Reincarnated as an Energy with a System

Chapter 353 - Getting People There

Chapter 353 - Getting People There

Chapter 353 - Getting People There

Ning still couldn't understand what the system was saying. How could time move fast and yet not? He had a hard time conceptualizing it.

"Sorry, can you explain in a clearer way? I still don't get it," Ning said. If time really was moving at 13 times the speed, he should have noticed many day and night cycles, which he wasn't.

<Only time is moving fast. Meaning, while everything is the same for you, you are now aging 13 times faster than outside of this island>

"Wait, so it had something to do with my perception then?" Ning asked.

<No, time itself is moving normally for everything else; they are only aging faster>

"Hmm, I think I understand what you mean… in a sense," Ning said. "So, 1 day in here is 1 day outside, but I will age by about 12 more days if I stay in here, right?"


"Sigh, I will have to warm them then. I don't want them aging faster just to negate the years they get by breaking through here," Ning said.

"Even I will get old here fast. Although, given how early I reached this realm, I will probably stay this way for a long time," Ning said.

"Time to leave then."

Ning disappeared and arrived back outside of the island. The feeling of time moving was gone now, but there was another feeling now.

This one felt like a sort of suffocation as if the air was too stale to breathe in, or they're just wasn't enough air around him to breathe in the first place.

There was also the feeling of suppression. He realized that while his senses had improved, they hadn't necessarily gotten as good as they should have. Also, he felt like his power wasn't as strong as it should be.

"What's going on? Why am I this weak?" Ning thought with surprise. He was getting more confused, but then a thought struck.

"Wait, am I getting suppressed because of the lack of Qi in the area around me? Am I unable to show my full strength?" he wondered.

He confirmed with the system and found out that was indeed the case. Because his current cultivation base was higher than what the world could handle,

"The beasts said that the world was wounded. Maybe that has something to do with this," Ning wondered. "Whatever, I will think about it later. Time to go get the folks."

Ning teleported and appeared outside of the village he lived in. The small village was called Ejwyn. It was a weird name that Ning always found hard to pronounce.

He had come here a few years ago and decided to use this as the place for his stay.

The village had about 50-60 houses in total. It wasn't a lot by what Ning was used to, but it was considered quite a major village in this remote section of the Northern continent.

The people in the village looked at Ning with a weird eye. They weren't used to seeing him out of his house.

"Doctor Ning!" someone ran up to him and called him. A white-haired old man came in front of him while huffing very hard.

"Oh thank god. When your wife said you were outside, I thought… I thought my child was done for," the old man said. "Please come and check my child. He fell from the tree while playing and broke his arm," the old man said.

"Oh," Ning said with a bit of surprise. "Let's hurry." He went to the old man's house. The house was simply a hut that looked almost the same as the ones from Klavia where Hyesi used to live in long ago. Only, these ones were made with mud and wood.

Ning healed the child as well as he could and left the place. The various people of the village greeted him and called him doctor. That was the role he had been playing for these villagers. He was the doctor that stayed in the mountain.

If they were ill, they would either bring the patient there or just come to call for him. People had requested that he get a home for himself down at the village, but Ning preferred the peace and quiet that came with being the only house there.

Ning walked up the mountain, walking through thick bushes and rocks, climbing the uneven path that was made there by people walking on it many times.

After climbing for about 5 minutes, he came to his house. The house was average in comparison to the houses in the village. The most it had was 3 rooms, and Ning didn't even need all of those.

He used a single room, and Ely used the 3rd one. As for the 3rd room, Ning had decided to use it as an emergency room for patients he would need to treat.

Ely sensed him return and walked out. She was wearing a simple red robe that would stand out in no way at all. She smiled when she saw him.

"You're back already? I thought you said it would take a while," Ely said.

"The System came in handy," Ning said with a smile as well.

"Come tell me all about it," she said and walked back inside.

Ning walked in as well. However, he didn't explain anything. Instead, he simply said, "I broke through to Spirit Transformation realm."

Ely took a moment to comprehend the knowledge that was thrust on her. "Wait what?" she said as she stopped walking.

She turned around with eyes so wide that they threatened to fall out of their sockets. She quickly sensed his cultivation base and realized that it had indeed changed. Even though it didn't seem very different from before, there definitely was a change.

"Congrats. You will get a longer life now," Ely said with a teasing voice.

Ning smiled as well. "What do you say? Are you ready to go?" he asked.

"Right now?" she asked.

"Yeah, we'll go there and you can breakthrough too," Ning said. "After you, I will go for the others and bring them there as well."

Ely thought for no more than a fraction of a second and said, "Okay." Her worries all vanished when she thought of the opportunity to break through after so long.

Ning smiled and put forth his hands. Once Ely grasped it, he disappeared. When they reappeared, they were flying on top of the ocean, with no single land in sight.

"Are you ready?" he asked. "The island is hidden inside a secret realm of sort. I will take you there and… you will feel something weird."

"Okay," Ely said while nodding her head. "I'm ready."

"Let's go."

Ning disappeared. When they reappeared, they were both inside the folded space once again. The moment he entered, the feeling of suppression disappeared, and the feeling of moving at a different pace returned.

"Mmm!" Ely grunted.

"What's wrong?" Ning asked with concern. "Oh wait, are you also going to breakthrough?"

He looked around and pointed at an island. "Go there and breakthrough. You are pretty safe here."

Ely didn't say anything and simply nodded and flew down to the mountain Ning had pointed to and started breaking through.

Ning stayed there for a few minutes to see if everything was okay. Once he realized that it was, he teleported out once again.

This time, he went to the very modern Klavia. The houses there had now adapted to the modern way all houses looked all over the world.

Ning looked around and could see people of every color here. After the improvement this village had shown, people started coming to visit here.

That was especially true after Ning made the formation to this exact place connecting to the Galyra empire in the Central continent. This was one of the main hubs of the Northern continent now.

Ning found his way to a very large mansion with a rather open courtyard. He made his way into the mansion with nobody stopping him.

Most were too afraid to talk to him, and others were just too inferior to him in this society that they didn't seem fit for them to talk with him.

Ning walked all the down in the mansion to the underground where Hyesi was currently cultivating.

"Inikaka, what a surprise," Hyesi said after noticing Ning walk into the place where he and a lot of the old-timers were cultivating to live just a little longer.

While they didn't need that, Hyesi was still very old and needed to save his time on the planet as much as he could.

"Hey Hyesi," Ning said. This was his first disciple, and more importantly, a friend he made in this world.

"Is this a random visit, Inikaka?" he asked.

Ning smiled and shook his head. "I've come here to take you someplace elsewhere. A place where you can get stronger than you are now, and live longer than you are now," he said.

Hyesi's eyes darted around, trying to make sense of Ning's words.

"You found the Origin?" he asked with surprise.

"Yes," Ning said. josei

"Oh that is wonderful," Hyesi said. "Are the rumors true? Is it really as—wait, your aura feels different. Did you breakthrough already?"

Ning's smile got wider and he nodded.

"Woah! Inikaka, this is a cause for a celebration. I will have the town set a festival for your breakthrough," Hyesi said.

"Haha, you don't have to do anything like that for me," Ning said. "However, for you, the choice is entirely up to you."

"You mean?" Hyesi's eyes shined with hope.

"Let's go.. You have a breakthrough to complete."

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