
Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Far away from the collapsed heaven, deep under the earthly realm laid another world. This realm, once commonly known by cultivators and mortals alike as Hell. There was no sky, but a ceiling that extended hundreds of kilometers away from the ground, the air itself was at boiling tempeture, thousands upon thousands of bare rocky mountains and steep cliffs streched as long as the eye could see.

Along the mountains flowed a gigantic lava lake, surpisingly all matters of strange creatures could be seen swimming along the lake, some jumping to the surface occasionaly splashing lava as they submerge once again.

At the foot of a certain mountain, sat an old man. His eyes were closed as he sat cross-legged, a fishing rod in hand. He had long grey hair that was neatly combed to the back, with an even longer white beard that complimented his hair. His body exuded no aura at all, his figure occasionally blurring with the surroundings making it hard to look at him.

His eyes that were closed all this time suddenly opened, his pupil and Iris were both white! An unfanthomable aura that made the very mountains shake, and the lake to rise, anger in the form of lava, turbulent and unforgiving. ...

His aura arose to push the still lava to choppy, which morphed into mountains of angry waves.

"So another one survived?" He lightly muttered looking at the ceiling, his gaze seemingly piercing through the void itself!


Back in the earthly realm, deep within the Dranica continent stood a tall majestic mountain, it soared up like it wished to challenge the sky itself, dominating the horizon.

This was the Bai clan's ancestral mountain, all sorts of houses and buildings built at its base yet the mountain itself laid completely bare except for the very peak, there a small wooden house was neatly built in the center. Outside the small house, four of the Bai clan high elder's sat in meditation each on their own praying mat, creating a harmonious scene to the onlookers.

The silence however was soon broken, as the door to the small wooden house flew open with a bang, shocking the elders as they faced the middle-aged man that walked out. He seemed to suck in the light around him as he stood by the door, he spoke with a grave tone that flowed into the elder's ears.

"Call them for the fourth and fifth elder to join us," He said before simply going back inside the small house, the elder's eyes flashed in surprise and shock, one had to know the last time they saw the patriarch with such a grave look was when Mount Schu declared war against them.

Looking at each other they solemnly nodded coming to a silent agreement, before one of them grabbed a spirit stone and crushed it, it did not take long before two identical figures joined them, surprisingly they were twins! Both had dark black hair that flowed with the wind, their faces were extremely ordinary yet no one dared underestimate the two for they were the Bai clan's strongest protectors.

Nodding at the elder's they then lightly made their way towards the little house and respectfully awaited. The elders, standing behind them stood calmly, their faces betrayed them however as they seemed full of anxiety.

"Come in." Came the solemn voice of the patriarch.

Once inside, they all gave a light salute before sitting down each on their own praying mat, the patriarch was seated at the head while the fourth and fifth elders sat to his left and right respectively, followed by the rest of the elders.

The silent and oppressive mood prevailed as the patriarch remained quiet, his eyes closed as if he was sleeping yet his body unconsciously released an invisible pressure making all the elder's beside the twins sweat nervously. josei

"Bai Yu has contacted me." Slowly spoke the patriarch breaking the silence.

"The first elder?"

"Didn't he enter the heavenly realm?"

"To contact the patriarch directly something big must have happened!"

Hushed comments could be heard, as the elders broke into discussions. The twins however calmly sat down with their eyes still closed in meditation, as if unconcerned.

"Quiet!" Sternly said the patriarch, forcing all the elders to gulp subconsciously before quieting down under his aura, as they waited for him to continue.

"Something big....No, something unbelievable has happened. The first elder has encountered a living celestial in the heavenly realm..." he said in a somber tone.

At that information, the room turned deadly quiet before breaking into loud discussions, even the twins that had their eyes closed all this time opened them wide in shock as they turned to face the patriarch who nodded solemnly.

"A living celestial?!"

"There have been no records of any celestial surviving the fall of heavens before! How could this be!?"

"This is indeed very serious!"

The fourth elder, that had been quiet for all this time, then slowly spoke "I presume there is still more news patriarch?"

Nodding at that question, before slowly speaking

"Indeed, the celestial Bai Yu has encountered is not just any celestial... It's the esteemed Immortal mentor!" The patriarch could not help but tremble at the end of his sentence as if he himself could not believe what he was saying.

Hearing the shocking news, the whole room broke into commotion, no one could believe their ears for this was the Immortal mentor they were talking about! His fame was known to the entire earthly realm!

"Patriarch, is Bai Yu sure of this?" Asked the fifth elder.

"Yes, it is indeed the Immortal mentor..."

"Then we should make preparations! The first elder should invite him to visit!"

"Visit?? Are you out of your mind old man! This the esteemed Immortal mentor we are talking about! A celestial far older and far more powerful then any of us could imagine! And for him to survive the fall of Heaven?! We should be the ones going to visit him!"

Another elder nodded before continuing "That indeed makes sense, patriarch we should make our move before the rest of the holy lands or the other sects get wind of this news!"

Slowly raising his hand, the room fell into silence once more before he spoke "There should be no problem, the first elder has convinced the esteemed mentor to visit the Bai clan!"

Gasps of surprise escaped from the elder's mouths

"Bai Yu, that crazy old bastard ahahaha!" With his shoulders shaking, the second elder burst out laughing.

Grinning the patriarch continued, "Make haste, preparations for the esteemed Immortal mentor should be ready as soon as possible! There can be no mishaps!"

Saluting in confirmation, the elders then took their leaves. Soon the only ones left in the room were the patriarch himself and the two twin elders.

"Is it time my patriarch?" Asked the fourth elder, a dangerous gleam flashing in his eyes.

"Yes, take care of the spies. This news can not be leaked yet."

Nodding, the two elders gave a quick salute before silently merging with the shadows as they disappeared, followed by a long tired sigh from the patriarch.

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