Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1198– Questioning Loyalty

Chapter 1198– Questioning Loyalty

Chapter 1198– Questioning Loyalty

But at this time, just as she invaded his body, before she could do anything she felt as if a giant mouth bit down on her.

With one bite her soul was nearly torn in half. Fear and pain flooded her heart, causing her to scream out loud. Then, her consciousness was forcibly stripped from her soul and appeared within Qin Yu’s mind world.

Qin Yu had a calm expression. As he looked at Yun Shi who was locked down with black chains, there was neither joy nor sorrow in his eyes. Although he had made up his mind from the beginning, if Yun Shi didn’t have the intention of harming him from the start, she would never have fallen into Old Turtle’s hands so easily.

“What is this? What is this? Screw off!” Yun Shi wildly struggled. Unfortunately, all her efforts were futile.

“Hehe, what a fierce temper, I like it!” Old Turtle was about to go crazy with happiness. “Thank you for saving me, master! If you hit me or yell at me in the future, I will have no objections!”

As the words rang out, the black chains tightened, stubbornly locking Yun Shi down. She glared at Qin Yu, her eyes filled with hatred.

Qin Yu spread out his hands, “You rushed in on your own, so how can you blame me? You should know that I was completely sincere in cooperating with you from the start.”

Yun Shi: …

Who the hell would believe you? As I thought, not a single man was good!

“Qin Yu, consider yourself fierce, but don’t think that you’ve won this game just by suppressing my consciousness!” Yun Shi clenched her jaws, her eyes full of cruelty. “If I cannot restore the connection with my mortal body, the power will run out of control and it will blow up. No one will be able to escape!” josei

Qin Yu clapped his hands in admiration, “The words old and scheming are really suitable when used to describe you. But even if you do blow up, I fear you cannot kill me. Moreover, I don’t think you will have that chance.”

As he spoke he snapped his fingers. Yun Shi’s complexion changed. She suddenly felt the connection to her mortal body being instantly severed.

How could this be?

Qin Yu said, “You seem to have forgotten something. In order to prevent your bloodline backlash from taking your life, I once placed the dark moon and red sun mark in your body. Afterwards, I forgot to take it back. Now, it’s just right for using to imprison your mortal body.”

“Qin Yu!” Yun Shi shrilly screamed, “You cannot kill me! You cannot!”

He responded without expression, “Of course I can.”

Old Turtle roared in annoyance, “If you don’t die, how can I live on? This is your fate, so hurry up and recognize it!”

The black chains tightened, gradually sinking into her. The resentment and hatred on her face finally turned into panic.

She had used so much energy and time to come up with these plans, laying down an arrangement that spanned countless years. And just when she finally saw the light of hope, of a new life…how could she resign herself to dying here?

“Qin Yu, don’t kill me! As long as you let me live…” As she spoke to here, her lips shivered and she no longer said anything.

She could clearly feel the indifference in Qin Yu’s eyes. It crushed the last bit of hope left in her heart.

“Why…why…” Yun Shi muttered to herself, “My nature was originally pure and kind-hearted. I cultivated in the Endless Sea, never doing anything that harmed the laws of the heavens and earth. Just because I saved someone in a moment of sympathy, I ended up being deceived, imprisoned, tortured, and eaten by others…

“I luckily returned to the Endless Sea, but then I was stared at by a group of greedy Saints, designated as some ‘thing’ to be plucked out at a later time. I am not willing, of course I am not willing. The heavens and earth both formed me, gave birth to me, so why did they give me such a pitiful destiny!”

She looked up, her voice turning sharp and poisonous, “I want to live, but all the plans I prepared eventually came to nothing…Qin Yu, with my status as the Endless Sea’s spirit, I curse you! You will welcome its endless and inexhaustible chase, until your last drop of blood is swallowed, until your final bit of flesh is eaten, until your soul has dissipated!

“Hahaha! Destiny! This is my destiny! Good, then I will acknowledge it today!” Cracks quietly appeared on Yun Shi. Then, she shattered into countless blocks that faded from sight.

In the end, she chose to voluntarily scatter her consciousness and end her own life.

That was probably Yun Shi’s final act of resistance against this world. Even if she died, she would die on her own terms.

Qin Yu frowned. As Yun Shi died, he could feel a dark and cold strength fuse with his body.

When he tried to sense it again, he didn’t find anything. But it was clear that this was the curse Yun Shi placed on him before she died.

As he thought, there was no free harvest in this world. Where there were gains, there had to be losses. Since he chose to kill Yun Shi, he had to withstand the consequences of his choice.

Old Turtle tentatively said, “Master, you’ve been cursed…”

Qin Yu was speechless for a second. This happened to him, so did he need another reminder?

Feeling Qin Yu’s dissatisfaction, Old Turtle coughed and said,”Ah…this…in truth, I just wanted to remind master that this curse is the fiercest blood curse. It is the final bite of a creature before it dies, the absolute poison amongst poisons. There is basically no solution to it! You must be careful from now on. From here on out, if any life form from the Endless Sea sees you, it will be the same as seeing the enemy that killed their father.”

Qin Yu’s lips twitched. Old Turtle’s description was simply the worst. But, he couldn’t help but pay attention. It was clear that Old Turtle was worried that the curse would end up affecting him as collateral damage, and decided to give a warning in advance.

