Reincarnated as a Dog with System

Chapter 216 Back To The Beginning

Chapter 216 Back To The Beginning

"That guy is really trying hard to get my memories back. I am even inclined to give him the benefit of my doubt." 

Su Yan chuckled as his feet moved nimbly through the thick forests covering the cities and towns.


Next to him, there was also a wolf sprinting along with him.

"Heh. Why am I talking to a pooch! What would you even know, you cute thing…" He shook his head and added as an afterthought.


Qin Hua gnashed her canines. She was trying really hard to keep up with the jerk's speed. She knew that beneath all of this nonsense was still their friend.

But that becomes really difficult to remember when the said lunatic keeps on continuously harassing her.

[This better work, damn it!] Qin Hua snapped her canines at no one in particular as she continued sprinting forward at the top of her speed.

This was the first time she had been forced to use her maximum speed. Everything around her appeared only as a blur.

She was using all of her strength, even focusing her mana on her limbs to keep up with Su Yan. She couldn't understand why he was so strong.

She knew that it had something to do with his accursed title 'Dragon Emperor Descendent'. Did that mean he had the strength of a dragon?

[Woof! I already killed a dragon!] Qin Hua scoffed angrily. The sleeping pig that she had kept on feeding was now awake and stronger than her!

How was… this… fair???!!!

[He is my friend. He is my friend. He is my friend…] She kept repeating to herself but the condescending and arrogant attitude of the other party was not making it any easier.

Her only hope was that everything would change soon and what they were doing right now would play a huge part in that!

Currently, the two of them were sprinting so hurriedly to their old apartment. Lu Chen had an idea that Su Yan's memories could be triggered if they visited their old apartment.

Qin Hua also agreed with that and so while he stayed back with the group, the two of them sprinted to their old apartment to take a quick look.

Their speed currently was more than 100 miles an hour, so even with the forests sprawled out everywhere, taking over the city, they still managed to reach the destination quite soon.

Qin Hua padded her paws on the ground in a daze. So much had changed. This was not her hometown. She had barely lived here for a few days, that too as a puppy.

But it was still shocking to see how everything was so different. 

The streets that were clean and neat, lined with concrete buildings and just one or two trees, here and there sparingly, were no longer the same.

Instead, there were only trees and trees everywhere this time around, with buildings or simply heaps of concrete littered around sparingly.

She looked at their apartment complex where so much had happened and everything had begun. The damage they had done to the ground floor was still visible.<br/><script>ChapterMid();</script>

Luckily a huge vine was sprawled around, somewhat holding up the building. But even with that, she could see that the whole apartment complex was going to collapse in the next few days.

If left uncontrolled, soon there would be nothing left except for forests and lush greenery everywhere. 

Perhaps this was why the apocalypse had begun in the first place… to forcibly reset everything… making everyone return back to where life began.

Interrupting her thoughts, the arrogant condescending voice chimed in.

"Doggie, are you coming in or what?" Su Yan stopped and turned to look at the dog who was panting and breathing raggedly. 

"You can't even handle this run? So useless." He sneered and went in without waiting for her.

Qin Hua was too tired and mentally preoccupied to get angry with him so she didn't bother retorting back to his nasty comments. 

She was also about to walk in, following him when a mischievous glint flashed in her eyes.

Instead of going in, she dashed back out and then jumped into a shadow. 

She bounded from one shadow to another and started climbing the very damaged building's exterior to climb like a maniac.

When she had first activated her ability, she was afraid to do this, but now… He He He… 

Unlike her, Su Yan climbed up the stairs, looking around everywhere, carefully observing everything. 

When the path was blocked, he made a new one by cutting down whatever it was that blocked him.

He then reached the apartment which Lu Chen had mentioned to him. He pushed the door to the familiar yet unfamiliar place open, and to his surprise…

Qin Hua was already there, inside the apartment, looking down at him. [What took you so long? Hmph.] She even had a big grin on her face for this small victory.

However, that unfortunately did not irritate the other party and she did not get the effect that she had wanted. 

Su Yan simply laughed it off. "What a cute doggie…"


[I will make you pay for all of this later! Woof!] She barked and ran around the apartment, barging into his room. 

[Come take a look! Woof!] She hoped that something would trigger his memory and they could get their friend back. 

Everything in their apartment was left as is because they were on a higher floor. 

Even the sheets and the mattress which Su Yan had shredded by activating his metallic scales for the first time were still on the bed.

The two of them walked around the big apartment which was nothing more than a small space now in complete silence.josei

Neither was in a mood to tease the other. Qin Hua had a bittersweet feeling in her heart as fond familiar memories floated across her eyes on seeing the various things.

She didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She apparently cherished the normal life that she lived as a puppy, just for the few days, more than her previous life as a human being.

Her eyes glistened as she looked at the person standing next to her. He also seemed to be in serious thought as he looked at the various objects.

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