Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1703 – Destruction Of the Circling Heavens Sword Sect

Chapter 1703 – Destruction Of the Circling Heavens Sword Sect

Chapter 1703 – Destruction Of the Circling Heavens Sword Sect

The few hundred big and small sword sects in Swallow Mountain had a few hundred thousand swordsmen in total. However, those who were officially recorded were only about thirty to forty percent of the actual numbers. 

The majority of those rogue cultivators who did not have a place to settle down would come and go like the wind. An example was Zhang Xiashan. 

Without any background or anyone to rely upon, what was the point even if there was a large number of them? Rogue cultivators were a bad mix. In order to continue living in Swallow Mountain, they had to listen to the orders of the great sword sects. 

The internal conflicts and scheming between sects of Swallow Mountain was not any lesser than outside of it. 

People did not like to do hard work and they may also commit dirty acts that they did not want to reveal, but these had to be done. It was also why a large number of rogue cultivators could continue to remain in Swallow Mountain. 

Rogue cultivators attached themselves to sword sects and obtained space to breathe. Meanwhile sword sects used rogue cultivators to do their dirty work. Both parties needed each other. 

Otherwise, did people really think they could randomly find a mountain cave to live in and become a rogue cultivator? That would be too naive! 

However, there were some rogue cultivators who were truly rogue on Sword Mountain. Most of these men obtained some fortune or they might have stumbled upon a cave left by an elite, inheriting a Sword Immortal skill. These men were strong and not to be provoked. 

The various sword sects did not want to provoke them and hence they acknowledged their existences. Each of these men was famous in the world of rogue cultivators. 

Hu Zhiming was one of them, and he was very famous. His greatest achievement was being chased after by Sect Master Hu Fu of the Circling Heavens Sword Sect for a continuous fourteen days. Although he suffered heavy injuries, he managed to escape alive. 

It was unknown why the both of them harbored so much hatred for each other, but this hatred ran as deep as the sea and when they met, they wanted to claw each other to death. 

When Hu Fu died as the Opening Heavens Sword Sect reopened, the Circling Heavens Sword Sect was thrown into chaos. It was such a good opportunity to pull out the weeds and Hu Zhiming was definitely not going to miss out on it. Using his own words, “My grudges are clear to me. If you owe me ten counts, I will not let you get away by returning me nine and a half counts.” He was not going to give them a discount. 

Because of him, a few elders and outstanding disciples of Hu Fu from the Circling Heavens Sword Sect barely managed to hold the Circling Heavens Sword Sect’s ground, but they were now torn apart by lightning. 

If not for the power of the protective sect array, it would have long been destroyed by the attacks from the rogue cultivators and they would have ended up in a miserable state. 

Cough! My generation of swordsmen…were not shameless. 

The Circling Heavens Sword Sect was not an unknown sect in Swallow Mountain and they had good relationships with their fellow sword sects. However, when Hu Fu died, the other sword sects immediately pretended not to know them and they even tried to grasp and tear off the blood and flesh of the Circling Heavens Sword Sect. 

This was what was happening and everyone knew it clearly. But it was nice to spread the news as it was, and therefore, the rogue cultivators came in. 

As mentioned previously about the symbiotic arrangement between sword sects and rogue cultivators, this was also the best example of their relationship. 

The group who destroyed the Circling Heavens Sword Sect was that bunch of reckless, lawless rogue cultivators in Swallow Mountain. What could we do? We could only ‘hold our tears back’ and protect ourselves. 

The foundation and treasures of the Circling Heavens Sword Sect may just resurface one day. 

The Opening Heavens Sword Sect was a good example of this. So many years had passed but they successfully managed to reopen their sect. 

The various sword sects feasted on meat while the rogue cultivators drank the soup. Everyone benefited from the fall of the Circling Heavens Sword Sect. 

Of course, this was also related to the origins of the Circling Heavens Sword Sect. Back then, Hu Fu was one of the most outstanding disciples of the Opening Heavens Sword Sect. Why was he able to survive the disaster back then and even establish a new sect, the Circling Heavens Sword Sect? Do you think that everyone is dumb? 

