Reincarnated as an Energy with a System

Chapter 306

Chapter 306: Truth

Chapter 306: Truth

"You instigated the fall of an entire family just because the girl you liked, liked somebody else?" Ning asked.

Badel looked shook but controlled himself. "You are my father's guest so I won't say anything, but please don't go around spreading these lies," Badel said.

"Oh, if you say it's not true, then do you dare eat this Truth Seeking pill?" Ning asked as he brought out a pill from his storage.

"Wh-What's a Truth-Seeking pill?" Badel asked fearfully.

"Of course, as it's named, you cannot lie after you've eaten this pill," Ning said.

"W-What if it's a poison? Why would I eat this?" Badel said.

The Emperor looked at his son's scared posture and asked, "Son, did you really have a hand in the Gassain family's fall?"

"What? Of course not, father. Don't believe him," Badel proclaimed loudly.

"Then let me ask another question. Why do you hide your cultivation base so much?" Ning asked.

Badel's eyes shifted towards Ning as fear shifted to anger. " I'm not hiding anything," Badel said.

"Then… I guess you will die from this attack."

Ning suddenly jumped forward and attacked the prince. Dozens of black shadows flew at him to stop him, but they weren't fast enough at all.

With no other choice, Badel flared his 6th Nascent Soul cultivation base and stopped Ning's attack. However, when he blocked it, he realized there was barely any force behind it.

The shadow guards were about to strike Ning when the Emperor shouted "Stop!".

"I'm not an idiot to truly try and kill a prince, but… you do have quite an impressive cultivation base, prince Badel. Mind telling me why you are hiding it?" Ning asked.

At the same time, Ning started searching through his interface to get a basic version of what had truly taken place for the Gassain's destruction.

'I see… the truth is not far off… but it's so different,' NIng thought once he finished reading it all.

"I didn't know the Empire had such a strange rule, Emperor Reen," Ning said.

"Strange rule? Which one?" the Emperor asked while still having a shocked expression from his son's cultivation base.

"I didn't know that the person who killed the Emperor became the emperor," Ning said.

The Emperor suddenly got apprehensive towards Ning. He didn't know how strong he actually was, but he knew better than to go with his cultivation base as a measure for his strength.

"I'm not the one you have to be scared of right now, Emperor," Ning said.

The Emperor thought about what he meant when he finally understood. He immediately turned around to look at Badel. josei

"You were hiding your cultivation base so you could attack me at the right time?" he asked in horror. He couldn't believe that his own son would try to take his throne.

"No father, of course I wasn't," Badel tried to explain, but Ning was there to force the truth out of him.

He sneakily threw the pill into his mouth and the prince unknowingly swallowed it.

"Why would I need to hurt you father, when the throne will be pa— The throne should be MINE!" he shouted. Almost immediately he stopped his mouth. However, even then he couldn't stop speaking.

"The old man's time should've been gone years ago, but he ate the Life Revitalizing pill that the Saint Alchemist made to get his honor and now he can live for another thousand years more."

"It's not fair! That is why I will invoke this old rule, and get the throne for myself," Badel said.

The audience couldn't hear anything that was being said thanks to a veil that had already been put up, but the family heads on the stage could.

Some of them were surprised that the prince was thinking about treason. He was planning on killing the old Emperor to become one himself.

"You… wanted to kill me?" the Emperor said. "So everything teacher Ning has said today… is true?"

"Obviously, stupid old man. I killed the first son of their family because he was having an affair with that bitch. It was an impulsive mistake really. When I saw that he was alone, I sent my men to kill him."

"However, after I realized what I had done, I made it look like he was going to assassinate you. You thought he was trying to take the throne for himself and got scared."

"Then I went and called in my connection to protect OUR family from the Gassains. You wouldn't have known there was an attack if I hadn't notified you old man," Badel said.

"I knew how terrified you were of losing the throne. You only changed after that day when you realized what horrors you had committed."

Badel tried to stop himself, but it was physically impossible for him to stop talking.

"Dammit! What the fuck is this pill? Why am I talking so much?"

The Emperor was horrified. "You would kill me to get the throne? Your own father?" he asked.

"Fuck! It wasn't supposed to be like this. You were supposed to die in your sleep. Fuck! Why can't I stop talking?!"

"Fuck it! Men, the situation has changed. The plan is changing too. Attack my father's men," Badel shouted out.

Suddenly, hoards of people started taking out their weapons and attacking someone next to them who was just looking at the commotion.

"What? Brother Gray, why are you attacking me?"

"Ouch! Why did you do that?"

"Tsk. Finally, he moves forward with the plan. I've been meaning to kill you for quite some time now, but the timing just wasn't right."

"Old man Hern, you were the reason my father committed suicide. So I hope you don't mind if I stab you a little."

The Emperor watched in horror as he saw the people around him turn on each other. The family heads attacked the other ones, the guards in the venue attacked another guard.

Even his own shadow guards were attacking the others.

Ning was surprised too and looked all around him.

"No…. Stop…" the Emperor was too shocked to speak loudly. "Please st—"

"Watch out!" Ning saw the attack through the corner of his eyes, but he couldn't stop it in time.

The Emperor flared his cultivation base at the last minute, but he was still stabbed through his waist by Badel at the last second.

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