Regressor Instruction Manual

Chapter 491

Chapter 491: A Demon Has To Act Like A Demon To Be A Demon (3)

Chapter 491: A Demon Has To Act Like A Demon To Be A Demon (3)

The situation was pressed down on by a sense of urgency.

‘Did they really take drugs?’

Considering that the Continental Union had grown one step forward, it was a pleasant situation, but it wasn’t beneficial to me at the time. It felt as if the housewarming guests came in even though the house hadn’t been cleaned up yet after moving.

Even so, it should take a little longer to reach Amera, but honestly, I felt like the candle was burning fast on both ends. Originally, the procedure required to attack a dungeon wasn’t ignoring everything and rushing in.

‘They’re seriously crazy…’

No matter how much information our side had leaked, it was almost irrational to execute the attack operation itself with the information that was currently possessed by the Continental Alliance.

At best, the information gathered by those guys must be the location of each base or the Four Guardian Kings’ presence. The existence of Donovan and Carpediac hadn’t even been leaked because we wanted to be a little careful.

Limur’s material that extracted the magic needed to maintain the summons from the food warehouse of the cannibal demon Ballitos, and the center of Amera.

Other than that and a few other tricky bits of knowledge, those were all the information they had.

‘Are they thinking of collecting information while proceeding from the outskirts? No matter how fast they prepare, there must be a limit. Did you even prepare everything properly?’

It was difficult to know what the enemy command was thinking.

At least, it was a troop operation that couldn’t be seen as Kim Hyunsung’s style.

When attacking, the first thing he went by the rule of safety first and safety second.

It wouldn’t be wrong to think that they would be moving with Cha Heera’s Red Mercenary on the lead.

It was possible that Pope Basel, who was known to have a fiery temper, had an accident, but the one I wanted to give a little more points was the Red Mercenary Guild’s initiative.

Of course, it might simply be a plan to pressure us to get a reaction.

However, I couldn’t help but remain silent for a moment at the next words I heard.

-Base 43 has collapsed.


‘Why did the base 43 suddenly collapse when they were just gathering?’

-It is believed that a battle is in progress at base 41. There seems to be no damage yet, and it is confirmed that Belial’s area is gradually decreasing due to the light emitted by some priests. Perhaps it’s because of the disgusting Benignore’s divine power, but it’s helpless to stop them with intermediate-level demons.

‘Those guys must have really taken some drugs.’

-The same goes for base 41. Insect humans seemed to have been angered. I’m starting to feel a lot of fun.

‘It’s not funny at all, you bastard.’

Even though I felt a little embarrassed, the demons around me started to look at me. I could see them enjoying themselves, as if the boring time was finally over.

They didn’t seem even to think that things were going the wrong way.

The candle was really burning on both ends.

Contrary to what I thought, things had been going wrong from the very beginning.

‘Ah, maybe I shouldn’t have stepped up. I shouldn’t have said that I would do it…’

In the ongoing project, I was the director, general manager, and project manager. If it went well, I would be praised and respected by everyone.

However, the moment I failed, I would have to take full responsibility. Right at that moment, Belial was both congratulating and applauding me, but since the plan had been ruined, it was hard to look at me favorably.

Considering that he was a trash demon who got rid of the loyalists who had assisted him for thousands of years, I couldn’t help but be worried. josei

Of course, things hadn’t gone dangerously awry yet.

-This is the beginning. Hahaha. I’m really looking forward to this, Lee Kiyoung.


-Is this one of the scenarios you were planning in your mind? Did you expect humans to attack before you fill up your troops? Will it…

“Well, I guess it would be okay to say that.”

-But it was too easy to break down. I think it would be okay to invest a little more troops in the base. It’s too late to send reinforcements now, and if it’s like this, then to give up three bases without any results is a bit…

-Hahahaha. What are you so worried about? Lee Kiyoung probably already has different ideas.

‘I don’t, you bastard. ‘

However, my mouth started to open up on its own. It was almost as if it acted on instinct.

“Haha. The despair that they will face afterward will be even greater when they have hope. The thought of giving pain to the humans drunk on the thoughts of today’s victory already makes my heart pound. Is it just me?”

-No, the same goes for me. Hahahaha. So, you’re saying bases 41 to 43 being destroyed was part of the plan all along. They were completely fooled, Lee Kiyoung. You’re amazing! Really amazing!

Of course, that wasn’t right. Those bases weren’t something that could be passed by so easily.

Honestly, I couldn’t help but feel that it was a shame.

In fact, I could predict what the Continental Alliance was thinking. Bases 41, 42, and 43, which could be called strategic points, had been attacked first.

After that, the intention to use those three bases as forward bases became too clear.

To secure a stable supply route, the need for a forward base was high. Naturally, information gathering would gain momentum.

If I took the State-Republic war as an example, the three bases could be considered a place like Castle Rock.

They were bases that should be given up anyway from the demons’ standpoint since they only had to show themselves moderately and return to hell.

