Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 872 – Waited Long Enough

Chapter 872 – Waited Long Enough

Chapter 872 – Waited Long Enough

Because the rugged mountain summit was covered with fog, it seemed much steeper and more dangerous. But right now, the entire mountain top had been shorn off, forming a massive platform.

The 12 troops of obams gathered here like a tide. The air was filled with curses, demeaning sneers, and even more cries of fear and despair.

There was a formidable alligator monster beast with a body over a hundred meters in length and covered in terrifying scales that gave it incredible defensive capabilities. Right now it was roaring at the skies, wildly swinging its tail around as it tried to escape imprisonment. But no matter what it tried, it couldn’t shake the cage of light that surrounded it.

Its giant eyes were filled with fear. Its struggles increased as if it could feel the shadow of something dreadful about to arrive.

And in terms of strength, there were even more formidable monster beasts present. There were even mountain giants that were several thousand feet tall. They were capable of tearing the skies with their hands, but they were equally suppressed like all the others.

Nearby to these amazingly strong monster beasts were more humans and fugitive obams. There were so many of them that all of them couldn’t be seen in a single glance.

Blue Torrent floated in the air, his eyes faint. There was a burning heat in his eyes that couldn’t be constrained. He let out a breath and said, “Begin.”

The flow of 12 obam troops began to revolve. They rapidly swung whips, driving the creatures they captured to their positions ahead of time.

Right now, the shorn platform had become an array disc in Blue Torrent’s hands, and the captured creatures had become the source of its magic power.

This array was called Blood Sacrifice. In the long history of the obam race, it was the only array formation they had personally developed. It was an extremely rough array formation yet it possessed terrifying power.

After Blue Torrent betrayed humanity and became a member of the fallen humans, he obtained the entire trove of information related to the Blood Sacrifice Array. After spending hundreds of years, he managed to supplement and improve it.

Now, the Blood Sacrifice had been reborn. This was the first time it had appeared in the world since then and it was bound to cause an enormous stir.

Blue Torrent looked over the entire summit platform. After making sure nothing was wrong, he lifted a finger and placed it between his eyebrows. Then, his eyes turned pitch black.

Rumble rumble –

A loud rumble came from above his head. Two pitch black grinding pans formed of countless spinning runes appeared out of nothingness.

They spun around, emitting thunderous roars. Immense strength rolled and howled throughout the world, initiating a gathering of strength…to arrive!

Shua –

A straight pillar of light shot out from between the two grinding pans, crashing straight into the center of the summit platform. No sound was emitted. Black tree-like roots started to rapidly grow out like a network of veins, spreading in all directions.

After several breaths of time, the veins covered the entire summit platform.

Blue Torrent launched out his arms. He looked up at the grinding pans up above and began to loudly chant. Strange and short syllables filled with the emanations of the years began to reverberate in the air.

Then, the black veins that covered the platform seemed to come to life.

They slowly hovered around, as if feeling this world. Then, they soon discovered something.

“Ahh! What is that? What is that? Get away! Get away from me!” A white obam screamed in panic. “I have a noble bloodline! Even if I have committed a crime, I still need to undergo a trial in the imperial capital before my fate can be decided! You do not have the qualifications to execute me! This is a crime and you are a criminal! Hurry up and release me!”

One of the black veins reached the side of the white obam. It rose up like a true root and twined around his body.

The end of the black vein split into countless tinier tentacles that drilled into the obam’s body.

“No! Save me! Save me!” The white obam screeched. It seemed that the invasion of the black veins caused him to feel horrifying pain. But soon, his pitiful yells came to a pause as he slumped to the ground, unconscious.

At the same time, the black vein that drilled into his body released loud gulping sounds as if it were swallowing. A dark red color appeared among the black surface of the vein, eventually turning it bright red.

This red color started at the tip and stretched all the way backwards.

Right now, what happened to the white obam was occurring to every other captured creature on the platform. All of them had become blood sacrifices.

Roars of pain, cries of desperation, sad pleading…all sorts of voices intertwined together in this scene of destruction.

A stone giant that was over a thousand feet tall couldn’t stand tall any longer. It roared unwillingly before falling to the ground, descending into a deathly silence.

Besides the wind, there were no other sounds on the array disc. All of the sacrifices had fallen into a deep sleep.

And at this time, the black textures covering the array disc had turned dark red. Layers of blood surged on its surface like countless streams of blood constantly gathering into one place, finally pouring together.

The 12 black-armored obam troops each supported a side of the array disc. Blood slaughter energy tumbled around them, keeping them isolated from the array formation.

They themselves had become integrated into the Blood Sacrifice, becoming a part of the array formation. If it weren’t for the isolation of the blood slaughter energy, then they would have equally become sacrifices in the blink of an eye.

Fresh blood was extracted from every sacrifice, gathering where the beam of light fell. Then, the blood rose into the skies, pouring into the two black grinding pans in the heavens.

