Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 16

Chapter 16: Visitors and Guests

"Student Viel, I am really sorry for what Li Zhao did the other day"

At the courtyard of Taizhou Academy, the elite class were hitting practice dummies as ordered by their combat instructor, except for Viel. As Viel was once again isolated on the side as he destroyed the practice dummy because he couldn't control his strength. Instructor Anna took this chance to approach Viel and talk to him.

"I should have protected you as your current combat instructor, I apologize for my inaction.", Anna bowed towards Viel, her cleavage showing through her robes.

"N-no. It is alright Miss Anna. As Grandpa Ling said, the petty will always find a way to bully the weak!", Viel shook his head as he looked above the skies, as if he was an old man contemplating something.

''re not exactly weak', Anna thought as she looked at the broken practice dummy, "Still, if there's something I can do…"

"Uhm okay, I remember him handing something over to you before I blacked out, you seemed very surprise. Can you give that to me so I can also surprise my friends!?", Viel looked eager as he stared at the instructor with his eyes wide open.

"N-no!", Instructor Anna immediately walked away. How can she give that to the young boy? It was her undergarments, after all.

"Tch, stingy..", Viel sulked as he saw the instructor walking away without giving him anything. Viel watched on as the other students practiced their techniques on the practice dummies.

"Students, gather around!"

After a few hours, Anna told the students to stop.

"As you may know, there will be an upcoming mock battle a few days from now."

When they heard this, most of the students cheered while some prayed to the gods that they don't pick Viel as their opponent.

"However, there has been a few changes. Originally, the mock battle was just supposed to be within your class. But Li Zhao, and the Azure Fist sect, have volunteered to have their sect's young outer disciples to have a match with you."

The students voiced out in surprise.

"W-what, we get to fight sect disciples!?"

"Heh. This should be fun"

The comments of the students vary. Although being accepted in the academy was as good as being in a private sect, most of them still wish to test their mettle against actual people that were trained since birth.

"Good, keep that tenacity when fighting against them. They may also be kids, but I assure you that they are tougher than you.", Anna crossed her arms and nodded in satisfaction as she saw the group of students willingness to fight, "Alright, that is all. Class dismissed!"

"Thank you for the lesson, teacher!", the students bowed as they left one by one.

"V-Viel, if it is alright with you… Grandfathe- General Diao is home and I told him stories about you. Is it alright if you come home with me?", Diao Mei fidgeted as she approached Viel her face brimmed with redness.

Wei Song immediately raised his ears when he heard this and he also approached the two.

"T-this… G-goddess Mei… C-can I also come!?"

However, what met Wei Song's enthusiasm was a cold hard no. He swayed as he walked home, bruised and defeated. The Azure fist disciples might as well beat him now.

"R-really, will there be food!?", Viel became excited. He kept hearing how prominent and rich Diao Mei's family was. Surely, they must have lots of tasty food.

"S-sure. I'll ask the servants to prepare some for you.", Diao Mei's eyes brighten.

"Ya… wait", Viel was about to jump in excitement, but he remembered that Elder Xing Cai was checking in on Grandma Ling's condition as payment for the damaged garden.

When Diao Mei heard this, her brightness immediately shattered in disappointment.

"O…okay… next time, okay!?"

She bid her farewells after making sure that Viel will come to her house next time.


"Grandma, Grandpa… I'm home!"

Viel opened the door to their house and soon saw his grandparents, along with Elder Xing Cai. The group were having their tea in the living room.

"Viel, welcome home.", Elder Xing Cai greeted him with the most gentle of smiles. However, in her eyes, a hint of sadness can be seen.

"Yes, thank you Miss Xing Cai!", Viel hurriedly paid his respects to Elder Xing Cai. He was not used to there being another person in the house to welcome him other than his grandparents.

Grandma Ling beckoned Viel to sit with them after he changes out of his uniform.

"Viel dear, we and sister Xing Cai here have something to say to you", Grandma Ling patted the boy's head. She looked at Elder Xing Cai and nodded.

