Reincarnated As Karna With System In Mahabharata

Chapter 3 - No.3 Boons(Edited)

Chapter 3 - No.3 Boons(Edited)

Chapter 3: Chapter No.3 Boons(Edited)

Lord spoke very calmly, His voice smoothly calmed Jaswant's volatile emotions.

"But Mahadev I just spoke those words casually, God's don't have to kill me for that little matter."

Jaswant felt that he died because he spoke those words that angered the gods because of that they killed him. After all, the fan of the god of war game and Greek mythology gods knew how easy it was to anger gods.

"No, It was not that reason but your time has come, So you died."

Mahadev does not get angry when Jaswant blames the gods for his death but lovingly consoles him.

"Then what now Mahadev? Why am I here and not in Swarg (Heaven) or Narak (Hell)?"

Jaswant spoke weakly, Mahadev's voice eased his emotions but he still felt sad that he died but he also was a bit happy that he got to meet his most loved god.

He was able to talk about this freely because of this reason Because he knew how soft-hearted and simple Mahadev is, He even got the name Bholenath (Lord of Simplicity) because of it.

So as long as he doesn't cross the bottom line, He can talk freely about whatever was on his mind.

"You can't go there because of the words you spoke."

Then god dropped a bomb of news on him again, The calmed down emotions also became unstable.

"Bhole, I just spoke those words, I don't have any ill intent behind it."

Jaswant couldn't sit still, He just spoke those words feeling that the gods were too unfair to Karna. Those words come out because of the emotions he was feeling at that time and there was no other intention behind it.

"Because you spoke that I decided to fulfill your wish. I know why you relate to Karna but I was not unjust towards anyone, Everybody got what they deserve."

Mahadev said these words in a very caring voice as he knew the pain of the boy in front of him.

"He was abandoned by his mother, Denied knowledge, Got cursed because he yearned for knowledge, Even in the end when he died people never got to know the truth of his birth. Please tell me how it was not unjust Bhole?"

Jaswant got emotional and spoke quickly. Indeed he relates to Karna and feels his pain because just like Karna he was also abandoned by his mother from birth though she had a little decency to drop the newborn at the orphanage.

He always thought that his mother might be helpless and had problem that she had to abandon him because there was no other way. When he grew up he searched all around about her and somehow managed to get information. He was thrilled when he thought he was able to meet his mother but when he meet her, The response she gave to him was not what he expected.

"You were just a burden, A hurdle for my future. If not a legal issue I would be more than happy to throw you into a trash can, Now go away, You stink."

These were her words. These words shatter his illusion that all mothers are nice and good and taught him a lesson that judges people by their actions, not by their relation and their titles.

This is the reason why he loves Karna as a character because he truly relates to his pain. He knows how much it hurts you when your mother doesn't accept you.

"He got everything he deserves Putra(Son), Yes, His mother abandoned him but didn't he get a mother so good that he wore her name as a crown over his head?

Yes, He denied knowledge but didn't my student, The best teacher on the earth, Become his teacher?

Yes, He got cursed but didn't my invincible bow given to him after that?

Yes, People do not find out even after his death, His birth secret but wasn't his name immortalized in history because of that?"

God answered his question calmly and slowly as a teacher teaching his student.

"Also no one was spared from the cause and effect of their actions, The mother who abandoned him, Didn't she also have to separate from her five sons?

The eldest son because of his right to the inheritance didn't accept Karna, Didn't she got cursed by that very same son?

The teacher who refused to teach Karna to his royal students was killed by those same students by deceit.

The Arjuna who killed Karna, Didn't he also die at the hands of his son?

Everyone got their due."

God said in the same calm tone, There was infinite love in his voice as he was more inclined to answer any questions by which the boy in front of him can clear his doubts.

"I-I never thought of it like that."

Jaswant became ashamed, He never thought of it like that, But still, he felt it was unfair to Karna.

"I am not denying that it was not unfair to Karna, I am saying I am not unjust."

Lord answer his question without needing to ask out loud.

"It's time to fulfill your last wishes, It will give closure and free you from mortal bounding, I will give you boons for your good karma, Ask anything other than immortality, Putra(Son)."

Lord saw that it was time, So he decided to send him on his new journey. josei

"Bhole but I didn't do anything that great to receive boons, So why?"

Jaswant was confused, He know Mahadev was the easiest to please but he didn't do much in his life, most of his 16 years of life he spent just trying to survive, He didn't do much of God's work other than just paying respect in the morning and night by folding his hands towards the sky before sleeping and after waking up, That's all he did in name of devotion.

"In Kalyug(The age of Darkness), You who got abandoned by birth helped many orphans for money and education which you never got for yourself by doing chores all day and doing many shifts for them do you think that we don't know that how you place money under the pillow of orphanage matron, always said that it was us gods who took pity on this children huh, Who do you think I am?"