Whatever, he would consider things finished. With the situation being like this, speaking about it further was useless. He could only take things as they came. Even the scheming and ruthless spirit body had been slain by him, so why would he be afraid of the minions and underlings of the Endless Sea?

Now, this was indeed what Qin Yu was thinking, and he really didn’t take this curse too seriously. But soon he would understand what people meant when they said that enough ants could bring down an elephant.

Moreover, there were indeed many minions and underlings in the Endless Sea, but they were completely different from what most people believed!

This was something to be spoken about at a later time.

Shua –

Qin Yu’s eyes opened up. He instantly felt a dark and unfriendly gaze on him.

It was Soul Hook!

When he saw Qin Yu wake up, his eyes flashed and he lowered his head.

Qin Yu sneered inwardly. This person really was a white-eyed wolf. Just after saving his life and seeing that he had managed to finish off Yun Shi, this man started to come up with another sinister plot. If he hadn’t woken up in time, he feared that Soul Hook would have tried something.

Originally, Qin Yu was a bit hesitant on how to deal with these five cultivators. He wasn’t afraid of killing them, but who knew what special means these people had? For instance, marking their murderer using some special method or something.

If he killed them all, that would bring all his immediate troubles to an end. But if he ended up provoking several incomparably terrifying Saints because of that, he feared he would spend the rest of his life as a fugitive.

The key was that he might not even be able to flee!

But if he didn’t kill them, just the fact that the spirit body fell into his hands was enough for him to suffer a loss. He thought he was stuck between a rock and a hard place, but Soul Hook’s look had caused him to suddenly realize another possibility.

His thoughts raced as he deliberated over this possibility. Then, his eyes flashed with cruelty. He would give these people a path to survival. They could take it if they wanted, but if they didn’t…then they couldn’t blame him for being cruel!

When Qin Yu woke up, the attention of the five cultivators fell on his body. They understood their current predicament.

When it came to their life and death, these people had thought about things much more comprehensively than Qin Yu had. So, they certainly knew what his current concerns were.

Zhou Lei said, “Brother Qin, I can make a vow that I will not reveal anything about what happened here today. If I violate my oath, I will die a horrific death!”

“That’s right, you saved us Qin Yu, so we won’t do something like paying back graciousness with enmity.” After surviving such a close life and death peril, Rice Paper had lost all of her previous arrogance.

The situation was obvious. Yun Shi had died, so their life and death was now in Qin Yu’s hands.

But the sad thing was that the situation hadn’t improved at all, because Qin Yu had sufficient reasons to kill them all and eliminate all future troubles. In this situation, what was there to be arrogant about? Even living was difficult enough!

Soul Hook was silent for a moment. Then he said, “Qin Yu, if you save me and let me leave today, I will relinquish the matter of you killing a descendant of the Sly Fate Lineage and never bring it up again.”

“Oh? You won’t bring it up again?” Qin Yu suddenly said, “Are you speaking the truth?”

Soul Hook said, “Naturally.”

“I don’t believe you.”

Soul Hook: …

If it weren’t for the fact that he was in a state of absolute weakness, he vowed he would lunge at Qin Yu and teach him a lesson.

If you don’t trust me then why say anything? Are you playing games here?

The strength within his body was recovering much faster than he anticipated. It was probably related to the massive amount of treasures he used before.

With every moment that passed, he grew that much stronger. Soul Hook might be annoyed, but he wouldn’t choose to flip the tables with Qin Yu right now.

Wasn’t he unwilling to make small talk before?

Then he would try his best now. Once Soul Hook recovered, he would teach Qin Yu what it meant when people spoke themselves to death.

Soul Hook took a deep breath and said with deep sincerity, “Qin Yu, how can I get you to believe me? I do want to live. As long as you let me leave here alive, you can tell me any condition you want.”

Qin Yu suddenly laughed, but his words weren’t humorous at all, “You’re speaking so much, is it to delay for time? I know that your strength is quickly recovering, but trust me, the speed at which you recover isn’t as fast as the speed at which I can make a decision.”

He stopped and swept his eyes over the others. “You are all disciples below Saints. I don’t want any trouble, so I can let you all survive. But I need a guarantee…a guarantee that those who live will stand on my side and never betray me. You understand my meaning, right?”

Soul Hook suddenly thought that there was something wrong with the situation. Qin Yu’s words sounded normal, but why did his heart turn cold?

Puff –

With a dull sound, Soaring Sky attacked. It was unknown when he had condensed a formidable sword intent, but he opened up a giant hole in Soul Hook’s back.

And at almost the same time, Ruan Jing swiped out his hand. There was a splash of blood as Soul Hook’s left eye was torn off.

The eyeball in his hands crazily pulsated. Then, with a burst of strength, he smashed it to pieces.


Soul Hook screamed out loud, “If you dare to kill me, the Sly Fate Clan will never let you go!”

After Soaring Sky attacked, he slumped to the floor, his complexion paler than before. It was clear that the attack just now had affected his injuries.

Ruan Jing gasped for breath. He looked at Qin Yu and then at Zhou Lei and Rice Paper, “What are you two waiting for? Are you waiting for Brother Qin to send the two of you on the road?”

This was questioning their loyalty!

And it was also their only choice if they wanted to survive.

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