Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1740 – My Great Dao

Chapter 1740 – My Great Dao

Chapter 1740 – My Great Dao

Among the three men who had captured Sprout, one of them was in a black shirt. He was silent for the entire journey and his aura was cold and still.

Sprout had her neck tightly held by the man and she could sense the coldness from him. It felt like she had been dropped into the icy cold ocean.

Her intuition told her that she would not be able to escape this time!

Wei Han…

She closed her eyes.

Right at this moment, the three men suddenly stopped.

“Fellow swordsmen, although this might be going slightly overboard, she is ours. Can you pass her to us?”

One man and two women. It was a very strange combination.

This was especially true because once of the women was unconscious and she was currently being held by the other woman.

The person who spoke was Qin Yu and he was facing the man in the black shirt. He sighed to himself. Men bumped into each other constantly and around every corner he turned, there was fate waiting for him.

This man was someone that he met on the ferry before. He had surveyed the man right before entering Sky Falling Mountain.

“It is you.” Qin Yu spoke. He actually remembered that man.

As expected, the man had been noticed by Qin Yu when he was checking him out.

Qin Yu thought for a while and then said, “I am unintentionally an enemy of the ancient people. Pass her to me and this matter shall be settled.”

The expressions of the three men changed drastically.

The black shirt man stepped forward.

Qin Yu sighed to himself.

He had directly revealed an identity as it was an invisible threat that could possibly make the three people back off.

Evidently, his plans were for naught. He could not be kind today then.

Qin Yu lifted his arm and pulled Bull Bean, “Look after her and leave the rest to me.”

He could not let Bull Bean take action here or the Bull Family would make another enemy.

Although the ancient people had been hunted down by the Great Qin to all four corners of the world, they were not to be underestimated.

Pitting against a teammate was necessary sometimes but it was also based on circumstances.

He could not do it now!

Qin Yu wanted to save people and this was his own responsibility. He could not drag the Bull Family into this. Furthermore, Old Bull was very scary.

Bull Dingtian was not someone to be taken for a fool. It was better for Qin Yu to shoulder this by himself.

He stepped forward and in an instant, his body flickered and he appeared beside the black shirt man.

One punch!

Boom –

A deafening explosion came as the black shirt man was sent tumbling back. He smashed against the ground and the sheer impact from the crash created a wide scar on the earth.

Qin Yu frowned. Unexpectedly, this man had not fallen from a single blow. He shook slightly as he struggled to stand up.

The man glared at Qin Yu, “So you are the one who took the Great Dao of Sky Falling Mountain!”

There was utter silence in the air.

Bull Bean’s eyes were wide open and she thought hard. It seemed like Zhou Huan had not hidden this ever since he stepped forward to save Li Ruhua.

However, she had not thought much about this or otherwise…she did not want to consider further.

The two other men in black shirts had fiery hot eyes now and they were breathing harder.

“Are you sure?”

One of them asked.

The man who had fought with Qin Yu nodded, “Yes.”

Bam –

Sprout was thrown away quickly.

Their goal was only the Great Dao in Sky Falling Mountain. Now that it had found its master, they were no longer interested in other people. However, the person who pushed Sprout away obviously did not want her to live and he threw her aside with a lot of force.

Nonetheless, with a thought from Qin Yu, a large amount of the force was sucked away from her. Sprout tumbled around a few times and she spat out a lot of blood.


“Kill him!”

“The Great Dao is ours!”

The three black shirt men grabbed their hair at the same time and ripped at it.

Rip –

Their skin was torn off and black flesh was revealed. Scales wriggled and squirmed, spreading across every inch of their body.

At the same time, there were cracking sounds from their bones. Their bodies expanded quickly.

The original body of the ancient people!

Bam –

Bom –

Bam –

The ground cracked and the three ancient people pounced towards him at the speed of light.

Qin Yu raised a hand and grabbed; the space in front of him condensed and turned into invisible concrete that bound them.

