Regressor Instruction Manual

Chapter 755

Chapter 755: To The End (14)

Chapter 755: To The End (14)


It didn’t seem like it would end quickly. In fact, from the moment Kim Hyunsung got emotional…

‘It was already predicted.’

Kim Hyunsung was usually quiet, but once the waterworks started flowing, he became a lot more talkative.

Since he wasn’t someone fun, it was hard for the one listening to him.

If I could, I would’ve cut it quickly, but… I had to shut my mouth because I thought I would look too psychopathic.

It was his last memory trip in his perspective, and there would be something he would want to sort out before enacting the self-sacrifice ending. Anyway, as if Kim Hyunsung had been waiting for that moment for so long, he began to talk carefully.

-When you first entered the Blue Guild, I was very sorry for not being able to take care of you in various aspects.


Right, honestly, you did me wrong then.

I still remembered the situation where he was entrusting all the duties of the guild to me. When I thought about it now, it was hard enough that even if he got hit by stones hundreds of times, he would have no right to complain.

-It seems that I unwittingly gave you the burden with the idea that I should make the guild grow as quickly as possible.


‘This bastard is lying. You gave me a burden without knowing anything. You were very determined to do it.’

-It was a decision I made because I believed in Kiyoung’s abilities at the time, but when I think about it now, it was a very immature choice. Later, I brought Hyejin to reduce the burden on you, but even that…

‘You know you’re wrong. That’s enough, really. It’s okay now that I’m best friends with Hyejin, but I wanted to kill you back then. I was fucking annoyed. I even brought you a gift back then.’

However, for the time being, I kept the warm atmosphere.

“It’s all in the past now. Honestly, if you ask me if I was resentful, I would say that I was…”

-I’m sorry.

“There’s nothing to be sorry for. It’s all memories I can have a good laugh about now.”

-Hah… haha. Thank you so much for thinking like that.

“It was the same when we went to the dungeon. At the time, it was so exhausting and painful that I thought it would be difficult to follow, but… It all seems to have been an enjoyable experience. It was the same when I first went to the Garden of Horror. Was it Jung Yura? It was really exhilarating. I was expecting that you had a special side, and… it was an expedition where I could confirm that. I wouldn’t have experienced such an adventure without you.”

-The Cursed Shrine too…

‘Ah, there was that too.’

-It was a bit dangerous, but honestly, I couldn’t imagine that you would make a potion and help us raid it. Originally, that wasn’t the strategy… I still clearly remember the way you pretended to be Gedric. Really… Ha… haha… As a result, you took away Juliana, but…

‘What, you kept that in mind?’

-It wasn’t mine from the beginning. I’m only telling this now, but the demon swordsman, Jeong Jin-ho, used Juliana.

I expected that much, but it was only at that moment that my predictions had been confirmed.

-It felt like a good item in many ways, so I was planning to use it from the beginning of the second timeline…

‘He’s being slightly petty.’

-I didn’t move back then… When I think about it that way, I also think it was fortunate that you got the sword. Do you still remember having a brief swordsmanship training?

“Yes. It was really hard… As the guild work was getting busier in earnest, it became a bit messy, but honestly…”

‘You had bad feelings towards me back then, didn’t you? You must’ve been upset because I took Juliana from you.’

-I’m just telling you this in case you misunderstand it, but I never meant to give you have a hard time. I honestly thought you gained a good sword… I thought it would be nice if you could learn the basics at least…

‘Don’t lie. Fuck. You knew that I didn’t have hope anyway.’

-I… I… As a result, in the next expedition, I got a better sword…

“Ah, yes, at the museum.”

-Yes. I didn’t really think I could get a sword that could be used even in our current situation. I didn’t know that the party would be in such great danger. Fragments of the ancient gods… The destruction of the continent, I remember I was very surprised.

“So, if you go back to the museum now…”

-I’m not sure, but in the current condition, it’s likely.

“I think I roughly know how much you have grown. Haha.”

-Not all of it is my strength, but…

I could see him laughing bitterly.

-It seems that there were many huge incidents. You changed the Empire into the State, right?

“I couldn’t make Charlia the empress, and I didn’t know that things would work out so well, so in a way, it’s all thanks to you. I’m only telling you this now, but back then…”

‘Where and what the fuck were you doing?’

-I was looking for a group of black wizards. There were so many different things to do based on the first timeline that I couldn’t get things done properly. Come to think of it. It seems that I was always separated from you when something important happened.

“Are you thinking of when Belial was summoned in Laios?”

-Yes. I remember being seriously worried. I got there late, and as a result… I couldn’t protect you. Jin Qing was a sly and devilish man, but I can’t deny that he was a catastrophe caused by my incompetence.

“Oh, you don’t have to blame yourself like that. The situation got a bit complicated, and you had things to do.”


“I can’t even feel the damage I suffered at that time. Rather, I’m even a little proud. The moment when the people of Laios prayed for me was still unforgettable. I’m also grateful to Hayan, Sora, and Deokgu, who fought with me. Oh, of course, I’m grateful to you.”

-No. maybe… If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have been here. If Jin Qing was still here… this war too…

I could see his face getting serious, telling me that he was having bad thoughts.