"Viel, the physician was here earlier to check on your grandmother", Elder Xing Cai paused as she exhaled her breath slowly, as if not wanting to say the words that should come out of her mouth.

"Her condition is not getting any better.", Elder Xing Cai once again paused as she looked at Viel's reaction. But Viel just stared at her without any expression on his face. Seeing as how Viel was still calm, she continued.

"She might have been looking better the past weeks, but that was only because of the medicine we gave her. But that was only to prevent her from coughing. Do you understand what I am saying?"

Elder Xing Cai's voice was soothing as she tried to explain things to Viel. However, the boy being addressed to still did not utter any sort of response at all, his face still blank.

"Viel dear, what sister Xing Cai is saying is… I am dying…Grandma Ling… Grandma Ling won't-", Grandma Ling's voice cracked as she could not bear to say the news to the boy.

Elder Xing Cai closed her eyes as she looked away. She has seen many deaths in her life as a warrior, but sometimes, a peaceful death is more agonizing than dying in battle. As you watch the one you love slowly wither, and you know that you can't do anything about it.

"I… won't be able to be there to celebrate your 5th birthday..Viel..I am so sorry…", Grandma Ling cried as she hugged Viel. A month, Viel's birthday was only a month away.

She wished deeply to the gods that she would last until Viel's birthday, but alas, fate does not seem to hear her prayers.

Grandpa Ling also joined in as they embraced each other for a minute.

However, even after the old couple released their emotions, Viel's expression was still as calm as a brick. Elder Xing Cai noticed this and couldn't help but exclaim.

"Viel, do you know what death is? Your grandma Ling… y-you will no longer be able to see her as she will disappear to a place far far away and she will never be able to return", Xing Cai stuttered her words as she tried to find a way to explain death to the young boy.

This time, her words got a reaction from Viel. Viel slowly looked towards his grandma Ling and blinked for a few times, before replying to Elder Xing Cai.

"It's alright, Grandma Ling will not disappear", Viel smiled. And in the eyes of Elder Xing Cai and the Lings, this was denial.

"V-viel… you see, in life…", Elder Xing Cai sighed as the boy seemed to have not understood at all the significance of death. However, before she could finish her sentence, the boy surprised her with what he said next.

"Grandma Ling will just join the others in the cycle of life. Spinning and spinning and spinning until she comes back! I am sure Grandma Ling will return as a beautiful flower!", Viel closed his eyes as he gently waved his hands in the air. He has a satisfied smile on his face as if he was seeing it unfold right in front of his eyes.

"Viel…", the old couple was surprised to hear those words coming out from their grandson's mouth. They have never taught him anything regarding the life and death of a person. Could it be that he learned it from the academy?

"Boy… Where did you hear this?", Elder Xing Cai had her eyes wide open. She could not believe that a boy at Viel's age will be this accustomed and be accepting of death.

"Uhhmm... I don't know.", Viel thought for a while before shaking his head. He truly does not know where this idea came from. It was not really from Mr. Voice, as he does not remember Mr. Voice telling him this stuff.

Elder Xing Cai became even more curious about the boy's identity. She has been sticking to the boy and his family for a while, and there doesn't seem to be something amiss. Aside from Viel exhibiting extraordinary and weird powers, his family was pretty much the epitome of normal. But Viel, Viel was really different.

The boy's behavior was erratic and sometimes even unexplainable. Sure, it might be because Viel was still too young and his emotions are still developing, but at least most kids his age are consistent. But not Viel. Viel would cry when you expect him not to, he will be calm when you expect him to panic. And now, he knows things that he should not know with his age.

The boy was such a mystery for Elder Xing Cai, it was almost as if there were other people living inside of Viel, somehow influencing his thoughts and moods. But Elder Xing Cai shook her head as she quickly discarded that thought, that would be crazy.

The group was quiet for a whole while, not knowing what to make of what Viel just said. They were worrying that Viel might get crazy and hard to handle once he soon finds out the Grandma Ling will no longer be here. But the boy seemed to be the one that has accepted the situation the most compared to the rest of them.

