Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1196A – A Story

Chapter 1196A – A Story

Chapter 1196A – A Story

With a soft sound, a wound opened up on Yun Shi’s face. The wound was deep, directly cutting open her cheek and extending to her mouth. But strangely, not a single drop of blood flowed out from the exposed bright red flesh.

She frowned and cruelty lit up her eyes. She walked over to Soaring Sky’s side and gave him a heavy kick, sending him flying away. With loud cracks, countless bones were broken.

She turned and grabbed Ruan Jing. He was the first to be sucked of blood and was currently in the best condition. He had managed to recover some strength in secret, but before he could do anything he was caught once more. After a few gulps, he became a soft shrimp once again.

As fresh blood entered her stomach, Yun Shi’s wounds regenerated at a speed visible to the naked eye. Her bright and fair skin was restored once more, without any traces of damage left behind.

Yun Shi put Ruan Jing aside and said, “I know all of you must be shocked and confused, but I won’t explain anything.

“Of course, there is no need for you to be afraid, because you won’t die for now…after eating so many of my good things, you should give back what you owe. That sounds fair, doesn’t it?”

Yun Shi said she wouldn’t explain, but everyone here was smart and resourceful. They could all hear the meaning behind her words. This house was her work, and everything here was her arrangements. That meant…Yun Shi was likely the realm within a realm’s spirit body, the one that should have been eliminated!

This was impossible!

Before entering the realm within a realm, everyone had seen this little girl that followed behind Qin Yu. How did she become the spirit body? But besides this, there was no other explanation for everything that was happening in front of them.

“Hehe, do you think it’s inconceivable? Sometimes I also think that too many things in this world don’t make sense.” Yun Shi took a few steps over and picked up Zhou Lei. After taking a bite, she sucked for a bit before wiping her mouth. “Your recovery is too slow, this doesn’t match with Thunder Dominion’s resounding reputation at all. I wonder, just what have you done in secret?”

Staring at Zhou Lei’s eyes, Yun Shi suddenly lifted a hand and placed it between his eyebrows. A thunder rune appeared before shattering.

Zhou Lei twitched. His complexion paled and blood flowed out from his nose and mouth.

“Humph, you really are dishonest. You almost managed to condense this thunder rune.” Yun Shi sneered, “The Thunder Dominion Master is extremely strong, so I cannot provoke him now. So this is the last time, otherwise I would have killed you.”

She turned and glanced over the people, inspecting them one at a time. On Rice Paper’s body, she found a folded paper star. Her complexion changed as she saw it. She immediately spat out a mouthful of blood, directly soaking it.

The paper star moved several times before it stopped making any more sounds.

Yun Shi curled her lips, “You people have all sorts of tricks to play. Despite things having come this far, you still haven’t given up. But don’t worry, I won’t give you any opportunities at all. Of course, you will all be treated the same. I won’t haggle with you over the first time, but the next time it happens, you will die.”

She revealed a bright smile, “Alright everyone, cheer up and get rid of those long faces…mm, how about I say something to comfort you?”

No one replied. In this situation, no one was in the mood to talk nonsense with her. Yun Shi didn’t care either. She thought for a moment and said, “How about I tell you a funny story. It really is very, very funny.”

Long, long ago, a ship sailed into the Endless Sea. On the ship, there was a young man with great ambitions; he hoped he could intrude into the Land of Disorder and make a name for himself.

But reality never matched up to one’s hopes and dreams. He soon understood what brutality and cruelty were.

During the struggle for treasure in a mystic realm, his companions all perished. Only he survived, managing to run away with severe wounds. With his condition at the time, he should have been doomed to die in the dangerous Land of Disorder.

But his luck was good. Just before he fell unconscious, he made his way into a mystic realm that hadn’t been discovered yet.

The young man was saved!

Within the mystic realm, there was a beautiful girl. She was kind and full of warmth and affection. After that young man woke up she soon fell deeply in love with him.

This was the most joyful period of time in her lonely life. The two young people’s love blazed like a bonfire. They stayed all day together, and spoke about many, many things.

But this joyful time eventually had to come to an end. The young man still had family members outside. He couldn’t stay here forever.

Before parting ways, they made an agreement. Within a year, the young man would activate the keepsake token she gave him, and have the girl come find him. At that time, he would have everything prepared. The two would be together forever and never be apart again.

