Reincarnated As Karna With System In Mahabharata

Chapter 9 - No.9 The Strongest War God???(Edited)

Chapter 9 - No.9 The Strongest War God???(Edited)

Chapter 9: Chapter No.9 The Strongest War God???(Edited)

Goddess Ganga was staring at Suryadev's face for his answer to decide if she should let him know about Karna's secret.

After some time Suryadev said.

"Of course I promise, I will never reveal his secret."

He was worried about things like did lady ganga find out about Kavach (Armor) and Kundals (Earrings)? but after thinking about it tracing them back to him is almost impossible with Trimurti's help.

"Okay I accept your words, But I warn you, What you are going to learn next is going to shock you to the core." josei

Goddess Ganga said as she removed the cover from Karna's face till he was fully visible for Suryadev to see.

"Th-This Star Child Bloodline, Ho-How is that possible, Th-That's Second Most Powerful Bloodline in existence after that unknown ancient bloodline."

Just as she uncovered Karna, World changed Heaven and Earth's vision provoked by him, Sky turned pitch black and an illusionary figure with the same pitch black color with many concentrated bright dots on his figure like a star in the night sky, Appeared and was walking down with highest Nobility and Majestic Grace like a supreme existence was announcing itself to the world to see.

Goddess Ganga and Suryadev were shocked and somewhat terrified when they saw that figure walking toward them. Karna saw that figure and felt a familiar sensation my his body but he was more angry at the figure because he was scaring his mother and his biological father.

"Hmph! Go away you are scaring them."

Said Karna while staring at the figure with angry eyes at the figure who paused in his track, but Karna can feel that figure was amused and wanted to laugh at the situation but controlled it because of Karna's wish, 'Even if it is a situation like this'. After that figure begin to shrink and then turned into mist and flew into the body of Karna which started assimilating the bloodline fully awakened, By which Karna's beauty increased even more if before 90/100 charm, Then after awakening the bloodline fully it became ERROR/100, All the benefits of bloodline activated at full power before this all passive effects were only 50% activated.

Goddess Ganga and Suryadev were also trying very hard to prevent bloodline energy from leaking outside the barrier and letting the world know about their son. Right after this heavy killing intent started to spread all over the barrier and was attacking it. The sky turned red while weapons of all types started appearing all over the sky which was also emitting killing intent which was stronger than before, And last Another figure appeared in the sky whose appearance was like a man wearing crimson blood armor with a heavy two-handed sword who was emitting Monstrous Killing Intent with even Murderous Aura around his body from which even air was screaming and dying trying to escape. This figure also started walking toward Karna, With each step Killing Intent was double what it was before. Both Gods were sweating buckets because even they were getting affected by this much killing intent.


"I-I DON'T KNOW!!!"(Goddess Ganga)

"We have to enter our divine form if we were to stop this figure"(Suryadev)

"But what about Karna? he can't endure your heat in your divine form"(Goddess Ganga)

"You don't have to do anything Karna will handle this."

A soft calm divine voice sound in the barrier which calmed both gods somewhat because killing intent was still increasing, But now both gods know they will be fine in his presence.

"B-But how can Karna stop him? Oh, Preserver."

Goddess Ganga still not believing that a newborn baby can stop this monster when two of the most powerful god were sweating buckets in front of it. And also worried about her son's safety even in the presence of the Preserver.

"It's his power that's why he can hold it."

Soft yet filled with confident voice sounded again in the barrier after which both gods were shocked because how can a newborn baby have this much power in that fragile body?

"But what is this power???"

Suryadev was worried that his son will go mad from this much killing intent or worst case die from it. His hair was flickering between divine fire and normal hair (A/N: Like a particular monkey when he transforms.)

"Oh, It is his War God constitution which awakening too because of Star child bloodline and making a balance in his body, Don't worry he will not lose his mind or anything like that he will become even stronger with this power, Because it is the strongest martial constitution in the whole universe after all."

After hearing Preserver's explanation about this both gods were shocked and were doubting life. but Goddess Ganga was happy for her son to have it because which mother will think evil about her son? (A/N: Except Brain F*ucked One)

"Like even more powerful than Lord Kartikeya's constitution which was said to be strongest."(Suryadev)

"Yes even more powerful them him because War God's Constitution was true Strongest Martial Constitution but it didn't appear since ancient time in which even we Tridev were one."(Preserver)

While they were talking Karna was staring at the figure walking in his direction filled with killing intent which was increasing with each step like he was testing Karna, Star Child Bloodline started reacting to this blunt provocation to its host like 'How Dare You Try To Test My Host, Are You Worthy Enough'. Karna was also starting to get angry at the figure because he had seen what he did to his parents, Just like the previous figure this one too was amused after seeing Karna's expression, After which he started to increase his killing intent even more from which another illusion formed like Tsunami of Blood in which figure was sitting on the top of what looked like corpses of many different races even Devs were forming another mountain next to it in which at the top was the corpse of Devraj Indra who's face was filled its despair. And the next moment all illusions disappeared like it was nothing.

Karna was staring at the figure who was standing in front of him who was on the ground. (Because Preserver Teleported Both God's away from Karna To Not Getting In The Way Of the Process) The figure was trying to check if Karna was worthy of his power or not. (A/N: How dare you check him, I will nerf you if dare to reject him) Figure shivered while staring at Karna and thought he was the one who caused it and thought 'He is worthy if can do this to me then no one is more worthy of my power than him.' And like the previous figure, He also shrinks and turned into mist and flew inside Karna's body which started receiving all the passive effects of the constitution. After which Karna started wavering trying to stay awake for a little more.

'So he is the one huh, To whom Lord Shiva himself reincarnated. I would also like to see what you do with this life.'(Preserver)

'Even I don't know what he wished for a boon from Lord Shiva and His mind is protected by Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati herself protects him.'(Preserver)

"I have a suggestion to make to you two."

Preserver said to both gods who were still staring at Karna with wide eyes.

"Huh Y-Yes please we would like to hear it."

Said Goddess Ganga while teleporting to Karna and returning him in her arms in which he fells asleep again after this much work While answering Preserver's Question.

Goddess Ganga was worried for Karna Even when she knows that he is just tired and was for him to wake up so she can feed him some milk.

"Why don't you send him and his adoptive parents to Vrindavan my avatar is also going to be there after five years he can be safe in the presence of my avatar."


"Huh"(Goddess Ganga)

"Huh"(Sleeping Karna)

*To Be Continued*


Author Here Like Always I'm Sorry Again for This Super Late Update But I Will Try To Update Every Two Days This Is My Current Limit, But I Will Try To Do More.

And I would like to say Thank You to the One's Who still Support this Work of mine.

Just For Fun Did You Guess Who is Preserver Here.

Comment Here for Answer Even If I Know That Mostly Everybody Knows About Him.

Thank You.

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