Regressor Instruction Manual

Chapter 695

Chapter 695: Let’s Prepare The End (4)

Chapter 695: Let’s Prepare The End (4)

Han Sora had on a bitter smile, and Jung Hayan looked as if asking what she was talking about.

I, too, felt terrible, but someone had to speak up.

“We’re too late.”

“I-It’s not too late.”


“It’s not too l-late. Sora’s still alive. Sora… Sora is still alive, Oppa.”


“It’s not too late, right? R-Right? Huh?”


I tried to repeat it, but I also found that I couldn’t speak. I bit my lip at the reality I didn’t want to believe. Although I had promised that I would never cry, Sora Han’s appearance began to fade increasingly. I noticed what kind of resolution she made.

Just as expected, as if she had made up her mind, I watched her slightly moving her lips.

“I’m… fine.”

“W-What are you talking about? What… Sniff… What are you talking about…”

“You… have… to get away… as far as possible. It’s hard… to suppress it… any longer…”

“Don’t say w-w-weird things. You’ve always said… that you believe in me, right? I-I can save you. W-wait a bit, Sora. Y-you said I was a genius, s-so, hang in there. I’ll solve this. I will.”

“Yes. Jung Hayan is… a genius. Because you are chosen.”

“I can save you, Sora. I can get you out of there. If you hold on a little more, I can free you. B-Because I’m a genius. I’m a genius.”

“Jung Hayan will be able to do it. You… You can definitely do it.”

“Yes… I can do it. I can do it.”

I noticed her eyes analyzing Han Sora. If she had a motor on her head, I would probably hear a roaring sound.

I didn’t know if she was planning on starting research right there and launching a full-fledged Han Sora rescue operation, but that wasn’t possible. At worst, we had 10 minutes, and at best, 20 minutes. It wasn’t just that room that was going to explode, but a few parts of the continent as well. I felt proud of Han Sora, who was trying to stop the explosion with her superhuman strength.

“I can do it. Yes… I can do it. It’s easy. I can do it.”

“You… You have to stop it.”


“You’ll be able to stop it. Jung Hayan is a genius, after all.”


“You have to stop it.”

“O… Oppa?”

It was difficult to say it, but I had to.

“Otherwise, the whole area will be completely blown away.”



“That’s a lie. Sniff… lie… That’s a lie… sniff… sniff…”

In fact, Jung Hayan might’ve expected that in a way. Even though it was an entirely different kind of energy from magic, there was no way she couldn’t notice its expansion.

Although Benignore said it was simple bluffing, a strange light that would seemingly burst anytime soon continued to stand out. It looked like the wick of the bomb was burning.

Had it been just to kill Han Sora, she would never have used such a cumbersome method. The unprecedented situation in front of me was the reason why foreign trash planted seeds inside Han Sora.

“You can do it, Jung Hayan.”

“I-I can’t.”

“You have to.”

“I-I can’t. Sniff… waaah… sniff… Oppa. O-Oppa, please do something. Please save S-Sora. Please save S-Sora. Waaahh…”

I was angry, but I couldn’t find another way, either. Of course, it wasn’t impossible to solve, but it depended on whether Jung Hayan could do it.

“Help me. Ugh… please. Please…”

However, it was better than losing Han Sora after doing nothing.



“It is possible if it is sealed.”

“S… Seal?”

“If I can seal it, I might find a way. If we could use some kind of magic that completely freezes the time in this room, it would be possible to protect Sora. If we deal with what is contaminating her, there is a high probability that the foreign energy dwelling in Sora’s body will also disappear.”


“Of course, I’m not sure if it’ll work. It’s close to gambling, but it’s most likely. Either way, it’s better than just watching her burst like this right now. At least… At least, we’ll be able to spare her life.”


It wasn’t Jung Hayan’s voice but Han Sora’s.

‘Ah. I guess I didn’t tell her this.’

I seemed to have forgotten to explain the ending.

[Generating a common-grade forced quest.]

[Tear the seal and come out after the war. You’ll be specially excluded from the Doomsday ★ (0/1)]

[Delivering a common-grade forced quest to Han Sora. You have not registered any quest-clear rewards. The subject will not be compensated.]

Sora’s eyes looked at me as if telling me to stop saying bullsh*t, but that was the only way to save her. Anyone could see she didn’t want to be sealed. Rather, she must’ve been wondering if it would be better to sacrifice herself.

She seemed worried about the significant trouble that would occur if the seal failed. At that moment, I realized that even Han Sora had changed.

Wasn’t it a position where there was no need to throw the dice for the continent and Jung Hayan?

In the meantime, Jung Hayan slowly began to nod. I took this as her unavoidable acceptance.

Continuing to let the tears run down, Jung Hayan nodded as well as she trembled.

“Is it possible?”

“I-I have to do it.”

She knew that that was the only way to save Han Sora.

“It won’t be easy.”

“Still… I have to.”

That was the only way Han Sora could be kept from destroying parts of the continent.

“Sniff… Sniff…”

“Jung… Hayan?”

“I’ll do my best. Sora. I… I’ll try my best. Ugh…” josei


“The… The one who made Sora that way. I’ll kill him. I… I can kill him. Sora, I’ll seal you. I don’t want you to burst. I’ll seal you… Ugh…”


“I’m… sorry, Sora.”


“I’m sorry… Ugh… I’m really sorry.”