The girl sent the young man away. Because of her help, his journey leaving was smooth and problem free.

She stood on the seashore, vigorously waving her hand until his figure vanished beyond the horizon and she could no longer see him.

Then, she started to wait.

Time passed, day by day. Even though she had experienced loneliness and solitude before, she never felt that time passed so slowly in the past.

But when she thought of the young man, she gained the power to endure. He had to be making preparations for the two of them to be together forever.

Whenever she thought of this, the girl felt fortunate and full of gratitude towards the world. She thanks the heavens for granting her life and for sending the young man to her side so she could experience love.

When the one year appointment approached, the token handed over by the girl was finally activated. She took all her belongings and embarked on a journey to find her lover without any hesitation.

This journey was long. The girl who went out for the first time was made fun of and encountered some troubles. But, she didn’t think it was difficult. She was full of motivation and strength as she thought she would meet the young man soon.

She crossed soaring mountains, passed raging rivers, waded through poisonous swamps, and finally the girl arrived at a large mountain. The aura of her token was here. This was the home of the young man as he once described it to her.

The girl suddenly felt uneasy. She had no idea what she was going to face. But what happened next proved that she was overthinking things. The young man flew out from the mountain in excitement and took her in his arms.

He had many family members and they were all intimate with her. As they looked at her, their gazes were full of warmth and acceptance.

Three days later, with the blessings of his entire family, the young man personally placed an ornamental hairpin on her head. He told her this was a testimony of their love, and she should never take it off in the future.

The day was lively and fun. After night fell the mountain was still brightly lit as countless guests laughed and drank to their heart’s content.

The girl was sent to the nuptial room. This was a brand new courtyard in a quiet mountain valley. The young man told her he had personally constructed this place, and it would be where their family would live.

She sat down on the soft red brocaded quilt and looked at the festive arrangements in the room. The girl couldn’t help but cry. Home…she thought that for the first time in her life, she had a home. She was no longer alone, living in this world all by herself.

Someone would care for her, someone would accompany her, until they reached the end of times and the end of their years.

The young man hadn’t come yet. He drank a great deal of wine and was entertaining guests out front. The noise was faint and endless. As the girl was beginning to feel a bit tired, he finally arrived.

The happy mother asked the young people to lift up their veils. She filled their wine cups and blessed them with smiles, drinking the nuptial wine.

Finally, after everything calmed down, the girl laid down on bed. She tried her best to keep her eyes open so she could fulfill her duties as a wife.

But she really was far too sleepy.

She could hear the young man’s whispers in her ears, “Sleep, go to sleep.”

Then, she fell asleep in a lingering sweet happiness.

This was a long and dark dream. After an unknown length of time, the girl was awakened by a severe pain. She discovered that she was still in her new home, but everything had changed before her eyes. Massive iron shackles locked down her hands, feet, and neck. A long iron drill had pierced through her chest, stabbing into her heart. josei

And the one who was holding the other end of the iron drill and had stabbed it into her was the young man she loved so much. But at this time, his eyes were indifferent and cold, without any warmth at all. The girl couldn’t help but tremble.

Besides the young man, there were still many other people in the room. She had seen most of them before, but those close and friendly faces had all become indifferent. There was a greed in their eyes, one so lost in desire that it frightened her.

She desperately struggled, but the hairpin on her head was like a cold and vicious snake. It nailed her life gate tight, scattering her strength.

She was in a period of darkness. So dark that there was no light. So dark that she didn’t want to ever remember it.

So her mind was a blurry gaze. All she remembered were cold faces eating the flesh and blood that was sheared off from her body. Blood splashed out while they chewed, making the smiles on those faces appear even more hideous and terrifying.

That’s right. When the two were in love, the girl personally held the young man’s finger and stroked the top of her head, telling him that this was her weakest point.

This was probably a self-inflicted sin.

A horrific year soon passed. The girl was in a period of rapid growth. Although a year wasn’t enough to patch up the flaw in her life gate, she wasn’t like before where she lost all resistance once it was suppressed.

Even though she was injured, she still slowly recovered her strength. Then, on a stormy night, with a roar of anger, she reached out and grabbed the hand that was cutting off her flesh.

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