Reincarnated as a dragon’s egg ~Lets aim to be the strongest~

Chapter 112

Chapter 112: Ferris Huma

Chapter 112

Ch . 112 Ferris Huma

With the beastman still in my mouth, I use [[Roll]] and search for the ball rabbit . Although I ran quite a bit I still vaguely remember where I parted from the ball rabbit . The two cacti I crushed for the ball rabbit before going to bed should serve as a marker .

I have to find the ball rabbit as soon as possible . If I lose sight of it for too long, it could possibly become prey for another monster .

Besides, the beastman I helped earlier although did not receive a direct attack from the giant centipede, they did get injured after being dropped from the running carriage . The one who dropped before seemed to act like a cushion, so the injury was light in comparison, but the drop in HP was great . Originally, it seems they did not spend a very good life, as the body was brittle .

Also, they received abnormal conditions [[Coma, Bloodshed]] and the HP is decreasing .

[Nina Niewa]

Race: Ferris Huma

State: Coma – Bloodshed

Lv: 7/60

HP: 8/25

MP: 22/22

Attack: 21

Defense: 18

Mana: 17

Speed: 25

Characteristic Skill:

[[Presence Sense: Lv1]] [[Night Vision: Lv1]]josei

[[Dynamic Vision: Lv2]] [[Gurisha Language: Lv3]]

Resistant Skill:

[[Hunger Resistance: Lv3]] [[Poison Resistance: Lv1]]

[[Physical Resistance: Lv2]]

Normal Skill:

[[Bite: Lv1]] [[Scratch: Lv1]]

[[Squeal: Lv2]] [[Bind: Lv1]]

Title Skill:

[[Beastman: Lv–]] [[Hunter: Lv2]]

[[Acrobatics: Lv2]] [[Slave: Lv–]]

This beastman seems to be called Nina . Race [[Ferris Huma]]?

Even though it’s a beastman, the race is different from the one who was beside that female swordsman in the cave .

If im not mistaken, the girl with the hammer was a [[Canis Huma]]?

They had the same beast ears, but I think that they had dog ears . On the other hand, Nina’s was more like a cats .

… . . [[Slave]], this is that right? Slavery . They wore tattered clothes and it’s impossible to say that they lived a true life due to their position . But, this was still somewhat of a shock, getting to know like this .

All the other beastman packed in that carriage where probably also slaves . I wonder if the parents sold them due to economic distress?

I find a familiar lump and stop [[Roll]] . A mountain of cactus remains could be seen at a distance .

There is no doubt, this is where I parted with the ball rabbit . It was still there sleeping after I had woken up . Yet, there is a small hole in the place where the ball rabbit was supposed to be buried . Looks like it already woke up and crawled out .

I could not see any traces of the ball rabbit dragging their body, as it was erased by a sandstorm . Worried, I wasn’t even able to move my foot at all .

While praying that it was nearby, I use [[Presence Sense]] and check the surroundings . From the wreckage of the cactus, there was sign of a small animal… . Though I am glad it stayed close by, what is he doing?

I hunt for the ball rabbit through the cactus wreckage . There was the figure of the ball rabbit with cactus spines scratching at its back . Really what is he doing?

When the ball rabbit notices a sound, it extends its ears vertically and looks back at me .

“pefu? pefuuu!”

The ball rabbit spat out the skin of the cactus and came straight at me . Then it attacks my feet and legs again with its ears . Maybe he was angry being left behind .

I move away from the cactus and spit out the beastman who was in my mouth along with the sand . I have a coughing fit trying to get all the sand out of my throat .


After seeing Nina, the ball rabbit turns its gaze towards me . I then turn my eyes towards Nina and stick my tongue out making a lick motion . I then lightly poked the ball rabbit with my finger .


This guy…does it eat humans?

I am fine with eating a panther and a camel, but I won’t eat a human being who used to be the same kind as me . Although there is no real reason for it, please refrain from it ball rabbit . I won’t give you a ride on top of my head anymore if you do so .

I convey the situation to the ball rabbit with a gesture . I point at the bleeding beastman and waved my hands left and right .

The ball rabbit should have learned the skill [[Rest]] after gaining the experience from the camel . With that, Ninas bleeding could be stopped . Other than bleeding there is no other danger to her life .

The ball rabbit gazes at Nina and then lifts the fragments of the cactus with his ears . It then starts drawing a picture on the sand as if it where chalk . After finishing drawing it throws the cactus skin far and hangs its ears to the ground as if nothing happened .

Ball rabbit…where you always able to do that?

Although the picture was bad, I immediately understood what the picture was . It is definitely a picture of meat .

I nod in understanding . Understood, understood, when I find meat again I will salt and cook it!

When the ball rabbit saw me, it moved happily to Ninas side and cried “pefu” . A small light jumps out of the ball rabbits head and enters Ninas body . From what I could see the wounds are closing and the pale skin begins regaining its life .

Checking the status, abnormal condition [[Bloodshed]] was lost and the HP was slowly recovering, although not completely . After breathing a breath of relief, [[Coma]] turned into [[Coma (small)]] .

The relief I felt slowly changes into anxiousness .

…What should I do when Nina wakes up? The way I see it, there is no doubt that she will scream and try to run away . If she walks alone in this desert then she will surly die .

Should I send her to that city surrounded by that high wall before she wakes up? No, I won’t have any time . It seems she will get up soon .

In the first place, is it even okay to take her there? Thinking about the direction, the carriage should have also left from that city . That fat guy who kicked all those slaves out to be food for the giant centipede should have also come from there .

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