Rehabilitating the Villainess

Chapter 93

Chapter 93: Money I (2)

Shael hadn’t been worried at all; a protective spell safeguarded her against any potential danger.

Duke Jespen, concerned for his daughter’s safety, had fervently cast a protective spell on Shael in his pursuit, then disappeared to who know where.

The sheer amount of mana utilized in the spell could render even the Mage Tower Lord powerless.

“Are you ignoring me? Lost all your money already?” The thug taunted, but Shael arrogantly brushed him off, focused on pursuing Eran.

Unlike Shael, determined to chase after Eran, the persistent thug continued bothering her, even extending his hand toward her. Any closer, and the protective magic would activate, repelling him.

Yet, the situation demanding the protective magic never arose. Someone had intervened between the thug and Shael.

“What are you doing?” 

Shael’s view was obstructed by a dependable figure with a reassuring voice—Eran’s. He tightly gripped the thug’s arm, preventing him from reaching Shael.josei

Even under the influence of her camouflage magic tool, Eran remained Shael’s protector.

“It's none of your business!” The thug protested.

“You should consider leaving.” Eran advised, exerting more force in his grip.

Descended from renowned sword masters and recently reaching a higher level, Eran possessed ample strength to deal with mere street thugs. And he twisted the thug’s hand to near breaking point.

Realizing his mistake, the thug shot a fierce glare at Eran before hastily fleeing.

After dealing with the thug, Eran glanced at Shael, his gaze carrying something meaningful.

However, Shael, concealed by an excellent camouflage magic tool, knew Eran wouldn’t recognize her. And that's precisely why she disliked his actions.

‘Why is he saving someone other than me?’

Her annoyance stemmed from the fact that her current identity was that of a stranger to Eran. A similar situation might happen anytime in the future, with some other random woman on the streets.

Shael detested the scenario where a woman other than her blushing for Eran above all else.

Meeting Eran’s eyes once more, Shael, previously irritated, now felt uneasy. The cause was the avarice evident in Eran’s gaze, as if he desired something from her.


What did Eran want from her? She couldn’t fathom if Eran had seen through her cover despite Duke Jespen’s exceptional magic and tools.

While pondering, Shael couldn’t shake off the idea that perhaps he'd ask for her contact or to spend time together.

Usually, she'd have happily agreed, but the current situation was different.

To Eran, the current Shael wasn't Shael but a woman using camouflage magic.


“Yes?” Shael responded.

“My wrist is hurting. I need to buy some medicine for treatment.”

Shael reflexively pulled out her wallet, ready to give Eran money for the medicine. But had Eran even been injured by that drunkard?

Before Shael could voice her protest, her money was already in Eran’s wallet.

Trying to voice her complaint, Shael was beaten to it by Eran.

“I almost faced a major problem.”


“Is there a reward? Preferably a larger amount.”

Reward money? She didn’t want to give in, but she opened her wallet nonetheless, feeling like Eran's personal bank.

With a satisfied smile, Eran accepted Shael’s money. Counting it, he sighed, “This isn’t enough.”


Surely she must’ve heard wrong. Shael questioned Eran, doubting her ears.

Eran's subsequent answer only perplexed Shael more.

“If you triple it, I'll consider it a proper reward.”


Shael’s wallet opened again, unable to resist Eran's earnest gaze.

“That’ll be enough.”

As if Eran had acquired all he needed, he turned away, leaving Shael to stare at his back. 

At that moment, Shael felt relieved.

She'd worried about Eran treating other women better, but it seemed unfounded. Eran, despite his kindness to Shael, behaved like a trash towards other women.

Not just any trash, but the lowest of the low trash one could find in the world.

Oddly, Shael relished it. Her mouth, once downturned in anxiety, now turned upward.

However, she also made a silent promise to herself—never to entrust Eran with her finances.

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If you want a more severe (spicy) rehabilitation of multiple villainesses, you can check out my other project, Pushover Extra Trains the Villainesses. Check out my other project My Summons Are Special and Dual Cultivation with a Fox Demon

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