Old man Hu Zhiming was present and a group of rogue cultivators surrounded him. Evidently, the swordsmen of various sword sects would not be present where the rogue cultivators were taking action. 

As the star of the rogue cultivators, Hu Zhiming coincidentally held a deep grudge against the Circling Heavens Sword Sect. With him as the leader of the movement, their goals would be achieved smoothly. 

Of course, the term ‘leader’ was simply to consolidate everyone to be of the same mind. They would still have to discuss how to go about matters. 

“Senior Hu, the array of the Circling Heavens Sword Sect is truly strong. We attacked eight times and our manpower is down but we still have not managed to barge in. If we continue like this, it will trample our moral and things will become troublesome.” 

One of the rogue cultivators mentioned as his face filled with fury. 

The other swordsmen around him nodded as well; they all had the same opinion. 

Hu Zhiming wore a calm expression, “What are you anxious about? A duck without its feathers has been caught in the pot. Can it still fly?” 

He glanced at the people around him, “It has been almost a month since we started attacking. Aside from the help of two smaller sword sects, have you seen other cultivators? Hmph! Wicked men would not receive help. The Circling Heavens Sword Sect did not have clean origins and they have always been looked down upon by other swordsmen. As long as they do not receive any external help, it is only a matter of time before the protective sect array falls.” 

The rogue cultivator who first spoke coughed lightly, “Senior Hu, we understand what you are saying, but it has been so long.” 

Older swordsmen cared a lot about their reputation. It was very embarrassing that they had not managed to destroy the Circling Heavens Sword Sect even after such a long time.

Eventually, rogue cultivators like them who did not manage to complete the task would have to bite the bullet. 

Hu Zhiming could tell that the crowd were worried and he calmly said, “What are you worried about? Since you know about the roots of the Circling Heavens Sword Sect, what else are you afraid of?” His lips curved up and he wore a smirk, “Subordinates imitate the vices of their superiors. This is such a simple logic.” 

The rogue cultivators beside him eyes widened and he asked, “Senior Hu, do you know something? Please tell us!” 

Hu Zhiming did not let his guard down. He wagged his finger and said, “Just wait and see.” 

Once he got rid of these rogue cultivators, Hu Zhiming looked at the Circling Heavens Sword Sect’s stable protective sect array. He frowned slightly before he turned and left. 

A few moments later, under a big tree on the mountain, Hu Zhiming cupped his hands, “Sect Master Qin, how much longer are you going to wait before you act? If we delay any further, it will be hard to take care of the rogue cultivators.” 

Opposite him was Qin Yu. 

Qin Yu calmly replied, “Brother Hu, don’t worry. Since I agreed to it, I will definitely make sure it becomes true.” He looked at Hu Zhiming, “Three days. It will take at most three more days before the protective sect array around the Circling Heavens Sword Sect will self destruct.” 

Hu Zhiming immediately broke out into a smile. 

Two days later at night, there were thick and dense clouds in the sky that covered the moon. The entirety of Swallow Mountain was shrouded in darkness. 

All of a sudden, there were loud, explosive booms in the air that originated from the Circling Heavens Sword Sect. 

The force of the explosions was immense and the protective array that had been forcefully held up for over twenty days began to fall apart. 

There were stunned looks on the rogue cultivators and they froze for a second before they started to cry in excitement. Without hesitation, they began to kill their way in. 

The elders of the Circling Heavens Sword Sect and some disciples in the ancestral hall were not weak. However, there were still strong swordsmen among the rogue cultivators. In addition, sword sects were helping them from the dark. When the protective sect array broke, the outcome had already been decided. 

Hu Zhiming silently watched the scene while wearing a calm face. There was no joy or sadness, but there was a look of complication in his eyes. 

It felt like he finally accomplished a dream in his heart, but it also felt like there was an empty space that was enveloping his heart. 

He took in a deep breath and then slowly spat it out. Hu Zhiming did not allow his emotions to disrupt him for too long. 

There was a cold smirk on his face. Then, he stepped out and headed into the battle with the Circling Heavens Sword Sect. 