‘Actually, I think that was me, Hyunsung.’

“When I first heard the story of the first round from you, I was really surprised. In fact, I didn’t know that Jin Qing was such an evil human.”

-If we talk about him, even all night won’t be enough. He was such a scary human.

‘I’m a little hurt. It was all for you.’

“Come to think of it. I remember that you were suspicious of me.”

-I… apologize for that.

‘No. You don’t have to be sorry. You’ll be suspicious later anyway. You can be sure this time.’

-Of course, I knew it wasn’t you, but I kept repeating it like that. It looks like something was used on me. In a way, it seems I wasn’t ready to trust everyone yet.

“How did you change your mind…”

-I met a woman. Of course, that in itself wasn’t enough, but…

‘Ah, I think that was me too. But I’ll just bury this. There is no reason to reveal that.’

-The woman told me that she had lost a loved one, too, because she couldn’t trust others… It was a little different from the situation I was in at the time, but the advice seemed to have given me a lot of power. Of course, I gave her an incurable wound, but… I want to apologize if we meet someday again.

“Maybe she’ll understand that you didn’t have bad intentions.”

-It would be nice if it was like that… haha. Yes. If she really thinks that way, that would be really fortunate, but she probably hates me.

He made a bitter smile and immediately raised his sword. It was a little surprising that he could think so differently while he kept culling the pigeons, but I felt he was focusing on the conversation rather than on the fight itself.

‘There are no specific problems in his performance with the tasks I give him.’

I didn’t even want to point it out. After having the conversation, I didn’t think I felt bad either.

I could say that it was a pleasant one. Of course, unlike him, I couldn’t fully concentrate, but…

‘It’s been a long time.’

I didn’t know how long it had been when he last spoke openly like that.

-It was fun to go to the lake together.

“We didn’t know that Deokgu would have built such a big boat. I wouldn’t have expected it would be used in the war like this.”

It would be nice if we had a glass of wine and talked leisurely. It’s a shame we’re in the middle of a war.

“The mirror salmon was really good. To be honest…”

I thought it would be perfect if we had mirror salmons as a snack.

-Yes. I didn’t even expect that you would eat that much since you have a small appetite. Oh, come to think of it, have I told you? We succeeded in cultivating mirror salmon…


-Although a little research funding was required…

‘No… I don’t think it required only a little. It’s a fish that goes around the dimension, so how did you do it?’

“That’s good news. Still…”

‘Fuck, do you know that the guild funds shouldn’t be used so carelessly?’

-Yes. I wish we could go again.

‘No, I didn’t tell you to go back… Ah, he said the line, and he’s the one depressed.’

“We can go later. There will be so many things to do after everything is over.”

‘We promised to watch the sunset, too. Oh, but I guess I shouldn’t have said that.’

It seemed that he was holding his tears back.

-Yes, right. After everything is over… Yes…

It looked a bit difficult for him to accept his fate wherein he had to sacrifice himself.

‘You won’t get killed. Stop getting emotional.’

-Er… Kiyoung.


The way he spoke was a little different from before. I thought it was the timing, but it seemed that the moment of blah blah blah I’d been waiting for had come back. He couldn’t speak easily.

-I was… I was… an unreliable human.

‘Right. Fuck, I wondered why it wasn’t coming out, but Hyunsung, don’t do that. Don’t blame yourself too much.’

- I didn’t trust anyone… I was clumsy in human relations… It seems that I was a human who always repeats failures. I’m not talking about the first timelined… When I think about it, it seems that the human named Kim Hyunsung has lived that way. He has lived as a timid man, dodging and running away every time. He always pledged that he could change, and even though he made up his mind in reality, he was always in the same place. The reason I was able to change is because of you.

“I don’t know. I don’t think so.”

-Because you trusted me, I was able to trust you as well. It’s not easy to trust someone completely. I know better than anyone else. You are the person who taught me what it means to believe in someone.

I was thankful, but I was also worried. In the first place, the greater the faith, the greater the feeling of betrayal… What if the bastard didn’t stab my stomach and stabbed somewhere else?

Wouldn’t it be hard to cope with his anger like an active volcano, resulting in him possibly cutting my throat? He only needed to stab me once, but I was worried that he would do it several times instead.

Infinite trust and faith were mixed in the emotions that Kim Hyunsung was feeling.

It was surprising how he matched his words and actions.

‘He will control it on his own, right?’

“Thank you for your words, but I’m not that great.”

-It’s not just words.

“Ha… haha…”

-You have the power to change people. I can tell by looking at those around you. The same goes for Hayan and Cha Heera. I think you are a person who has the power to illuminate the individuals who follow you. You may have been born with the energy that makes everyone positive.

‘Thank you…’

-I never thought I could change like this… You allowed me to live a normal life, chat, make friends, and have fun with little things…

‘Yes, you changed a lot. That’s especially notable when you succeeded in fishing an item in Mirror Lake…’

-Now I want to repay you.

“… Huh?” josei

The pleasant atmosphere lasted for only a moment. I could see Kim Hyunsung looking up quietly.

-I will put an end to everything.

Seraphim was looking at Kim Hyunsung with a distorted expression.

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