Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1285 – Black Altar

Chapter 1285 – Black Altar

Chapter 1285 – Black Altar

Elder apprentice brother had dragged Lei Xiaoyu away with determination. However, he changed his mind immediately after he saw the black shadow above the silver sea.

His first reaction was to scoff. Then, he took in a deep breath and a serious look crossed his eyes as he coldly stated, “Since we can’t avoid it, let’s go there.”

Lei Xiaoyu pouted, “Elder apprentice brother, aren’t you fast?”

“This black figure is not ordinary. The Peach Garden cannot back out…” Without further explanation, elder apprentice brother grabbed Lei Xiaoyu and made his attack decisively.


He formed a sword with his fingers and cut down at the silver sea, splitting it in half. The terrifying silver roots were as vulnerable as foundlings in front of elder apprentice brother, unable to withstand a single strike.

Lei Xiaoyu had been dragged along. A warm expression crossed her eyes as she stared at elder apprentice brother’s back. Although she was the seventh disciple in the Peach Garden, she had probably known elder apprentice brother for even longer than second senior-apprentice brother.

While she knew him the longest, this did not mean that she understood elder apprentice brother the best. He was not a complicated person and she knew him quite well.

Hence, others might believe elder apprentice brother when he said that the Peach Garden could not back away from this, but she knew otherwise. Elder apprentice brother was someone who would help others willingly without expecting to be repaid. He did not want to give others pressure and his actions were probably to save her.

Regardless of whether elder apprentice brother was successful in helping them, everyone was thankful for him.

Lei Xiaoyu’s eyes narrowed and she thought that she should leave after this journey to Lost Garden ended. After so many years hiding in the Peach Garden, it was time she did the things she ought to do. She could not escape from her destiny forever.

The three-headed giant with six arms roared ferociously. It had noticed the cultivators along the sea and its eyes glowed with killing intent.

As an ancient creature that was raised from the silver sea to become its protector, it could sense the changes in the altar.

It could not be awakened. Otherwise, the Lost Garden would perish and the giant would also be destroyed along with it.

It stretched its six arms out and placed them on top of its three heads which roared simultaneously. A powerful binding force descended at that instant and formed a spatial cage that sealed the entire silver sea.

The silver tree controlled space rules while the giant was formed from the silver sea. It naturally inherited a great mass of strength. Every cultivator was instantly trapped in the sea.

It threw a punch directly at the two people from the Peach Garden. As the mighty existence born from the sea, it could clearly sense who was the strongest threat to it. In its opinion, this man was strong!

Elder apprentice brother frowned as he observed the incoming blow. Bright light shot out from his eyes and there seemed to be numerous small lightning bolts that exploded everywhere. However, before elder apprentice brother could react, a deep voice echoed through the silver sea, “Your opponent…is me!”


Numerous punches that the Abyssal Titan threw collided heavily with the giant’s arm. Vigorous shockwaves were released through the land and it caused a great number of silver roots to disintegrate. The silver sea was now considerably darker than it was before. A large portion of it was blank areas wiped out by the two giants clashing with each other.

After blocking the blow from the three-headed giant with six arms, the Abyssal Titan looked at elder apprentice brother and Lei Xiaoyu. Suddenly, it stomped down hard.

This stomp shattered rocks around it and a mushroom cloud formed in the air as shockwaves wiped out everything in all directions.

Crack crack!

The space around the area was cracked apart as the Abyssal Titan’s foot stomped down. Elder apprentice brother quickly brought his hand forward to block the blow. He shot a glance at the Abyssal Titan and then pulled Lei Xiaoyu beside him to bow to it. He turned and then flew into the sky.

Lei Xiaoyu had not bowed to anyone aside from the Spring Master in a long while. However, since elder apprentice brother dragged her, she did not resist. After flying for a while she turned around and asked, “Elder apprentice brother, do you know this giant?”

Elder apprentice brother shook his head, “This is the first time I’ve met him but I feel a sense of familiarity with him. It feels like he is connected to the Peach Garden.” After a pause, he continued, “Master traveled all around the Vast Brightness World in the past and he met countless strong enemies, but also powerful cultivators. You know Master’s personality and he would not make friends with the weak. This giant might be an old friend of Master’s, so we ought to bow to thank him.”