It was a great battle!

Numerous sword lights flashed where the Circling Heavens Sword Sect was. They illuminated the entire night sky. As sword auras clashed, they broke each other and dispersed. 

Four hours later, when day broke, the sounds of battle were dying down. 

Aside from sword hums that continued to come from the ancestral hall of the Circling Heavens Sword Sect, there was silence everywhere else. 

There were a lot of bodies and fresh blood stained the earth! 

Qin Yu stood a distance from the Circling Heavens Sword Sect. He observed the scene with a calm expression. He didn’t feel anything in his heart. 

Back then, this was the same scene as when the Opening Heavens Sword Sect was destroyed too. 

As the saying went, karma will come around. If one did not receive retribution, it meant that the time had not come yet. When Hu Fu betrayed his sect back then, karma had already targeted him. 

Today was simply the outcome of karma’s act. 

From now on, there would no longer be a Circling Heavens Sword Sect in Swallow Mountain. All of it would become history. 

Shoosh –  

Qin Yu’s body flashed and he disappeared. In the next moment, he appeared in front of Hu Zhiming. 

There was now fatigue on the rogue cultivator’s face and his eyes were dim. Yet, the violent killing intent around him was thick and it felt like it was almost physical. His clothes were drenched in blood and there were a lot of holes and tears. This was a testament to the many battles and lives he took during the battle tonight. 

When he saw Qin yu, Hu Zhiming frowned slightly, “Sect Master, you should not be here.” 

Qin Yu’s expression was calm, “Other people might bother about their reputation, but I don’t. Also, I have sufficient grounds and motivation to be here.” 

Hu Zhiming frowned. He felt like Qin Yu was not ordinary. 

Qin Yu calmly said, “Come out.”josei

A figure walked out from the ruins behind him. The man stood beside Qin Yu with a pale expression, “Sect Master Qin, I have destroyed the array. According to our agreement, you should let me go.” 

Ma Dengfeng nervously looked at Hu Zhiming opposite him and his body started to shiver uncontrollably. 

Qin Yu said, “I agreed to let him leave with his life. This is his prize for destroying the array.” 

There was silence from Hu Zhiming and he hesitated before he took a step back. “Since these are Sect Master’s wishes, I will abide by them.” 

Ma Dengfeng jumped for joy. 

Qin Yu waved his hand and Ma Dengfeng turned around. 

There was a sharp sword splitting sound and he fled anxiously. 

When Ma Dengfeng was just a black spot in the distance, Qin Yu sighed, “I am very curious. What kind of deep seated hatred do you have to be so merciless?” 

Hu Zhiming smiled, “When I kill him, I will give you an explanation.” 

He turned and headed straight after Ma Dengfeng. 

Qin Yu’s expression was straight. 

In this world, no wild fire would burn endlessly. If the burning was not complete, it would ignite again. 

Very soon, Hu Zhiming returned. Although he did not say anything, the light blood scent around him explained everything. 

Qin Yu could hear the sounds of battle continuing where the ancestral hall at the main peak of the Circling Heavens Sword Sect was. “Brother Hu is determined to kill. Why aren’t you going to help them?” 

Hu Zhiming smiled, “An ancestral hall will not be destroyed easily. The desperate swordsmen of the Circling Heavens Sword Sect may destroy indiscriminately. I have killed too many today and I will just look from afar and not participate in the last battle…either way, they will not let anyone from the Circling Heavens Sword Sect off.” 

Qin Yu thought for a bit, “Brother Hu is wise.” His reason may be correct, but it was not all there was to it. 

The most important treasure of the sect was definitely placed in the ancestral hall. 

Hu Zhiming was simply a true rogue cultivator who was not controlled by anyone. If he wanted to live peacefully in the future, he should not be too greedy. 

“Sect Master, you give me too much praise.” He smiled and pointed, “People must have noticed your appearance here today. You do not need to hide yourself anymore. We can get a better view if we head inside.”

The two flew together and drew close to the main mountain peak where the ancestral hall was. They stood together and witnessed the last struggle of the Circling Heavens Sword Sect. 


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