Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1188A – Human Bead

Chapter 1188A – Human Bead

Chapter 1188A – Human Bead

My name is Xu Zhu, and my nickname is the Little Expert of Reincarnation. I never refuted this, because it is indeed the truth.

Because my old ancestor was awesome and became a Half-Saint, the Xu Family rose to prominence, and I, of course, followed suit.

A second generation cultivator…outsiders could call me this, but it is actually quite appropriate.

Of course, whether it is appropriate or not doesn’t matter. What I want to say is that as an expert of reincarnation, what scene have I not seen before?

When it came to cultivation treasures, cultivators might desperately fly back and forth for their entire lives but never obtain more than a few.

But I am different. From the moment I stepped onto the path of cultivation, I had everything I wanted. It might be an exaggeration to say I used one and threw one away, but there was absolutely a steady supply where I could use as much as I wanted…there wasn’t anything else I could do about it. Our strength didn’t allow us to keep a low profile!

But today, I’ve come to realize that my thinking was too narrow. So there was actually such a fierce place in the world. The treasures here weren’t counted by number, but were directly piled up endlessly atop each other.

It was one thing if the quality was average, but everything here is good, so good that even as someone of my background, I can’t help but drool.

Mine! This is all mine! Everything here is mine!

If anyone dares to compete with me, I’ll ruin them!

More competitors came.

As the Thunder Dominion cultivator said, if they could arrive here, so could others.

Before, Ruan Jing and Xu Zhu had no idea what harvests Soaring Sky and the Thunder Dominion cultivator had. Because of their greed and unwillingness, they almost came to blows. josei

Thinking about it from a different perspective, if the cultivators that came later were to first see the open entrance to the courtyard and three people recklessly gathering treasures inside, what sort of reaction would they have?

It would probably be a desire to eat them alive!

With the arrival of other cultivators, there was almost no time for negotiation before a brutal melee broke out.

At the start, Xu Zhu, Ruan Jing, and the Thunder Dominion cultivator tried to join forces and kill the newcomers. But they soon gave up on this idea.

Because in a short period of time, seven passages opened up in the fog one after another. A massive number of cultivators started to enter the courtyard.

Seeing his treasures being seized by others, Xu Zhu’s eyes turned red. But he wasn’t stupid enough that he would fight with his life on the line just because of that.

When Ruan Jing became the first to turn and retreat, no longer stopping these people, Xu Zhu also clenched his teeth and hurried away.

But soon, his annoyance, resentment, and sense of helplessness all vanished.

He felt that his field of vision had been completely refreshed and he was finally seeing how high the skies could go. He couldn’t help but acknowledge that he had been nothing but a frog in a well.

Treasures, there were treasures everywhere!

It wasn’t limited to the front yard. Everywhere he could see in the entire massive courtyard was filled up with treasures.

At this time, his liver really trembled!

With red eyes, his body shook like a sieve. Xu Zhu only had one thought in mind, “Take it, take it all!”

In fact, it wasn’t just him who thought this. All the cultivators who entered were also thinking the same. The battle soon came to an end. In this place with treasures everywhere, they didn’t even have enough time to pick up treasures, so who was in the mood to fight?

Even if they killed their opponent, so what? If they had that much time, it was better to pick up some treasures! Moreover, fighting also came with its own risks. If they weren’t careful there was a chance they could kill themselves.

Everyone wanted to be an oriole. No one wanted to be the poor cicada that was eaten up!

The fog in the bamboo grove tumbled again and again as passages condensed, sending cultivators here. More and more cultivators came to the courtyard.

Although there were treasures everywhere, no one would despise taking too much. As more and more cultivators arrived, on the surface they remained calm, as if they had all turned into discerning artisans.

But this was like a bamboo basket covering a stove. It was unknown when flames would burst out.

Everyone here would be drawn in, rolling and struggling in the raging flames like a purgatory!


Qin Yu sighed and stared at the iron lump in his hands, bitterly smiling. He wasn’t someone that gave up easily, but there were just too many cultivators coming to the courtyard.

Even in this relatively barren area, there were four or five groups of cultivators that came one after another. Although Qin Yu hadn’t been discovered, it was still better to be careful.

