Reincarnated As A Mosquito

Chapter 38

Chapter 38: Find me a name?

Chapter 38: Find me a name?

"Hey system, when do you think she is going to wake up?" Ben pondered, his eyes fixed on the silver-haired girl lying before him. He was clad in light, loose pants and a long shirt that had been generously provided by his new companions. josei

I am not exactly sure, but I can say she seems quite exhausted for just mana depletion. My estimation is perhaps around 8 more hours.]

"Hey, Ben! Since we're on the ground floor of the building, just give me a heads-up when you're ready, and we'll show you around," Alex informed Ben with a friendly smile. He had guided Ben to a room, conscious of his desire for seclusion, particularly if it could be arranged on the top floor. As a result, Alex had thoughtfully chosen a room at the building's highest point, allowing Ben to revel in the solitude he sought while simultaneously affording him a vantage point to observe the village.

-Blood Vision-

Whispering an incantation, Ben cast a spell that altered his perception. As he gazed out of the window, his surroundings were enveloped in a deep shade of red. The once blue sky now bore a crimson hue, while infernal energy seemed to emanate from every living being in the village, painting them in fiery shades. In stark contrast, nonliving objects remained black, devoid of the same vibrant energy.

While Ben's attention was drawn to the transformed village, a distinct blood aura snagged his senses. It emanated from the northwest, its source still concealed from his view. Nonetheless, the aura's potency allowed him to gauge the strength of the entity it belonged to.

"The same strength as that devil, if not even greater," Ben muttered before shutting his eyes, allowing the red light in his pupils to fade back to their usual hue.

[The more I perceive, Ben, the more convinced I am that there is something amiss in this village.]

"I share the same sentiment. Unfortunately, we seem to lack alternative options at the moment," Ben replied in an unusually serious tone. His voice held a gravity that contrasted with his usual demeanor.

After a thorough examination of the room, Ben ensured he remained within a 500-meter radius of the sleeping girl. This proximity was essential for ensuring her well-being. Thanks to the assistance of the system, Ben could measure the real-time distance accurately.

As the day progressed, Ben explored the village, familiarizing himself with its layout. Yet, nothing appeared out of the ordinary, except for one particular church that captured his attention—the same location from which the substantial blood aura had emanated.

Upon inquiring with Ray, Ben discovered that the building had a rich history. It was an ancient structure once utilized for judgment and executions during the church's rule over the continent. However, following the ascension of the King of Valoria, these buildings were demolished, and the church members were executed.

After a decade marked by the Cold War, the building had transformed into a mere tourist attraction. The once-prominent religion had dwindled to a cult, designated as a terrorist organization by the King's Council.

Further exploration revealed that the village resembled any typical settlement, with fields and crops enveloping it. A massive river flowed along its western border, forming an impassable barrier to the Demihuman kingdom. During his wanderings, Ben even spotted demihumans across the river, their presence emphasizing the harmonious relationship between humans and demihumans.

Despite this rapport, the river's width and speed made it an impossible obstacle to bridge. Legend spoke of numerous advanced-tier and higher-level beasts lurking within the waters, ready to assail any daring crossers. Among these legends, the tale of a majestic blue-winged serpent that dwelled in the river held particular intrigue.

While the western border remained open and unrestricted, the same did not hold for the eastern and northern sides. During harvest season, when villagers ventured into the fields, they often encountered attacks from a species known as midnight wolves.

Initially sporadic and attributed to unfortunate circumstances, these attacks have recently become more calculated and frequent since the village appointed its new chief. Consequently, about three out of every ten villagers bore visible signs of bites or scratches—evidence of the heightened peril.

What troubled Ben was the paradox of the wolf's attacks. The village was encompassed by an imposing 10-meter-tall wall on the northern and eastern fronts—a vestige of its past as a city. The presence of this wall raised questions: How could wolves breach these defenses? How could they strike the villagers?

If not for the 500-meter restriction, Ben would have eagerly explored the ruins of the old city and the massive river. However, these restrictions hindered his exploration. The only way to venture beyond these confines would be to rouse the girl slumbering before him, who had been snoring contentedly for nearly an entire day.

"Hey, system? Weren't you the one who said she'd wake up after about 8 hours? Why is she still in this deep slumber?" Ben inquired, a slight smile of frustration touching his lips.

At this juncture, Ben, I doubt she's simply unconscious. [It seems more likely that she's merely asleep.]

"I see," Ben mumbled, a mixture of understanding and apprehension filling his expression. He moved closer to the silver-haired girl, allowing a tentative smile to play on his lips. In a swift motion, he leaned closer to her, his breath tickling her ear as he took a deep inhalation.

"WAKE UP TO REALITY!!" His voice reverberated through the air, forceful enough to startle birds from the trees.

Instantly, the silver-haired girl jolted awake, her arms and legs flailing in disarray. Disoriented, she surveyed her surroundings, attempting to make sense of her situation. Ben stepped back, giving her space to regain her composure. As her initial panic subsided, her focus shifted to Ben's concerned countenance.

"First things first. Tell me your name, or you're in for a rough time," Ben's tone bore a hint of frustration beneath its surface, barely concealed by his outward demeanor.


Yo guys! Guess whose here? Yo!, thats your ultra inconsistent author that you hate from the very nerve. lol . Anyways, this chapter was a lil info dump, so if anyone have any confusion or any of you want a map of village than please let me know, I will try arranging something for you guys.

Till then...take care!!

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