“I’m sorry to pretend not to know… I’m… I’m sorry for acting selfishly… Sorry for not saying t-t-thank you. I even pushed you away and expelled you by magic… I’m sorry for acting as I pleased. Even though it wasn’t your fault, I’m sorry for blaming you. I’m so sorry I didn’t apologize first. I’m sorry for ignoring you… Waaahh… Hic… It’s m-m-my fault that you’re in that state… It’s my fault that this happened. Ugh… It’s m-my fault… I’m sorry… I’m very, very sorry.”

“Huh… huh? Uh… uh… sniff… No. Sniff… it’s not… Jung Hayan’s fault…”

“I’m sorry. I-I-I’m really sorry, Sora. Waah… waaaah…”

“I’m sorry too. I’m… I’m… so sorry too. It’s not a big deal, but I’m so sorry for getting angry at you. I’m so sorry for not being able to contact you properly and not treating you well. I’m so sorry.”

“Waaaahh… Sora. Sora.”

“I’m sorry. I’m… so sorry.”

“Sora didn’t do anything wrong… Ugh… You didn’t do anything wrong.”

“I’m sorry…”

“I’m really sorry… Please forgive me… Sniff… you’ll forgive me, right?”

“It’s not something you need to apologize for… It was a misunderstanding. It’s so fortunate that it’s been resolved like this… Yes. You don’t have to say sorry anymore. You have already apologized enough. Please raise your head. Raise your head and show me your smile. Please smile.”

“He… Hehe… Ugh… Hehehe…”

“Yes. Like that.”

“Hehe… sniff… Hehehehe… Ugh…”

“Please smile.”

“Yes… I’m smiling. I-I’m smiling… I’ll keep smiling. I’ll… keep smiling.”

“I’m… I’m actually scared, Jung Hayan. I’m scared…”

“It won’t hurt. I-I-I’ll do it so that it won’t hurt. When you wake up after a short sleep, everything will go back to n-n-normal. Do… Do you believe me? Can you trust me?”


“I am a genius. I can do that. Just like that. That… just like that… like thaaaaaat!!!”


With that sound, magical power began to spread around Jung Hayan.

Perhaps because of the magical power’s size, Jung Hayan’s body began to rise into the air by itself. The mana popping out of her body was making her float. I couldn’t believe it.

I didn’t know what kind of spell she was chanting, but Jung Hayan stared at Sora Han, never looking away even for a second.

“I’m scared. I’m scared. Sniff… Jung Hayan. I’m scared.”

“It won’t be scary. I-I can fix it.”

“Sniff… Sni… Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Jung Hayan… Jung Hayan!”

It was then that the foreign light poured out of Han Sora’s body.

She was screaming as if she was flustered, too. Jung Hayan bit her lips. She was probably aware that things were more serious than she thought.

She kept trying to block the bursting light with magical power, but it was impossible. The light from the god’s bluff, which wasn’t affected by mana, began to spread in all directions.

“Waaah… Jung Hayan! Jung Hayan! I think I will explode. I-I think I really will explode. Waaah…”

‘Han Sora’s acting is awesome. Oh, she could definitely be Doom Sora.’

“Uuugh… Uuuughh! I can do it.”

‘Right. You can do it.’

“I can do it!!”

‘Of course. Fuck.’

The only way to subdue that light was to seal the whole space.

“Ahhh! Ahhhhhhhhh!”

“I can do iiiiiiiiiiit!!!!”

‘Fuck. She’s really doing it. Our Hayan is really doing it.’

I didn’t know how to react. She took the goddess’s untouchable power with magic and restored it to its original state.


I realized that space itself was being frozen. Not only the exploding debris, but even the light that was extending out was turning colorless.

I didn’t know if it was a simple seal or if it really stopped time, but perhaps it was the former.

“Uuuugh! Ugh!”

However, the problem was that the magic power Hayan was emitting was slowly disappearing. Although she made a big commitment, the colorless and frozen space began to regain its original hues, signifying that such a feat wasn’t easy to achieve even for Jung Hayan.

She had a face full of tears and a nervous look, expressing that it wasn’t going the way she thought. She might’ve thought that she couldn’t do it.

She might’ve been feeling that she wasn’t a genius after all.

She looked at Han Sora, confused by the unplanned situation, and looked at me, who was watching the situation with a serious expression. She realized that if she couldn’t stop it, Lee Kiyoung would die as well.

‘Can she overcome it?’

Responsibility filled her eyes—her sense of duty to protect us at all costs awakened. I wondered if I could provide any help, but the responsibility to endure that crisis was only Jung Hayan’s.

I pretended to help with action. It would be awkward just to watch it.

Pretending to join the impossible mission to freeze time and space, I stretched out my hand with a great divinity.


To protect Han Sora, to defend the continent, I poured everything out once again.

“O… Oppa.”

“You can do it, Hayan.”

‘Because you are a genius. You will jump over the barrier in front of you.’

“I believe in you.”




“Jung Hayan… Jung Hayan! I… I!”




Immediately after, the enormous magical power swept the room.

“I did it… Hehe. Ugh… Sora… Sora, I did it.”

Looking at Han Sora, who was paralyzed and had her mouth open, Jung Hayan sent a smile while crying.

Of course…

No answer had come from her.

“I… I will definitely save you. I’ll… take you out again.”

When the battle with foreign people was about to start, a precious friend, the only black wizard in the guild, retired.

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