Regressor Instruction Manual

Chapter 842

Chapter 842: The Last (75)

Chapter 842: The Last (75)

I eventually began to see the magical wings slowly wrapped around the sky. Those who stared blankly at the sky began to rub their eyes in disbelief.

The wizards who cast spells, those who were praying for the Archmage, and all those who drew their swords to face the undead were staring blankly at all but a single person.

There were no cheers to be heard. Instead, they were quiet, speechless, like people whose thoughts had been paralyzed for a moment.

The sight of the Archmage spreading her wings made of magical power was that much of an incredible sight. It was the process of a human gaining divinity, the process of mortal peeling and growth, but it was also a sight that couldn’t be so easily simplified.

The colorfully shining magic circles that blocked the dark demon’s magic stood out.

Four pairs of continuously extending wings enveloped the entire Laios to repay their faith, to show that she wouldn’t be defeated by evil.

The light of that sublime, magical power continued to expand nonstop.

-Angel… it’s an angel. Mom, mom, look at that. It’s an angel.

-The Archmage of the State…

-Beautiful… It’s beautiful.

-This… what magic is that, Lord of the Tower?

-This sight… how… how can I define this as magic? Haha… This is not magic, but Jung Hayan’s power. I thought it was an absurd joke, but it seems she has really become the magic god… she went beyond her limits to save the continent…

-Magic god…

-Doesn’t it seem like all the magic powers on the continent are blessing her new birth?

The more I heard the muttering voices and the inaudible voices of many of her supporters, the more her power grew.

Fiddling with his long white beard, the wizard watched the scene with an innocent figure that did not fit his age.

-Magic Wings…


-Don’t they resemble her purity?

-Yes. It feels like it contains Jung Hayan’s transparency.

-I can’t even pray with a smile anymore…

It was such an amazing sight that my mouth was left agape.

“Fuck… What is this now?”

It was that much of a jaw-dropping scene.

“What… How did you do this?”

Jung Hayan was constantly sucking up the magic around her.

“What happened?”

Considering that it absorbed the divinity around her, it made me wonder if she had been waiting for this situation this entire time.

She smiled, her body trembling and her fists clenched, creating an eerie image somehow.

It seemed I wasn’t the only one who thought that way.

Park Deokgu blinked and cheered for Jung Hayan, but Han Sora, who began to be entangled in a huge stalk of magic, was struggling to get as far away from it as possible.

The stream of magic power, which climbed up her ankle, began to pull her body closer.

She stretched out her hand as if trying to escape somehow, but the stream of magic that covered her didn’t allow it.

-Aaaaaaaaaaaah! Jung Hayan! Jung Hayan!


-Jung Hayan! I’m scared. I’m… scared. Please forgive me. Please forgive me!!

‘Fuck, of course, it must be scary.’

She was forcibly transforming a human into an angel.

Anyone suddenly turning into a different race would be afraid.

As it continued to wrap around her body, she became more terrified…

Some pain might accompany it as it wasn’t normally possible.

There might have been a softer way, but there was no way that Jung Hayan, who had just started using her divinity, could realize it. She didn’t seem to be thinking of anything else but turning Han Sora into an angel as soon as she could.

-Jung Hayan… Jung Hayan…

Finally, a huge streak of magic engulfed her body completely.

One arm grasped and reached out between the stems, but her attempts just got swallowed as well. Finally…


-It’s fine now. Sora.

Han Sora emerged with a pair of transparent black wings on her back.

For a brief moment, her face was covered with tears and a runny nose, depicting that she suffered a lot, but she still quietly stared at her back, mesmerized by them.

She then glanced at Jung Hayan, her startled heart seemingly unable to calm down, but she bit her lips and became softer after seeing her exhausted.

- W-Were you very scared?


-Did it hurt?

-Yeah… I’m okay now.

-Thank God…

-I’m okay now.

-I-I’m really… g-glad…

It was not fortunate. She was probably startled because she became an angel out of nowhere. However, was she really fine now?

In the process of transforming Han Sora, it felt like she had consumed a lot of mental and magic power and divinity.

It seemed like she could dismantle what was up out there casually, but I could feel her lips trembling because she wasn’t in good condition.

With a thud, demonic magic once again crushed Jung Hayan’s wings, but she only made a loud noise with her arms wide open.

‘You’re not acting, right?’

Hayan was indeed evil.

-Ugh… Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!

It wasn’t that I didn’t like it. It was rather amazing. Just… it wasn’t that she was bad… she just had a wicked side.