They were like two vicious hungry beasts that had been deeply slumbering for countless years. Now, they wildly swallowed the near-endless amounts of blood rushing towards them and they changed color in response.

The deepest darkness within them connected to the dark red blood. The atmosphere between the worlds started to change. The air turned thick and viscous and invisible oppressive strength spread outwards like tentacles.

As if a million mountains were falling from the highest heavens…the terrifying suppression was unstoppable!

Blue Torrent laughed. He reached out a hand and grasped. The two spinning grinding pans started to move. They flew away from the range of the platform, falling over the endless cliff below.

“If I didn’t see this with my own eyes I never would have thought that you would be able to merge the array eye into the endless abyss and become one with it.

“This point alone proves that your array formation cultivation is no less than mine…but what a pity, this is my stage today and you are doomed to be defeated.

“Now, let’s bring this all to an end.”

His five fingers fell down!

Rumble rumble –

With a heaven-shaking bang, the two grinding pans rapidly fell. As they spun they seemed to encounter resistance from some invisible strength. It was minor at the start but soon rose to an astonishing degree. As the grinding pans spun they produced friction with the surrounding void, creating dazzling sparks.

The originally astonishingly loud sound became even more fierce. It was like roaring thunder and also like magma buried deep beneath the earth, roaring as if it was about to break free from its imprisonment!

Runes appeared from nothingness as the two grinding pans spun. There were so many that they were incalculable. They overlapped in layers, forming an amazingly thick barrier.

And now, the two grinding pans that were supported by the Blood Sacrifice were like two terrifying drills, tearing at all impediments. They constantly tore downwards, breaking through a massive amount of runes and causing them to disintegrate and vanish into midair.

Blue Torrent had a frantic and frenzied look on his face. His eyes grew brighter, “An incomplete Ascendant Bluegold Array still has such incredible power. If I were to let you finish, I wouldn’t even have the courage to try and break through.

“But now, all of your resistance is meaningless. You will only cause yourself to suffer more once the array eye is broken and the backlash reaches you!

“Give up, there is no longer any hope for you…I know you can hear every word that I am speaking right now. As long as you give up your resistance, I can promise you that I will let you live.”

Nine Nether Peak. josei

Where the Stronghold Master was, the ground shattered, sinking down several inches. Her face was pale white and blood dripped down from the corners of her lips, smashing into the ground.

Doctor Ye’s face darkened and his eyes were cold and dreary. But, he didn’t make a single sound. He only stimulated the alchemy furnace in front of him.

Traces of blue medicinal energy were constantly released from the furnace’s openings. It twined around the Stronghold Master’s body and was inhaled through her nose.

Blue Torrent’s ice cold voice passed through the trembling produced from the collision of the array formation and arrived here directly.

The Stronghold Master was expressionless as if she didn’t feel any pain at all. She didn’t respond to the voice.

Doctor Ye narrowed his eyes, his expression becoming heavier and sharper. If the miss was defeated in the end, then even if he had to pay a price he would have these people understand what kind of existence they had provoked.

In a world-class war, it was common for an entire race to be erased.

And he, as a top medical powerhouse, was a Grand Expert both in the paths of alchemy and poison. As long as he was willing to pay a sufficient price, he had the qualifications to bring about a world-class war!

“How stubborn!”

Blue Torrent revealed an angry look. If he wasn’t worried that the backlash from breaking through the array formation would be too great and cause irreversible damage to the array controller, he wouldn’t be wasting his time like this.

But now, it was clear that the other party had no intention of giving up.

Blue Torrent took a deep breath and his eyes frosted over. Since the optimal path had been lost, there was no need to delay any longer.

He would cut through this mess swiftly and smoothly. Once he broke the array eye the opponent would become fish on a chopping board, able to be manipulated as he pleased.

Light suddenly shined in his pitch black eyes. The unconscious creatures on the summit platform began to twitch as their bodies shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The veins that wrapped around their bodies and drilled into them suddenly inflated as they plundered their flesh and blood essence.

The Blood Sacrifice was in full revolution without reservation. The two grinding pans gathered together all the strength of the Blood Sacrifice. With a heaven-shaking ring, they erupted with an incomparably terrifying power.

Rumble rumble –

In a flash, the runes in the void rapidly collapsed and faded away. One could even hear the sounds of rivers and mountains trembling and groaning. This was the protective strength of the Ascendant Bluegold Array’s eye. As the grinding pans blasted down on it, it gradually reached the edge of collapse!

In the darkness, Qin Yu sat down cross-legged. Then, he opened his eyes as if he heard something. He looked up. There was a vortex above his head. It was spinning slower and slower, as if it was about to come to a stop.

Strange sounds came from the vortex, like something was going to tear through its barriers and forcefully arrive here.

“You’ve finally arrived?”

Qin Yu muttered beneath his breath. His eyes lit up as if two flames had blazed into existence.

He had waited long enough!

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