Regressor Instruction Manual

Chapter 514

Chapter 514: The Plague Dragon Cries Out (1)


Chapter 514: The Plague Dragon Cries Out (1)

According to the great ruler of Hell, Belial, it was basically impossible for my body to use the powers he gave me fully.

He could potentially force mana into my body, but I knew I still would have a problem releasing it. For a set time, I would be able to obtain enormous power, but I would only be able to retain this state for about 1 minute. Even then, I would not be able to contain all of that enormous power.

Indeed, I would get much stronger but not enough to fight with Kim Hyunsung directly.

‘Damn it…’

[Dark Plague Warlord-Semi Myth Grade]

[This is a special class given by Belial, from the leader of the 27-demon troop.

You would be able to use black magic that ordinary holy powers will not be able to oppose. This class contained multiple high-level skills, but they could only be opened after more training.

Intelligence increases by +7

Mana increases by +10

Knowledge about poison and plaque increases.

Due to player Lee Kiyoung’s class change, in the case Dark Plague Warlord is activated, semi myth grade-level Light of Alchemist will be deactivated.]

It was a conventional rear-guard and de-buffer position, yet some aspects could take the combat position. In addition to this, if I fulfilled the right conditions, the attack power could be enormous. Personally, I was extremely satisfied with this.

As the Dark Plague Warlord name implied, I could use basic black magic and freely control plagues; in the case of chemical warfare, this class significantly held more merit.

However, as expected, I could not yet create plagues that could instantly kill people with contact. The plagues that I could currently use were making people undead after a certain incubation time and slowly rotting the skin of those within contact.

It was also true that, if I factored in people’s mana and holy powers, the efficacy of these powers might go lower. However, if I were to utilize the mana I received from Belilal with this class, the situation would completely change.

I could easily surpass ordinary magicians and face even higher rankers.

Of course, all of this was not applicable to Kim Hyunsung.

Kim Hyunsung was freely moving around on the battlefield.

Ordinary magic and attacks could not even get through the basic mana that covered his body.

People might laugh that Kim Hyunsung was always lightly protected by his body with mana, but that mana easily defended normal tankers. In addition to this, it used up very little magic.

‘High-level Magic Operational Knowledge.’

It was a basic passive skill that all high-level adventurers possessed. However, Kim Hyunsung’s mana abilities already far surpassed a human’s ability.

Not only could Kim Hyunsung’s mana shield protect him from direct attacks, but it also protected him from indirect magic and de-buff attacks.

The efficacy of his mana shield didn’t even need to be explained. He had a habit of always covering himself with his mana shield, and he also had the ability to maintain this shield.

‘This bastard, is this a type of PTSD?’

Did our cute hero get done in by the plague trash also in the first timeline?

‘Well, I can understand.’

If Kim Hyunsung’s magic abilities were to that extent, it was basically impossible for me to cause damage to him even after borrowing Belilal’s power.

I could try getting help to break his mana shield, but it was not a type of shield that would break easily. Looking only at his abilities, it would not be an exaggeration to say Kim Hyunsung was the main counter of this battle.

“Woah, why is this dude so fast?’

His speed was unmatched. He was moving left and right as if he was Robin Hood (Hong-gil-dong), and this was his greatest attribute.

Even though he was most known for his speed, he was also a swordsman who had an immensely gifted physique and balance sense.

‘That was how fast he was.’

A low-level adventurer wouldn’t even be able to see Kim Hyunsung.

Because of his speed and swordsmanship, demons had to be summoned continuously. No matter how much I tried to discourage Kim Hyunsung, he preserved.

It was hard to describe this moment. Since his appearance, he was sending a large number of “actors” into Hell.

If Kim Hyunsung was a dungeon boss at a raid, and I was the dungeon’s strategy team leader, I probably would have thought it would be impossible to beat him.

That was how unbelievable he was.

“Dialugia. Please don’t stand there. Maybe you can try blowing out some Plague breath.”

-No, please don’t call it such a stingy name.

“Isn’t it about time you got used to it?”

-Plague Breath… please stop saying that, I beg of you.

However, as she seemed to listen to my request, and I saw her take a deep breath in.

She let out a short breath straight through the center, but it missed him and swept the floor. I couldn’t help but mutter that he was a monster.

‘That guy. He is the creation of the first timeline’s Plague Trash.’

I wondered how I could corner a guy like Kim Hungsung.

‘Isn’t it obvious? Considering that bastard?’ The only way you could defeat him was to kidnap someone who Kim Hyingsung treasured or ruin his mind through some kind of dirty method.

There was no other way to handle the swordsmaster.

‘After all, Light Kiyoung is also a hostage…’

If I didn’t use a method like this, it would be impossible to fight someone like Kim Hyunsung. That was why the battle that was happening at this moment was so important.

And that was when I thought things were falling apart, bit by bit. It wasn’t the problem with Kim Hyunsung.

‘Ah, Jihye Nuna is struggling.’

It was likely that this was her problem.

‘That is not how you use someone like Kim Hyunsung…”

It was obvious that she was having trouble using a tactical tool like Kim Hyunsung.

‘Yes, I could see why.’

I could see that the information delivery to him was slow, and there was a certain choppiness to his movements.

It was as if Jihye’s mind was unable to match KimHyunsung’s inhumanly fast movements.

