Rehabilitating the Villainess

Chapter 99

Chapter 99: Imperial Festival II (2)

It was only then that I was able to realize the host’s intention.

A while ago, the number was ’11’, and now it changed to ’12’.

[There must be many people who have noticed. You’re right! If you put your hand on this pillar, it will show you the number of times you k1ssed your lover during the week!]

The host turned his attention to the remaining participants. It meant that the final test should now begin.

‘I’m sure we’ll win this one very easily…’

Shael had been flirting with me for a k1ss for some time now. Not only that, but I also wanted to k1ss Shael over and over again. As a result, Shael and I k1ssed so many times that my lips started to hurt.

‘If it’s only a week, then…’

It should easily exceed 200 times, and if we’re lucky, it may even exceed 300 times!

Even if it’s just 200 times, you have to k1ss about 28 times a day. So this was an test that could only be a victory for me and Shael. Not only would we win, but we would also receive the admiration of all people. T

Of course, there would also be people who would point fingers at the result as manipulation.

I mean, what kind of couple would k1ss 200 times in a week? To be honest, it would normally be impossible.

‘The problem is that Denes Anyden should already be aware of this. I bet he came here after k1ssing his partner over 200 times.’

No, he must have done it a 100 times so as not to seem suspicious. Obviously, he would…it had to be.

Because if he lost at the event, he had a lot to lose.

First of all, we focused on the event. 

The ones who got to go first was the daughter of the Duke of Prell and her fiancé.

The number ’30’ appeared on the pillar, similar to how it was in the original novel.

It was by no means a low number. They might have become the best lovers in the empire with that kind of number, if it wasn’t for Shael and me.

Next was the Azbel couple. 

When they put their hands on the pillar, many people gasped admiration. It was the same for the host.

[Ah! 48! A number beyond the 30 has appeared! As expected, the Azbel couple are still going strong!]

Those two…are they really a middle-aged couple?

If they had been a little younger, they might have overpowered even me and Shael! 

It was said that the Azbel couple had an unusually passionate relationship, and now it seemed it was true.

“Young Master Eran, I hope you haven’t forgotten about the bet.”

“Of course, I remember.”

Giving a confident sneer, Denes Anyden headed to the pillar with his partner. 

It was the most trembling moment for me. If he had known the contents of the event in advance, he might have intentionally k1ssed his partner a lot.

No, I was sure he did.

I was hoping that the number wouldn’t exceed 200. Maybe Shael and I would have a little over 200 on the pillar.


Unfortunately, my wish didn’t come true. Rather, a number that exceeded my wishes was engraved on the pillar.

[Ah, ah! No! Is this possible? 348!? Huh, I don’t know what these two have been up to all week!]

It was as many as 50 times a day! 

So, even if they weren’t sleeping, they had to k1ss twice every hour!

As I was lost in my thoughts, I saw Denes sneer at me.

‘This is too much…’

There was no way we could win. I thought we’d get a decent number. But to think that they would get a number that exceeded my expectations.

Shael, who was next to me, opened her mouth, “Now it is our turn.”

“Sorry. It seems I made a stupid bet without even thinking about it.” I apologized to Shael.

Even if I didn’t keep the promise of kneeling down and granting Denes’ wish, I would still lose the love potion, which I was important for the plan. My head began to ache at the misaligned situation. I was also worried about Shael, who hated to lose.

“Yes, yes…let’s go.”josei

I thought that she would accept my apology in a gloomy manner, but Shael didn’t even make eye contact with me, as if she had done something wrong.

“What’s wrong?” I carefully asked.

Shael, however, didn’t answer. She ran forward and stood in front of her pillar.

So I had no choice but to follow Shael and stand in front of the pillar.

‘How should I steal the love potion without winning the event. If I don’t get the love potion, I would have to revise my plan…’ 

I put my hand on the pillar with Shael, with complicated thoughts in my head.

The audience couldn’t help but marvel. Even the host’s voice was filled with a feeling of great disbelief that I hadn’t heard before.

[Uh, huh? Maybe it’s broken?]

I quickly turned my head to check the surroundings. The first thing I saw was Shael, whose face was dyed red in embarrassment.

“What is this! Nonsense!”

The second I heard Denes’ protest. The smile on his face had changed to one of horror.

“Huh…I must learn from this.”

The third was Duke Jespen’s admiration.

Then, I looked at the pillar which had caused such a strange situation. 

And, I too had no choice but to open my mouth at the pure absurdity of the situation…where a different number of digits was clearly engraved on the pillar.

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If you want a more severe (spicy) rehabilitation of multiple villainesses, you can check out my other project, Pushover Extra Trains the Villainesses. Check out my other project My Summons Are Special and Dual Cultivation with a Fox Demon

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