-I will protect you, S-Sora… Deokgu… I… I will protect you.

She wasn’t even stuttering.


With a loud sound, Jung Hayan’s wings fell once, and those who looked above screamed.

They sent prayers, cheered for her, and provided her strength. The magicians of the tower continued to deliver magic power to her.

If that was acting, she was probably dancing inside with excitement. There were many things that our Hayan had seen and learned. She was really doing that on purpose, right? That wasn’t a real crisis, was it?

-I can protect you! I-I can protect you…

She bit her lip, and blood gushed out of her mouth. I looked away from her for only a moment, and her whole body seemed to be in rags.

Fragments of her magic power fell from her wings, holding up her magic.

Han Sora stared blankly at the scene and then…

-Sigh… Sigh… I… I can protect you…

-Jung Hayan!

She got up and started holding her hand.

It was an emotional sight. If only that weren’t all just an act.

How could tears not come out while watching a small wizard trying to fight evil by sacrificing everything she had? Han Sora, too, standing on Hayan’s left side, who was desperately trying to fight back, seemed to have forgotten that she had just been swimming in the stream of her magic power, and kept nodding.

I wasn’t certain if she was brainwashing herself or not.

-You… You can do it. Hold on, Jung Hayan.

-T-T-Thank you… Sora.

Was it because it was an extreme situation?

‘No. Who wouldn’t be fooled by that?’

It was the same with pro wrestling. There was a script, but the danger was real.

I didn’t know who it was, but I wanted to see the face of the guy who taught Jung Hayan such things.

‘She’s adapting quickly… I’m honestly scared.’ josei

And her practical ability wasn’t common…

She didn’t even realize that what had entered her body was divinity. What she was already doing made me think that Jung Hayan was just being herself, after all.

Of course, she couldn’t come up right now because she didn’t have a direct contract, but I was worried that she might do something else.

The fact that she created her own angel right now was like saying she had already done something extraordinary. However…

Right now… maybe I could put that worry down.


She was creating a very good opportunity for the allies.

“Good, our Hayan. Very good.”

I heard the demon summoner trash murmuring.

—You did something stupid, fake bastard. It seems that the move you saved has become garbage…

The plague scum was probably thinking the same as the demon summoner scum.


‘I can’t say anything.’

—This is useless.

He seemed inclined to continue badmouthing him.

—You’re blocking it well, but you’re just lucky. I have many moves prepared, and only one of them went wrong. You guys haven’t defeated me yet.

—This fake bastard must be thinking that he hasn’t lost yet. What could be easier than fighting a fool that believes he will never lose? Your arrogance will strangle you.

—Insects like you are the ones bound to lose. My thoughts are filled with conviction, not arrogance, and your actions will not affect the outcome. Look around the battlefield. Look what’s left. In the end, there’s nothing you can do. I’m getting tired of the useless tug-of-war in the frontlines… To believe that you can win this big battlefield with a small gain… is nonsense.

—I never went into the battlefield in the first place, fake bastard. I had fun with you, but…


—You’ll have to give up your seat now.

‘Right. The demon summoner trash is right.’

It was an exaggeration to say that he never entered the battlefield.

Considering that the demon summoner trash tried to control the situation in the first place, he was most likely bluffing.

However, it wasn’t a lie to say that he had to give up his seat.

This trash’s role was only to connect the bridges in the first place.

There were many horses and many rides, and as a result, he made a strong bridge within the given time.

Just as expected, the way to the frontline opened up.

The eyes of those who didn’t know how to read the battlefield would see nothing, but I could certainly see the path.

The plague piece of trash was probably looking at it too. Amidst the multiple wars of attrition, he would witness a sturdy bridge being built.

He frowned. It seemed that I wasn’t wrong.

This time, his distorted expression came in, almost as if his pride had been damaged, and he had no choice but to think that it would be beneficial for him to think about the next move.

We weren’t the only ones seeing that scene right now.

Jin Qing didn’t say anything, but…

The red beast walked on the path with a confident face and soon sprinted towards her most desired place.

The Plaguelord stayed silent. He was watching the beast approaching him, unable to say anything.

Perhaps he realized that she couldn’t be referred to by words such as lowly human or insect.

It didn’t even take her that long to arrive at the battlefield and let out a roar.

-Let’s go.


-Let’s go! My brothers and sisters!


-For the Red Mercenary!!!!!

-For the Red Mercenary!!! For the god of war!!!!

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