He was taking abrupt stops and then suddenly changing directions. Overall, his general movements sucked.

She probably was frustrated too because Kim Hyunsung wasn’t moving according to her wishes. The only reason why I could control Kim Hyunsung was that I didn’t use my mind, but my eyes.

There was a limit to how fast a brain could process while just looking, but Mind’s Eye allowed me to surpass this limit. Lee Jihye had better instincts than me, but she couldn’t see multiple pieces of information all at once.

This could be covered to a certain extent, but there was still a stark difference between the ways she and I controlled.

I could see Kim Hyunsung’s discontent from where I was standing, even as he made progress. He probably was thinking something like, ‘This is not it…’

Even if a car had excellent specs, it would drive differently depending on who the driver was.

Of course, I didn’t want to criticize her for this.

This was because her inability to proficiently control Kim Hyunsung largely profited me. Since she could not process the ever-changing information on the battlefield properly, all the different tasks she had to do took longer.

Information about the enemy they have to take out will be sent, but the situation would have completely changed at the moment of delivery.

As this situation kept on occurring, Kim Hyunsunghad to go through brute training without his will.

There were instances in which he would be given the order to finish off a high demon in a central place, but once he reached there, the high demon would have already been reverse-summoned.

Other times, he would be ordered to block a special force, but other tankers would have already secured the place once he ran there.

Even though all of the orders were not merely manual labor, there were so many conflicting orders that his stamina was quickly depleting.

He looked as if he should rest for 8 hours, which was happening only after 3 hours had passed.

‘How sad…’

Even though he could not be used well, his power was so great that they had to keep utilizing him.

If Kim Hyunsung didn’t exist, Lindel’s walls would have fallen a long time ago.

To think back, I might have exaggerated a bit about his powers, but that was how much the sight of him was impressive on this battlefield.


With heavy preparation falling from his hair and neck, he was heavily panting. There was no time even to wipe the blood smeared on his face.

He maintained the balance of the battlefield while running around, and as time passed on, he grew more and more out of breath.


As a bit more time passed, he had to take off his mana shield to conserve his mana, and the injuries on his body started to increase.

Of course, he didn’t get hurt enough to be worried. However, it probably felt bothersome as he moved. It could also be easily healed with holy power, but this would probably take more of his stamina.

“Dialugia, please shoot some of your Plague breath. Not the scattering-type but the penetrating type.”

-I told you not to call it Plague breath. Sigh…


“Wait, how could you actually aim it towards him!”

-Y-you are the one who told me to shoot.

“But what if he actually gets hurt. It was just to decrease his stamina…if he takes it head-on…”

-I didn’t want to shoot either. You are the one who told me to shoot. Something like the Plague’s breath…I never want to use it. Ah…thankfully, it seems like he is not hurt. He evaded the attack and seemed to have cut it out. It would burden his body slightly, but it won’t cause a huge strain in his movement.

“Dialugia, please shoot so it will keep slightly avoiding him.”

-I’m also trying my best.

As stamina decreased, concentration also couldn’t help but also decrease. I could see that Kim Hyunsung’s senses were slowly dulling.

‘He needs to recover at this rate.’

He seemed out of breath, and his body looked tired. In a normal situation, he would have been given some rest.

Recover, Attack, Recover, Attack. This was much more effective when using him. However, currently, Kim Hyunsung’s presence was too vital.

I prepared my mask and costume as the edges of one side of the wall in Lindel began to crumble.

‘That side of the wall looks like it is begging me to come through.’

This was probably a strategy to gather the enemy troops towards the crumbling side of the wall.

For us who had the Dark Plague Dragon, the walls were pointless from the first place. Probably, the weakest part of the wall was on the opposite side of the wreckage.

“You have to act like you really got the plague. Don’t forget to cry out as you fall and say something like Craaahhhh!!”


“Okay. Then let’s get rid of Craaaahhhh! It’s regretful, but please let out a stronger howl than usual.”

-Thank you for changing it. I’m really thankful. I’m really, really thankful.

I looked over the battle. The current stage was not bad. 4 hours had passed since the battle began.

It seemed a bit early, but everyone looked tired, and Lindel’s forces were being pushed to a corner. The Blue Guild’s aces, as well as Cha Hee-ra were occupied by the high demons.

The perfect moment to strike was right now when the troop’s northwest side was at its’ weakest point.

As soon as I finished assessing the situation, I immediately put on my mask.

I couldn’t show the audience my pitiful figure as I crawled on top of Dialugia. Dialugia put her head down with a disgruntled expression, and I slowly climbed on top of her.


It seemed as if she really didn’t want to do it because her howling was stronger than usual. When it seemed as if all the attention was on us, Dialugia swooped down towards the army and cut through the troops of Lindel.

I could see dread and hopelessness reflected in the human’s faces. There were many of those who looked as if they could not believe what they were seeing.

Many of them probably saw a dragon for the first time.

Boooooom!!! And, with this sound, we landed upon the site that had never experienced foreign invasion.

The dragon that was contaminated by the plague crushed the Blue Guild’s house with her sharp claws and devastated the battle site with her gigantic tail.

With her enormous claws, she climbed on top of the watchtower and cried out towards the faces of humanity.


‘Wait, I thought you told me we weren’t going to do that?’

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