“Agudo, haduleh, temujin…” The three people started to chant a strange scripture.

The space that had bound them immediately crumbled apart and the three were able to move again.

Bull Bena shouted, “Zhou Huan, be careful. This is the chaotic curse of the ancient people and it is effective towards True Kings as well!”

Chaotic curse?

Qin Yu stepped backwards, dodging the sharp claws that slashed in front of him.

Right at this moment, his expression changed. The spot where his feet landed slipped away and he involuntarily took a step towards his right.

A sharp whistling sound flew by his ear and a few strands of hair were lost.

Just a bit!

If he had not sensed something amiss then, his head would have been sliced off by the claws.

This was the power of the chaotic curse. It could interfere with the senses of a cultivator and control the rules of the outside world, throwing everything into chaos.

Only the bloodline of the ancient people could avoid its effect.

No wonder they dared to attack him despite knowing that he had control over a portion of Sky Falling Mountain’s Great Dao.

The three ancient people did not stop even though their attack had not worked; they directly went for their next move. The strange chants of the chaotic curse continued and even grew faster, giving Qin Yu a lot of pressure.

Qin Yu was very cautious and he was able to avoid every dangerous blow that was thrown his way.

He had lost a button on his shirt. It was not painful but he was starting to feel numb there.


Opposite him, the successful ancient person directed his black claws to his mouth and gently licked them. His eyes grew bright, “You taste good. I will eat you bit by bit!”

Bull Bean’s body flashed but she was stopped when Qin Yu raised his arm. He did not turn back, “Don’t interfere with this.”

One of the ancient people yelled, “That’s right! Bull Bean, don’t think that you have nothing to fear just because you have the Great Dao Golden Armor. The chaotic curse of my clan is strong enough to rip it apart too!

“Although Bull Dingtian is strong, if you offend the Holy Clan, you will only meet death. Get lost and don’t create trouble for yourself!”

Bull Bean gritted her teeth angrily but before she could speak, Qin Yu burst out laughing, “Fellow men, I think you are being too optimistic. Do you think I would dare to come to Sky Falling Mountain with nothing on me?

“I was letting you go because I don’t want to offend the Holy Clan. However, I don’t think I have anything holding me back now if you guys are like this.”

He knocked his head mockingly. “See this? Your brain, you don’t have a brain!”

“Kill him!”

The three ancient people bellowed angrily and pounced for him.

Qin Yu raised a hand and clenched his fist tightly; the suppressive Great Dao forces instantly descended.

Opposite him, the three ancient people wore a condescending and sinister look. The Great Dao suppression strength was not useful against people like them and the Holy Clan was never fearful of it!

This person only knew how to brag but his attacks were ordinary. They would tear him apart and devour Sky Falling Mountain’s Great Dao.

Buzz –

A sword hum buzzed near their ears. Bull Bean screamed and closed her eyes.

Despite that, her tears continued to fall and she felt like her eyes were swelling.

There was silence now.

The strange, hurried chaotic curse was gone.

She raised her hands and rubbed her eyes before forcing them open with difficulty. Qin Yu carried the unconscious Sprout and was now heading towards her.

There was no sign of the three ancient people.

They had disappeared into thin air like they nver existed.

“Dead?” Bull Bean was flooded with disbelief.

Qin Yu nodded, “Mm.”

Bull Bean gaped at him, at a loss for words.

Coughing lightly, Qin Yu said, “Back then, I did not hide behind you on purpose…mm, it was not convenient for me to attack then and I only regained my strength not too long ago.”

She said, “I believe you.”

Staring at Qin Yu, she asked, “Did you really get the Great Dao of Sky Falling Mountain?” This was awkward. No matter what, she had contributed to it.

Qin Yu thought about it and said, “I did not obtain the full thing but a majority…mm, that’s right, it is my Great Dao.”

He would be ashamed of himself if he still continued to avoid telling the truth at this stage.