Putting away the iron lump, Qin Yu decided to stop pouring magic power into it. Once he left this place he would have time to figure it out.

He took a deep breath and calmed down the trace of unwillingness in his heart. His eyes flashed with a thoughtful light.

Right now, there were already enough cultivators in the courtyard. If they all took the treasures here, they would naturally trigger the power of the contract.

When there were too few before, there might have been no response. But it should be time for some changes to occur.

Outside the courtyard, the dense fog in the bamboo forest began to quietly spread out. At first it surrounded the entire courtyard, and then it crossed over the walls. Bit by bit, it slowly submerged it.

The fog was poisonous. Qin Yu had personally experienced this already. As long as there were fluctuations of life, the poisons would attack.

The poison fog aimed at a cultivator’s soul. After contaminating a soul, it would unceasingly corrode away at it. This left the cultivators who were busily gathering treasures in the courtyard startled, but they soon discovered that even though the poison in the fog was fierce, there was no need to fear it.

Because they had enough treasures in their hands right now!

It just happened that the majority of these treasures could help a cultivator resist the damage from the poison fog.

That made things simple!

Of course, it wasn’t that no one suspected the purpose of the fog. But in their current situation, they had little choice.

The fog was here. It was poisonous, and the poison was fierce. It also targeted the soul. After being touched by it, things would become troublesome.

The antidote was in their hands. There might be a problem if they ate it, but they would die if they didn’t.

Was there even a need to make a choice?

Qin Yu finally waited for the expected change. But, this still left him in a poor mood. Although he was the first one to arrive in the courtyard and had seen all the treasures strewn about everywhere, he didn’t dare to touch any of them.

As a result, when the poison fog slowly filled the air and eventually invaded the firewood shed, he and Yun Shi could only resist it.

It was said before that if it was just Qin Yu, it wouldn’t matter if there was poison or not.

But Yun Shi was different!

If he wanted her to survive, he could only choose to shoulder the burden for her.

He couldn’t choose not to, because Yun Shi would soon die…this was one of the sorrows of life. Sometimes there seemed to be many choices, but in truth there was only one path to take.

He attempted to contact the little blue lamp, but there was no response. This left Qin Yu startled. If it was keeping itself hidden so deeply, did that mean there were eyes watching the realm within a realm?

And the owner of these eyes had to be strong, so strong that even the little blue lamp completely restrained its aura.

He thought back to the numerous young powerhouses that intruded into the Land of Disorder this time. For instance, there was the Transcendent Sword Sect’s Soaring Sky, Guiding Chapter Academy’s Ruan Jin, and so forth. There had to be another story behind all of this that he wasn’t aware of.

But understanding this was just that. Without the help of the little blue lamp, things would be a little troublesome.

When the poison in the fog touched one’s soul, it would produce a corrosive effect.

The good news was that every amount of a soul that was corroded needed to use up an equal amount of poison.

The bad news was that this poison fog was endless. Unless he somehow escaped, it would constantly attack him.

Qin Yu could use his own soul force to help Yun Shi melt away her poison. But, soul force was different from magic power, and the recovery rate was relatively slower without the help of external objects.

In this current situation, no one knew how long the poison fog would last for. Qin Yu couldn’t take the risk and allow himself to fall into a weakened state.

Then there was only one choice!

Qin Yu placed a hand on Yun Shi. A pure soul force instantly poured into her body.

At the same time, Old Turtle’s pitiful cries sounded out in his mind, “Master, please take pity on me; I am far too weak and cannot be squeezed out like this!”

Qin Yu’s lips twitched. For some reason, this fellow’s words just didn’t sound right.

Whatever. Seeing as he was putting in some effort, he wouldn’t haggle with him.

Old Turtle was weakened, but even conservatively estimating it, in this weakened state he could still live for several dozen more years.

So drawing out some of his soul force wasn’t a problem.

After temporarily solving Yun Shi’s predicament, Qin Yu looked at the fog tumbling in front of him and his eyes flashed with a sharp light.

First, a massive number of treasures were given to everyone, and then a poisonous fog was released. Unless they wanted to die, they could only use these treasures to save their lives…if there was no problem here, Qin Yu would tear off his own head!

Looking at the rhythm of things, there had to be tricks coming in near the end. He just had to wait and see.

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