is being gathered here!”

“Could it be that Bull Bean was the reason for those strange occurrences just now? The source of the rumble in Sky Falling Mountain was her?!”

“That must be it! Truly, like the rumors said, she has the aptitude to become a True King!”

“Hmph! Now is not the time to say all this. Are we just going to stand here and watch while she gets the Great Dao for herself?”

Everyone fell silent.

No one said anything but their breathing became heavier and a coldness appeared in their eyes, revealing their answer to the question that was asked previously.

Yes, the Bull Family was scary and Bull Dingtian was a True King, making him the strongest rogue cultivator.

However, they entered Sky Falling Mountain to get a True King’s Great Dao, and if they got it, they would immediately ascend to the heavens.

Who was going to give it up so easily?

Furthermore, there was one saying that rang true in this case – ‘A law that is violated by many people would be left unenforced instead.’

Today, if they were going to attack Bull Bean, they would have to work together to do it. The Bull Family was truly very scary. The way Bull Dingtian massacred the Shu Family made people feel afraid.

However, it was not like the Bull Family could treat everyone as their enemy!

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