Bull Bean slapped his shoulder, “Zhou Huan, you are incredible. So many people fought, battled, and died, but you are the one who got it.”

She suddenly frowned, “No, this was not what you said at the start. Or was it the disturbance in Sky Falling Mountain that I started…”

An awkward look crossed Qin Yu’s face and he did not know how to explain.

Bull Bean waved her hand, “Forget it, you owe me big time and you must repay me in the future!”

Qin Yu nodded with full seriousness, “Of course.”

Staring at Bull Bean, he grinned. After she learned that the Great Dao was his, she did not act strangely. Instead, from inside to out, she was genuinely happy for him.

Bull Bean was truly a good lady. He wondered which young lad would get lucky with her in the future.

Mm… although she was a little gullible and innocent, her man would not suffer. Nonsense, with that Old Bull Family, no one who was a leopard could bare his fangs.

Seeking death!

He now had another lady who was unconscious. Thankfully, he had Bull Bean with him. Otherwise he would not know how to explain it.

“Let’s go and collect all the bits. We have things to do.” Qin Yu could not wait to give a present to that clan.

He grabbed Bull Bean and stepped forward; the group instantly vanished.

Qin Yu’s link with Sky Falling Mountain had grown even closer. It was only natural that he was able to shift space here.


White Iris was fuming internally. She had not bothered about Qin Yu but she was angered by how she was not able to complete a simple task successfully.

When the lady heard about this, she would think that White Iris was useless. How would White Iris return to her side then? As she thought of this, White Iris attacked faster. She wanted to slice everything into pieces with her sword.

Wang Shangqi’s face was tensed as well, “Miao Yijian, take her down or I will not let you off!”

Miao Yijian furrowed his brows and a cold glare flickered across his eyes.

If not for the grace that he received from the Wang Family and the terrifying power of the Old Ancestor, he would kill Wang Shangqi in a single blow. That useless thing, how dare he order me around?


He scoffed coldly and glared at White Iris, “Young lady, I will allow you to witness the powers of an elite swordsman!”

Kaboom –

The aura around his body surged wildly and the sword energy in the world started to condense.

A swordsman who was stuck in the Human Realm of the peak-level Ruler and was not able to break through would not waste his time either. Miao Yijian had created a technique customized for himself that greatly enhanced his strength for a short period of time.

White Iris’ face faltered. In an instant, ten slashes formed on her dress. josei

Blood seeped out.

Miao Yijian changed his battle style quickly and he was now making decisive blows that placed White Iris at a disadvantage.

On the other hand, Zheng Chu felt at ease. He grinned, “Wei Han, why aren’t you dead yet? Why bother holding out? Give me your head and I will behead you quickly, saving us the trouble.”

Wei Han was drenched in blood and his energy was chaotic. He could only use his sword aura to barely hold on.

He swayed back and forth weakly.

Upon hearing Zheng Chu’s words, his eyes turned more red and he cursed, “Even if I die, I will drag you down with me.”

Zheng Chu cackled, “What a strong will! However, you don’t have a chance anymore.”

“Who said he doesn’t have a chance?”

There was an air-splitting sound and Qin Yu and Bull Bean flew over carrying Li Ruhua and Sprout.

Wei Han’s eyes widened and he threw forward a strong blow with almost all his remaining strength to push Zheng Chu back.

Of course, this was only because Qin Yu’s group had suddenly appeared and Zheng Chu did not dare to force his way through.

Shoosh –

Wei Han appeared beside Qin Yu and he stared at Sprout who was beside Bull Bean.

“She is still alive.”

Qin Yu spoke lightly.

A long sigh of relief escaped Wei Han’s mouth. It felt like all the pressure and despair in his heart was released with that sigh.

Just now, he was truly on the brink of death and only his intense hatred sustained him till now.

Sprout was still alive…

His heart softened and his knees grew weak as he knelt to the ground.

Qin Yu was silent.

After a while, he said, “With this kneel, I will help you with your grudge today.”

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