Lord chuckled at my expressions which were astonishment and embarrassment by which if I had my body at this time then my whole face till neck would be red from blush.

Lord feels funny about the situation. Sages in the ages of god need thousands of years of praying and meditation but the man in Kalyug can get the same things if that person has done even a little good without excepting rewards but yet this time consider worst by many.

"Oh, I forgot about that Prabhu(Lord), So I can ask anything other than immortality, and How many wishes do I have?"

Jaswant heard and understood the reason behind giving him boons. He also heard of that stories and novels about wishes fulfillment. But he always thought it was a folk tale. Then he questions the number of wishes he has and the infinite possibility it gives.

"Yes, You can ask for anything other than immortality, You can ask for money, weapons, power, You can ask me as your servant, And you have 2 wishes so use them carefully, So what is it gonna be?"

Lord gave multiple suggestions for the boons, Even saying that Jaswant can ask him as his servant in the boon. Lord was not kidding about being a servant after all he one time became a bodyguard for a devoted who asked that as a boon.

"No Mahadev I don't dare, I always had the answer ready for a day like this, If am going to become Karna then in the first boon I want a Great Upgrading system with a world-hopping function as an add-on."

Jaswant asked very hesitantly, He who used to read lots of novels in his free time was very familiar with the systems. There are different varieties of it. Some were weak, and Some were strong but The Great Upgrading System was in the OP category. With this system anything can be upgraded like Upgrading my immunity to curses or Upgrade Armor and earrings then just imagine how powerful and dangerous Karna will be. If he is going to become Karna then this system is made for him, Karna already has superior talent and demigod and if you upgrade it with even a platinum ticket, then who can stop him? Jaswant always used to wonder why no one asked the system in Boon. These things are too OP.

"System, I have to say no one ever asked that from me, And from your mind thoughts this System you choose is very OP and can save its host mind from control even from us gods huh!, Okay Fair enough then I will give you System you desire but its power I can't give you all in one go or your soul can't handle it and will explode, So it will be divided into 3 parts like following

1. You get prime function to upgrade almost everything, This can hide your presence from everyone unless Trimurti themselves purposely use their power to look into you no one will find out about your truth even Lord Vishnu's avatar Bhagwan (God) Parshuram and Krishna."

2. Dimensions hopping add-on, Help you go into any world of your desire even movies and animes.

3. Fail-safe system to save your life when you are in danger.

You will receive the first part, Other 2 parts you have to find on your own, through the system will notify you when they are near. Now tell me your 2nd and final wish."

Lord spoke these words and a globe of 3 golden lights appeared in his hand, 2 shot in different directions and one got into Jaswant's soul body, Just as light entered him, It disappear like it was not even there. After that Jaswant told his 2nd wish and was sucked into a portal in a blink of an eye, He did not even get to say his farewell to his lord. (There will be a Poll for the 2nd wish at the end of this chapter.)

"Remember you will be born as Karna with his cause and effect, So be careful not to repeat the same mistakes as him."

Those were the last words Jaswant heard before his consciousness got lost.

"Svami(Husband) did we do the right thing by giving him that boon or did we give him too much?"

Suddenly a very motherly feminine voice came out of the golden brilliance figure faded and the brilliance shrouding the figure faded away.

Jaswant was half right this is indeed the figure of a man but he was only half right because the other half of the figure was a very beautiful woman.

The body of the lord was separated into the middle by two parts, One was a man and the other was a woman. Mahadev was not the only one in front of Jaswant but also Parvati (Goddesses of Power), Also known as the duo of Shiv-Shakti (Power).

This sharing body is known as Ardhnarishwar (The lord whose half is a woman). In this form, Lord Shiva and Goddesses Parvati were one.

The Ardhnarishwar represents a constructive and generative power. Ardhnarishwar symbolizes male and female principles which cannot be separated. It conveys the unity of opposites in the universe. The male half stands for Purusha (Male) and the female half stands for Prakriti (Nature).

Jaswant not only gets a boon from lord Shiva but also from goddesses Parvati but he doesn't know about it.

"You are the one saying that Priye(Darling)? I just gave him boons he asked me but you just gave him the boons without him even knowing."

Lord chuckled and said to his wife in a teasing tone.

"That H-He was in pain and as a mother I couldn't help it."

Goddess Parvati dodged her husband's eyes as the incarnation of Adi Sakti (Adi=Superior/First, Sakti=Power) Mother of all couldn't help it when she saw her children in pain. So she gave a boon of her own to ease his pain.

"Don't worry Priye (Darling), No one can get anything more or less from what they deserve, Now we have to wait and see, What path he will choose."

Lord Answered, How can he not understand his wife's emotion? That's why he gave these powerful boons. Now he just letting him choose his path.

Husband and wife talk some more, Then they disappear from the void waiting to see the unfolding of a new chapter of Jaswant now Karna's life.

*To Be Continued*


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Word Count: 2180

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