Weirdly enough, it seems their worry was misplaced. The group finished their tea and Elder Xing Cai promised Grandma Ling that she will take care of Viel like a sister once she is gone before saying her goodbyes.

"Viel, you be good to sister Xing Cai when I am gone, okay?", Grandma Ling once again patted Viel on the head.

"Of course! I will add Miss Xing Cai to my wives to make you and Grandpa Ling proud!"



"Why does it seem that people are visiting my office a lot lately?"

The Taizhou Academy Headmaster was just about to have his tea and relax before he was interrupted by a sudden visitor.

In front of the Headmaster, a voluptuous and somewhat seductive woman in red robes was waving a fan over her chest.

"Taizhou is such a horrid place, no one even welcomed me as I entered through the checkpoint.", although the woman complained like a child, she still exuded a sort of authority.

"Then maybe you should not have come here without notice… better yet, not come at all. With respects, Princess Cha.", the Headmaster smiled as he motioned his visitor to sit down.

"Tch. It's Headmistress! Headmistress Cha! I am now the venerable Headmistress of Yeungsei College!", Headmistress Cha closed her fan and hit her palm with it, clearly showing her annoyance.

"Oh, is that so? Did the Emperor finally give up on his precious little daughter? To throw her out to some 3rd rate school. I would say it's a smart move. You're far away from the palace to cause him any trouble, you're also working for free.", the Headmaster playfully mocked the Headmistress as he also sat down on his chair.

"Y-you!", Headmistress clicked his tongue, "Anyway, I did not come here to bicker with you, Uncle Fu. I came to talk about a certain boy, I believe his name was Viel"

Hearing Headmistress Cha say the name of the school's newest prodigy, the Headmaster's expression turned serious, 'That was fast. The palace really does have ears everywhere'.

"Viel? Was there a student like that enrolled in this academy?", the Headmaster placed his hand on his chin, as if he really was trying to recall something.

"Don't play dumb, uncle. I know he is here"

"Oh, so what if he is? How does that concern you?"

"I believe that a student like Viel will grow even better in the hands of my Yeungsei College. Give him to me, Uncle Fu. I will make sure father will reward you for finding such a good asset for the palace.", Headmistress Cha took something her robes and placed it on the table.

The Headmaster glanced at the bag of gold that was easily placed on his table. He could not help but sigh at the actions of this beautiful young lady in front of her.

He stood up to accept the bag of gold and quickly hid it in his desk.

Headmistress Cha brightened as she saw the Headmaster accepting the bag of gold. However, the Headmaster slowly walked towards the door and opened it.

"Go home, princess. This is not your playground. If the Emperor really wishes to have Viel, then tell him to come visit me, his old friend, and we will gladly talk things out"

"B-but you accepted my gift!?"

"Why yes, thank you very much for your kind donation to the academy. The Palace is truly generous. Send my thanks to your father.", the Headmaster smiled as he motioned the princess to leave.

"W-wait! At least let me watch over the mock battle that's happening soon, I heard the boy will participate in it!", Headmistress Cha now bargained, she already knew that there was no way that she would get the bag of gold back.

"Mock battle? What's that?"

"A-are you playing dumb again!? I know that it's happening not a week from now!"

The Headmaster sighed. His visitor truly does know everything. Perhaps the spy was closer to the academy than he thought. Is it perhaps a teacher? Or maybe even a student? But there was no use deliberating it now. If the palace really wanted to know everything, there was no use in stopping them.

"Fine. You may stay, princess. I will let the servants prepare your lodging"josei

"It's Headmistress! And there is no need, I have already asked someone to prepare me a place to stay. I will not stay in this shabby academy of yours, uncle."

"Whatever you say, Princess", The Headmaster forcefully kicked out Headmistress Cha, he did not forget to emphasize the word "princess" as he forced her to leave. They were in his academy after all, the only one that should be addressed as the Headmaster should be him.

The Headmaster once again looked over his windows as he revealed a contemplating look. He could smell that a great change is about come in their country, leaded by the new generation.

'I really should have retired', The Headmaster thought.

And soon, the day of the mock battle arrived.

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