However, it was a waste to think about the fact that we were able to increase our performance through fierce battles. From a simple perspective, it wouldn’t be strange even if Lee Kiyoung came out.

‘This might be the sinking of boat Lee Kiyoung. It’s going to cause a chronic problem in defending the Four Demon Generals.’

I suddenly thought of an article criticizing a soccer coach of an unknown country.

“They are probably thinking of building a large wall with magic and using the bases they attacked as forward bases. It’s in a terrain that’s advantageous in terms of trying to reach the Federation. They still have insufficient information, so they might think that collecting information is a bonus.”

-If so…

“Of course, you should send Donovan.”


“The humans who were united will be scattered in an instant.”

-I see.

‘I guess he believes me.’

I nodded slowly. It was then that the demons around me suddenly knelt.

Instantly I thought, ‘What is this?’, but my body started to react.

The knee, trained by frequent social life, met the floor very easily because I thought someone from high rank had appeared. After taking the same posture, what I heard was a very familiar voice.

-How is it going?

‘Belial. Fuck…’

For some reason, it felt like I was meeting the ruler of the 27th Corps after a long time.

‘Why did this bastard suddenly come here?’

-I bow before you, Belial.

-I bow before you, Belial, the ruler of all evils.

“I bow before Belial, Overlord of Hell, the Supreme Being respected by all mortals in the world.”

-Enough with the flattering. I didn’t come here to hear that. I heard the news, disgusting human.


-Bases 41, 42, and 43 were lost without results.


“Those bases were planned to be lost in the first place. Things are going well, so don’t worry. Belial.”

-You don’t have to be nervous because I didn’t say that to blame you. Rather, I can even say the exact opposite. Isn’t this a scenario that went into your disgusting mind anyway? I’m not shallow enough to fuss about such small developments. Haven’t you worked hard in the meantime? I just want to commend it. It’s a little earlier than I thought, but it’s the first step of the 27th Corps.

‘Why are you treating me like a colleague?’

“That means…”

-Don’t say anything and follow me.

‘Sh*t. I wish things could stop getting bigger. Stop making things bigger, please.’

The more matters became more serious, the more I was worried about the situation if I were to fail.

I was walking as calmly as possible, but my heart still felt restless. The increased burden suddenly made me want to run out of the place.

Belial had an unusual smile on his face. He even looked a little uplifted. When I thought about that feeling turning into anger, my lips began to dry out.

-Congratulations, Lee Kiyoung.

-It seems that Belial really cares about you.

As if to demonstrate that they were unaware of how I felt, the demons next to me cheered. I didn’t want to answer, so I followed Belial with my eyes fixed on him, and what I saw was the 27th Corps lined up.


‘I knew it would be something like this. Fuck…’

It was a sight to behold, considering the commander himself was among them.

It was magnificent and deserved to be called a superb view, but it only looked troublesome to me.

Revering and applauding me, they stood in front of me with faces that seemed to congratulate our project’s sincere start.

It wasn’t only Limur and Ronove. Even Donovan smiled and applauded me genuinely.

‘Stop, you bastard! You don’t have to do this much.’

It seemed that they were already preparing for battle. Without their casual outfits, everyone was ready to fight.

Donovan covered his whole body with armor, and Ronove was wielding a spear and shield. The other demons proved to be no different.

The shouts that told me everyone had been united as one made my ears and heart tingle.

Belial’s face, looking at me as if telling me to be proud of the scene, was filled with joy.

It was the first time that I felt afraid of the hand that led me up on the podium as if telling me to deliver a speech. I wasn’t afraid of such a stage, but I also felt reluctant to say something in the current situation.

“I am okay, Belial. It is the campaign of the 27th Corps. Belial’s own words will motivate them more than mine.”

-No, disgusting human. Actually, it would be better to call you Lee Kiyoung now. All these things are not prepared by me, but by you. No matter what I say, my face is not thick enough to take the credits.

‘But you can.’

-Can you see it? It is the view of the corps commander who controls the 27th Corps.

‘Whatever, fuck…’

-The landscape you are looking at is only a very small part of our might.

“Ah… Yes.”

-Maybe someday you’ll be the head of all of this. So, do you like it?

“I’m sorry to say this, but it’s a bit overwhelming. Belial caring for me alone is an honor for this foolish mortal.”

-I know you’re not being serious.

‘I’m serious. I’m serious.’

-Go up and let the Corps hear your voice and know who you are.


I couldn’t do anything. Once again, loud shouts popped out as Belial held onto my shoulder like a politician taking a picture before signing an agreement.

The slow bastard smiled like a mother and slowly pushed my back, causing my body to climb onto the platform naturally. Instantly, silence enveloped the place.

My eyes were closed tightly, but I had no choice but to say something. In the end, I was forced to deliver a speech.

-It is a great honor to meet you like this, dear colleagues!

I felt as if I had just been mortgaged.

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