Lei Xiaoyu nodded in understanding. After elder apprentice brother’s explanation, she felt more familiar with the giant. Since they were both acting in this way, it was probably not a coincidence and the giant was Master’s old friend.

Her eyes were bright. It had been a dangerous day but their hopes of gaining treasures were much higher than the other cultivators’.

The silver sea was mad. In a more accurate manner, the silver roots that made the silver sea were enraged. To prevent the cultivators from getting close to the altar, the roots were determined to create chaos and destroy everything to kill everyone.

However, the more extreme its actions were, the more obvious it was to the cultivators that they were getting closer to the treasure. They had to get through this chaos using whatever hidden cards they had. Treasures were precious but opportunities were rare. If they weren’t going to use their hidden cards now, what were they reserving them for?

At that point, the Silver White Sea was in chaos. The cultivators were not blocked and they even advanced forward quicker. This was because of their family backgrounds. Ordinary cultivators did not have hidden cards bestowed to them by Saints. Not to mention advancing forward, they would be lucky to still be alive.

Finally, someone crossed the boundless sea. This was the first person to break through the blockage and see the large shadow on the ocean.

It was Nether Ye Xing!

This was the most talented and famous cultivator in the Netherworld. As a testament to his extremely powerful cultivation base, he was the first person to cross the sea. In the next instant, his body shivered uncontrollably. The tiny blood vessels in his eyes swelled and bulged, turning his eyes a bloodshot red color.

Heat, greed and a possessive desire filled his entire soul.

The appearance of the altar was very strange and its design was different from most altars that existed now. It was very large and looked like a huge golden pyramid. The whole body of the altar was pitch black and there was not a single gap in it. The large altar was made from sacrifices.

Another person might not be able to perceive anything, but Nether Ye Xing could understand a thing or two. The Lost Garden was seen as a forbidden area by the Saint circle and it was the prime place to train young cultivators. With his status, he could definitely gain the rights to enter the Lost Garden once it was open. As such, he had already gotten a good understanding of the ancient creatures that roamed this earth despite them being forgotten creatures lost in history books. He had also come across a paragraph related to the altar in front of him before.

…The dominator of heaven and earth was one who ruled over millions of living creatures. She had enough respect and admiration for heaven and earth itself…The construction of this altar was related to heaven and earth. Give your most sincere offering in exchange for the love of the dominator’s clan…

Although the image of the altar he had in mind was different from the altar he saw now, the feeling he had as he looked at this altar was what he would imagine. Furthermore, Ye Xing could feel a strong attractive force to the altar. This force was so strong that he had to use all his strength to suppress it. Otherwise, he would have rushed to it uncontrollably a long time ago.

The altar of the ancient creatures was built in this mountain. It was protected by the giant and the silver sea…it must contain a huge secret!

This secret was definitely not something that would be easily revealed to humans. The black altar appeared calm, but beneath it, a great deal of mystery was hidden.

As Ye Xing struggled internally to withstand the temptation, a memory of a conversation between him and his father flashed across his mind. He could not remember the exact details but he recalled a portion of the Nether Saint’s words clearly.

“Ancient creatures were abandoned by the Vast Brightness World. Their bloodline was destined to perish and the existence of the Lost Garden in itself defies the natural order of the world.

“In this world, nothing can go against the natural order and still survive. The living or the dead can exist briefly but perish eventually. However, the Lost Garden is obviously not something that has existed briefly.

“As such, I am sure that the Lost Garden has an existence that is continuously releasing energy to sustain it. To a certain extent, this existence granted the Lost Garden its ability to go against the natural order of the world.”

Ye Xing’s heart thumped against his chest!

He licked his lips and a deep voice enthusiastically called out from within him, “It is here. It is here!”

Even if the Nether Saint was acting weirdly in recent years, perhaps due to a problem with his Great Dao, a True Saint would always be a True Saint and his judgment could not be underestimated.

