Reincarnated As Karna With System In Mahabharata

Chapter 13 - No.13 Hero Wakes Up To ’Reality’(Edited)

Chapter 13 - No.13 Hero Wakes Up To ’Reality’(Edited)

Chapter 13: Chapter No.13 Hero Wakes Up To 'Reality'(Edited)

"Don't be afraid I will not take him away from you, So relax I just want to hold him one last time before leaving. Oh, And you have to leave this kingdom and go to Vrindavan after five years."

Goddess Ganga took Karna in her arms, By which she released her breath which she didn't notice that she was holding for some time.

"But why do we have to shift to Vrindavan of all places."2x

The Couple was shocked after hearing that they have to leave their home, Which they were quite reluctant because they were born, raised, And lived their whole life here.

So they questioned the goddess standing in front of them, Holding Karna which Radha didn't know when she took from her. They were hoping for the goddess to say that she was testing them again.

"This is not a test, But a request from Lord Vishnu himself as for reason, I can only say that my son's destiny is there. So if you want 'MY' son as your own then This is a condition you have to fulfill."

Goddess Ganga was starting to get irritated because they were disturbing her from looking at her son (A/N: Did I Tell You All About Both Mama Bears Are Certified Yanderes, If Not Then Here We Go And Radha is more of an intense Yandere then Goddess Ganga, Well because of not having any child of own, Unlike Goddess.) But she can see the intensity in her fellow mother's eyes which were more than her own.

She knows that she(Radha) would rather die than, Let any harm come to HER son. So replied to their questions, But not revealing Lord Vishnu's Avatar thing to them, Which is a secret even among devas. And Condition was a sort of test to see their determination and sacrifice for her/their son.


Radha was terrified that this bitch(Goddess Ganga) will take her son away from her. She doesn't know what she will do if she didn't have HER son with her all the time.

(Author: Well she might brag into Kailash and Set it any fire.

Radha: BELIEVE IT!!!

Author: HEY, Stop breaking the 4th wall, Do you know how much time it takes to fix it?

Radha: Then say MY son is the CUTEST, COME ON SAY IT *Intense Glare*

Author:*Sweating* Y-YOUR SON I-IS THE C-CUTEST *Heavy Breathing* There you have it Now Go.

Radha: Hehe~ Thank You For Complimenting MY son HEHEHEHE~

Author: Damn It, I'm Such A Pussy Cat In Front Of Her. But Her Glare Was Terrifying*Shiver*)

Adhiratha just sighed after hearing his wife Accept that condition so easily, Which he was already going to accept.

"Okay, Then just wait I want to hold him some time."

Goddess Ganga was staring at HER son's face who was still sleeping without any care. His snores were so cute and melodic that anyone who hears, it will not think anything evil in his presence.

{After One Hour} josei

"Okay I will go talk to my son Bhishma about Karna, Oh I almost forgot it His name is Karna Okay? So please take care of him for me too."

Goddess Ganga reluctantly parted from HER son and gave him to her fellow mother who was giggling to herself while staring at her son, Such raw love and care She(Goddess Ganga) thought even Goddess Of Love Devi Parvati will lose to her(Radha).

"Okay bye, both of you."

Goddess Ganga took a last look at HER son and said farewell to the couple, And Vanish from there leaving water in her stead.

"*Sigh* Let's go home, I will take leave for today because of how late I already am today."

Adhiratha signed again for Nth time today and wanted to go home, So he can take a rest not that he can play with his son. (Damn it Tsundere Spotted.)

Radha just nodded her head and started walking in the wrong direction while still looking at HER son with now empty eyes.

"*Sign* What will you do if not for me?"

Adhiratha just signed again and started walking toward their home taking his wife with him.


After some time both reached their home which was given to them by Lord Bhishma himself, After working for so many years He(Bhishma) gifted this house to them for their loyalty.

House was made from red stone and many different types of material which were somewhat rare in the kingdom. And that's why some noble people instruct their servants whose caste is higher than Suta to insult them every day.

Radha was staring at HER son for more than 1 hour after returning from the river bank.

"Why are you not waking up yet my Karna~"

She was starting to get worried because Her baby was sleeping for some time now. And haven't drank any milk for lunch yet.

"Should I take my nipple to his mouth, He might drink- Okay let's try this."

She adjusted the blouse pink Pearl peeked from her blouse, Which she moves in front of Karna's mouth and takes it to his mouth automatically. And starts sucking it with some power.

"*Moan* S-Slow D-Down my dear, Mommy is not going anywhere."

(Actually, Goddess Ganga blessed her that's why she was able to produce milk.)

She was embarrassed after making such a vulgar sound, But after the first time started holding her moans back. Her face was red with blush and her breath so turned heavy.

"Hmmm, What is this fluid so sweet and heavenly?"

Karna picked this time to wake up, Immediately a big mountain greeted his eyes.


*Cough**Cough* I mean WHAT!!!"

"Athena! Where am I? If I remember correctly I was with mother ganga, How did I get here?"

[Hmph, Host you are at Adhiratha and Radha's house.]

"Oh! This explains the change of scenario, Okay so the cannon is still rolling on huh~ Good then."

"And one more thing did you just 'Hmph' me."

[No Host, your baby ears are playing with you.]

"Okay, Then can you show me my status, Athena."

[Of Course Host, There You Go.]

*To Be Continued*


Almighty Author-sama is here again.

Hello my dear readers, How is the story so far?

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I know this is a short chap but What can I do, But I will try to improve Just Help Me*Shamelessly Begging*

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Peace Out??

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