If there was truly something in the Lost Garden that sustained it and granted it the ability to defy the natural order, it was this!

What was sealed in this altar? It was something that allowed the abandoned and wiped out ancient creatures to continue taking their last breaths till this day.

He had no answer.

However, it was clear that the altar sealed something that was incredibly valuable. If he could…no.

Nether Ye Xing took in a deep breath and raised his hand to put it against his chest. If he continued to think along this line of thought, his heart would shatter from beating too quickly.

His… his…he could not miss out on this and he would kill anyone who wanted to snatch it from him without a second thought!


A large explosion sounded. Another person had arrived. Ye Xing turned around sharply, his red eyes were stern and sharp and he looked like a ghost from hell. josei

Elder apprentice brother frowned and his expression grew stiff. Ye Xing must have figured something out. Otherwise he would not be reacting in this manner.

Looking up, his expression changed slightly as his gaze fell on the altar.

Behind him, Lei Xiaoyu wore a scared expression. Her body trembled as she walked towards him.

To Ye Xing, the girl from the Peach Garden appeared to be frightened by him. However, elder apprentice brother knew that this was not the case, she was simply too excited!

The hidden secret in the altar was definitely something if it triggered such an uncontrollable reaction from his junior-apprentice sister.


The silver sea was broken through again. The third arrival was the Prince from Heavenly Palace. These top cultivators showcased their immense strength to arrive here.

The Prince of Heavenly Palace’s eyes swept across the area and he sighed deeply, “The current situation is unclear. Why don’t we put aside our personal grudges?”

Ye Xing scoffed coldly as he opened his eyes. The redness in his eyes disappeared. That’s right, he had purposely led everyone to think that he was acting this way because of his hatred towards them. He could not let them know about the secret of the altar. Otherwise, things would get more troublesome!

“Look!” Lei Xiaoyu pointed forward. She wore a shocked expression as she exclaimed, “The silver roots seem to emerge from here!”

Elder apprentice brother, Ye Xing, and the Prince of Heavenly Palace looked at the bottom of the altar. They saw the silver roots emerging from there. Could this be the origin of the silver sea?

Right at that moment, a wave of turmoil emerged from within the altar. It was as though a large creature had turned in its sleep.

The entire silver sea, composed of millions of silver roots, froze at that moment. Then, an extremely loud roar erupted from within. The Abyssal Titan was forced backward by the terrifying force and a horrific wound split open its chest to reveal its bones inside. At the same time, the three-headed giant with six legs abruptly lost an arm. Blood poured out from its wound like a waterfall.

The roots stopped their attack on the cultivators as they cried out and gathered near the giant. Lifting it up, the roots carried the giant towards the altar. A few moments later, a horrific cry shook the air as the Abyssal Titan’s body crumbled apart like a bubble bursting.

Hang in there, he couldn’t faint. He could not lose consciousness or he would not be able to wake up! Qin Yu roared wildly in his heart but the Rule System body was on the verge of collapse. The emptiness and pain in his body also hammered his weak will.

The three-headed giant with six arms had left with the silver roots. His plan had succeeded! There was nothing in front of him now and he only needed to push forward to reach the altar. However, this small step was a wall that was as high as the skies. He hardly had the strength to control his body. How could he climb this wall?

Was this the end? No! I refuse!

Suddenly, Qin Yu felt himself fall into a warm embrace. He struggled to open his eyes and with his eyelids still heavy, he smelled the familiar scent of Cang Zhu. It was the kind of flowery scent that made people feel at ease, and it was the same scent Ah Zhu had for a hundred years.

Qin Yu grabbed her hand silently, his gaze locked onto her.

There, after separating from the silver sea, he could see the massive black shadow from the altar.

Cang Zhu lightly said, “Don’t worry. No matter what, I will send you off.” Her voice was calm but the hands that held onto Qin Yu’s were shaking.

That was because his entire body was breaking down. His blood drenched her red, and his breathing grew weak as his life force was slowly sapped away.

Qin Yu was going to die!

At this point, the only thing that could save him was the black altar above his head.

This was why Cang Zhu led him there. She was willing to pay whatever price was needed.

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